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Fantasy RP The Lost Ark of Clones, and Domains Reborn

Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
now going wild upon this young female looking stud. Kari would find herself losing all her control, as the ass began to slick her cock with some blood. from the stretching and faint tearing, however this pain would pass, eventually. as it was a rather rough assault with out foreplay or lubing of any kind. yet at the same time, the struggle seemed to be strong and wild, but growing weaker, once the stroking of the thick impressive little prick began. despite how short it was, this youngster had an impressively thick cock. as this individual was kept silenced by the mute stable girl.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Ngh-thick thing you got-" she mumbled as she moved her hand up, seizing him by the hair while the other kept stroking him, her meat spear gouging deeper abd deeper as her hips clapped again his ass cheeks firmly. Her pre started to seep into him, luring her cock along with the blood from her rough entry.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As this continued, Her mute pet would break the kiss, with hungering eyes which looked to her mistress. however with this young stud under her. It would allow kari to think of how she could sandwich this stud between her, and her girl. if she wanted to share the mute girl, or she could even enjoy having the stable girl force this new toy to eat her out for Kari's enjoyment if she didn't want some fun for herself from the girl's mouth as she ruined this fine young ass. However the moment the mute girl pulled away gasps, whimpers, and cries could be heard, which would all pass soon enough with pleasuring cries and moans, but for right now it was more pain then pleasure, even with her grasp, and strokes of that impressive thick rod.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
To silence the pained sounds, Kari shifted the makes head, pushing his face between the mutes legs. "Shhhh- if you don't make noises, you'll get to actually put that cock in something warm abd wet-" sge hissed in his ear, enjoying feeling his body wriggle and punding deep inside of him.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the scene continued to play out like this, Kari would soon find the healthy, sticky fluid squirting out and sticking to her palm. as she forced the victim to begin to eat out the mute stable mate. as her legs suddenly locked around the young one's head. her hands grasping the hair. all the while, creating a wonderful view for Kari to enjoy as she unloaded herself into this back side, play thing for her enjoyment. as this victim would soon be her next follower or humanoid tame so to speak.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari moaned as she gushed her load the hot sticky stuff making her body buck softly against her new tamed males backside. Her seed salved her damages, though it left his hole...changed, keeping his pocket properly shaped to its new owner, so she's find it easier. His hole feltbher scraping her way back out slowly , with slick 'pop' as her tip snatched out of him. But as she looked down, Kari had a dark realization. Boy holes like his weren't for breeding...but for pleasuring herself with. She stroked his hair gently, bringing herself over his hack so she had only the feeling of her how curvy body against his. "You'll be my bed consort" sge whispered as she touched his belly, his breakfast now smothered by the heaps of spunk Kari pumped up into his belly fir his body to feed on for the nutrients of his mutant Queen.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she enjoyed this young lad, Something a bit unexpected could be seen in her mind. the image of how this young one could be used to pleasure her other girls, and perhaps help her reward, and train others. but he would need to learn how to properly use this piece of meat. and who better for her to begin this reward training then with her cute little stable girl, who was forcing him to eat her out, and losing herself in such a manor. However little did Kari know at the moment. Before her eyes, this mute girl was also related to the boy, and as such she would be gaining something more unique then just loyal toys, but a duo which would protect one another, even if she was against it, once they shared the same mistress.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD Femboy: we shall call our island Alabama-)

Kari stroked him faster, her mouth nipping on her new potential plaything as he pleased his relative, her cock bushing against his sack. "Mm- what do you say boy?" She pulled his hair, pulling his face from between her pets legs. "You want to put your log in this horny short slut-" she said
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she asked this, Kari would find the mute girl keeping the boy's face buried in her womanly entrance. not letting him answer, however the sensation of how his cock thickened, and throbbed even more when hearing this would be the answer k4r1 needed. that would be a yes, however even if his ass was being claimed, and ruined. he had a dick which needed attention as well. even if it was not with one of her other pets. Kari could enjoy this one's cock or ass, depending on the mood. for right now, this could become even more of a lewd threesome in enemy territory as things went on.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
She smirked as she felt the cock drum with agreement, but seeing her other pet was too greedy, hungry to get off using the studs tongue, Kari got up, grabbing her pet spy by the wrists, and dragging her hands off him as she sat down upon the mutes face herself. "Mm-fuck this slut!" She hissed as she looked down to the pretty boy....her dick practically hardening up again already, her regeneration making her recovery easy.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she did this, the some what hazed over, and broken boy moved slowly. pulling himself upon the mute girl. his hands slowly grasping and pulling himself into position. grasping her one breast, all the more, moving to kiss the woman deeply, as Kari would witness this fem boy with a ruined and sloppy ass, moving in position, his wicked and impressive cock finally visibly going into the mute woman. as she threw her head back, mouth open as if she was trying to scream. however the fact remained. the show as beginning now, her two newest toys were becoming one before Kari's eyes. however she would soon hear something which could be both amazing and terrifying for the new mistress to realize. as the boy spoke, losing himself in the action. as he told the mute woman, how his mother was the best pussy he could ever give himself to. as it was not something she might have realized until now, but Kari had force a mother and son to become one like this, however they were both hers to do as she wished with. and if they knew it or not, even with the lewd and taboo scenario with their new mistress, the two would have a much better life then they had thus far soon enough.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari blinked at her discovery. She had accidentally bound a mother and son together in incestuous bliss, a breeding mistake waiting to happen in the wilds...if it wasn't making her cock harder she probably would have considered if it would be a problem. 'Oh well. A boy needs his mother. And I'll be the father to many more, I'm sure a little family comfort is fine' She thought to herself as she grabbed the mutes head, using her fingers she rubbed her slit starting to drip her juices into her mouth. "Mm...enjoy your mother, but please your new father as well-" She purred as she started to guide his head towards her cock. She certainly wasn't going to miss a second of the action for herself.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as this went on, the young lad turned his head away at first. as he went to town on his own mother. slamming into the mute with incredibly increased gusto, even more so to the point where his mother's body bounced under their mistress. however as he tried to refuse the cock entering his mouth. something a bit unexpected would happen. as the mute maiden seemed to be greedily wanting to access the cock. licking it under the base. and moving her own hands to grasp and tease it. However if K4R1 repositioned herself to use the mute's mouth, she would find the young lad would not hesitate to assault her womanly slit with his tongue. showing how horny he was, yet he was not ready to fully accept pleasing the male organ, at least not yet. however she could easily choose to grasp his had and force him to take her wicked futa spear, or she could do this in a slower rate, where she could break the boy little more every session until he was like his mother, a cock slave to the cloned mistress.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari pouted briefly as the male resisted her spear, his mother's eagerness making her shiver as she tried to please her futa mistress instead. She wasn't one to spoil the fun, but she would make the male more comfortable with her cock in time. Even if he woukd have to be held down while she used him later. She twisted around, bending to push herself into her Mute pets mouth, moaning softly to herself.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now in this new position, Kari would be able to enjoy the throat, and warmth of the maw, and tongue around her cock. all the while the womanly slit would soon feel a tongue invading it. as the young man did not hesitate to assault the womanly entrance. as he only seemed resist the male organ being used on him. as the show began, the pleasure growing. the way she filled the mute's throat, as well as being eaten out by the son, as he filled his mother's cunt, and flooded her womb with his healthy young spunk. it was becoming quiet the threesome. k4r1 could say she had two new toys now loyal to her, albeit one needing some serious training.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As this went on more and more, Kari would feel herself being milked, and worked over by the mother son combo she now had as her own. However this sexy female looking boy would become an idea ass and mouth after some training. however for now she would now he could accept the anal part due to already having experienced it. but it would take more work to get his oral assault to be acceptable, which would make sense. however it was clear with his skill, that other women used this boy for pleasure, with how well his tongue worked her over. yet his movements into his mother showed he had not fucked a woman yet, thus she had allowed the boy to lose his v card to his own mother. which could be troublesome if not for the fact, that Kari would be doing far worse to both of them for herself all to soon. however for right now, the threesome would continue, as they were in the stables. several of the larger raptures moving close, as their large tongues began to lap at Kari's face, showing they were drawn to the scent, and wanted some fun with this futa. due to her unique scent, and pheromones.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she began to move, and take care of the dino's with her hands. the beasts wanted some fun, however it did not take long before Kari would feel something unexpected. as the mute girl suddenly moved to wrap her arms around kari. pulling her body tightly against the mute's girls own. as her face pressed into the pelvis of her mistress, gobbling up the cock. however this was not the aggressive part to be taken by surprise. but what followed was. the young stud had pulled out of his own mother, and now moved, as he forced his slick, sex covered, and glistening young cock from one cunt to another. penetrating Kari with out hesitation, as his own hands moved to wrap around her. grasping the futa's massive breast. as she would find the two servants double teaming her in their own way suddenly. as if they wanted to keep her attention away from the dinos. however from the combo of the sight, sound, and scent. the cloned mistress would see how the smaller raptors were already getting aroused from this scene.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari paused briefly as the mothers lewd mouth suddenly forced itself forwards, swallowing down Kari's meat spear, pushing her throat full with her girth. "Ha~for a mute- you sure love to-su-UCK!-" She jumped as her newly adopted pet/son leapt ar her back, grabbing onti her breasts and suddenly found his way inside of the Dinosaur Queens slit. She bit back a moan. "Mm~that hole isn't used by humans-" she hissed as she reached over her shoulder, grabbing his face as she looked at him. "Ngh- especially new ones that don't suck their new father's spear-" she groaned as his mother could feel her new mistresses balls rubbing in her face, swelling as she worked on her new owner. "You can use the other one~ it's even tighter-"
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as s he said this kari would feel her young male stud hugging tightly against her, as he bit and kissed her back and shoulders. getting more and more like a feral beast. as he took her with out permission. using his mistress's pussy as he had done to his mother prior. wanting to leave Kari a sloppy mess, like his mother's cunt currently was. however this would also be going against her order of using the other hole, yet the pleasure could not be denied. for a human, one so feminine looking, and potentially trainable, he was like a gold mind of a living fuck toy to be trained used properly, yet this was the first time he was felt in side of her. not as big as the beasts, but oddly pleasuring even if it was not what she intended or wanted really. perhaps it was this good cause she was being done by two instead of one at once?
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As the clone thrusted against her, her shapely backside almost an obstacle for the more petit lad, Kari grabbed his hair, moaning softly. It lacked the usual bite sge felt, already accused to larger, more wild things. The Thylo- is particular at the moment had left their impression, even if her body physically was heeled. "Naughtt boy-" she said as she started to shake her hips a bit, pushing back, , but using bumping him backwards with her body. "You're not going to cut it for me there, so-" she pulled in his hair, dragging his head off her back. "Do as I say- or I'll help you-"
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she was giving this order to the boy, his mother, Kari's mute fuck toy would suddenly pull herself off the cock. and sliding herself under Kari in a manor to take her mistress into her cunt. showing quiet some impressive movement and unforeseen flexibility. however the real reason was soon made clear. as she moved to hug the arms around her mistress. preventing her from stopping the boy from fucking the futa properly. as she would look into Kari's eyes, with a bright and playfully wicked smile. revealing this mother wanted to share the sensation her son gave her, with her mistress completely. it was two on one here, even if they were obedient to Kari to some degree. it would seem she would need to punish the both of them later. but at least it was a show of enjoyment, wanting to share pleasure with their mistress completely. even if it was not the way Kari wanted. yet as this would go on, the futa clone would slowly find the stud able to give her some kid of pleasure which even the feral playmates could not. something she would be unexperienced with, as his body began to cause a unique shock through hers, each time his smaller, yet impressively thick human cock dug into her, kissing spots which would not normally get teased by the bestial cocks. more then that, it was like her nerves which were normally assaulted all at once, were being assaulted one after another in this method, thus an oddly more enjoyable build up, instead of pure over whelming sensation. yet enjoyable as it was, it would still leave her needing more compared to the feral studs, but perhaps this boy could be trained to be both a good living dildo, and a cock sleeve for papa Kari to abuse later.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari moaned in betrayal as the mute mother crawled out of her grasp and pushed her can't around her mistresses spear. She looked down at her. Her hands grabbing the clone by her tits abd squeezing them tightly. "Ngh- naughty mother too- betrayer~" she hissed as her hips moved, dragging herself off her son to the thrust into her,, her body slamming back against his. "I'll make you suffer-" she purred in her ear as she leaned lower to her. Ofcourse the Mute was getting a good impression any punishments her new master has in mind probably would be hard, rough, and lewd.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as this went on, the new enjoyable and odd sensation of being dominated would be one which Kari could enjoy. however this was most likely thanks to knowing these two were not against her, but simply out to enjoy her in multiple ways at once. however this was a lesson for Kari, the mother son duo would need to be watched. despite how loyal they might be thanks to being, erm tamed by her. they would double team the mistress, even though enjoyable as it might be. she was the boss, however perhaps for right now, she could let them get away with this, and enjoy being the filling of the sandwich between the two. the young stud filling her, as the other being filled by her. each sensation of pleasure met with a different kind. as she thrusted into the mother, the son pulled out of her, and when the boy pushed in, she would be slapping her ass into his thrust, pulling out of the mother. K4R1 would be losing track of time, as the way these two would work her, would rival any wild beast, to the point, where her mind would think of sneaking them back into her hide away for some fun with them, and the feline, before moving to the next set of goals, be them the stable raptors, or the abused alpha thylo, the male was desperately trying to break and claim.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari crawled herself put of the midst of the party, her mute pet feeling her mistresses strong seed seeping inside of her slit. She would consider sneaking the boy into her her hideaway, the train him properly to understand that his body would do well to service all of his mistress without hesitation. But she also knew thar the Alpha Thylo would need some cheering up sooner rather than later. It seemed to be resisting the brutality of the chieftain, but Kari wanted to let it feel better...inside of her, to secure its affections.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with the deed done, the two playmates on ether side of her. Kari had her hands fool having taken a mother and son duo, which would seem to jump her for fun when they felt the need. however now sated, the two of them held her firmly, and with an odd sensation of comfort and affection which would be alien to Kari until now. as her mind wondered. the sound of the powerful Alpha thylo not far from the pen. as it's holding cell would be alone very soon. as the captain would call the guard women to his tent very soon for a night of action, not that different from what kari had been enjoying herself. however would she have the two get back to their work, and roles. or have the parent and child wait for her in the den for once she had gotten herself around that big fur ball awaiting her body, and affection else where in the cruel camp?
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari reached out, grabbing her dazed mute by the nipples, playing with them to make the mute pleasure doll force. "Go to the hideaway. Bring him. " She said as she stood up. "I'll punish you for your betrayal tonight." She said withna wink to her. For the moment she had to reach that Thylo.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she said this, the mute stable girl shivered, but was it fear or excitement. all the more, she would move to carry her boy back to the den. as she looked back to her mistress, a blush and a wink before leaving for the safety of the tiny den. Now Kari in the nude, could blend in with most of the clones, if she covered her man hood with a simple cloth. and remained silent, however the fact remained, if she looked upon the other cloned sisters. she would find the difference in their health, some more abused then others, and some well pampered, and used only for breeding by the pig like male. yet while he was busy, it would be easier for her to get to the big bad kitteh awaiting her in it's cell. growling as other maidens moved about, giving it food, water, and even hurting it, any time it went tours the food or water, let alone move tours the opening when they were doing this. trying to teach it to fear them, which wasonly causing it to grow more hateful tours the humanoid creatures. yet the one it would be unable to hate, let alone abandon would soon arrive to the massive feline's holding chamber.
Local Time:
4:09 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari wrapped her waist in the a fresh loin cloth, allowing the center skirts to cover her up and mask her futa parts. She left her breasts out, given that her company wad mostly her own clones she had little else to hide from them. With her build and lifestyle, Kari could easily pass for one of the trackers or hunters of the tribe. She was a bit more muscled and fit than any of the softer living models. She approached the cages as she saw her sisters in the midst of antagonizing her prize stud. As they jabbed at it and prodded she stalked her way over. "He will tear you open if you keep with him like that. Should he ever get out." She said as she folded her arms.
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