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Fantasy RP The Lost Ark of Clones, and Domains Reborn

Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now in the stream able to wash herself up. Kari was able to relax, and enjoy the much needed break. as she would see the two Dimorphodon's seemingly fighting one another.
as they fought over her bag. as the alpha would win, and end up using the bag like a pillow. as the smaller female moved to rest next to it. the two both watching their new master intently.

As she washed herself clean, K4R1 would know well that while she was safe for the moment. this peace would not last, if not with other wild life, then
with the risk of other survivors who would try to use or take from her. as this land was unforgiving, and only clans had the means to leave peacefully, thus they were willing to trade with
other survivors for materials, and recourses. for now it was good enough to obtain two new companions, and needing to find a peaceful spot to rest, after a much needed wash.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari stood up from the stream, walking iver to her bag and leaving iver ti push her new pet off of its flap to open it up. She pulled out a goard for water, drinking from it next to wash out her mouth and filled it back uo again. The Dark skinned Vixen had no choice. She'd have to move for the beaches, to her little shore side shack to try to pick up some goods to trade in a clan camp, maybe barter some better wares.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she moved about, rustling through her back, Kari would find the massive of the duo moving to latch itself upon her hips once more.
the impressive talons hugging the wide, ideal breeding size hips of the woman. as it pressed it's warm scaled, and feather body against her back. it's wings soon moving to hung around her body.,
the soft warm feathers, and sharp little finger like claws grasping at her breast. as this beast rested itself on her once more. looking as if she had a loving bikini made from a massive Dimorphodon.
however this caused the smaller female to make some whine like cries wanting some attention, despite how this act was not desired by K4R1, but more so the desire of her unplanned tamed beast.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Despite her wording, Kari would find her new companion refusing to hop off of her. however this odd fascination it had with resting on would seem to be quiet advantagious for K4R1
in due time. able to get aerial aid with long jumps. as well as the ability to cover up with the soft feathers when not using it's wings to support her.

However the fact remained, Kari had to move, if she wanted this thing on her not. it seemed dead fast on reamaining latched upon it's new mistress, perhaps in due time it will lose
this almost fetish like desire to be latched upon her, as if Kari was it's own personal tree. As this was going on, Kari would know better then most, due to living on her own, the dangerous
of remaining in such a location for to long, and even more so, that she had no clothing or armor to cover up with, due to the swarm's earlier assault upon her.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Moving carefully, and quickly, despite how her body needed some rest. Kari would soon notice the sensation with each step.
as her new living cloak grew excited, the all to familiar, and very warm rod began to grow from it's sheath. becoming thicker, and firm, as it rubbed between her back side
cheeks. however as this was felt, it did not move to penetrate her, revealing to K4R1, that this beast was more and more excited against her, however it did not lack self control, as if
knowing it would be to dangerous out in the open like this.

dealing with this, and the growing heat from her movement, despite finding how this super sized Dimo used it's wings periodically, to reduce her body strain, by adding support with it's own
strength of wing beat. their were both perks, and risks to this new companion, while the smaller of the two carried her little supply sack. However it would be about half way to their destination, a scream would
be heard. Before the sound of a thud, and skittering could be heard shortly after words. Their was no mistaking the odd sound of a Pulmascorpious finding some fresh prey. However it was another clone,
one which looked to be an ideal twin to Kari, However the name on the shoulder would be different, via the code.
( your clone your code nyaa :D, )

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Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari slowed at the sounds, kneeling as she looked around, ignoring the bones if her Alpha Dimo. A Pulmascorpious was a real problem without a weapon, and she didn't even have a stone axe. She saw someone laying still, one of her strain of clones, she squinted barely making out its tatto. 3V31E. "Eve?" She said to herself, she started to sneak out if the brush, keeping her head on a swivel.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Sneaking closer from behind, Kari would notice how this massive scorpion was actually larger then the average ones. however the worse part was, the puncture wound in her clone.
this would be visible, as it showed a key spot has been stung. however now she would notice how the beast was using it's massive pincers, as it tore away the damaged cloth, and hide armor.

this was quiet a sight, as it brought back flashes of the flock which swarmed her so long ago. However unlike Kari, most of the other clones did not have the life changing mutations of regeneration.
"As she moved closer, the larger dimo on her back loosed it's grasp on her, as if preparing to attack, as the smaller female moved silently behind her as well. a simple reminder, that despite being
unarmed, and nude, the futa maiden had two small warriors at her side. however if she did not time it right, or hesitated for two long, this maiden would be defiled by a beast far more dangerous and
rougher then the tiny Dimorphodons which played with Kari prior.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
With the rock hitting the hard exoskeleton of the arachnid predator. it would hiss as, the thing turned around to face Kari. the torn up clothing dangling from the one claw,
as this would show an interesting sight for the clone maiden and her tames. However more then that, the wicked beast would begin to move tours her, with it's stinger posed to strike with out hesitation.
as this was now beginning to play out, Kari had two smaller companions awaiting their order, however as it drew closer, Kari would feel her unnamed alpha Dimo preparing to act on it's own the instant this insect
got to close. more then that, the two birds would soon have a feast if things went well, even providing meat for Kari to use and enjoy later. but for right now the task at hand was to take down this massive annoyance.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Giving Her order, Kari soon saw the two take flight, as the smaller one dipped and pecked at the massive arachnid. each time it pecked at the creature's armored shell, aiming for the eyes.
however as it moved to try and sting the smaller Dimo, the larger one would move to grasp it's tail from behind with it's talon. dragging the arachnid back and lifting it's back side a bit before dropping it.

the duo of avians seemed to be able to handle the one larger foe with ease. as they seemed to cover one another. every time the beast aimed for one of them the other moved in to attack it. making it look almost
like some kind of playful spectacle of predators toying with prey, when it was actually a struggle. despite their advantage, the two Dimo's were doing very little damage to the foe with it's tiny eyes, and massively thick, and
reinforced shell of skin.

as this was going in, Eve would be out cold, breathing heavily with a bloody shoulder where the stinger had penetrated her flesh. the two kept the predator at bay, which would give Kari a chance to move in and try to aid her
fellow survivor, and clone. However her own needs would only grow all the stronger the closer she got to the vulnerable female. Unaware of the fact that this pulmascorio was not alone but in a pair. as the unseen, and silent one was closer to
the prey, which she was aiding. despite being smaller then the one her two tames were fighting, the thing still had it's unique venom.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"I got you Eve!" Kari said as she pulled her cline up, trying to bring her up in her arms, living like this and being enhanced as a Futa made her a bit stronger that your average woman. She lifted the girl up, starting to turn to her pets to see how they faired, if she should run and have them follow them.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now moving to lift Eve, and move, Kari would soon notice a smaller, yet still impressively large scorpion which had been under Eve. this second one would move quickly tours Kari.
as it moved to get onto K4R1's foot, it would sting her. the usually tranquilizing venom would not work on Kari like it should. instead it would have an odd effect making her body generate
an unnatural heat. a breeding cycle like scent from her body. Little did she know, this was a special mutation of a bred scorpion. one which eve had been using to try and lure in stronger specimens to
tame. which got her into this scenario. Now kari was about to become target. as this powerful little beast still large enough to entrap an adult, but to small to be used as a mount. was trying to subdue her,

after the sting, it would move to grab Kari by the ankle, and pull her down onto her back. if she did not pull away quickly enough with Eve in her arms, or drop even to deal with this smaller creature which
seemed to be after her now.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari winced as she felt the Scorpius sting her foot, she jerked back, expecting herself to feel weak, but only staring to feel warm. Shit did it poison her? Before she got too lost in her worries she saw its pincers moving in. As ut snapped at her ankle she jumped backwards keeping Eve in her arms still.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
moving like this, evading the creature's attempts to grasp her ankles with it's pincers. the movement slowly began to feel more difficult, as her body began to fall prey to the growing heat.
her own sensation and desires growing at an unnatural speed, and need internally, even if she didn't realize it or want it at this point in time.

the sound of her two companions fighting with the larger more dangerous of the two enemies could be heard, as she was now dealing with this annoying little stud of a scorpion.
as it move tours her, snapping it's claws to grasp tours the ankle. just missing with each attempt. if she tripped, or it caught her, Kari would find the beast quickly moving to mount her, however if she
could keep away, and even use the large stones, branches, and logs around her, it could be a situation she could escape with eve, although she would end up leaving her two tames behind.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she called for her Dimo's, only one of them would return, If Kari looked back, she would see the larger of her two tames had stuck behind. and was now dealing with both
scorpions, as the smaller female of the duo was the one to obey and return to her side. however if she went back for her small alpha stud, Kari would run the risk of both her, and eve
being captured and used by these wicked creatures. however one's desire to aid a tame, versus rescuing and self preservation would be clashing with in her. as the venom began to work it's
magic through her body, and with Eve on her shoulders, and ripe for use. Once they got some where safe, the unconscious maiden would be the perfect cure for the worsening condition Kari was in.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari wanted to go back, bit she knew to do so would put herself in only greater dangers. She was staggering and the heat in her body was getting worse abd worse, making her feel weaker. Or so she believed. She staggered very into the I me cover, laying zeve down behind some high stones, laying on top of her a moment to try to catch her breath.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now taking this chance to catch her breath, K4R1 would find herself growing hornier, and needier. as her man meat grew troublesome. some what painful with how erect it was growing.
with eve right here before her. out cold, vulnerable, and ripe for use. the idea would inch into Kari's mind, as she had rescued this clone, but it cost her, the most loyal alpha tame she had.
as alpha creatures were normally impossible to tame, yet the little female Dimo landed on her. as it made a some what sad sounding chirp tours it's mistress.

the chance presenting itself was a dangerous one, but at the same time one which could both sate her, and be seen as a kind of payment for losing her tame for this rescue. as it was
Kari did not know eve's actual role in what ever clan or family she was apart of. which would come to light in the coming days or hours.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari lookedvat her smaller Dimo. "I'm sorry." She said softlybas she pet her other tame. Then looked to Eve as hee cock just ached more and more. "You owe me something-" She hissed as she spread her clones legs, holding her legs apart as she admiredvthe clones body. Fuck is that how she looked...no wonder even Dinos wanted a peice od ger. Kari snatched Eve's loincloth off and tossed it aside as she grabbed her meat ros, angling it to stuff her clones pussy
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now getting into position, tearing off the remaining cloth, and tossing it aside. Eve's body was ripe and ready for abuse, as Kari positioned herself.
the warm puffy, and moist lower slit could be felt. as the hot tip from the powerful clone rubbed along them. however Unlike the sensation of being used
creatures. Kari was about to experience the sensation of taking a woman's maiden hood. as the odd sensation would be one of great pleasure, even more so.
this would introduce Kari to a new pleasure, as she would know well the pleasure of being filled, but very soon she would be the one doing the filling for her first time.
as such one could say she was about to give her manly V card to this clone's womanly, and moist entrance.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Feeling the sensation of a tight virgin depths for the first time. Kari would find how the clone's body had small trickle of blood with each tight moist thrust.
the tightness of the coils around her cock could not be mistaken. all the more, each movement caused the clone's body to move faintly. as her breast swayed, and
bounced. her legs moving slightly along with her arms. Eve was unable to react properly, as she was still under the now wavering effect of the scorpion's tranquilizing
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
getting into the act, and the sensations over whelming her senses, Kari would grow more aggressive in the action, as the sight and sounds echoed along the bushes, and trees.
the moist slapping of her thrust, the sliding of the body under her. Kari could finally say, that she could understand why so many studs wanted to fuck her prior with that monstrous gangbang she endured.
however with a body feeling this great. the massive soft fleshy melons in her palms. the rock hard, erect nipples, poking out between her fingers. the plump lips opening with faint gasping for air, which would almost
seem to beg Kari to kiss eve. the rougher she got, the harder it would be to get this over with out awakening her clone, unaware that the woman under her would soon come to screaming in an orgasmic awakening.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Kari wants panting with effort, her body glistening with sweat as she was rutting her cline inti the grass, her hands squeezing tighter abd tighter on her breasts. "Fuck-is this what I've been-mnhg-missing- mmm- I should have been a bandit-" she mumbled as she grabbed the clones nipples with her fingers and thumb, pulling on them. She leaned low, kissing the unconscious clone, not even thinking, content to keep using her like a sex toy.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally giving into the heated state of her venom induced Heat, Kari was pressing quickly, deeply and very gluttonously into Eve's core.
As the eyes began to flutter open, eve's body feeling the way it was being filled, as she moved the back of her one hand to her face. moaning and panting
even before realizing what was happening. Once she came to the clone would see herself upon her, fucking the woman hard, and fast. causing Eve's one leg to bend,
as she struggled to get the base of her foot against Kari, to push her off. moving her hands, one to grab K4R1's hand off her breast, the other moving to push the
dominating rapist off of her.

"uh, what, fuck. . get off, you . .. nmmm damn it get off. "
panting and struggling, as it was also causing the sensation of her moist, warm depths to tighten around the cock, as if suffocating the invasive fleshy spear with in her.
as her weak thrashing, and squirming under K4R1, would only enhance the pleasure she was getting from her victim.
Local Time:
3:05 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Mm-Im-trying!" Kari grunted hotly as Eve put up a fightshe grabbed her wrist, pinning it down on the ground and her other hand grabbing her ankle, bending the clones leg by her head. "Mm-squirm more-and I'll be done-" she panted, drooling like an animal. Nope. Never using her own hand again.
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