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Fantasy RP The Magic Academy (Rayven)

Local Time:
12:42 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Ashlynn sighed as she put her textbook away, potions class was finally ending. She was lucky she had gotten through this one without starting any fires, but mostly she had to thank her class partner for this.

Trying to be one of the top elites in this magic academy was harder than she was realizing. As a first year freshman, she had been wondering if she could even make it through the whole four years. Being a moon witch specifically, she drew all of her power by the moon and she knew a new moon was just a few nights away. So that meant her own power was waning and she was frustrated at that fact. Perhaps she should learn to draw from other sources..and maybe enrolling in this academy wasn’t such a bad idea- she knew she would be able to learn more as time went on, but she hated waiting.

At least, to make things better, she wasn’t entirely alone in this school. She had her best friend to thank for that. Originally he didn’t want to join this school with her, but she thought it would be good for them to increase their magical power. She knew he was already pretty powerful but that didn’t mean he couldn’t improve on certain magics.

Ashlynn, being 18 years of age, has known her friend since childhood- as the daughter of one of the head ministers of magic, her family was well known. And had some connections to other people too. Originally her friendship with him had been strictly ‘business’ as her father called it, but Ashlynn slowly made sure that would be more, as she had been a very lonely, only child.

Once coming out of the classroom, she situated her bag on her shoulder and looked around the hallway, wondering if he was here to greet her like always. Ashlynn knew that he always teased her on being just a few months older than her, but she didn’t mind. She had to remind herself his birthday was coming up soon, and she should plan something special for him.

(@Rayven the Warlock)
Local Time:
3:42 AM
Apr 23, 2024
Gallen enjoyed his free period as much as the next student, but he didn’t actually like this free time. It meant that he wasn’t near Ashlynn. She roped him into this school, got him to wear the uniform and drug him through the entrance exams, but now that they were in, it was amazing. He already learned a few new spells and could control electricity with greater ease than before, but most of all he liked the school not because of what he could learn, but because he was closer to her now than ever before.

Since the day he met her, when he was six, Ashlynn made Gallen’s existence seem important. She took care of him, and watched out for him, she even loved him, but he didn’t know if it was in the same way. So fearful was he to ruin the relationship that he never spoke of his desire for her, and he felt strange, like he was cheating on her, if she pursued other girls. That was how he was about to become a perfectly pure nineteen-year-old electromancer.

His teachers, having worked with him for near on a month had already marked him as one of the students to beat, and it might have behooved him to practice a little during his free period, but all he wanted was to see Ashlynn again. Like every other day, he waited in the hallway for her to stumble out of class, last as usual, and wrap his arm around her shoulders.

“Hey there, Ashy. In three days I’ll be nineteen, and you’ll just be this cute little girl looking up to me.” A grin formed on his face as he spun around to look at her. Walking backwards now, he brought his eyes level to hers. Their relationship didn’t share anything in common with what the books say a friend-crush should be like. He didn’t mind talking to her, touching her, or looking into her eyes. What tripped him up was her lips; he couldn’t look at them without thinking about holding her close and joining her soft pink, rose petal shaped flesh with his own. The need engulfed him, robbing him of his senses, which is why he didn’t see the stone bench and fell backward over it.

Tossing out an arm to stop himself from falling did nothing save cast his bag across the courtyard. He felt his cheeks redden as people began laughing at him. His embarrassment faded as he saw the bag descending toward the fountain. Gallen’s eyes flashed green as he thrust out his hand. Responding to his will, the bag ceased its downward pitch, curved in the air and raced toward him. As it did, a static field surrounded his body and lifted him from the ground. With a deft motion, he caught the bag in his outstretched fingers right as the nearly invisible shield dissipated. Grinning, he fished a comb out of his pocket and began righting his hair. “Well, that was close… What was I saying? Birthday party, right? So, I was thinking you and I could sneak off into the forest and see if we can find that old crypt Jayce was talking about in class the other week. You in for a moonlight stroll with your favorite… Me!”
Local Time:
12:42 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Ashlynn was relieved to see Gallen there approaching her, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. The moment he wrapped his arms around her she felt this sense of comfort she couldn’t quite describe and she laughed a little as boasted he’d be nineteen soon, and she looked up to his face. “Mm..not for long though! My birthday isn’t too far away either,” she reminded him, shaking her head with a grin on her face.

She truly did not wish for anything else, as long as she could stay by Gallen’s side, that’s all she could have asked for. Growing up together there had always been a certain fondness for Gallen that she couldn’t exactly explain fully, but she knew in her heart she didn’t want him giving attention to any other women but her..for some reason, she always got a bit flustered whenever she did see him talking to another classmate who was of the same gender as her- but she’d never outrightly say anything to Gallen, as she didn’t want to be the one to hinder his friendships outside of theirs.

And she definitely didn’t like it when other guys approached her, always relieved when Gallen came and ‘politely’ shooed them away- she didn’t want any other guy around her that would be interested in her romantically for she had one guy only in her mind that she could see ever dating.

And that man was walking right besides her.

Of course though, she felt a bit silly, surely Gallen was not interested in someone like her, she knew she didn’t have any sex appeal nor did she fill out in all the right places like any other woman, not to mention she had never had any experience with anyone…sure she had read up and self practiced before in her younger years, but that’s all she had done.

It was then when Gallen tripped over the bench that her thoughts came back to reality, and the gasp that left her was out of pure concern and worry, and she reached out for him the best she could, before he self balanced and she gave a sigh of relief.

“Are you okay?” She asked him, her eyes looking over his body in worry, but once she realized he was, she a gave another sigh of relief.

At the mention of going out to the woods at night and exploring the crypt, her face paled ever so slightly. “Y-You know how terrified I am of those things,” she reminded and bit her lip gently. “But- if..if you promise nothing will go wrong,” she began, and looked to the sky briefly, she wouldn’t have a lot of power tonight as she knew the moon was waning. She hoped Gallen would be able to protect her.
Local Time:
3:42 AM
Apr 23, 2024
“What, that? Nah, I’m fine.” Gallen shrugged off the little falter in his step, he couldn’t let something like that detract from spending time with Ashlynn. He fished out a deck of cards from his jacket pocket and began riffling the cards to draw attention from his blunder. When he was little, magic seemed like such a trivial thing, and rather than play into its hands, he decided to learn the more mundane skills of what the “Yesteryear” people called magic. He could shift cards with his fingers and put them into places that would suit his need, and could even make his audience see things that were false even without the use of his power. His father told him that was why he was so gifted with real magic, but that didn’t matter to him. What always made his tricks worth doing, where the look of wonder that crossed Ashlynn’s face when she watched him work.

“Don’t sweat it about the crypt. You know what they say around this place. Everything is some old burial ground with intense powers. It’s probably just a little hole in the ground that leads to a spooky altar someone built a few decades ago to start the rumors.” He knew her powers were on the decline, now that the moon waned, but she wanted someone to push her, and getting her outside her comfort zone might be all she needed to learn to summon the moon’s power in all its phases.

As the cards leaped from one hand to the other, he kept bringing the queens to the forefront. After showing one to her, he’d slip it back into the pile and wait for the next to make its presence known. “I’ll tell you what; if I don’t pull a queen out of the air with this next trick, I will let you pick your present up off the table of Manny’s Pizza.” He grinned. “I got us a reservation there for nine tonight. But if I do, you have to walk into the crypt with me, and take it off whatever we find down there.” He grinned, letting her know he’d already explored it to make sure it was safe. He knew her well. “Then you’ll get your pizza. Deal?”

Gallen didn’t wait for her to respond, just tossed all seventy-seven cards into the air, and snatched one at random as it fell. When he turned it over, his eyes and cheeks blazed with heat. Instead of the queen of hives, like he was reaching for, he found one of no known suit; a queen of moons. It wasn’t a blank face, a meaningless drawing like the rest of the cards he’d ever seen. Instead, Ashlynn stared back at them from the wax-coated paper fragment, radiating with immense power. Tiny sparks of electric energy raced around her naked form; it was nothing he’d ever seen. The instant he noticed her looking at it, he dropped the card and watched it flutter to the ground. It landed face up, but the mysterious Queen of Moons, Queen Ashlynn, reverted to the queen of hives he’d been reaching for at the start of the trick.

Slowly, Gallen looked at Ashlynn, and he couldn’t help but see beyond her clothes. It made him blush even pinker. “I am so sorry, I have no idea what that was… Ashy, please you’ve got to believe me. I didn’t plan that… Did you? Wait, no, of course not. Right?”
Local Time:
12:42 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Ashlynn listened to what he had to say about her gift and she gave a frustrated purse of her lips as her pretty face twisted with concern. “Ughhh fine, I guess I can play along,” she spoke, her mouth cracking into a grin as she watched him with the suit of cards, her eyes sparking lightly- she knew that he never missed a draw, as his draws were alway accurate. And she also knew because of this, they mostly would likely be exploring the crypt later on tonight.

It was true, she had always been fascinated by such simple tricks like the ones Gallen was beginning to use- and just like before her eyes intently watched each card, waiting for him to draw the winning card- a queen of hives.

Fortunately, when he pulled the card- she was so confused on why his cheeks reddened the way it did, and as the card dropped to the ground, she tried to get a better look at it, but before she was able to, he snatched the card and made a quick apology- to which she was even more confused on.

What exactly did he see from the cards?

She looked to him with a tilt of her head, “Sorry? Sorry for what?” She asked, clearly unaware of what he had seen. She looked at him innocently, the poor woman in front of him had no clue that he had seen a peek of her unclothed body. But if she knew- she wouldn’t necessarily… be that embarrassed because of it.
Local Time:
3:42 AM
Apr 23, 2024
He had no idea why she wasn’t freaking out like him, but fine, if she wanted to play it cool, he could as well. Instead of losing himself in his feeling, which he thought he might do later when he was alone, he flicked the card into the air, then snatched it from the air, between his thumb and index finger, the queen of hives starting straight at her. “To the crypts. Good thing too, I already stashed your gift inside, and it was creepy. I don’t want to go back there alone.”

The rest of the day flew by, but despite charms, metamorphosis, divination, and defensive lessons all vying for his attention, he managed to sneak a few glances at Ashlynn. When the school day came to an end, he hugged her as he always did, and gave her the promise he’d meet her at the great oak. When he found himself alone in his room, sitting on the edge of the bed, he shuffled the cards. Once again, when he drew the queen of hives from the deck, he saw Ashlynn’s face and her naked form. Like every time he went out with her alone, he took care of business, but this time, he had more than his imagination in play to help him. He wasn’t sure, but with how loud he screamed, he wondered in the rest of the dorm know what he was getting up to in that moment.

Once he’d gotten his fill of looking at her, he grabbed his best clothes, a pair of black pleated pants, a purple silk button-up shirt with onyx studded buttons, and shoes that were polished and lacquered within an inch of their life, and that bore brass buckles, before making his way to the joint showers at the end of the hall. Washing away the grime of the day, and the remains of his fun, allowed Gallen to calm down and really get ready for his ‘date’ with Ashlynn.

If only she knew this was a date, he thought as he toweled himself off and got dressed. Within the hour, he was standing, well over dressed for a walk in the forest, his back against the giant oak, eagerly waiting to see Ashlynn in whatever outfit she wore tonight. He didn’t know if she did it on purpose, but she always dressed to show off her assets, which to him were the only set he ever thought about.
Local Time:
12:42 AM
Nov 10, 2022
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You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attachments to this post

Ashlynn hated how the day dragged on. For her, it seemed every time she was able to get a bit of time with Gallen, they then would have to attend their next class. But yet soon enough the final bell chimed and they gathered their books and put them in their satchels before heading out of the last class. She turned and smiled towards Gallen, appreciating the hug he had given her, as always, for being in his embrace for her was..comforting and she couldn’t get enough of it.

When they departed, Ashlynn waved to Gallen like she always did, and headed to her dorm to get ready for later tonight. She decided on a cute maid like outfit, one that would show off what chest she did have, and it was short in the back, so if she bent down, he would get a nice sneak peak at her black lace underwear.

She spent some time fixing her hair in the mirror, putting it in a half up half down style and then she chose a lipstick to accentuate her perfect pout, choosing a nice dark cherry red. Finishing off her makeup she took one last look in her mirror before going to put on her black stockings, and slipping on her most comfortable high heels. They had a thick heel and were easy to walk in- a strap in the font so that her feet wouldn’t slip out any time soon either. Which easily gave Ashlynn an extra 3 inches or so in height.

When she approached Gallen, she noticed what he was wearing and she gave a soft laugh, “Well, I guess you could say both of us are overdressed,” she admitted, pushing her hair behind her ears. She glanced to the sun that was setting and then she looked to Gallen, unaware of what he had did earlier in his dorm room.


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Last edited:
Local Time:
3:42 AM
Apr 23, 2024
When Ashlynn appeared, Gallen couldn’t think straight for several minutes. Everything from the shoes, which made her legs so long, to the top which barely contained her, drove him wild. He fought everything to keep himself from biting his knuckle to relieve a little bit of the pent up exhilaration with a pain response. He didn’t want to risk showing her his desire for her, so he pulled his lip into his mouth and chewed on it until she was close enough for him to speak.

“Yeah,” he looked down at himself, trying to draw his attention from her. “Well, it’s not a very deep ‘crypt’ and well I know pizza isn’t exactly a fancy meal, but since we are celebrating our birthdays, mine first of course, I thought it fitting.” He did a quick turn to let her see that he’d spared no expense for her. Then he bowed, turned on his heel and offered her his arm.

“Would that lady kindly follow me?” His voice mimicked that of a servant in one of the old black and white movies he loved to watch, the ones with terrible romantic plots and unbelievable characters. “We don’t have far to go, but those heels seem like they might trip you up, and I can’t have that. Take my arm and I will be your support.” He bounced his elbow a few times to get her attention. In truth, he only watched those movies to be able to speak to her like this; and since their chance at love was only likely to happen in a movie, why not ham it up a little for her? “Miss Ashy, your escort awaits.”
Local Time:
12:42 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Ashlynn gave a slight roll of her eyes and laughed a little at his gesture, going to take his arm. “Why thank you my good sir,” she teased in response, looking at his handsome face- her cheeks blushing ever so slightly as she realized how much taller she was right now. And for that, she realized she could just..go up and kiss him ever so effortlessly, but she refrained, biting her lip slightly.

“Pizza in a cold, dark crypt…what else would I’d rather be doing?” She said with a little laugh again, shaking her head at him as they descended down the stairs. And as they went further and further, she began to feel a pull of odd magick and she looked to Gallen. She knew that wasn’t him and she seemed a bit confused. “Gallen..” she breathed out his name in concern, her grip on his arm tightening ever so slightly.

Gallen would know she was terrified of places like this, but..something was different from before, and the magical feeling they both felt gave off a sickly, malicious intent. Like something down at the bottom was waiting for them to eat them up.

Ashlynn paused in walking and let go of Gallen’s arm, her skin was glowing faintly, like the shrouded moon amongst a foggy, cloudy sky. “I..I don’t think we should go any further,” she murmured out to him worriedly, wondering if he would continue down.
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