General RP The Occultist Club's Stud (Crow)

She felt the ghost bulging up inside her, the spirits monster cock pushing up on her belly but suddenly slid out of her her pussy..the pole suddenly shoved inti her mouth, stuffing it's tip on her lips as she felt a dangerous throbbing on it. Her mouth held open, the spirt began gushing hot sticky buckets od ectoplasm into her mouth, down her lips abd chin.
He moaned as he gushed and gushed, his hips humping forward as he felt his body shuddering and shifting, spewing it ropes all over the doll. He slumped backwards on the toilet huffing fir breath.. his seed seeping inti the doors clothing abd cloth skin absorbing ot abd cleaning itself. He stood up after he remembered his test, throwing the doll in the bag and picking up his clothing yo dress properly and ran back to finish it.
The spirit seemed to have left her side, the presence of the lust ful entity...perhaps relaxed now. Had it used her body as a conduit for it's last wishes? Were spirits in this school simply reaching out to her now? Had her desire to reach the occult...caused something else to finally reach back? An entity that was simply up for a little cock polishing for cosmic laughs! Perhaps she had finally unlocked her psychic potential...with her pussy.

The school bell chimed out, signaling the next free period.
As she studied, she'd find several mumbling and scraps of knowledge, people that communicated with the unseen, different kinds of interactions of mediums that had...relations with spirits and received visions on the midst of them. Some claiming it soothed restless and angered souls or ghosts. Some also just...were lonely apparently. Spells abd sigil to do so were tricky, spells required a conduit to channel, a ritual of...offering pleasures to the great beyond to reach out to the spirits and entities. Symbols...were simpler, she could gather ingredients and paint a sigil on her body...a passive yet more constant marker for spirits to visit her and commune. A few strange oddities were also out there, tools and inscribed toys. Most were clearly for fake witchy kinks online, but in her texts she saw tales of a black polished link of stones...spheres that could be inserted upon a strap while she tried to channel the forces and used her body to reach out.
The ingredients were simple, some ground herbs, some fat, some pastes...cum. she had plenty of that sll over her face . All she had to do was mix it and work it into a nice smooth sticky salve. The artifact however was hard to find, rumored to be lost in the dark ages and sought after by aspiring occultists. The Ebon Obelisk, it was called in her texts. While she was applying her sigil...there was a knock on the club door. "Prez?" Owen spoke
"Oh?" He said blinking at her revelation then looked at the bowl of goo. "I didn't know that ghosts cared about that kind of stuff..."He said as he swirled around the brush carefully to keep drawing, down to the back of her hand, then moved to the other. "You...really want me to uh- paint your...zones?"
Owen only looked slightly lower, clearly struggling with her intense stare down that made him want to call her 'Mommy' instinctively. He pushed that intrusive thought back in the box rapidly as he painted the her neck, working gus way arounf the back. Along the sides to the nape, linking it to the symbols on her shoulders, then worked down to do the small of her back.
"Oooh- gosh-" he mumbled realizing how soft and fat her ass really was. Something jumped up in his pants. Uh oh. He swallowed dryly. "Right." He mumbled as he out as he grabbed her underwear...then slowly pulled it down to paint on her skin. Her ass cheeks,...gently parting them to lay markings in between them. Then one around the winking hole

Albeit he was moving nuch faster back there than before, clearly embarrassed now. He moved to her thighs as quickly as he could without smudging anything
"I'm gonna die." He whimpered under his breath at very sound sge made only made his cock urge abd ache. Oh he was going to fuck that doll for sure. His hands somehow stayed steady, putting on the thigh symbols. "Okay- dine..done... " he chirped out. Forgetting he had the front to deal with

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