General RP The Occultist Club's Stud (Crow)

As she turned to him, showing off her breast, he looked down...then up, then back down, unable to decide which was worse. But she urged him on track, and tried to focus on anything else...."s-so....nipple peircimhs- huh?" He squeaked. Mentally he was smacking himself as he started brushing.
"...i-I like them-platonically!" He said, quickly peppering in that he wasn't being...a total creep. He started to smell aftermath scent on her, the sweat, the effort, the musk...he swallowed again and sh painted around the metal, shifting to her belly, painting on it, the proper, lust sigil as he came down between her legs.
"...duh! Easy proof! We set up cameras! I leave, you wait for any...ahem. visitors. And after they pass on- or whatever, I'll come back when you give the signal." He said pounding his fist into his palm. "And then we have....proof of the visit...which would be..." He blushed. "Well- if you want me to watch it-:
"Ah...Well, we'll see!" He said as he grabbed his back. "Alright, the camera's are ready. I'll hide next down the hall-" He said as he stepped out out of the door. "Good luck!" He said closing it up to go sprint for the nearby classroom...he couldn't even wait to go to the bathroom down the hall.
As she dropped the robe and stood back in her candles...the flames flickering and sizzling, wavering gently as a breeze flowed in the room. The room was actually just improperly sealed around the windows, making it just faintly drafty. Owen however was stripping the doll, seeing...small markings on it. but he was too in a rush to think on that. He rubbed his cock against its legs, shifting to push his dick into it again slowly.
As she asked her question, another candle blew out. An Answer! Owen set the down on the desk, using one hand to hold it down, his cock slowly burying further and further, hitting himself into it, then drawing back starting to thrust. "Gwen-I-I want you so back-" Owen groaned out as her voice still danced in his head. His finger moved up, gently pushing it into the doll's mouth.
As she retried to speak, she'd realized the ghosts presence felt...similar enough ito the one inside her. Perhaps it was silencing her? No the chatting type? But it certainly was thrusting against her heavily, lustfully, it's presence in her mouth shifting out. Own blinked as he felt the stickiness on hi finger, pulling it out of the dolls mouth. It felt like...spit?. He shifted the doll around, rolling in over cautiously spreading the dolls tiny pale ass cheeks. Could...he?

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