General RP The Occultist Club's Stud (Crow)

Owen held in a wince. Oof little brother zone. But...maybe she was inti that? Right? "Y-Yeah...well...don't let my sweet look fool you! I'm super cool-" He said shaking it off. "I'm helping you catch ghosts with your new power after all." He said as he picked up the camera and set it in his bag. "I'm going to even see if I can run this video with some software and see if it changes something." It was definitely going to get several rewatches.
"Never! That's just you and me...and whoever else we get in the club eventually. Your skulls are safe with me." He said blushing as he shook his head at the idea of spreading rumors. As they exited the school, he brought out his bike from the rack, unlocking it from the chain
(XD the 'ghost' knows that)

"Careful, the ghost might remember that!" He teased as she balanced herself on the bars, his hands shifting so she could rest comfortably, the bars on the wheels wide enough to rest her feet. He started pedaling, , whisking her away to the dorms. "Or...did he let yiu figure that out!"
He pedaled away as he watched her ass move up to the doorway. He almost got half way to the boys side of the dorms before he realized she kissed him. Was that a brother kiss?! His brain sizzled.. but he swerved away, heading home for now. A short ways away , only a 30 minutes away, he finding himself already rolling inti his room and laying the doll on his bed. Her words echoing in his head as the kiss stung and tangled on his skin. Her peck making him feel strange still.
Oh shit. He swallowed as panic jolted in him. [Oh I plan to see how it reacts to temperature first]

What was he supposed to say! That he was going to fuck it! That he was going to stuff it full of his nut like that-...wait. [...So Gwen. I'm going to also touch test it. When you feel something. Send me a picture of where it feels like it's touching you...and I'll send...where I'm touching it]

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