General RP The Oni and the Maiden -A MPIF and OD Prequel (Kasumi)


Master of Dungeons, Femboy Tamer
Staff Member
Top Monthly Poster
Nov 9, 2022
The streets were lively in the night of Tokyo, especially in the heart of its downtown crossroads. A place where one wandered looking for excitement, a party in the shadows for all sorts. Legal and illegal alike, but the desire was to be seen, to shine brightest in the recent boom of a the economy. Money and flare was all it took to be the hottest thing, sought by the wealthy to become coiled in their safety net...for a price. In the backstreets, the fray places that offered an edge to the brave or needy, it was no different from the seedy bars or the hidden soap lands that employed beauties to smooth over dealings and party with one's boss.

Walking through one of these hidden dens if sin and bumping party music was a young man in a gray suit, black shirt, and studded shoes. His hair was combed and slicked back, his face working ti be tough, despite how soft it still was. However he walked with purpose, intensity, , pushing people out of his way as he'd be making his way through the rave to the meeting spot up in the overhead booths of the repurchased warehouse they were in. He battered on the doors waiting for the guard to pull it open to meet his bosses contact, a man he was to see about a simple job, a babysitting job for a allied Clan. He was to watch over some peice of ass that was supposedly catching rumors and interests left and right.
Kasumi Murakami
Long, black hair, dark brown/black eyes
Image 1 & Image 2

Kasumi was... clueless. One moment he had been working his corner, and the next thing he knew someone had grabbed him and pulled him into their fancy car. He initially thought it was some rich guy trying to kidnap him and have his way with him or, ah... worse. Instead, a familiar face popped into view, a man who had been trying to talk to him for the past week or two. It seemed the man had had enough, he was through with playing games. Kasumi had refused to humor him; if he wasn't looking to pay for sex, he needed to move on and find someone who would. That supposedly didn't sit right with the man and there Kasumi was, practically in his lap in the backseat as he was driven somewhere.

Before he knew it, he was sitting on a corner of the desk in some room in a club he had passed by but never entered. His legs swung idly, resting a propped chin on his hand, his elbow resting on a bare thigh. His dress was black, the skirt pleated and quite short, Kasumi hoping to make it big that night, pulling out all the stops. He was so close to saving up money for his own apartment. He was currently rooming with another who took him in when he first arrived in Tokyo after making his escape from an abusive household in Kyoto.

Sighing, he leaned forward to pull up his black knee-highs before leaning back, propping his hands on the desk behind him. Anyone who passed by him would assume he was a woman, a flat-chested one at that. There was absolutely nothing there if one looked. His pin-straight hair was slightly messy, and his black lipstick was smudged. He had put up a minor fight when he was dragged into the car before he realized who it was. Afterwards, he was just irritated, much like now as he waited for who knows what. No one had explained anything to him!

Suddenly, hearing some banging, he paused, the movements in his legs ceasing. He was still only to hear what was happening, Kasumi becoming quite alert as he heard footsteps come closer to the room. Still uncertain about what was happening, he wished he still had his black heels. He knew the best way to defend himself, ready to aim a foot quite low if need be.
The door guard lead Ishida into the backroom, giving a passing glance at the woman in the VIP section. He sat down, lounging on the booth as he pulled out his cigarettes and started to light it up. The yakuza practically putting his feet up pn the table . The Yakuza that brought Kasumi had come back in. "Ishida. Good to see you could make it on short notice. " He greeted as he sat Dien. He waved over to Kasumi.

"Kasumi, this is Ishida. You two are going to be staying close together for a while"
A guard allowed a very well-dressed man inside. The man barely acknowledged him before sitting down and smoking. He seemed to make himself quite comfortable. He sat up straight then, legs and arms crossed over the other, his head tilting slightly to the side. The familiar man finally appeared and Kasumi slipped off of the desk, moving closer to him. Ishida?

Eh? "What?" He started, his voice having a feminine note to it. "Hey, can anyone explain to me what's going on?" He asked, looking between both men. "Why am I here-- why are we staying close together?" He looked over toward Ishida for a little longer. Hmm. He was cute.
Ishida puffed his cigarette, the plumes framing the Oni's handsome face while he looked up at Kasumi again. His eyes fixed on his ward. "Your working outside of the Yamata Clan Empire has been tolerated until now. But the words come down to tighten the streets up. Freelancers are getting pinched up, good money makers and given opportunity to get some safety while they work." The Yakuza said then gestured to Ishida. "This guy will be there to make sure that you're not in any...bad situations any more."
Kasumi found he didn't mind seeing that - this handsome stranger's face obscured by smoke. He looked away as Ishida's eyes fell on him and seemingly locked. Yamata Clan Empire... oh shit, wait, these guys... "Why the fuck didn't you tell me you're a gangster?" He glanced over to Ishida again, feeling a little nervous now. He supposed there was a chance if the other told him he would refuse. By using force, they were getting exactly what they wanted.

Good money maker? As he had been struggling so, he couldn't believe it. Oh, so he could still work. Just, with this handsome gangster with him. "I wasn't in any bad situations until you showed up," he pointed out, shaking his head. It was partially true, anyway. Kasumi had been doing his best to stay safe while doing something so dangerous. It wasn't until the gangster started showing up on his corner did Kasumi find himself in trouble. It seemed certain clients knew of the gangster and had mixed feelings about him and seeing Kasumi with him. He had been attacked, only once thankfully.

He let out a soft sigh, "So what, does he come in and watch me getting fucked or something?" Would he be outside the door? Just how else would he know he needed help?
"It's a housing situation, I'll be around." Ishida said as he took a drag. "Not in the same room, that'll freak people out probably...most of em anyway. Things go left, something breaks, you scream in a way that ain't the fun kind, or the guy makes a fuss, I come in and bend their arms out of their sockets for making problems." He said as he leaned his head back. "Probably can work on signals too."

"Yamata is take a chance on your...potential, and giving you a better base than just anyone you can pull up. Sounds like easy money." The Yakuza said turning things to business.
“Housing? We’ll be living together?” In some way it sounded like. He wouldn’t have to bust his ass trying to make enough just for his own apartment and then barely scraping by. At that point, he would be doing it for fun, his own sort of fun anyway. As he loved sex he couldn’t see it as work.

Or they were forming their own brothel. Hmm.

The deal sounded nice, anyway. “What if I refuse?” He had to find out. Was he truly trapped now?
"The streets are going to be ours. You'll either walk them for us and keep your job, or start preparing for the homeless shelter when you run out of money. After all. We'll hold all the clientele with real payment. Not just the prices your using." The Yakuza answered with a shrug. "We don't need to hurt you, threaten, or squeeze you out. We already have the entire deck in our hand. It's a matter of if you want us to let you touch a card."

"Only thing that you'll really find to be a catch is Taxes." Ishida added as he tapped the ashes off his cigarette.
Shit. The way had him trapped, the bastards having it all planned out already. What choice did he have but to accept? It would be nice to have some protection, and with quite a handsome one at that. He wouldn’t have to worry anymore.

Taxes?! “How much would you take from me?” He asked. There was always a catch.

In the end, he had to accept lest he wanted to be homeless. Fuckers not allowing him to do what he needed to survive and enjoyed. Well, he still could, he would just be doing it for free.

“Fine,” he finally verbally accepted. “Now can I leave?” Well, he would be working with these people for now. Was there a specific place they wanted him to be?
"10 percent of the profit, rest is yours." The yakuza representative said smirking as Kasumi considered his...well enrire lack of actions. Ishida shifted up to his feet. "You can head anywhere you like, stay at the Rave, go to your new apartment, we aren't enslaving you." The man said as he slid out a paper and a key ring with two keys. "Just sign this contract and you can get it."
Fucking hell, really? There was a contract, too. Of course there was. He stepped closer, glancing over it. He really couldn’t pass up this opportunity, especially since he didn’t really have a choice otherwise. He had his own apartment, too! Which meant they knew exactly where he would be at all times. He looked back over to this Ishida before he finally gave in and signed the paper.

He took the keys, deciding maybe he should rest for the night. “…Thank you.” He said, giving a small bow before departing. He would check out the apartment first before heading to his friend’s to gather his things. He just needed to know what he was working with before filling up the space.
The representative handed over the keys to Ishida, who pocketed them, departing with Kasumi. The other yakuza was mostly quiet, but he took a close position to Kasumi's side. "Where are we heading?" He said as he flicked the cigarette on the street once they got out of the club. His eyes wandered the streets, already watching them for threats with twice the focus he usually used.
"Hm. By the river ways I think." He said as he twirled the the key and started to turn to walk, looking at the tag. "What are we going to eat tonight? You cook?" He asked as he looked down to Kasumi. His eyes were kind of intense, not breaking contact whenever they connected. "If not I know a little noodle place." He added
The river ways? Pretty... The other turned and Kasumi quickly followed behind, moving to walk beside him, his black heels clicking against the pavement. "Oh, um." Wait, we? "Yes, usually." He hadn't really had the time to cook since running off to Tokyo, mainly going for the instant stuff at convenience stores. As the other suggested a noodle place, he looked at him. Finding the gaze intense, he quickly looked away, a shiver running through him. "I don't have much money on me," he started, a hand digging through his dress pocket, only finding a single yen coin. "I'm not having you pay for me, either. I'm sure you're not thrilled having to watch over me." He didn't want to add anything unnecessary to the gangster.
"I'll pay for whatever I want, when I want. " Ishida said rolling his eyes. "And if you're hungry, it's nothing but a meal. Not like I want anything later." He said figuring that was what was on Kasumi's mind. "...and I it's not a problem to work guard. It's only as bad as you make it....You're not a magnet for trouble, right?"
"Oho, the assertive type." He grinned, shrugging. "Lead the way," he mused, following him to this new location. He was hungry, he had to admit. He had been hoping to be able to make some money to go toward his new apartment and whatever was left over for dinner. His grin grew wider at that one comment. "Such a shame. Don't think I'm worth it~?" He teased. Damn, he couldn't believe himself, teasing a gangster. Did he have a death wish? After yelling at that gangster in the car earlier he still felt amped up. "Just for an hour~?" He teased again. A hand came up to cover his mouth, hiding the giggle that escaped. He was totally kidding.


No. Totally kidding. He was actually kind of afraid to mess around knowing he was a gangster. Then again, Kasumi found he enjoyed taking risks. He had taken a major one when he decided to sell himself for some money. He glanced over toward the other, eyes trailing over his body - imagining what he looked like underneath the suit. He gently bit his lower lip, momentarily lost in thought. At the other's next comment, he snapped out of it. "I didn't think I was until your buddy showed up." He had no idea he was so popular, and being seen with that gangster seemed to set some people off. "Got me fucking attacked one night." He shook his head, admitting such a thing to the other - his guard. Mm, he actually liked the sound of that.

"It was only the one night, thankfully." He added. He swore if Ishida ended up getting him killed... Or any of the other gangsters.
"Can't prove that. Guy could have already been looking for a soft target that night. Girls get beat up or worse all the time." Ishida said as he shifted on the street, starting to change up the paths to take Kasumi to grab some dinner. He mulled over the words from earlier, the flirting, considering if it was better to curb the girls' idea early that they were going to be messing around. If it would manage to keep her from doing something dumb...but he could only play the part so long. After all, when they stripped naked, he couldn't fake that. "Don't know if you're worth it, but I know that I shouldn't. It might make things messy." He said with a slight smirk in return, his gaze getting slightly more wolfish upon Kasumi.
Kasumi rolled his eyes, he knew why he was attacked. He-- girls? He paused, thinking the gangster from earlier was pulling some weird, shady shit by not telling the man looking after him that he was a guy. For all he knew everything happened so fast, Ishida only told to come down to watch over a prostitute they wanted.

He quickly followed, not wanting to trail behind. Hmm, he could use this to his advantage. He knew better than to mess with any gangster, then again... This handsome one was perfect.

"Oh~?" He pressed closer, dreamy eyes looking up at him. He wrapped his arms around Ishida's arm, keeping oh so close to him. "Ah, my guard~ Messy is my style." After all, he had plenty of married men thirsting after him - ready to leave their wives for him. So much for straight. "It's fun to break the rules." He had to hold back his laugh, messing with him was too fun. Reminding himself that the other was meant to guard him and ensure his safety, the other wouldn't dare hurt him, leaving Kasumi feeling slightly more comfortable to practically cling to his arm.
Ishida snorted as Kasumi hooked onto him, looking at him, giving him a side long look. Soft flesh pressingonto him."Messy is your style huh? You think you're going to get me all wound up over you?" He said with a challenging glint. His arm felt strong under the suit, muscle underneath....but Kasumi felt something else in his suit, towards the guards side. It was a weapon of some kind tucked away.
"Wouldn't be the first time it's happened." He grinned, leaning his head against his arm, nuzzling gently - the picture-perfect scene of a girlfriend clinging to her boyfriend. Only, he was a prostitute being guarded by a yakuza member - who also had no idea he was a man. Well, this would be interesting~! "You can take me for a spin. All your worries will disappear~!"

As he pressed closer, his arm rubbed against the other's side, dark eyes widening slightly. If that was what he thought it was... well, it made sense. They would be stupid not to send this gangster off to protect a prostitute without having any way to do so.

He wouldn't press anymore, hearing his stomach growl, alerting them both he was quite hungry. The noodle shop soon came into view, Kasumi pulling away excitedly. Real food, finally!
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"Your stomach isn't very ladylike!" He said with a laugh as he listened to the growling. He shifted his arm, putting it around his waist as they approached the slurp shop, a simple spot, a tad rough on the outside with graffiti, grit, and some young looking punks stood around. But while Ishida approached they jumped up and straightened, one even opening the door fir the pair. "Hey Boss!" They greeted as Ishida passed without looking at them. His hand shifted, slapping Kasumi on the ass to ward them into the shop...and to show dominance probably for how this place looked. The inside was a diner...not as shady looking at the outside, but definitely a family owned, small time spot. The scent of Ramen briths, and frying meat hit the air, beer too.
Ladylike... Ooh, if only he knew. There was really no reason for Kasumi to prolong things. He could just blurt it out. But where was the fun in that? Ishida had pulled him close again as they approached the seemingly rundown looking shop. As they passed by some rough punks he mainly ignored them, Kasumi learning early on who to pay any mind to. Then again, anyone could be a potential client. Just in case they were too young, he moved right along. They acknowledged Ishida and Kasumi straightened up at the slap to his ass. "Hey~" He mused, his stomach growling again as the scent of food filled him. The place looked way better on the inside, and much more inviting.

It didn't take long for them to get a seat. Actually, it was pretty quick, all because Ishida was there? Kasumi had been in this very situation many times before - some businessmen wanting to treat him to a meal and have him entertain them before sleeping with him. He sat across from Ishida at first, reading through the menu. Despite the other wanting to pay for his meal, Kasumi still didn't want to overstep and be a burden. He ordered a simple soup, miso, with some tempura. He eyed the sides, wanting to order a bunch more, but held back.
"Eating like bird?" Ishida said as he opened the menu, the yakuza however didn't really look at it, mostly looking up to the TV. It was a black screen, old, dead. But he used the reflection to watch behind them now and then. He looked to the cook. "Get me a steak special, and get the lady a tempura plate, double the shrimp." He said as he closed the menu. "And a hot sake!" Ishida added as he leaned forward.
Kasumi had been focused on the menu, not noticing how observant his guard was being. "Mm?" He glanced up after a moment, Ishida already placing his order... and Kasumi's. "Oh, wait-" The cook disappeared before Kasumi could interject. He closed his menu and pushed it toward the end of the table so it could be taken. He did enjoy tempura so he didn't mind. He leaned back, leg crossed over the other, watching the other. Kasumi didn't really know what to do, having this gangster watching over him. He knew he should be out working a corner, underneath some stranger, dirty and alone.

He had luckily missed the dirty part that night - the gangster having grabbed him before he could nab a potential client. He was fresh and pretty sitting there in the booth. His makeup was still a bit messy from the scuffle earlier, but otherwise, he looked great - as usual.
"So, after we finish up, and check out the apartment, are you going to get back to your job or start moving early?" He said as the cook got down to business, the Yakuza setting his cigarettes on the table and his lighter. The Yakuza in front of him reclined, propping his arms up. The waiter swung over, setting the sake down and looking at Ishida. "Work. friend" He said simply. The Server gave a half nod and turned away. "Want a taste?" He said as he started to pour a cup. "or do you like harder stuff?"
Kasumi mulled over the question for a moment. As he thought about it, he didn't have many belongings to move in with. Mainly just his clothes and makeup. "Probably move in." He decided on. He figured he would be moving into some small place, anyway. How nice would an apartment be from the yakuza?

"I'll drink whatever," he said with a nod, accepting a cup. When poured, he gently lifted it and sipped at it. All joking aside, he wouldn't go and accuse the other of trying to get him drunk. Not like the others. "Clients usually get me to drink just about anything." He had some experience with many drinks, Kasumi already knowing quite a bit just at eighteen.
"Anything? My my." He said while he grabbed his cup to sip on, the warmth spreading through him and making him shudder. "I hope that you haven't been reckless then." He set the bottle down as the first sets of miso came out, though Kasumi got two, one from his original order and another from his platter that was on the course. They even got a bowl of Edamame, he rested his arms on the table. savoring the soft flavors. "And when you get moved in, we can start up your might even get some regulars."
"Heh, I try not to. Sometimes not by choice." Not that anything was truly forced on him... usually. Just, if he wanted to get paid, he did what he had to. Kasumi eyed the bowls, realizing they were both for him. He happily started on them, savoring the flavor and warmth the soups brought him. He picked at the edamame as well. It was nice, having a meal without the other expecting anything in return. It didn't feel right, Kasumi having to remind himself everything was fine. It was okay to accept a meal just to be fed.

"Mm? That won't be so bad." It would be strange for the yakuza to gather clients for him. Yet, with Ishida as his guardian, things would be much safer for him. He didn't want anything bad to happen to him, yet he wanted to see what happened when Ishida came to his rescue; to see Ishida burst through the door after a particular scream or sound. What if he couldn't scream?

Ah, they definitely had some things they had to go over. Later. Kasumi paused eating to sip at the sake, already feeling quite warm.
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