General RP The Oni and the Maiden -A MPIF and OD Prequel (Kasumi)

"Mm, I'll make sure they behave if they don't..." He sipped the sake gently and poured another cup. He let the idea hang ofcourse, sipping his own miso soup with the other. He set it down after savoring it, licking his lips slowly. The food swung through next, setting out their food platters. "Do you kiss and tell? Could tell some stories hm? Give me a taste of what I'll be dealing with?"
Kasumi soon finished his cup and held it out for Ishida to fill it up again. "Yeah? How exactly will you protect me?" He was curious, wanting to hear just what the other could do for him, besides what he explained earlier. He finished his soup right before the food came out, Kasumi happily digging into it next. He picked up a piece of shrimp tempura and dipped it in the sauce before biting into the crispy prawn. Damn, this place was good. It was rather misleading from the outside but he would love to come here again one day.

Kasumi had to cover his mouth to hide a small laugh. "Oh, I don't know~" He teased, thinking over a typical story to tell. "Well~ I've had clients treat me to a meal, just like you. Sometimes they feel me up right in the booth-." He had to stop before mentioning how hard they would get him. "Then they take me back to their place or their hotel - so they don't get caught. Usually far from their home so no one familiar could spot them." Ugh, those types annoyed him. Seedy fucks. "Married bastards." He rolled his eyes before moving on. "Then, well, you know the rest. Or does mister gangster want to hear more? A detailed account of strange men fucking me." Aha, was the alcohol getting to him now? Slowly, but surely. Whatever it was, he was starting to feel more relaxed. Well, he did ask what he would be getting into.
"Hm. I'll probably level their teeth on the edge of our steps, and kick them in the back of their head if they piss me off enough," Ishida said, rather matter of fact as he refilled kasumi's cup. "Can't let them walk away without a nice reminder to those that threaten you, or the allied syndicate.' He added with a nod. He couldn't help himself sometimes, sometimes he just got carried away in the other times...they were on the wrong side. He listened to the short tale, how Kasumi usually played about and got taken around by married guys, nothing too crazy so far. But while Kasumi seemed to tease about telling more, Ishida smirked. "Why not."
"Ooh, hot," he teased as he listened to the violent ways he would take care of those who harmed him. Or, rather harmed the yakuza. Hmm. ...Was he their property?

"Honestly, nothing too crazy. Typical penis in ass." ...Oh, wait. No. ...Then again. Some girls enjoyed anal. "And, you know." The other part. He waved him off at that part, hoping for a slight distraction. "I jerk them off or blow them. They... ah, actually they never really care about my pleasure." He was about to be vague, realizing it was rare for anyone to return the favor. "Hmm. I'm just like some sort of sex doll or some shit," he shrugged with a small sigh. "Just something for men to jerk off into. Then again, I don't mind it." He admitted. "I'm addicted to it." Ah, finally, the reveal. One of them, anyway.
"Mm. It's not your pleasure that they care about in those moments " He said nodding a bit but as Kasumi revealed his addiction to just the act, he popped his chopsticks apart to eat some of his steak. He hummed and closed his eyes. "Well- I know that if you love what you do, you really aren't working, and all rhat." He said as he chewed his cut. He paused to swallow. "Guess you're doing what you want to be best at. The money comes as a consequence?"
Kasumi nodded as the other took in what he was saying. Seeing the steak, he stole a small piece to try it. Oh, damn, it was great! He smiled lightly as he was caught and offered Ishida his own food to try. It was only fair as he stole some of his. There was no remark toward what he had revealed which left Kasumi feeling quite relaxed, finding Ishida someone to confide in. He may as well if they would be seeing each other more often. "Mm, exactly. I've heard that saying, too. I completely agree with it." He thought he was pretty damn lucky to find something he loved to do. It was strange, but he would have to thank his parents for it - in that really fucked up way. He had some more of his meal as he thought over the question.

"Yes, yes... More of a necessity than anything. I was homeless... so it's very much a need." The threat of being homeless again of course didn't sit right with him (as it, well, terrified him), forcing him to accept and sign the yakuza's contract.
Ishida picked up one of the tempura'd prawns, chomping it, tearing it in two and crunching on it. He nodded along as he swallowed and the crisp shrimp relaxed him further. "Mm, stealing is a crime! I'llbe reimbursed double" He said as he reached again, swipping a fried vegetable. "Ah, well it's a good thing you made the right move." He said as he nodded. "Your going to get better money than before." He added with a wink.

He sipped his sake, swallowing it up. "And have a place for good-"
Kasumi laughed softly; a crime? Yakuza? It was too funny. "Ah, as long as that is my only punishment," he jested with another laugh. "Ha, of course." As if he had a choice. Still, it was a good one. Even if his money was taxed, he would still take it. It felt good not to be on the verge of homelessness again. He felt bad burdening his roommate, so this way everyone was happy. "A place for good? You guys are too kind to give that to me. Thank you."

It was rather unbelievable such nice things could happen to him after such shitty things would. He soon finished his meal, feeling much better from earlier. He couldn't remember the last time he had such a filling meal. He had a lot to thank Ishida for, it seemed. He would do something for him, something really nice.

Four drinks in and Kasumi was feeling very nice. He had one burning question in mind, the words slipping right out of his mouth, "What made you join the yakuza?"
Ishida set his chopsticks down, the meal seeming to he winding down as they were stuffed. He lifted a hand to wave over the waiter but then Kasumi raised their question. He gave a small laugh and a nod. More so to himself. "I needed a place that I could thrive. Couldn't do it out there the legal way, eventually things got twisted between me and a street gang, but the clan jumped on the opportunity I created in the war." He said leaning to drink a bit more.
Kasumi quietly nodded. It was fair enough, Kasumi himself thinking he doing something almost similar. Being in a place where he thought he could thrive, doing what he loved. In a way, they both would benefit from the yakuza in some way. "I have no idea how to answer this myself, but if you weren't in the yakuza... what would you be doing~?"
Ishida tilted his head at the question, imagining the answer, rubbing his chin. "Hm....if I wasn't here...I don't know what I'd be." He pondered briefly. "If the answer isn't...dead. I might be trying to find some path to power anyhow." He said with a half shrug. He knew that it wasn't something direct, or tangible, but he certainly knew he didn't have the proper sense of civility that society wanted.
Kasumi laughed lightly at the dead comment. “Honestly, same.” They could absolutely relate in that regard. Something in power… that was totally fitting for Ishida, something Kasumi would come to learn. He wanted to see the other fight and protect him to get a real sense of who was guarding him.

“Actually, I may do something with clothing. I love dressing up and putting together outfits and styles.” He trailed off in thought, a finger tapping his lower lip.

It was nice being able to talk to someone that wasn’t looking for sex from him. Kasumi sipped at his drink, feeling hot and relaxed.
Ishida pulled himself up, taking out his wallet to set down some cash to pay for their meal. "Clothing design huh?" He said as he finished off the last of tye sake. He took a deep breath, tye buzz over shadowing his mind and body. "Ah~ let's head to the house!" He said as he shifted out his hand to pull up Kasumi to lead the prostitute out.
“Mm!” He hummed with a nod as he also finished his drink. He got up, swaying a little with a giggle. His cheeks were red, much like the rest of his visible skin. He felt so much better, the irritation he felt earlier had disappeared. He happily trotted along, leaving the diner.

Outside, a stranger had been lingering. A punk, somewhere in his twenties. He seemed to have been waiting for a certain feminine male to pop up. Upon seeing the black haired beauty step out of the diner, he grabbed for him, dragging him into the nearby alleyway right next to the diner.

Kasumi let out a yelp as he was grabbed, a hand covering his mouth to muffle a scream. He barely got his new guard’s name out, managing just “Ishi-!” He whimpered feeling a hand try to pull his dress up, fondling him. He tried to pull away, to shove and kick to no avail.
Ishida's buzz boiled with adrenaline as the sudden movement snatched away his ward, the drunken Oni coursing with a razors edge of brutish intent. The cry from Kasumi spurred him harder, rushing inti the darkness. Ishida could see the mass, hands seeking, lasting at Kasumi desperately fought back. The Maiden had no need to shive on their own. Ishida trusted his hand out, his fingers digging Hinton the punks cheek, hooking between his lips and dragging the young man off if Kasumi, ripping him away and throwing him down in the alley. "No free samples." He said as he reached inti his jacket, drawing out a switch blade...but while he walked the punk down, his poker face active, he opened it up, revealing a straight razor. "You wanna play? How about you try my games first?"
The darkness aided in hiding any revealing features, such as a slight bulge in lacy black panties the prostitute wore. He wasn’t hard, no, it was just the outline of his male body. As Ishida came around and threw his attacker off of him, the male shoved Kasumi forward, causing him to fall. He quickly pulled the front of his dress down, covering himself.

"Who the fuck are you? You got a pimp?" The stranger questioned, directing it toward Kasumi as he got up off the ground, lazily pointing in his direction. Was he drunk? There was a chance, sure. Spotting the blade in the man's hand, he laughed, calling his bluff. "Yeah right!" He challenged, though he did back up, putting some distance between them.

Kasumi got up off the ground, smoothing out his outfit. He caught sight of the knife, realizing that was what he felt in his guard's pocket. Oh, shit. He had some affiliation with the yakuza now, but he wasn't used to their ways. "W-Wait, Ishi-" Did he really want to see some guy die? Should he stop him? Could he even?
The Oni rolled his neck slowly as the man backed off, popping tension from it without breaking his stride. "If that's the case, Don't run." He stated with a smirk, whirling the blade. Kasumi would see his words fall on deaf ears as Ishida drove forward, using his empty hand to throw out a punch to put the pain down first and using the flashy blade to scythe out and to slice him.
The attacked laughed harder, not believing him. Kasumi swallowed hard, thinking he should remove himself, to wait back by the diner. Yet, he couldn't move, feeling compelled to watch. He winced as Ishida threw a punch and swung with the knife, actually managing to cut the other man. He could hear him yell out before backing away.

"You're crazy!" He cried before looking to turn to run holding his wounded arm, avoiding Kasumi completely.

Kasumi could only hope his guard would let the man go, watching as he passed by him. "I-Ishida," he called out, hoping to get and keep his attention. "Show me to the apartment. Please?"
Ishida flicked the razor upwards, as the man tried to turn, his other arm grabbing his collar and the razor pushing up to his neck. "Ah ah! Hang on!" He snapped as he whipped the man around to push him onto his knees. "Tell her your sorry, you scum!" He argued as he help the man hostage.
The attacker whimpered as he was grabbed and made to be on his knees, his head tilted back as the razor was pressed up against his neck. "I-I'm sorry!" He cried out, waving his arms out defensively.

Kasumi couldn't believe it, Ishida wouldn't let him go unless he apologized. He was worried he would feel it wouldn't be enough, so he smiled nervously, "It's okay! Truly, it's fine," he nodded quickly, hoping to be believed. "No harm done, see? I'm fine!" He checked over his arms and legs, not even finding a scratch.
As Ishida let the man apologize, and Kasumi accepted, he throttled him up a bit further. "If you look at her again, I wil cut up more than your arm!" He snarled as he got up in his face, using the edge of the razor to nick his skin...then shoved him away to let him run off. He flicked the razor and wiped it off, turning to Kasumi. "Are you okay?"
The crazed man didn't let him go and he didn't struggle, terrified he would be killed. "Y-Yeah! Got it!" He yelped, already bleeding from the small cut. As soon as that hold was released, he bolted.

Kasumi didn't know what to say. He could only nod. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." He swayed, quickly steadying himself. "He really didn't do anything." Nothing he hadn't dealt with before. "Apartment now? Please?" He walked forward, past his guard. The night air comforted him as he began walking, already feeling better from the shock of his guard suddenly attacking.

"Where'd you learn to do all that?" He asked after a quiet moment of thought. He was so quick to jump in, it was amazing.
Ishida followed by Kasumi, his display already fleeting out of his mind, he was simply used to violence and its applications. "What do you mean? It's nothing really..I picked it up from when I was out on my own. Got better while I was in the Syndicate" He said rubbing his head slightly
He had only seen one instance of the other protecting him, but Kasumi was already impressed. Most likely due to the hot sake making everything seem more than it was. It made sense, Kasumi nodding in understanding. "Very impressive~."

The walk to the apartment was mainly quiet, Kasumi eventually walking much closer to Ishida. "How much further~?" He whined softly, tired.
"We're nearly there" He said reaching out and put a hand on Kasumi's lower back to keep him moving. They came to a apart building, a complex that was upscale, a nice modernized exterior, lush greenery set up to frame the entrance with icy vines and flowers. The way around to their floor was short walk to the elevators and a ride up after showing their keys to the reception. The journey up to 4th floor let the Maiden rest their weary nody soon as Ishida unlocked the door for his ward.
Kasumi straightened up, once more steady on his feet at the hand on his back. Upon finally arriving Kasumi couldn't believe it. The place was amazing! "No way..." He said quietly to himself, looking back toward Ishida before entering the building. He pulled his set of keys out of his pocket to show reception, his doubts lifting. The receptionist couldn't be in on it, could they? He was quiet as he stood beside Ishida in the elevator, taking note of the floor, followed by the apartment number as the other unlocked the door. Entering, he slipped his heels off at the entrance, before finding a light switch and lighting up the place. Stepping fully inside, he was greeted by a spacious place, modern and fully furnished.

The kitchen was huge! The stove had four burners, not the usual one or two in some tiny places, and what appeared to be plenty of storage in cupboards. There was a full-sized fridge, Kasumi realized he could go shopping for food; with plenty of fresh ingredients. No more instant stuff. The toilet was separate from the washroom and he had his own washer. No trips to a laundromat!

"This is all mine? For real?" He asked Ishida as he passed by him, checking out the entire place. "There's a balcony?!" He called out from the space between the living area and the kitchen. He slid the door open and stepped outside, the cool breeze hitting him as he looked over the railing. His mind filled with ways he could decorate, where to place what.
"Well. Ours. But yeah." He said nodding as he slipped off his shoes by the door, and watching KAsilumi roam about the excitement and buzz letting him relax as he walked over to the TV, sitting down and flipping it on. His hand pulled off jis jacket, folding it up and laying it down. It was a nice place, but he didn't marvel too much, his mind focusing on tomorrow.
Ours~? So they were living together. That would make it slightly harder to continue tricking the other, but he figured he would work it out somehow. A lady did need her privacy after all~. He took in much of the apartment, and the view from outside was one of hopefully many perfect spots to view the riverway. He could imagine cherry blossoms lying right on top of the water. So damn pretty.

He left the balcony and made sure to close the sliding door. He passed by Ishida who was resting on the couch to watch tv. He realized there were two bedrooms, naturally. Entering one of them he looked around. "Which room do you want?" He called out as he found the closet. A double closet. "Nope, nope, never mind. This one is mine!" He quickly claimed the room, thrilled that he could fit all of his clothing and had plenty of room to spare. Shopping~?

Kasumi was only so excited since this was his very own first apartment and despite having a roommate, it was still his. This had to be the largest, too. His parent's home could never compare.

He wished he had all of his things already, but he would have to get up early enough tomorrow. He didn't want to bother Ishida, but his help would be great. Besides, he didn't have much, so it wouldn't take them too much time to move his things. Going over to the bed, he climbed into it and laid down, wanting to test it. The softness enveloped him and the warmth from the blankets quickly put him right to sleep.
Ishida looked back as Kasumi claimed a room, but he shrugged to himself, not particularly upset at it. Comforts for the money maker after all. He eventually headed over to his new room, laying down in the cushy bed after stripping off his suit. He tucked his razor under the pillow as he usually did, old habits never died after all.
Things died down at the new apartment, both occupants fast asleep. Kasumi only stirred when the sunlight shone through the next morning. He groaned and pulled the covers over his head. He didn’t want to wake up, not yet. Normally he would end up sleeping late, his job requiring such hours. As he was able to go to sleep early, he had risen early.

Sitting up after a moment, he looked around. His bedroom looked better in the daylight. Slipping out of bed he caught sight of himself in the mirror, wincing at the sight of his smudged makeup. Groaning, he left the room to see if any products were in the bathroom vanity.

He was impressed finding some travel sized products, Kasumi having to wonder if they all thought he was a woman. Shaking his head, he pulled his hair back and washed his face. This would be fine for now, until he got his own products from his friend’s place. Lifting his head, he wondered if his guard was around.

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