General RP The Oni and the Maiden -A MPIF and OD Prequel (Kasumi)

Ishida was silent...atleast for a while Kasumi would clean himself up for tye morning, removing old make up and sleep, the guardian Oni's shower could faintly be heard running for the moment eventually. He wasn't slowed by drinking last night. Probably using his own small travel product for the moment. Then again, would the organization provide him with more clothing and items to keep him ready for action?
Turning the water off, Kasumi could hear the shower going right in the next room. He was so close, though he gave the other his privacy. Drying his face with the towel he would wait to shower until he got his clothes from his friend’s. He hadn’t seen any clothes when he got a good look at the closets last night. For now he would have to wear the same dress as last night.

Slipping the key back into his pocket he went into the living room to wait for his guard. As he thought about it, there was a chance his guard didn’t have a change of clothes, either. He would have loved to thank him by buying him an outfit. Maybe when he had more money. He believed in repaying kindness. Even if it was Ishida’s job.
Ishida eventually came out, his shirt was wide open, showing off his muscular frame, still buttoning it up. He had some small markings on his body, old cuts or....more likely, a few stabbings. As he pinned in his shirt, he looked at Kasumi. "All good?" He said as he leaned on the door frame
Hearing footsteps nearing, Kasumi turned to look in the direction. Ah, how beautiful. He'd love that on top of him.

It was hard for a sex addict not to think that way-

His eyes fell on the scars, wondering where they had come from. Probably from fights. He gave a nod, "Mhm, come on." He turned the television off and got up from the couch. Making sure everything was off, they left the apartment. He showed Ishida the way, which luckily wasn't too far from the apartment he realized halfway through. It was strange having a guard following him around.

Reaching the apartment, he had Ishida wait outside, not wanting to scare his roommate. His roommate woke up as Kasumi entered, wondering where he had been. He told his roommate not to worry and that he found a place to live, Kasumi keeping things short and sweet. His roommate was happy to help him pack up his things, Kasumi bringing a few suitcases outside where Ishida was.

"Okay, done! You don't have to carry anything," he said, grabbing a suitcase in either hand. His roommate suddenly came out with another before disappearing back inside. "Oh, umm... Sorry, Ishida," he smiled nervously. "Thank you. When I get some money I could buy us some food and fill up the place. It'll be nice to make a homecooked meal." He explained happily walking back to their shared home. He wished he had enough to go shopping right now, Kasumi refusing to bother his guard. He wouldn't be an inconvenience.
Ishida was standing by, puffing a smoke while he waited fir Kasumi to pack and say goodbyes. As they came out, he'd pit it out. "No problem with that. I'll never turn down food." He said as he looked at the bags. Despite Kasumi's word, he held out a hand. "I can carry one. I promise not to hit someone over the head with your undies." He said
Kasumi smiled wider, "I'm actually a great cook!" He had to learn at an early age when his parents refused to make or leave anything for him. It helped when he was able to take some home ec classes in school. "What's your favorite meal~?" He asked, already getting some ideas. "Oh?" He looked at the outstretched hand before giving in, handing the bag to him, laughing at his joke. "Ah, as long as no one tries anything with us~! Then I think that would be appropriate." Defense with lady's panties worn by a man. It was pretty funny to him.

The walk to the apartment wasn't too long. They rode up to the fourth floor, Kasumi pressing the button, and taking his key out to unlock the door for Ishida. "Ahh, I can finally make this place my own." He mused before looking over to Ishida, wondering what his style would be. Kasumi's style was pretty feminine, pinks and whites, though he had his moments of preferring darker colors, and gothic lolita styles. He had a mix, with plans of buying more and trying out some new things.

"What would your home style be?" He ended up asking as he set his suitcase down in his room and began pulling things out to fill his closet and room. He would go to the bath vanity next and the shower to place his products inside.
"Favorite meal...I don't know, kinda depends on the time of my day alot of the time" He said as they walked and talked their way back up to the apartment.


"I try not to stand out too far, the one who runs the operations should have the good looking stuff. I go for comfortable stuff." He said as he let Kasumi break off to unpack, giving them time to themselves. "You'll probably be set up before long, when the afternoon hits probably." Ishida said as he leaned on the wall.
That answer was fair enough, Kasumi happy to settle on that. Back at the apartment, Kasumi could agree with a comfortable style, though he thought Ishida should be allowed to want things, too. "Oh, yeah, I really don't have much here!" He couldn't wait for the chance to go shopping; for clothing and food, he would be in his glory.

Kasumi spent the morning unpacking. He hung his clothing up in the closet, filling half of one side so far. Panties went into the drawer with some boyshort type underwear, closer to yoga shorts. It was comfortable when he didn't feel like being too dressy. He had bras, not that he really used them. Most of them were padded to give the illusion of small breasts. In the bathroom, he filled up each shelf with his products; skincare products, and when he got to the makeup he returned to his room to fill a little vanity he had. Ishida would hear shuffling as Kasumi went back and forth, putting this and that item away, sometimes deciding something would look better here rather than there. A typical woman, he may think. Kasumi just cared for his things~. He didn't become this popular without these things! The shower stuff came last, Kasumi deciding to fill the tub for a nice soak for the two of them. Not together, of course!

Finally finished by the afternoon, he took a step back, smiling softly. It was finally starting to feel like home. Inside the bedroom, he grabbed for his robe, unsure just yet of which outfit he wanted to wear tonight before moving to the bathroom. He took a shower, washing himself of the night before, using his own products. He would save the bath for later tonight.
Ishida opened his phone, reading a message while Kasumi was bathing and preparing. He closed the message, examing the kitchen stock, only finding a small complimentary fruit basket in the fridge for the moment. He hummed but walked to Kasumi's door. "Client is scheduled for 1! I'll make a little something to eat for the day"
By the time Kasumi was in his room, he could hear Ishida call out to him. "Eh~? Tonight?" He responded back. "Thank you!" Sitting at his vanity he was applying some skin care things before makeup. He went with his usual lipstick, blush, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. Black, as always. He felt much better after his shower and a fresh face. In his closet he looked through what he had hung up, picking something simple and in black. Most of his clients liked the dark, gothic girl vibe. Now that he was working with the yakuza, he had no idea who he would be servicing.

Not too long after, he left his room. "So, explain how this whole thing is going to work again~?" He asked, not totally clear on where he would be going... or if they would be showing up here.
"We have a scdeuled client that will send a location and we'll go deliver you to it. They might even request that they come to us here and have their fun. "For that purpose, we'll take up in the adjacent apartment for a degree of control." He explained as he saw Kasumi sliding out to meet him. He was scrolling through his phone, examining it. "I can probably make something up...don't know if it'll be crazy good tho"
Kasumi nodded, figuring as he would be delivered to the location Ishida would be close by. "Got it~. And you'll always be nearby?" He needed to trust that Ishida wouldn't leave him alone for anything. Dealing with the yakuza was something totally different. He did feel relief knowing even if clients came here, their living space wouldn't actually be invaded. This was his place - and Ishida's - and no one would ruin that. "Sounds like you guys have everything all figured out." It was impressive. On the topic of food, he took a peek inside the fridge, before looking into each cabinet. "Hmmm. What do you have in mind?" He asked, curious about his guard's cooking skills.
"I'll never leave you at the whims of the client. I'll be close by." Ishida said with a simple nod, sensing the need for that acknowledgment and safety. He walked around the kitchen. "There's a little strip mall down the block, I can grab some of the basics and I was thinking i could make up a simple Omurice and sear some potatoes. An easy meal that'll settle easy and keep things going." He said as he set out the rice cooker that he found in the cabinet under the island.
Kasumi smiled gently as he was reassured. It wouldn't be too bad and not too different from how he usually worked. He hoped he could please everyone, his clients and mainly the yakuza. "Omurice! That sounds great." He hadn't had that in a while! He couldn't wait to see the other make that. "I can hang out here, stay out of trouble," he suggested as he leaned against the counter. Or if the other wanted him to come with, that would be fine, too. After last night, getting jumped like that, he wouldn't mind easing his guard's nerves.
"It won't take long, if you don't mind waiting, I'll be back before you know it." He said as he filled the cooker with rice and water, setting it to prep and do the busy work while he was away. "All you have to worry about is letting me do all the work." He added in, stepping aside to grab his jacket and put in on. He departed ever so easily from Kasumi's side, locking the door behind him for the trip. True to his word it would only take but a handful of minutes until the guardian would return, made 15 as the day was pressing early and few were about. Opening things up again, he had a small bag of groceries, likely plotting for future meals once their business rose up.
"Sounds good, I'll be here!" He waved him off before heading into his room. While alone, he went through his shoes, placing them in the entrance shoe cabinet. This way it would be easier for him to slip them on before leaving. Before he knew it, Ishida had returned. He helped him with the bag, excitedly going through it and putting things away that he figured they didn't need for right now. He could already think of some meals he could make. Once finished he stepped to the side, allowing Ishida room to cook.
Ishida moved about the kitchen with almost a chaotic edge, bouncing about with tools foodstuffs, and tactics. cracking eggs in bowls only to pause and up the temperature on the pan, using chopsticks to break and whisk, and lobbing butter over near the heating pan. He elbowed open the fridge, using a hand to get the milk to add and make the eggs softer, and fluffy. He flicked the butter into the pan creating a steamy hiss as it broke down and boiled. laying the eggs in the pan with an easy pour, he prodded and rolled them about, folding and packing them. The rice cooker chirped and whined while he worked on it. "Kasumi, get that for me?"
Kasumi kept out of the way as he watched Ishida move about the kitchen to cook. It was quite the sight, though he seemed to be doing well. The rice cooker went off and upon Ishida's request for aid, Kasumi grabbed some bowls and portioned out two servings. He got the other ingredients ready, leaving Ishida to cook the rice with the onions and ketchup, and whatever else he wanted to add to the rice portion. He was prepared to help at any point, though he mainly left it up to Ishida. He wanted to see how well his cooking turned out! He also couldn't wait to show him what he could do.
Once the preparations were done, he set the rice upon a plate and rolled the pouched omelet on top, balancing it. 'The inside is creamy soft, should be rich if I didn't fuck it up. " He said as he set the plate down, gently swiping the omelet to let it unfold and splay open on top of the rice.
Soon enough Ishida was finished and Kasumi watched how he plated the meal. He clapped his hands together seeing the cut egg unfold, the curds glistening in the light. "Ooh! Beautiful. I'm sure it's fine. Now, to taste!" He complimented, sitting down with a spoon in hand. He cut into his with the spoon, scooping up some ketchup rice and egg. Eating it, he didn't find anything wrong. In fact, it was amazing. "Ahh~ this is great!" He motioned for Ishida to join him and eat. "Come on, it's delicious. Try it!" What a satisfying meal to have before a night of sex. With his business being controlled by the yakuza he had to wonder how many clients he would end up seeing.
Ishida set up his own plate, sitting down across from the prostitute to tuck into his own handiwork giving a mental sigh of relief. It wasn't that he was a terrible cook...but things had a tendency to vary in quality for Ishida. He hummed softly to himself, scooping and eating. "After the client comes up, you should have 3 or 4. You can take as many random hook ups as you can after that."
It was nice having someone sit across from him at the table, joining him to eat. He gave a nod, honestly finding the whole thing pretty fair. So far he couldn't find a reason to complain about the agreement. If it benefited both sides, why not? "Can I use that apartment for them as well?" He asked after taking another bite. Or was it strictly for yakuza business? He had to know these things! He couldn't act before finding out first, lest he wanted some trouble. He had some clients wanting him to take them back to his place so having that apartment would be great. If not, he would just continue how he had been.
"Long as they are paying, probably can get away with it, your working not fucking around." He said nodding, rolling some egg and rice together to keep going. Ishida however ate quite fast, of he wasn't talking, he'd be tearing into his meal. "Mm-end of the month, I handle the collection snd its brought to the clan."
Kasumi gave it a moment of thought. It was true, he was working, and the money would be going to the clan. As long as he got to do what he loved and still got paid, he would be happy. "Mm, and I get my piece?" So once a month, huh. He could manage. He was nearly finished with his meal and he glanced at the time, seeing how much he had left before he'd start up working.
"Taxes come off the top for set ups, the little ones will probably be taken out at the end of the night." He said as he slide his plate back. He eyed his phone and the clock, coming closer to time that Kasumi would spend on the job officially. He'd stand up when they were both finished to hand the washing. "Clients coming to us"
Finishing his meal, Kasumi got up to get a glass of water and offered to get Ishida one as well. "Ah. So soon. Better show me the other apartment," he said after taking a sip and handing his plate to the other.

The night was uneventful, clients came in and Kasumi worked, letting them use him for money. None of the clients found by the yakuza seemed surprised to find he wasn't actually a woman which relaxed Kasumi. He felt like nothing had changed. He just didn't have to go searching for anyone. Only if he wanted to afterward. A week had gone by, quiet and once more uneventful. The moment Kasumi had enough money he had gone shopping for food - with Ishida close by. He was able to learn what Ishida enjoyed eating so he could make them some meals. Anything the other didn't know how to make, Kasumi was more than happy to show him. The first breakfast he was able to make, he made omurice for the both of them.

The apartment actually felt like a home. He found he enjoyed living with his guard, some nights fearing losing him. Ishida didn't need to help him once, though it was a comfort knowing he was nearby. He did his best to protect his secret, ensuring he was wearing a robe whenever he was nude around his guard. Unless he outright told Ishida, the other hadn't a clue. Even as they shared responsibilities, such as laundry, his guard had no idea. Ishida respected his privacy, much like Kasumi toward him. No matter how much he may have wanted to jump his hot guard, he held back, knowing he would be satisfied by clients later.

That Saturday night, Kasumi showed Ishida how to make hot pot for their dinner. It was getting colder out and he wanted to enjoy a nice hot meal. He showed him how to make the broth on the butane stove right on the table and had his guard cut up the ingredients. Setting them up on individual plates, he set them up around the table with the different sauces. He even pulled out a bottle of sake, making it warm for them.

Nothing could be better than this, the words repeating in Kasumi's mind. It was once again time for him to work at the apartment, everything going exactly as it should, his safety net of Ishida nearby. It was a client Kasumi hadn't met before, found by the yakuza. Things were fine, up until they weren't. The client was being rough, and not the good kind, tossing him around on the bed, grabbing him by the hair. He liked it rough, but something didn't seem right. He was overly aggressive, ignoring or breaking every rule that was in place and Kasumi was becoming afraid. A yelp escaped him followed by a cry, Kasumi struggling to send out his signal to his guard. He yelled, hoping he would be heard.
As Kasumi's hand struggled to reach the alarm they set, a small button on the underside of the headboard that would strike an alarm in the other apartment, giving up to just scream, Ishida didn't take long. They were across the hall, and they had the key to the 1 bedroom apartment. He shoved the door open and rushed to the scene. He kicked the man in the side, to force him off of Kasumi. He was already in, jumping on top of the man to lay down the law.
The man tried to ignore the door bursting open, wanting to do what he came there for. Instead, the kick to his side had him yelping and dropping Kasumi.

Kasumi quickly pulled the blankets up, over his chest. Despite just being assaulted he was still protecting the illusion. He crawled back, his back against the headboard, wanting to keep as much distance between himself and his assailant. He was mesmerized by the sight of this man, his guard, jumping in to protect him the moment he screamed. Never having that before, it felt incredible.

The assailant struggled, fighting against the guard. He ultimately failed, looking to run out of the room, to get away from his own attacker.
Turning tail to run naturally only made the guardian more passed off a though Kasumi didn't get a full view. Yhe client had barely gotten towards the door before Ishida was on his back, slamming his head off the frame viscously, and started to scrap with him. Trapping him in and arm lock. Kasumi saw his protector plant a foot on the mand side, his arm extended, Ishida slowly bit surely beginning to twist to dislocated the man's arm from the socket for his troubled. He didn't let go either, after the pop came, Ishida switches to kicking, beating his chest , his ribs. Saving the face so he wouldn't forget anything from the head trauma. He wanted this lesson to stick.

Ishi eventually would let go, kickinhom out of the apartment and slamming the door to let the man...regret his actions. "Kasumi! Are you okay?" Ishida said turning to him, drops of blood all over his hands, his shirt.
Kasumi could only watch in fascination as his guard attacked the man. He held the sheet up close, tightly gripping at it. He wasn't afraid. He really didn't know how he felt. Just... amazement. The room was filled with the sound of his guard hurting the client, the dislocation of his shoulder making him shudder, the sound less than pleasant. The man was soon gone, Ishida focusing his attention back on him. His eyes widened, the sight of blood all over him. "Shit, never mind me. Are you okay?" He moved closer, peeling himself away from the headboard, crawling with the sheet still covering him. "You definitely need a shower. Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked softly, taking a bloodied hand to check it over.

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