Fantasy RP The Whispering Desire of a Queen (Deix)

Nov 10, 2022
Amelia sat upon a throne, next to her husband, the king. They had recently married three months ago, and it was all for political reasons. She had been a nearby princess of a neighboring kingdom that had come to the negotiation of- if she married the king, she could bring help to her people, who were dying from the recent droughts and scarcity of food. This in turn caused sickness along with the famine— yet, unfortunately her husband had yet to produce the promise he had given her, that he would help save her people.

He had been too busy with her ladies in waiting, and it had been soon found out that one of them had fallen pregnant, something that threatened her very future child’s position. Upon finding the news, she had immediately at first tried to become pregnant by the king, but he just wasn’t interested in her. Frustrated she knew it would be in her best interest to send off the woman and pay her enough gold to keep the pregnancy a secret, and raise the child without the knowledge who their father was.

But the woman proved difficult.

Languishing, Amelia later found herself that evening wandering the hallways- aimlessly walking around, trying to diverge another plan. Perhaps she could try the Royal Doctor in creating a concoction that eliminates pregnancies if ingested.. but even that she was wondering if that would work.

Dariel, her loayl royal knight was walking in hallway, looking for his queen as he was getting worried where she might be. He didn't found her at her usual places so he did his best to find her exact location. Being her guarding, he was present when she found out that the king got another woman pregnant. Secretly that made him angry since he valued queen Amelia more than anything in this world.

Over the little time of protecting her, he secretly started developing feelings for her. She was the most beautiful and inteligent woman that he knew. No other could be like, especially when he found out how much she cared about her people. The king gave him the task of protecting right after she became his wife. Ever since then he was basically her shadow, being with her everywhere to make sure she is save.

The last few minutes were living nightmare since he lost sight of her and how was desperately trying to find her. When his eyes finely saw her in the hallway, he rushed straight to her to make sure she is fine.

"Your highness, are you alright!? I got worried about you since I couldn't find you so I came to look for you." He said that kneeled front of her on one knee, looking up at her.

_ _ _
Amelia was drawn out of her thoughts the moment Dariel came to her- asking if she had been alright. She blushed ever so faintly from the concern in his tone, even though he wouldn’t be able to notice, due to the dim lighting of the candles in the hallway.

She gave a soft sigh and motioned for him to rise, shaking her head at him, “I’m fine, physically,” she murmured out, he would know she wasn’t fine mentally. What the king had done, weighed on her heavily, and she needed reprieve. Something to take her mind off of it.

She looked to Dariel again, and thought back to the first time the king had assigned him to her- for which she was very thankful, he had proved a great confidant, especially when she ranted about the king, where no one else would listen, Dariel would.
Dariel looked at her, feeling quite worried about the condition of her heart. She looked conserned and he genuinely wanted to help her somehow, despite the fact that he was just a knight. However, he was ready to do whatever she wanted him to. "My queen, I am willing to do absolutely anything to help you. Just tell me what to do and I will."

Her most loyal servent searched for her eyes in the darkness, desperately desiring to do something to make her feel better. Only her happiness mattered to him and he was ready to sacriface his own for her. "Is there anything that I can do to make you feel better?"

Without thinking twice, he got physically closer to her, since he wanted her to see in his eyes that he was prepared to do anything to solve her problems. His heart started be fast, knowing that he was this close to his queen. The low lights of the candles were barely allowing him to see her.
Amelia knew that he was concerned for her wellbeing. And honestly.. she was very thankful for it-- for him. But the moment he asked if there was anything he could do for her, in that moment, her heart fluttered- especially when he came closer to her and she could practically fall into his embrace. But—

She decided against it, and instead she took a step back and took his hands into hers. He could feel how chilled her fingertips were, considering the poor circulation of blood she had in her body. “ know I’d never ask that of you,” she murmured out softly. She looked down at his hands, and then back up at his face.
He felt her cold hands and looked at her face. This got him even more worried especially when she was holding his hands and looking him in the eyes. "What it is, my queen? I will do anything, just say what it is is?" Her knight was very confused now since he had no idea what she meant to say.

The fact that she acted like this front of him, scared him a little. He wanted to know more but didn't push her to reveal everything to him since he was only her servant so she had absolutely power over him. Gulping hard, he waited to learn more.
She took a soft breath and closed her eyes, before reopening them and looking at his once more. “I-“ she looked around, worried someone might hear what she had to say, before she hushed her tone and looked back to him. “Could you.. spend the night in my room with me? I— I don’t want to be alone again..” she asked of him now.

He would be able to remember that Amelia had her own room separate of the king, and this was because of the lack of intimacy they both shared- and it also made more sense on how the king got away with the queen’s ladies in waiting.
"Of course, my queen. I will be right by your side, guarding your bed all night long so you can sleep as much as you want." He replied right the way despite being suprised by her words. The knight definely didn't expected to hear this from her but he was more than happy to spend the night with her.

"Perhaps maybe we should go to your room now then. Someone might see us here but no would dare to check on your room." The man added looking directly into her eyes and smiling a little. Honestly, he couldn't wait to be in private with her in some well protected place.
Amelia nodded to him and let go of his hands finally, before moving slightly backwards and turning. “Yes, let’s go,” she murmured and walked towards where her chambers were.

On the way there she remained silent, not sure who would be listening, but she didn’t want to risk anything. It was only then after they were both in her room and the door locked behind them did she give a sigh of relief.

She turned back to him once in her room and gave a shy glance. “Could you…unlace my corset for me?” She asked, knowing it was quite difficult to get out of herself.

(Just an fyi I’m currently at work so replies will be spaced :3)
He nodded and slowly got behind her to start unlace her corset. His breath brushed against her exposed neck as he was breathing right against her from behind. His heart begun beating fast as he never got to be this close to her ever before.

"There you go... I hope I did well." He whispered softly in her ear after he was finely done but for some reason he didn't move. This strange urge to touch her suddenly appeared but he managed to control his impulse and finely made a step back.

"Is there anything else that you want me to do for you, my queen?!" He asked, looking at her from behind, admiring the shape of her body.

(Don't worry about it. You can reply whenever you want ;) )
When he was finally done, she touched the corset to keep it on her body before it would just…fall off. His words made her blush and she was thankful she was turned away from him in this moment so he couldn’t see her blushing.

She heard him finally step back and she bit her lip ever so slightly. And then she moved to do a much risky thing, and let her corset fall off of her body. All that was left were her undergarments which.. didn’t leave much for imagination. She turned and the soft candle light in her room illuminated her figure and she let her hair down. “Thank you..” she told him softly before he asked if there was anything else he could do for her and she gave another shy glance before saying, “ can first drop the formality, especially when we’re in here..” she mentioned to him.

The way her slip hugged her curves— the v-neck plunged and gave way to her supple chest, she was moving and they practically was on view for his enjoyment. “Plus, I’d much enjoy it if you did call me by my first name..” she admitted to him next.
"Amelia..." He gasped when she allowed him to call her by her first name. The view that he was getting from her chest made him freeze in one place, trying to figure out what to do next. Her beauty breath taking so he was literally speechless.

"You are very beautiful, Amelia... The king is a fool for not giving you the attention you deserve." He rushed to say without thinking twice which made him feel quite emberrassed. That's why he blushed a little, staring directly into her eyes.

The urge to touch her, appeared again. This time he wasn't sure if he would be able to control himself. He got mad at himself for desiring her, for having dirty thoughts about her and her body. The things that he wanted to do to her were so... Unholy.
She didn’t realize how embarrassed he was, and she became quite shy when he spoke the way he did and the way he directly stared at her, she adverted her gaze, especially when he began to call her by her first name. She turned and moved to her bedside, turning her head to glance at him. “You promise to stay by my side?” She asked softly, her cheeks warming up from that alone.

She was so uncertain of how she was feeling, and she knew that if she continued on this feeling that began to rise in her chest, she could never go back to how things were. She was most uncertain of the situation she was in. Currently she was married to the king but.. the king didn’t have that from being stopped in indulging in a secret lover.. perhaps she could do the same.

Plus, if she did forgo the marriage and became a princess again, she could marry who she wanted, right?

Like that could ever happen.
"Of course! I will stay by your side all night long." He slowly made his way to her before kneeling near her body with his head down. "My duty is to protect you and make sure all your needs are met. That's what I will do."

He was too nervous to do anything right, especially after being this close to her and she didn't had a corset on her body now. This was the first time that he was in such Intimate position with her. It felt weird but also great since he craved her attention all the time.

"I promise to do anything that you want. Anything that your heart desires. You will have it." He finely looked up in search of her eyes since she had her back on him now.
What he told her.. made her extremely shy- and she raised her hand to place it over her mouth, in case she said something he wouldn’t like.. what she desired?

What if what she desired was companionship..? Someone to share the mornings with, talk to them about what’s on her mind? Someone to hold her when the nights became colder, someone to embrace her and tell her everything would be alright..

And yet, she practically had that now, but not quite yet. Her ever loyal knight.. and she-

Amelia turned and moved her gaze to his searching one. Her perfect pink lips parted before she spoke, “Do you think…it’s wrong of me.. to..” she trailed off, and she shook her head lightly. “” She asked softly, her hear skipping a beat.

Her cheeks were on fire at this point, hell, her whole body was warm from his gaze and from what she was telling him.
That he did not see coming. The shock came after he hear her words so he was speechless for a few seconds trying to convince himself that he was not dreaming and that she really said that. "Um.... No! Not all! Especially when I desire you too... Like a lot..."

Gulping hard, he licked his lips, still looking up at her like a lost puppy. With a trembling hand he reached out to take hers and kiss it softly. "You are the queen. You can desire whatever you want. The only wrong thing is me desiring you.... I am your servent and yet I cannot stop thinking about you."

Internally, he felt happy that she wanted him. This gave him hope that she might become his. At least it was a fantasy in his head that she could be the one who would cross the line to be with him. Secretly.
“You are more than just a servant to me,” she murmured out now, still blushing after he kissed her hand. “You are my most loyal and trusted friend,” he would hear her say now. By the way she was standing he could easily stand up and embrace her if he wanted to. And she wanted him to.

“And…I’d like for you to be much more than just my knight, and my friend..” she admitted. Truthfully, she had begun to feel something for him a month into knowing him- yet she knew she had to focus on being the new queen, familiarizing herself with the new world she had married into and.. well, when the king seemed disinterested in her, of course her thoughts went elsewhere and to someone else.

As two more months passed, and after she had learned of the king’s treachery, of course her thoughts began to drift more to Darien and with Dariel there, here, right in this moment, she couldn’t help but want, desire more to happen.

But he would notice she was a bit unsteady on her feet, and perhaps the news of learning what the king did was doing more than just a mental toll on her, but physical as well. He would have to keep her health up and free from ailments as much as possible.
He slowly got up on his feet, looking directly into her eyes before huging her tight. "I will be whatever you want me to be for you, Amelia!" He whispered, feeling her breasts getting pressed against his chest. To hide his feelings wasn't sure possible any more as his desires were only growing by the second.

After gathering some courage, he finely decided to cross the line. After several seconds of huging, he broke the hug just to look into her eyes for a while. Then he suddenly kissed her lips. At first it the kiss was soft and innocent but later it grew into more passionate one. His hands grabbed her ass and started squeezing it.

His tongue went into her mouth as he begun exploring it. This lasted a few seconds as he took his time showing her how felt about her before breaking the kiss. "Do you have any idea how badly I want you?" The man whispered, staring into her eyes before he slowly started licking her face with his tongue.
When the time finally came, she was surprised when he suddenly kissed her lips. Amelia gasped and gave a soft moan into the kiss and slowly got into it more and more. She worked her tongue against his, feeling the motions come naturally to her even though truthfully he was her first kiss— not even the king had kissed her, not even on their wedding day.

As he squeezed her ass she only increased her motions against his tongue and her soft moans from it could definitely be heard. But at the breaking of the kiss, she blinked and pulled away at the licking of his tongue. She wiped her cheek shyly and looked away, “I-I’m sorry…it’s just I’m all so new to this..” she admitted, and it would struck him—

Amelia was a virgin.
He smiled when he heard this words. "Really? Well, let me teach you then." His lips kissed her again and his tongue went back into her mouth. His hands kept squeezing her ass before spanking it suddenly. The fact that she was a virgin suprised him but also turned him on greatly. Now he wanted her even more.

The kiss was getting passionate again as he squeezed one of her breasts and his other hand went between her legs, looking for her most sacred place to stimulate through her dress.
She nodded to him and then as he kissed her again she moaned once more, allowing him into her mouth before giving a small ‘mmf-!’ To his action of spanking her ass. The spank stung a bit, but that feeling didn’t last long because the moment of his other hand moving to squeeze her breast made a soft jolt of pleasure go through her body at the sensation of it.

It was when he reached for the middle of her legs, moving his hand to where her undergarment slip blocked the way that she moved and kind of stumbled onto the bed. Which in turn broke the kiss- but she was panting for her breath and she looked up at him with a shy expression, “A-ah.. gentle,” she begged of him, moving to open her legs for his easy access. And he would be able to see the glint of her arousal in the middle of her slit from her mostly bare pussy—her lips were soft and plump looking, ready for his taking. She settled into the bed and pillows, waiting for him to make his next move.
"Don't worry! I will be very gentle! I promise!" He said while looking at her with a smile. It was only nature for him to make sure she is alright and that she won't get hurt in any way while doing this. Her safety was his first consern.

When he saw her her bare pussy, he blushed and smiled. Her lady parts looked so innocent at first. This motivated him to be real gentle with her so when he got on the bed, he first leaned over to kiss her lips softly and rub her with two fingers very carefully. This way he was being careful. The movements were slow, up and down just to see how she would react to such touch down there.
Amelia gave a soft nod to him as he told her he would be very careful. She trusted him and- when he moved onto the bed to kiss her, she kissed him in return just as softly. She then moaned into the kiss as his fingers began to rub up and down her slit, he would be able to feel her arousal there- and how wet she already was for him.
His fingers continued to rub her pussy gently before his free hand was trying to pull down his own pants. His lips attacked her neck, placing soft kisses there as he finely managed to pull out his own hard cock. With a very careful movement, he pushed the tip into her wet pussy. Then little by little more of the shaft sinked inside of her. His "Oh, Amelia.... You are so tight for me!" He cried out before looking into her eyes and started moving back and forth.
Amelia continued to moan as he played with her- before she watched him fumble with his own pants but was soon distracted by him kissing on her neck. Once his cock was presented to her, she took a glance and couldn’t help but blush at the sheer size of him. It wasn’t until he began to slowly push inside of her, making her gasp out from how large he was. He would see her face wince a little as he started to move, but soon moans were leaving her mouth and she laid back more against the pillows with her legs up and around his waist. “A-and you’!” She managed to get out. If he looked down he would see the strands of blood from her purity being shed on the sheer arousal wrapped around his cock from pressing in and out of her depths.
"I hope that you like how big I am, Amelia." He whispered seductively with a smile as his cock was going much deeper inside of her.
His hips started increasing the speed of his thrusts as he was moaning right against her pretty face. "Ahh, I have wanted to do this for so long.... To be inside of you... To feel you up with my cock..." Her knight confessed while enjoying how tight she was for him. His balls were claping against her skin, making loud noises, proclaiming her pussy as his to own and fuck.
Amelia’s face began to redden from his words, she let out more and more moans as his cock deepened its thrusts inside of her pussy— her cheeks became even redder with an embarrassed blush after her knight confessed he had wanted to do this for so long. “A-Ah…I—I’m glad…it’s you…!” She managed to cry out in pleasure while her pussy began to tighten around his cock, making sure he wouldn’t be leaving her depths anytime soon
The man smiled after he heard what she said. This made him lean over and kiss her lips passionately while his big cock was pounding deep into her bleeding tight pussy. The whole bed was shaking as he was having his way with her. "I won't stop fucking you, I swear!" He confessed as he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. His hips were violent slaming against hers as he couldn't stop thrusting back and forth roughly into her.
When he kissed her she couldn’t help but kiss him back, the feeling of his cock pounding deep into her pussy was driving her wild. She began to feel something building up, but she wasn’t sure on what it was. It was only when he couldn’t stop thrusting roughly within her did she find out. She was already moaning so much and blushing hard from how he was speaking to her- everything was sending her over the edge. And as he fucked her, he would see how perfectly her breasts were bouncing up and down on her chest, even the way his cock was sliding in and out of her blood stained pussy- looked incredible. “A-Ah…D-Dariel..!” She cried out his name, her pussy tightening further before releasing its grip on his cock and some warm liquid began to spray out from her urethra- it was a milky, sticky substance, and it kept squirting out while she cried out happily as jolts of pleasure overtook her body. It sprayed up against his groin and a small puddle began to collect around where she laid.
"Oh thats my good girl! Yes, cum for me Amelia!" He whispered as he felt her pussy getting tighter around his cock after her having an orgasm. She made such a mess with her juices that it made him smile. "I am not done with you, Amelia! I will fuck your royal pussy all night long, I swear."
Her moans were so sexy, making her look even better with blush on her face. His eyes were staring at her perfect bouncing breasts as he was now violently pounding her wet bleeding cunt. The tip was hitting her womb, over and over again.
"Do you want that, Amelia? Huh? To have your personal knight fucking your pussy like that?"
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