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Two sides to every war... (Knight)

Local Time:
5:46 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Blaster fire and chaos rang across the field as TK-1209 threw herself into a small crater, covering her head instinctively as dirt was thrown up by another mortar detonation "Karrabast! Where are those damned Walkers!? We were promised reinforcements!" She shouted into the communicator, her only reply static. She was being fed dead air by command again even as the scattered remnants of her squad huddled around her "Alright, Alright... We've got a few more meters to the rebel trenchlines... If we get in there, we can wipe them out..." She took a deep breath, before turning to her men "Throw Smokes, get ready to charge! We've got a chance here, we just need to make this last push count!"

Mere moments later she was stood in said trench, her armour scorched from scraping hits and her blaster overheating from just how fast she'd fired at the... empty trench? They'd abandoned their positions and retreated, and she'd given her squad up to capture worthless ground. The battle was drawing to it's conclusion, and from the direction of the blaster fire, she could already tell it was a Rebel victory. Of course, that was before the ships she didn't recognize began to drop in from low orbit...

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Local Time:
12:46 AM
Nov 9, 2022
David felt blaster fire ingging and scraping at his armor, his heavy trooper suit, a rare model this late in the war. He had charged in to clear out a trench line , his MWC-35c Heavy Blaster set to auto fire as he started unloading on Imps. His helmet gleamed with the red bolts lashing his enemies. If he was younger he would have laugh, cried, and threw up from all ugliness of this war that just kept dragging through. But he had almost grown up in the fight for a free galaxy, his father wanted him him to carry it on for him.His comms crackled and spat out a garbled word. 'X-Rays...in'.

David looked slowed his stride as the Imps seemed to be surrendering as his squad closed in on their commanding officer. He turned to the sky as the unknown ships dropped in. "Prepare for Contact!" He heard rom his comm link, his fellow troopers falling into position as his team leader started to arrest their new hostage.

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Local Time:
5:46 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"All Units, Withdraw!" The Radio in TK-1209's helmet crackled through, even as she looked around at the approaching rebels. She'd already dropped her E-11 as the Squad Leader approached her, raising her hands slowly and calmly "You might have won this battle, Rebel. But you won't win the war." She stated bluntly, even as she noticed the Rebels all looking skyward. She assumed it was a fresh deployment of Imperial forces, perhaps even the AT-AT's she'd been promised when the attack had begun "See? Even now, our Reinforcements are moving into position to crush your pathetic defences. Perhaps if you surrender now, they will be merciful." Her tone was haughty, superiority dripping from ever syllable.
Local Time:
12:46 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"If that's an Imp Ship, I'm a fucking Jawa, you're coming with us." The squad lead said, his armor was weathered and scorsched, but it had the rebellion wing symbol along the shoulder plate. "Reave, call it in to HQ, and get us a welcoming ride for our new guest. He ordered over his shoulder, David shifted over to maintian the firing zone as another trooper dropped to a knee to start world on the long distance radio pack. "Alright Imp, hands out" The lead ordered as they pulled out some magnetic binds.
Local Time:
5:46 AM
Nov 14, 2022
TK-1209 sneered inside her helmet, but held her arms out as he brandished the binders "I gave you your chance." She stated, before her mind caught up with what he'd said first "Wait, what? What do you mean they're not Imperial?" She turned her head back to look and frowned a little, even if he couldn't see it. She stared into the reddish dust, before squawking in surprise as a blaster bolt lanced out and skimmed off her helmet, sending her to the ground in a heap.
Local Time:
12:46 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The leader dropped down next to their hostage. "VIP is hit, Reaves! Where's my rafip!" He called as hecstart to pull off TK-1209's helmet to see...if she had even survived the blow. "David keep low, Sigel, what do you see on the scopes!" He barked, David hunkering lower, starting to adjust his rifle pack for single fire mode, a slower but much heavier mode. Sigel drew out a binocular, starting to cycle the vision arrays to scan the dust for engagement.
Local Time:
5:46 AM
Nov 14, 2022
When the helmet came off, her eyes were wide open, and she was hyperventilating, a small scorch mark on her forehead the only trace of the hit. As the group all readied themselves to engage, a large mob of troops came flooding through the dust, firing wildly, their gear a hodgepodge mixture of Rebel and Imperial and other such besides. One was brandishing an Old CIS B2's arm as a rifle, even. And they rushed the Rebel lines, cheering and shouting madly.
Local Time:
12:46 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"We got a whole mob coming! ' Sigel said as he put his binoculars down and primed his rifle and started to aim down his scope on his cycler rifle to start Tru to pick them off. David drew himself up and flipping to his rapid mode again to start landing suppression fire.

"Stay down,, you're not going to die" the captain said turning around to join in the defense.
Local Time:
5:46 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Said Mob immediately scattered, going to ground as the rebels lay down fire, but there were just too many to be stopped, the way they split apart leaving the Rebels unable to keep all of them suppressed. Soon enough, they were at the trenches and blaster bolts were striking around them. TK-1209 pushed herself to a sitting posture, pressing into the trench walls for cover.
Local Time:
12:46 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"They're all over the place! Reaves, throw down a mortar marker!" The leader said as he fought back, using two blaster pistols to fire back. "Imp! You got your shit together? We're going to need help!"

David looked over as he kept up his barrage, fanning it to try to push back the horde. "Reaves?" He said over comes, noticing he hadn't replied ti the leaders orders. He looked over as Reaves was firing with his light blaster, but he was staggering backwards, a burn mark sizzling along his side as he was thrown down by blaster fire. "Reaves is hit!"

"Dammit David get the marker! We're going danger close!"

David backed up, his blaster hissing heat frim the jets as he opened it and just threw himself backwards, shooting as he took his steps towards his downed friend.
Local Time:
5:46 AM
Nov 14, 2022
TK-1209 had frozen up, but when the Rebel shouted at her she snapped back to reality, shaking her head and diving for her E-11 where it had been left. She snatched it up and began to fire careful, controlled bursts into the Pirates, backing up so she was next to the Rebels "What the fuck is going on!? Where the fuck are the Second Division!?"
Local Time:
12:46 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Somethings up! Best guess the long range radio is jammed! And these fuckers are coming for scraps like us!" The leader said as he dropped a pistol and drew a grenade, tossing it over the side of the trench line to take out a few more pirates.

David dropped down and grabbed a marker, a green metallic stick with a simple blinking signal fob on the end. "Marker in hand sir!"

"Hold onto it, on my mark! We're pulling out of this trench line!"
Local Time:
5:46 AM
Nov 14, 2022
TK-1209 muttered angrily to herself, before blaster fire came from behind them, impacting her shoulder and again throwing her to the ground, but before the Rebels could react, most of them were cut down by another hail of fire, David only survived from his heavy armour, but much like the Trooper he was incapacitated as well.
Local Time:
12:46 AM
Nov 9, 2022
David dropped to the trench ground as he watched his squad dropping around him, clinging to the waking world with all his strength, but the marker was just in front of him. He tried to reach for it, his vision spotty and narrow as he nearly touched it. His friends, his only real family getting shot down one by one , he tried to pop the top off. Hopefully the mortar team would had a bombardment fir these bastards. His fingers fumbled the capping before he completely passed out, the marker rolling off to the side, unspent.
Local Time:
5:46 AM
Nov 14, 2022
The next thing David would know, he was waking up on a cold, metal floor, stripped down to just his underwear. As he'd look around he'd find that he wasn't alone, the trooper they had captured temporarily sat across from him, also stripped down "Oh, great. You didn't die." She muttered, glaring at him "So now not only do I have the excellent future of being a Pirate slave, but I have to do it with a Rebel."
Local Time:
12:46 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Oh joy, I hope your live a long and messy life while I die quickly." David grunted as he looked around the metal cell around them, his muscular frame ached and protested such movement so soon. Getting shot down by blaster bolts wasn't so fun, in armor or not. "They took my fucking uniform too? Pirate batsrds." He muttered as he paced the cell.
Local Time:
12:46 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"You were foolish enough to jump into a trap, and you're unfortunately the most important member of your squad to survive the charge. Harp wad going to atleast treat you better than this" David said looking around them . "Peace and Order, by killing and stealing everything that can threaten the Empire. You are just so generous to every planet you touch."
Local Time:
5:46 AM
Nov 14, 2022
She crossed her arms, about to make another snide comment before the door opened and a pair of pirates walked in "So, we got these two... men 'aven't had a touch of 'em yet, wanted to keep 'em fresh for your master." The second pirate leant in and inspected them, stroking his chin "They seem well kept. Can they dance?"
Local Time:
5:46 AM
Nov 14, 2022
The first pirate laughed at him "Now why would we want that, eh? Your rebels want to turn the galaxy back to the Republic. No business there." he told David, even as TK-1209 stepped forward "Well then, I'm sure the Empire would pay a handsome reward for my return, as well as this Rebel's head..."
"Nah, no deal on that either girlie. See, my friend here represents a Hutt family. And they're looking for Dancers. Hope you both learn fast..."
Local Time:
12:46 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Dancer? Do I look like a Twi'lek?" David said stepping back. "I'm sure we can work something out here, I got alot of experience, we don't gotta go selling me to the Hutt cartels with this...bootlicker" he said. Somehow being trapped with TK was a bigger problem than simply getting enslaved....probably because he atleast could trust anyone else to actually help him escape.
Local Time:
5:46 AM
Nov 14, 2022
The pirate smirked, pulling out two masks and handing one to the Hutt's representative "We could try. But I much prefer the credits I know I'll be getting. Ta-Ta." He laughed as gas flooded the room, knocking the pair out in seconds. When they'd next awaken they were in somehow skimpier clothes, locked together in a small transport cell.
Local Time:
12:46 AM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD hm.)

David snapped awake again, grunting in the tiny cell, practically only a foot between them in this sardine can that they were wedged into. David was ordained in gold and fine looking gray fabrics, it accented just how built he actually was. A tight gray pair of shorts that...only made it more obvious how much meat he was lugging around . Women, and any kind of degenerate practically would throw credits to have him, even with all the blaster scars.
Local Time:
5:46 AM
Nov 14, 2022
As he looked at the Imp, she'd been redressed in an outfit of thin silks and silver chain, the fabric barely enough to hide the parts of her it covered, the rest of her body completely exposed. Of course, now he'd get a proper look at her form and note that without the armour and bodyglove, she was quite curvy. Not to the extreme where it would get in the way, but there was definitely enough there to make most men hide their groin in polite company. She gave a grunt as she awoke slowly, looking around and seeing him in his new outfit "G-Grah! What the hell are you wearing!?"
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