Two sides to every war... (Knight)

The woman shot him a look before continuing on "The first dance you shall learn is one you must perform together... And if you fail to perform, his eminence has a menagerie of creatures he will feed you too." TK gave a soft growl, before standing up and shooting David a look "If you... forget about me, I'll forget about you. When we make it out." She muttered.
She huffed, but soon they'd be too busy learning the dances to continue with the snipey comments. The first dance was easy enough, as were the next few solo dances, but the final one... the final one involved removing their clothes, layer by layer as they danced, ending with them pressed, nude, into each other.
"Whoa whoa whoa!:we're not getting naked, I'm not touching her like that, I don't even know if she's clean!" He said as the Twi'lek brought up the details of their final act. Ofcourse...with the alternative being consumption by beasts...David folded his arms, muttering a swear as he started at TK...then stepped forward. "You're lucky the only other option is to die!"
She glared at him, narrowing her eyes "Don't flatter yourself, scum. Your nothing to look at..." She retorted "If there was any other option, I'd have taken it by now..." She muttered, before readying herself for the dance. Soon, they were passing through it, veils and fabrics flying through the air, until they were pressed into each others naked bodies, a look of loathing on her face.
David threw off his garments, the light fabric drifting on the air, he moved for TK, dancing towards her as he was instructed, slow methodically as he swept her into his arms and brought her up onto his hips. His head cradled against her neck, feigning soft kisses down and around to her chest as they worked the dance, and the crowd trying to keep to the pleasure of the Audience.
Where his fabric fluttered in the air, obscuring and teasing, her veils basically vanished in the gloom as she threw them, dancing along with him even as she muttered obscenities under her breath, still pressing her body close to his when the times came to do so, before they finished in the precise center of the throne room, bodies pressed tight, her breasts rubbing his chest, his cock against her thighs. The feeling made her blush, but right now... it helped with the dance, so she didn't care. Aslong as it meant they wouldn't be thrown to the beasts.
As they pressed together, shecfelt his cock against her thighs...jump gently against her soft warm body, abd started to stiffen a bit. David looking to their new Hutt master, hoping this would be enough...and thatvthey would get taken away before TK got a fever food idea of the monster that was up against her.
The silence was painful, as the Hutt deliberated, before giving a loud chuckle and speaking to the droid next to him "His Eminence is pleased with your dance, and will not be giving you to his beasts tonight. You may return to your cells." And with that, they were dismissed, taken still naked back to their shared cell. When they got back, they'd find it had dropped in temperature significantly, and without even the meagre protection of their 'outfits' they would be forced to press together for warmth or shiver the whole night through.
"Bastard couldn't give up a good cell? We just got here" he said as he clutched his arms to his chest, but didn't speak to TK about sharing body heat. He looked at his bag we d, the mat and sheets that were both thin enough that one could have probably laid it out im the desert still count the sand grains.
(XD guy in the next cell: Just fuck or kill each other already)

David shifted close to her, pressing his broad chest to her back, curling close to her. Hus hands didn't go near her sensitive spots, but his arms curled around her all the same. His body heat balanced out the chilly cell that was trying to sap the warmth from their bodies and blannkets.

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