Fantasy RP Visiting the Moon Dancer (Noelle)


Master of Dungeons, Femboy Tamer
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Top Monthly Poster
Nov 9, 2022
In the city of Reza, a bustling hub of trade and travel, of wealth and industry, there was the Moon Dancer, an up-and-coming Inn that dwelled in the Emerald district of the city. A place that was often whispered recently due to the new owner and her staff, the beauty's that they were overshadowing the good service. Mostly due to the tales spun. A Drow, a dark elf that was apparently not a problem or a shadowy figure, but a kind, welcoming woman. And that she often wore absolutely no clothing. Most Stull would flock for the rumors but stayed nearby to gawk or get swept into the bar by the beautiful staff.

But the visitor that came that spring afternoon was no such man. The doors would open and the sounds of armor and boots would echo, a helmet figure striding in with a blue and lavender cloak, ordained with the sigil of Selune. His armor was a glinting plate, perhaps he was young, for he wasn't too broad of build. His hands came up to the helm turn and raised it off his head as he approached the counter to ring the service bell. A dark-skinned young man, with white wavy hair and half-pointed ears, his eyes silvery, his features sharp yet rugged. Not quite elven but not quite human either. The traveling Life Cleric had an adventuring pack on his back, a shield dangling off the side of it. He looked about the place, hearing the general hoots and chatter of the tavern section a ways away, taking his eyes off the counter and accompanying office space for the hostess while he waited.
The first to take notice of the cleric as he walked in was Willow, a young woman and the first of Miss Feina's employees, a waitress that wasn't necessarily chosen because of her good looks and tremendous rear, but those facts lent themselves neatly to the Moon Dancer.

She wore a short skirt and moved with a bouncy gate that suggested, rather than state outright, that she wasn't wearing anything underneath said skirt. A lot of golden-brown skin was visible between the edge of her skirt and the top of her stockings, though her radiant smile did its best to pull the eyes up there, rather than let them wander south. A big, bright, white smile, and charming hazel-colored eyes.

"Hello there, sir, how may I help you on this fine day?" she asked, taking a quick glance across the rest of the Dancer to see if her employer was anywhere. As the drow was pretty hard to miss, Willow figured that she was probably in the back somewhere fixing up something, or putting out some small fires, literally or not. This first day was eventful and hard on her feet, but she was glad that it seemed to be getting on well, for both her own sake and for her boss, who was endearing to her even outside of the obvious reasons.
The Cleric turnd onto the waitress, though she smiled so widely to keep all eyes on her face as often as possible, the newcomers eyes didn't even slip to her chin as he took her in. He smiled himself, polite and warm. "Good afternoon, im looking just to purchase a room for a while." He said as he gave hee a slight book. The holy symbol he had cranked and rattled at his breastplate. "I've heard this place was new, so I figured I should also support a new business." He added
"I appreciate that," Willow said. "I think you'll like it here. Miss Feina worked on the rooms herself, and she's amazing," she sounded like a schoolgirl talking about a crush as she talked about her boss. "I'm Willow, by the way. You'll be seeing a lot of me, as I'm pretty much the only other one here besides--"

"Is that a customer, Willow?" said a woman's voice from behind the door to the kitchen, behind the counter. Out from it came a beautiful drow woman, completely naked, her light blue skin completely exposed, uninterrupted. Her pussy clean from any white hair, and her prodigious breasts bounding and tumbling as she walked, her purple-colored nipples wide and swollen. The only thing she wore was a thin necklace with a charm that signified she was a member of Eilistrae's faithful, which probably went to explain away her nudity.

"This nice cleric wants a room and to support our business," Willow said cheerily, then looked over to the cleric. "I'll get you a water and some bread. Be right back!" and she disappeared, skirt raising as she moved, and ass fully flashing the cleric.

The drow, the owner of the Moon Dancer, smiled at the Cleric and leaned forward over the counter, heavy breasts swinging under her, barely ever stopping in their motion. "Hello there, dear. I trust the day is finding you well?"
The Cleric turned his head at the new voice, his smile that he had briefly shifting to shock but he managed to fold it back into that managed polite look. Though his eyes flicked away to look at the much more dressed Willow the second she spoke again. "Oh- well-heh!" He flushed as the waistress spun around, the motion enough to make his eyes track downwards. What kind if inn did he walk into?! The Drow had spoken up and he cleared his throat as he turned to the fully naked Drow, leaning forwards...his eyes were fixed on her necklace, the only thing she was wearing. It settled some tiny part of him atleast. Lolth was not here. His eyes moved upwards, almost pointedly making a effort to make eye contact. "Yes! The day is finding me quite well, not too bust- eh busy." He said as he approached the counter. "I've come for a room for a few days."
Feina smiled at that. In a kind and almost motherly tone, she said, "Well, then we'll be happy to keep you here for as long as you choose to stay."

She leaned forward, looking closer at the cleric. "Are you doing well, dear? You seem to be flushing hot around the face? Did you catch something on the road? Would you like some hot soup with your bread?" she reached forward and touched the back of her hand softly to his forehead, a look of concern on her face.
He shifted as she touch his forehead, a gauntlet hand gently touching hers as he eased it aside. He was certainly warm to the touch. "Eh- no. I'm not ill, but soup sounds nice. This armor is perhaps finally taking its tax in the warmth of the day. Um...shall I sign and pay now? What is the price?" He said as he fought to look down and not catch his eyes on the bare woman. He wasn't a chaste paladin, he certainly was feeling like the gods were testing him this day.
The naked drow waved away the cleric's attempt to pay. "Worry about it tomorrow morning," she said. "Today's a day for celebration. We're here and so are you. We'll get you into a room where you can get yourself out of that warm armor, and after you're in something more comfortable, I'll have some beef and potato stew ready for you." She reached underneath the counter and pulled out a tab with key on it. The tab had the number 4 crudely carved onto it. "Here you go, love. When Willow gets back she'll lead you to the room."
"Oh- well, I don't think that I'm to be celebrated so quickly." He said with a slight laugh but he took the tab up. "My name is Deni, Ms.Feina." He said as he clasped the key...he didn't know how he felt hearing her call him love. It made a odd feeling in him, something that he perfered to push back down. Deni tucked his helm under his arm, turning to wait by the excuse to not have to face Feina. His subtle change in stance showed her a scar, cutting from his upper lip to his chin as it was raised over the lip of his plates and padding.
"My lady Eilistrae assures that all who dance under the moonlight are to be celebrated," Feina said, and gave Deni a quick observation. "I believe your goddess might have similar beliefs on the subject, too."

As Deni looked away, Feina had moved quickly and quietly to appear by his side, leaning in, so closer her breasts were inches away from making contact with the cleric. She looked at the scar and pouted. "Oh, dear, where did you get that gash?"
"Selune shares the light with those that wish to seek her" he agreed, not aware of her movements yet. Deni jumped as she was suddenly so close to him, even his normally high perceptions so focused on Willow that she could sneak closer. "Its- uh- from when I was a boy- " He said as her breasts nearly touched on cool steel.
"She's a wise goddess. I can see why there's such a rapport between out faiths," Feina said with a smile, touching at the symbol of her face that rested against her prominent breasts.

She took another step forward, her fingers hovering over his scar, her nipples pressed against his armor. She didn't seem to react or care. "You must have had an active childhood, sweetie."
He flushed as she rested her body against his armor, the metal cooling her skin, her nipples likely perking against it. Deni wasn't sure if the drow was even trying to make the young man feel so aware. As she made to touch the scar. Hovering in closer, he turned, his hand faster this time to catch her wrist. His grip was firm at first, but he gently let go. "I fell as a boy, hit myself pretty bad on some rock" He said clearing his throat. "Are you cold." He said suddenly, trying to distract her onto anything else.
Feina moved her other hand to Dani's hand, the one that gripper her wrist, her fingers softly giving his hand a friendly stroke, as if to tell him, "things are alright here, with me" and when he asked that question, she slowly loosed her wrist from his grip and stepped back.

"Cold?" she asked. her hand rested on her naked hip. "Not particularly. Is it cold out of season out there?"

As she asked the question, Willow came in from the kitchen with a plate of bread in one hand, and two mugs gripped in the other, one of which was steaming. "Thought I'd bring ya some coffee, too!" she said, seemingly unaware of how the front of her skirt had caught on her belt, completely revealing her bushy pussy.
"Not seasonally so, but -" He paused as Willow saved him from forcing him to delve onto the nudist lifestyle the Drow led. "Ah thank-" He cleared his throat slightly as he couldn't help but note the way her skirt had been hooked. "You may want to fix your skirt" he whispered as he leaned to take the tray and a mug off her hands. He luckily was too flushed to burn any redder...or so he believed.
"Oh thank you!" Willow said, tugging on the front of her skirt. "Had the kitty out for all to see! Whoops!" she said without a hint of irony, considering who it was she worked for.

"Willow, would you also be so kind as to get him a bowl of soup?" Feina asked.

Willow nodded energetically. "Will do!" she turned around, and somehow the back of her tiny skirt had ridden up completely. The cheeks of her ass jiggled freely as she retreated back into the kitchen.

Feina took her focus back to Deni. "She's a lovely girl. She's brings a bright energy into this business."
"Her skirt seems ti be fighting for its life." He mumbled as he watched her leave, wanting to step after her to try to catch it, but he had his hands full. "But she uh certainly has a charm about her, a very good vibrant energy. I'm sure everyone loves her smile." He said. He wasn't even lying or downplaying. While he probably could bounce a gold peice off her backside, he had seen her dazzling first."
Hearing what Deni mumbled, Feina nodded, saying, "For someone raised into clothing she sure does have difficulty keeping it on," she said, smiling. "She should really consider joining my faith. She'd have much less trouble with clothing, then."

She lifts herself onto the counter, sitting atop it and looking down at Deni, her legs spread casually out towards the rest of the inn. "And you? I suppose you're out there doing good works for your goddess?"
"I'm not sure if most could survive it." He said as he went to sip his coffee, her hop onto the counter making his purse his lips to not bspill or suck it in. He moved instinctively, angling himself a bit to shield her, though more than likely everyone knew what she looked like. "I'm on the path back from a pilgrimage from the Moon's Eye Mountains. I've worked in the name of Selune every step forward and back." He said as he sipped the drink proper.
"I suppose to some it could be considered a more extreme act of faith," Feina said. "It is not for everyone, but it has served me and my goddess well."

Her posture relaxed and her legs spread wider. "It does my heart well to see a bright young man like you doing a good goddess's good work out there. You should take pride in that."
"I-i do." He said as she seemed to pause him, his heart feeling strange again from her compliments. No. No. It was because she was nude. "Ahem. Do you mind..." He said as he gestured to her legs. "Its...Uh distracting-" he said as if he hadn't been looking anywhere else. "I may think you're teasing-" he joked slightly
She smiled down at him and only seemed to spread her legs even wider. “Sorry,” she said, not sounding the least bit sorry, “I didn’t realize I was doing that. Of course, there’s no harm in a bit of teasing, is there?” She put her hand between her legs and started to massage her pussy in small circles. “It’s healthy to tease, just a little bit.”
Deni definitely felt his face burning hotter, but the elf noticed now that his eyes wouldn't draw away from her anymore, his fingers moving. It was like she had catch him in a charm. "Uh- well- n-no, maybe not but this is in public-" he stammered as she tested the Cleric. His eyes averted. "I do mine in private-" he said
Feina didn’t stop massaging herself. “Part of my devotion to my goddess is to dance when I am moved,” she said. “And that means a great many things. Currently, my fingers are moved to dance. You don’t have to watch the dance, but you seem to be good company, and I wouldn’t mind if we could still talk until the dance is over.”
He blinked. Moved...he looked over st her. "Are you...saying that you're in the mood? Or think I'm attractive?" He said said tilting his head as the elf was free to play with herself, though now he couldn't help but glance at her ever so often. "And uh...what shall we discuss while" He asked as he set the food down, holding the cup...lest he get ideas.
“To be completely honest, I’m called to dance a few times a day, and because I’m often busy, I feel it best if I just… grant myself release when I need to,” her massaging grew faster, deeper, harder. Her breath was heavier. She looked him in the eyes. “But there’s no denying you’re a handsome young man. I’m sure your presence had something to… something to do with my current… urge…” she exhaled.

“Let’s talk something simple. Tell me about you. Who are you, outside of your faith’s calling, the scar from your childhood, and the charming way you blush when you look at me?”
As she played with herself so opening, almost intensely looking upon him with every fresh pleasure she granted herself, her question caught him off guard. He almost expected something more...carnal, and lustful. He cleared his throat as she dripped fresh compliments on him. "Well...I am Deni Dey, born of the union of Man and elf. I'm the wandering pilgrim of the starry night, and healer of those that need it of me." He said taking a slow drink to think. "Deeper than that.. I'm the son of a slave, and my mother...was Drow." He said looking up to her, trying ti gauge if his words were effecting her dancing.
As she listened her fingers had switched from massaging to two plunging within her now wet sex. In spite of her overt sexuality, she maintained composure with her face, nodding along to Deni’s story with genuine interest and care.

Still, her breathing was hot and heavy. There was no denying she was close to finishing. “I could tell you were one of my kind. Perhaps that is what led you to coming here,” she said. With her free hand, she reached to Deni’s face and she stroked his cheek. “You’ve come a long way my dear boy. You’ve weathered many a storm, and I am happy to have you under my roof with… with me. Under my…” she shuddered. “Under my care…”

She gasped, her body turning rigid as she came, pulsing, her essence squirting onto the table. Her free hand reached to Deni’s shoulder, and she squeezed as she inhaled once more, before finally regaining composure.

“Thank you for speaking with me, dear one. It meant more to me than you would think.”
Deni coughed slightly as she spoke to him. Yep. Now, he needed to dance. "I'm um-undef your care-...yes! In the inn- ofcourse." He said as his brain caught up with her. God his head felt like it was on fire. "Well- I'm glad to Dance?" He said clearly still collecting his wits. "I'm not ...certain if I understand, you think that I'm meant to find you? Have you any visions? Or and Divination?" Perhaps she danced for that too.
She got down from her seated position, reaching for a rag and wiping away the mess she left on the counter.

“Nothing like that. Not yet. But… I have a feeling about you…”

Before she could say more, Willow came from the kitchen with a bowl of soup, her skirt intact for once.

“Willow dear, may you please show young Deni to his room? Room four?”

Willow nodded. “Of course boss!”

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