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Watching the Show (Craze)

Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
The song ended in a result of her returning back to the stage with a split move finalizing her show, blowing kisses to the crowd as men would stand and holler towards her and whistle while she exited the stage. A woman that was behind stage draped a coat over the star dancer with a smile "Did I see sparks out there?" teasing the young talent as an eye roll was the initial response to such a silly comment. "no" shaking her head as she made her way to her room to change into common pants and a hoodie with the hood up due to her preferring to keep her identity a secret for her own safety. Making her way down the hall she would enter the managers office, by his expression he was already in a shitty mood meaning he would "I am taking half your earnings tonight" taking the bills and taking half before handing her the rest. "Bring in more customers and we will talk" gesturing with a flick of his wrist for her to leave but she remained with narrowed eyes and crossed arms "excuse me? I am your best dancer, I bring in money every night. Hell the whole town is here at least once a week if not more, pouring their hard warned money into your bar" scoffing with disgust. "Give me what I deserve or find yourself a new dancer" holding out her hand for more of the cash he was withholding.

Standing up from his seat, hovering over her before beginning to laugh "Don't be stupid, girl" shoving her out into the hall where he pinned her to the wall "I run this place, you do as I say or I will fire you and no one will hire you ever again!" pushing off her. This was a first of her actually standing up to him so the reaction was unexpected, losing her breath took her a moment to collect herself "Seriously! You can't even give me a quarter of what you took from my set?" questioning back. He was ready to leave it at that for he was returning to his seat but when she questioned him, just pissed him off more "I gotta pay the bills to keep this place running, you know I get a percentage of what you earn" reminding her as he whips back around to face her. "Not fifty percent!" shouting back only for a hand to slap across her face, knocking her to the ground "get out of my face" slamming the door.

Not allowing tears to fall she got herself up and went out to the bar where she asked for ice while sipping on a fruity drink to comfort her soul after that hard hit. "thanks" taking the ice to hold up her cheek causing a slight sting at first before it began to grow numb.

Age: 20
Family: was orphaned at young age
Work: dancer
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Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Michael was sat by the bar, downing a bourbon and coke while Sia came out and sat by him. He was dressed in an open dark colored military like jacket, a white graphic tshirt, ripped jeans and black combat boots. He seemed old enough to be at the bar, but his face did not match his persona at all.

He gave off cooled, commanding energy but it seemed reserved. Michael was a man who was stationed here for several months, finally getting a break from the ongoing war. He was a high ranking general in the army, respected and revered by many.

He, like other war veterans, had sustained multiple injuries, some which had left him wounded in areas he never thought he could recover, one being his lower back. Sure, he still had pain…and even though he should retire, he wasn’t ready to give up yet.

Seeing the bruise on the woman who had just been dancing either meant her boss was a shitty, greedy person like all the rest, or she had ran into a fan backstage who couldn’t say no.

He downed the rest of his drink and slammed his cup on the table. Clenching his jaw, he looked at Sia, and slowly began to stand. He gave a small grunt and looked at where she came out from.

He didn’t say a word, but passed Sia and a waft of his alluring cologne could tell anyone he had money to burn. But that thought would leave her mind when he continued to make a beeline for where her boss’s office was.

The thing about Michael, he just…didn’t look like the type you would be afraid of. But he was very strong, and well built, easily 6 ft and above. His wide, strong arms could probably fight off enemies for quite a while.

The next thing Sia’s boss knew, was that his door was kicked open forcefully, breaking it off of one of its hinges entirely, and in stepped Michael, a death stare locked instantly and he looked at the pile of money on his desk.

“I’m assuming you’re the fucker who hit that beautiful lady?” He snarled out lowly, easily dwarfing him in size, and before the boss could react, he had him easily pinned against the wall. “Don’t you know it’s shameful to harm a woman?!” He began to bark his words like a commander in the army would, instilling fear straight to the heart like usual.

Name: Michael K.
Background: Redacted
Age: Classified
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Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Noticing a form to her right was no consequence to her until he aggressively downed the remainder of his drink before standing, heading in the direction she had just come from. A quick glance and immediately she realized it was the guy in the audience from her dance earlier, her cheeks flushed red as her heart skipped a beat before plummeting into her stomach. Setting down her ice pack and drink she hurries after the man unable to reach him in time by the sound of a door being kicked down.

Shock to becoming speechless was the first reaction out of the manager, eyes widening, even attempting to mumble some sort of sounds to form words but he had the wind knocked out of him when he was pinned up to the wall. His chair broken by the force as he was dangling to the mercy of this beast that did not seem at first glance to be an issue for anyone. His blood felt cold, pausing work to keep his body living while this man was offering a death glare that may be a promise than a threat. A few moments would pass in his attempts to struggle free then catch his breath to speak "She did not bring in enough customers so she had to pay for the stage time" coughing out a bullshit reason. "When she refused then well...I had to defend myself" shrugging as though he would the victim here.

By now Sia was standing in the hall witnessing before her a stranger defending her which was not a first but not to extent of going after her boss, the guy who paid her since she was sixteen to keep a roof over her head and food in her mouth. Currently her cheek was simply puffed out from the power behind his slap, her appearance would draw some unwanted attention from others when usually her beauty did that on its own on the regular. Then she spotted the rest of the money on the desk, guessing he was waiting until the end of the night to count it and put it in his safe. Leaning in she snatched the rest of the cash which caught the managers eye making his gasp "See! See! She is a thief!" calling out, receiving a scoff and eye roll from the dancer. "Only taking back what is mine after all this time" smirking a little until she eyes the stranger for a moment "he is not worth your time, he will do it to another girl if it means putting her in her place and keeping his filthy money." explaining with disgust in her voice. "With this I will be able to find a new place to dance..." waving the cash in her hand with pride and some joy. She loves to dance with all her heart, one way to escape this cruel world and do something she enjoys while others watch her story but she could not stand working here any longer, management was trash and security sucked with how many guys have ended up in her dressed room.

"Wait! Sia, please!" resulting to begging while still remaining in the mercy of this beast but he kept his eyes on the beauty that has made his business thrive "I'll pay you more! I will give you more stage time. Please don't leave!" a blubbering mess he was. Sia rose a brow in surprise to this but did not budge from her decision "good bye Danny" shaking her head from the lies he attempting to win her back.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Michael did not hesitate to keep Danny pinned, grunting softly as the sleezeball tried defending himself.

When he heard Sia speak his jaw twitched slightly and he cracked his neck, “Well, just take what’s yours and go,” he said cooly, although the words would make Danny’s blood run even colder. Michael’s usual gentle gaze was hardened and out for blood. It had been awhile since he had been in a scrap, but knew this man stood no chance.

Michael threw Danny onto the floor, and took his jacket off, beginning to use his boot to step on his chest, keeping him down with slight force, but to Danny it felt like a massive weight.

Once glance and Sia would see how strong Michael’s arms were, how in the hell did this handsome stranger come to her aid? Just right timing…

“Better go now, before you see something you don’t want to witness,” he said to Sia, his face and body language looked like he was about to teach Danny a lesson.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Hard to tell if this man came back here for her or he desired to put a man in his place for harming a woman, either way she got her money and Danny will finally he put in his place. But would she be comfortable allowing this, walking away she may not see it yet she will still know that it took place. Watching Danny be tossed upon the floor like a rag doll, the strange ripping his jacket off to reveal quite the physical example of a man, staring in awe was difficult to prevent even when he warned her to leave. Hesitant she glances toward Danny who was already attempting to shield his man hood along with his face by crossing his legs and his arms over his body "come man, you know how hard life is" nervously laughing to try and save his own skin, looking toward Sia in hopes she would step in.

A choice she hoped not to regret as Sia turned away, returning out to the main area where she took her seat at the bar asking for a strong shot. Pressing her cold compress to her cheek as she counts her cash after two shots, smiling ear to ear of the number she came to. That was when she finally took a look at the audience, some new faces in the crowd similar to the stranger whose name she may never know, probably for the best. Though his reasoning as to why he came to her aid would always be on the back of her mind.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
It had been a few minutes before the stranger had come back out, his knuckles covered in what seemed to be blood.

He sat back down in his seat, taking a napkin and cleaning his hands a bit. He pulled out his wallet, paid his bill and stood up, before he glanced at Sia.

“You need a ride home?” He asked suddenly, wanting to make sure she would get there safely, knowing how some men could be.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Hiding away the cash she took once it was counted she kept her gaze on the door, just waiting for the stranger to return. when he did she was not pleased with the blood on his knuckles that he so nonchalantly wiped off. Who is this guy? Expecting him to just disappear, vanish like most heroes. His offer struck her, a quick glance given to the bar tender then back to him. It was late and walking alone at night was exhausting, a night off would be a bonus.

Rising from her seat with a smile she nodded “yes, thank you” ready to follow after him. “Names Sia by the way” introducing herself hoping he would do the same. Such a mystery, drew her in for once, made her curious to know more. Usually she ignored men, lust filled creatures but he did not come off as such. He was different and put together.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Michael,” He responded, letting her follow him to his truck, and he even went and opened the door for her. Once she was inside he hopped in the driver’s seat, put his seat belt on and began to back out.

After a moment of silence he asked, “Just tell me where and I’ll take you there,” he let her know, the feeling of him being so well put together would let her put her guard down for once. Something about him…made her feel safe, even if he was just a kind stranger taking up for her.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Glancing through the parking lot as they b-lined for a truck which did not surprise her all that much. Already reaching for the handle she halts in time for him to slip by and open the door for her. Startled at first by such a gesture, never has a man done such a thing for her before. Biting her lip to hide a smile as she climbs into the truck, a dip of her head in thanks to his gentleman ways.

Settled in her seat with the belt across her body she eyes the streets as they head out, deciding to make him take her the long way. “Ya know, you don’t have to beat up a gals boss to get her attention” teasing the man. Her gaze switches from the road over to him “saw you in the crowd as well during my show” commenting she noticed him earlier. Not asking questions as to not seem nosey or dying of attention.

Currently all she had was a name and his truck as a way to identify him plus he taught a hard lesson to her ex boss. Finding a new place to dance would he hard but she can always find a way.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He kept his eyes on the road but she would definitely notice a small blush from her teasing arise on his cheeks. When she mentioned about the part of him watching her as she danced…he didn’t seem evasive but instead offered her some explanation. “Well when you see enough war like I have…it’s a refreshing sight to see someone as beautiful as you,” he knew that her small island was offered sanction from the ongoing outside war, but still…he didn’t know honestly when the next time he’ll be called back out.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A tilted head met his comment a out being apart of war and admiring beauty outside of it. Her gaze darted away from him, back to the road as she continued to guide him toward her home. “Thank you” she spoke quietly “for all you have sacrificed” referring to the horror he has been apart of. At least here they were at peace, the war remained over the mountain but the bombs still echoed.

Soon enough they arrived, a deep breath taken as though she did not wish for this ride to end “I know some of you are staying at the Inn, probably not getting a home cooked meal” she points out. She unbuckles her seat belt debating to offer him a chance of some real food. Not the gradnest cook in the world but it was edible.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He remained silent as she thanked him, knowing the horrors he had faced…thanks was hardly due. But he didn’t say anything about that. He then heard her comment as they pulled up to the driveway and he parked his truck.

“Well…a home cooked meal for myself..” he trailed off, giving a small sigh. “I can’t remember the last time I actually had a home cooked meal..”

(Did you see my tag on the discord server?)
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
The shock on her face was a raw reaction of his words, how long has he been away from home? Does he have a home? Currently staring his direction she collected herself to look away toward her little home. It held one bedroom, bathroom, small kitchen, and living room. Rarely she had guests over but he deserved a home few a short time.

Reaching over she pops the door open “I cook mostly Italian based meals, come” gesturing her hand for him to follow. Not even offering him a chance to deny her.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She would see him pause at the gesture, but something came over him. To share an evening with someone other than himself...he sighed and gave a nod, climbing out of his truck and locking it behind him. "Well you're in luck, I love Italian based meals.." he spoke, following her to her home. He assumed this place, although small, would offer some comfort that the inn room could not.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Slipping out her keys she would unlock the door swiftly before she stepped inside to allow him, shutting the door after. “I known it’s small but it’s home” quick to knowledge she had a small space but made it work. “Hope you’re not allergic to cats…” trailing off as she squats down to a calico trotting out of the bedroom. A meow n greeting followed by loud purring as Sia lifted the cat up. “This is my darling Ivory” nuzzling the kitty before setting her back down.

“Shoes off please” ordering in a stern tone as she took off her shoes. Walking into the kitchen she set out a strainer and pot, got the water in and began warming up on the stove. “Pene or fettuccine?” She questions holding up two boxes of pasta
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
When he stepped inside he took a glance around, already removing his shoes before she mentioned about her cat. “Allergic? No,” he spoke and squats down to Ivory’s level, reaching out a hand to her, “Pss pss psss..” he began calling her over, wanting to pet her.

At the question of the type of pasta, he glanced up, “Uhhhh…Penne, please,” he said politely, still trying to get Ivory to walk over to him.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Ivory would eye the stranger wearily for Sia has never had a visitor before, he held a strong musk to his form, he was large as well. Her ears pricked forwards as he calls to her in wish to pet. Leaning forward as her nose twitched, her tail low and ticking while she learned more. Eventually her tail lifted up as she approached tie man for him to pet her.

A giggle would sound from the kitchen “good to know she is friendly” prepping the pasta and sauce. She would dance around the kitchen as she prepared a meal for them both, keeping it simple since she was indeed starving. “Did you grow up with pets?” Offering the chance of conversation.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A frown formed by his answer finding that quite sad, animals were a joy to have around, companionship and entertainment. She plates the food adding silverware to the table and bowls “food is ready!” Announcing as she took a seat. Ivory would rub against the man until hearing her owner call out, pouncing away to her little bed by the couch.

“Shame, you come off as a cat guy” commenting as she gets herself some pasta, drizzled on the sauce and sprinkled some cheese. “Where did you grow up” noticing he was pretty reserved which was no surprise.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Michael stood and went to go sit by Sia, taking his fork and beginning to eat. After a few bites she would hear him respond to her. "I actually grew up here," he explained, but made a face. "At least, that's what I can tell from my records. I suffered a bit of amnesia resulted from a land mine blowing up on my squadron."

He continued to eat, pausing as he looked to her. "There's no record of my family, nor the house I lived in...nothing."

Michael took a pause, looking at Sia's face more. "You actually remind me of my childhood friend, as her and I were very close but..the more my memory came back to me, the more I remembered that the war separated us."
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Eyeing him as she and he began to eat hoping he enjoyed her meal, shock crossed her expression when he answered her. Clearing her throat she sat back, blushing a little by his staring after admitting she seemed familiar. This town was not that big, someone like him, she surely would not forget. “Really…” she hums with a nod before getting up from her seat to fetch a highschool yearbook. “Do you know your last name?” She questions gathering he may he a year or two older than her.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He hummed thoughtfully as she grabbed a yearbook, and when she came back over she would see him tilt his head. "My last name?" he echoed in response, and then gave a small frown. "Michael K..something, but honestly I think we were reassigned different names when we were drafted, something they said about 'secret identities' and whatnot." He explained further.
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A groan rose from her since him not even knowing his name made this even harder but she dan figure this out. Flipping page by page from clubs to individuals she found someone who resembles him, a grade above hers back when she was in highschool. A quick glance back and forth she pushes the yearbook toward him “think that is you?” Pointing to a younger version of himself.
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He carefully took the yearbook from her hands, looking close to where she pointed. His eyes studied the picture, and suddenly - memories began flooding back and he seemed lost in thought.

- - *Woooosssh Flashback time* - -

Malakai Nyugen was sitting at the lunch table, focusing on his homework in front of him. He munched on an apple and tapped his pencil. He was a senior in high school, about to graduate in a few months. There was threat of looming war and a possible draft, but he figured he would be able to escape it...since he was the only son of his family, they surely wouldn't draft him. Right?

He glanced up and saw his friend Raya near, and he gave her a curious look. "I thought you ate lunch already..?"
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Watching him take the yearbook over to his side of the table she was left in silence. The expression on his face seemed haunted, frozen as well like he was going back into time. Was he remembering?

“Eh, thought I’d keep you company” a gal with brunette hair giggled as she took a seat next to him. Being orphaned left her hungry outside of school but she always has as able to get by. Sneaking her lunch home to have for dinner instead, showering at school, dance club and cheerleading kept her out til after dark. She hared her foster home, so noisy and controlling, couldn’t wait until she was eighteen.

“Ya know, homework is for doing at home” reminding him in a tease like manner
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Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She would see him roll his eyes, knowing she was joking. "Well...true, but honestly, with my younger sisters...it's a lot easier here." He said and leaned back a bit. Knowing her situation he bit his lip and looked at her concerned. "Raya..." he said in a soft tone, "You know my parents don't mind if you stay with us.." he reminds her.

(I'm about to head off to dinner :3 )
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
There was that look her offered her every time he noticed she would probably sleep on the streets than in her foster home, was easier than dealing with the other kids around and constant chaos. A shake of her head was given as a light blush crossed her cheeks "it's fine, I have Dance late and I'll head home after" forcing a smile toward him. Yes, his parents offered on multiple occasions after he found out her situation and told them but she could bare being a burden.

(oo hope it is delicious! )
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Lol we’re waiting on food)

He gave a soft sigh, “Well…my parents gave me the opportunity to move into their rental before the school year is up and they said that you could stay with me if needed..” he mentioned now, closing his book and opening up his bag to put his things away. He looked to her when he was done, “Raya…please, it’s a small house but it’ll be nice for now,” he begged, he hated knowing she was sleeping on the streets.

(*coughs* it’s the house she’s living in now?)
Local Time:
2:57 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A blink was given toward him almost like she was reluctant of such an opportunity for a reason other than being stubborn, what would it be like living with him? She offered him a shrug "Eh, I'll think about it" not wanting to give him her answer off the bat. Would save her from being in the foster home but she was not eighteen yet, probably would not be hard to convince her foster parents to let her go long as she came around for the agent to stop in each month. Suddenly the bell rang creating a loud noise that could trigger the end of the flashback as Raya got up to her feet with an actually cute smile, hope in her eyes.

(Ah yes! She agreed to move in with him but when he was drafted she ended up living there alone, working every night to pay for food and such since his parents were kind enough to allow her to live there rent free. Until a new landlord bought the house from them before they moved and she had to pay every month)
Local Time:
11:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(Aw they shouldn’t move away tho ;-; it’d be a sweet moment when they reunite with their son again!)

As the flashback ended, Michael shook his head. “Raya…” he murmured out her name, sitting back a little. He looked up at the house, looking around a bit. “My parents..” he paused, looking back at Sia. He seemed like he had seen a ghost.
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