Reo steps forward, lifting his staff, spinning it and stabbing the blade he'd attached into the creature's head. He keeps his face blank, swiftly ending the creature's life.
As the staff whipped down into the zombies head, punching into its skull, the creatures head jerked aside, grasping out at Reo. The horror howling shortly as it put up the fight, it's brains still functional enough to try. The lowest bit of bestial savagery making it claw and push, kicking and dragging, scrapping noisily in the dust and dirt. The sounds outside were coming again, getting gathered....
Reo grits his teeth and pulls his staff back, and stabs again. He looks at the guy, "Put some of it's blood on." He motions to the creature. "It's gross, yes, but the dead will think we're like them."
"I'm not an amateur." The stalker said as they drew in, pulling the sickle. In the flash, they had slashed the walkers belly open, spilling rotting viscera and gore from God knows what or whoever they consumed. They used the sickle to rip out a section of skin, flaying it like paper to rub the blood on their coat, underneath on their clothing, careful not to use their right arm.
Reo sighs, wrinkling his nose. Her motions Pilot over, twirling his finger. The dog plops down in the pile, rolling himself in it, and then prancing away while Reo carefully coats his skin and clothes. "Aw. . . And these were new too. . ." He grumbles softly.
"Survival beats new." The stranger said as the small group drained and growled, starting to reveal themselves from the nearby alleys, body checking the doors an, grinding them open. The stranger stood statue still, the horde was smaller, 8 bodies deep, probably the previous shoppers that used to come here, or wanderers past that broke away from the greater horde in the area.
Reo sighs softly, going quiet. He shuffles slightly, glancing at the stranger and then the hoard. He goes still and quiet, holding his staff still, ready to spring into action if the zombies found them out. He watches pilot slowly lay down and sprawl across the floor, out of the way, staying olow and silent.
The walkers edged onto the shop, groaning and droning, grumbling and wandering. They were more passive, tripped at the corspe of theor fallen brethren. It's jaw cracking again the floor, but it only sat up, crawling about painlessly, it jaw dangling broken. The walkers passed by, stopping and lulling about...though the crawler shuffled towards the stranger slowly, pulling itself little by little towards them.
Reo watches the dead thing crawling across the floor, taking a slight, shuffling step towards it. He makes sure to move like the other zombies; slowly, limp, and listless.
As the walker approached, the stalker looked down, a faint trace of red seeping down their arm, dropping off a finger. They held still, their other hand gripping the sickle, silently raising , ready to slash for the brain stem of the zombie. They didn't take an eye off it, the others still seeking, sniffling, sensing the faint trace if living flesh.
Reo lifts the staff, close enough for the longer reaching weapons to jab through the back of the skull and come out between the zombie's eyes. He narrows his eyes, holding his breath as he slowly lowers the body before it thuds.
"We fight. There's only eight. We'll be fine." He glances down at the guy's arm, "And I can patch that for you."
The walkers corpse sagged between them, the other zombies picking up on the crunch of bone. Turning in their direction. "We'll see." The stalker said as the monsters started to shambles towards them, the killer pushed by Reo, the sickle hooking out and slashing into the side of the zombies neck, then twisted, severing its brain stem.
Reo rolls his eyes and watches for a moment before spinning the staff and walking forward. He stabs another zombie, gritting his teeth and wrinkling his nose. He moves to impale another one, but misses and shifts the staff to push the creature away.
The push made the zombie stagger aside, but it held onto the staff, unfeeling, unflinching strength pushed against it, leaning in to try to bite at Reo. A splash if blood ripped out of the the horrors next, is head rolling off as it toppled over. The scout flicking the sickle clean and backing away from the next zombie. "Work towards the windows, we don't have to scuffle up in here long" the scout said as they maneuvered, trying to hold atleast the majority of zombies in line of sight. The water in the back would have to wait.
Reo looks over, giving a soft murmur of thanks, yanking his staff free and backing away as well. He grits his jaw, giving a low whistle that had Piolet jumping up and darting from his hiding spot to Reo's side. "Five left, shouldn't be too hard." He mumbles.
"Energy and time are important. The more we fight, we burn both. " The stalker said cooly. The walkers only followed them, but the first to get focused and hungry charged, shuffling to chase them. The pack mayes hunkering towards them, branching to try to corner them.
Reo rolls his eyes, "You say that like swinging your sickle is tiring for you. What, do you not practice your stamina?" He watches the dragon dead thing and then hold his staff out, letting it impale itself on it, the wood going through it's chest.
"I'm right handed, bleeding, and haven't eaten in 3 nights. Bite me for being oriented to conservation of my effort-" The stalker said as they raked the sickle downwards, stabbing it into the head of one if the other zombies, forcing it around and pushing it into another to let them flail and trip into each other. The impaled zombie only kept moving forward, walking deeper and deeper to try to grab hold of Reo.
Reo grunts, yanking his staff out and stabbing the zombie through the head. He laughs softly, "Why haven't you eaten? Got no food?" He looks at the stranger.
"You forgetting how this all started or are you just an ass?" The stalker asked as they backed away, deftly stepping back and climbing out of the window sill, mantling over the glass remnants. They eyed the street, shifting low already as they listened, passed the shuffling and sounds behind them, but not picking up on any more horde or pack noises.
Reo Snickers, "I'm teasing. . . Mostly. I told you, there's benefits to having a dog that can hunt." He stabs the next zombie in the head, leaving two standing.
"You going to truck it around?" They asked, ignoring their other statement, the masked survivor not granting him the reaction. The last two walkers pulled themselves up and off the ground, managing to climb upright
"It's a full pallet, and your dog isn't that strong." They said shaking their head. "Doesn't help with terrian changes too." The walker grabs onti the staff inside of hits body, holding onto it tightly, waving and weighting the staff down
"Suit yourself. But we're not moving it all." They said indifferently, shifting as they put down the last zombie. "You check the back, I'll get the cart."
Reo scoffs, "No, come here." He moves over to his bag, opening it and digging until he found a sealed box. "I have a little medicine and some bandages, let me wrap your arm."
They looked at box, but shuffled closer, slowly offering up their arm. They weren't in a position to deny it...and it was better to use someone else's supplies while you could.
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