General RP Zombies and Mistrust

Reo shifts, moving to remove any clothing and old bandages. He assessed the wound, and thn sighs. "Sit down. . ." He mumbles,
opening the box, pulling out a stained, but clean rag to wipe away any blood, dirt, bodily fluids or anything else.

He tosses it to the side before pulling out a small spray bottle with clear liquid.

"Not isopropyl, vodka." He mumbles, "Ran out of the isopropyl forever ago, but I raided a few homes." He sprays the alcohol onto the wound, and then waits, counting silently, lips moving the slightest bit. After maybe twenty seconds, he pulls out a one time use wipe and wipes off the alcohol.

He tears open a packet, pulling out some gauze and placing it over the wound as needed. He directs the stranger to hold it in place as he places the bandages a little over the gauze and starts wrapping, fingers deft and swift. Like he's done this a million times.

He ties off the bandages once he finishes wrapping it. "Good as new. Ish." He grins and then turns, pulling out a needle and syringe. He attaches the needle and then pulls out a glass vial, using the now shot looking thing to pull some of the last dregs of medication into the syringe.

He frowns, looking worried as he twists lifting his shirt. He finds a bruise he'd felt bleeding and pushes the needle into the vein above it, injecting the medication. "Fuck, I'm almost out. . ." He mumbles.
Reo glances up, his gaze narrowing on the stranger. He wasn't sure he trusted this man enough to admit that he could die from the simplest cut.

He just shrugs, pulling the syringe apart and storing it. He sanitizes the needle. Really, you were only supposed to use the needles once, but he had been unable to find new ones for a few weeks now.
Reo sorts, "I'm not an idiot, I can take care of myself. I've been doing it for years." He stands, pulls his back over his shoulder, shaking his head. "Though, we need to find a pharmacy or something. Somewhere that might have held the meds I need. It's likely they haven't been raided of the meds I need."
"It's a dog. I don't care how smart he seems, it's babysitting to me. And if you want to waste calories we already don't have on threatening me, you're better off starting that up with someone else." They said as they shrugged at the intimidation. "If I wanted to kill you or your pet, I would have with the walkers."
Reo covers his mouth, laughing. He shakes his head and then pulls a dog whistle out of his bag, "This has a five mile range. I only blow it when I need help." He shakes his head again, still snickering.

"I'm not going too far up the road, and if I don't find one, I'll come back and we'll just crack open the case and carry as much as we can."
The stalker watched him go, moving to lie in wait, sliding out of sight,Just in case someone other than a walker came lurking for the water. The streets were so barren, stepping alone always could feel like it could be heard for miles, raided stores, husks if cars that were picked apart or abandoned to rot without any car. A pharmacy wasn't too hard to find the this small district, made for easy shopping.
"Ah that's it. You're just greedy huh? You want to act all cute so I forget that your a food ration? Hm? Is that it?" They said as they kept petting the dog, using both hands slowly. "Well jokes on you, I'll never forget- get it Hot Dog? Your little softie act isn't working-"

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