♜ Kasumi's Bouts of Inactivity ♚

It’s been like 2 hours since I ate? And I don’t have any pain! If I do feel pain, it’s pretty minor! Omg I hope this means I’m finally getting better ;w; it’s also been 4 hours since I had my last painkiller dose!

Embarrassing fact about myself but I snore and I’ve been told it’s kinda scary to listen to. So I am now super self conscious and I’m quite sleepy right now and I refuse to sleep and snore in front of all of these people.

At this point I’m a little more awake but yeah. I wanna see if I can go home. I’ll shower and then pass out in my own bed. I can eat jello and Italian ices and drink apple juice and black tea at home!
I just get told by my family that they can hear me snoring. That, and when I was admitted to the hospital for pancreatitis for the first time, I was put into a room with another person and they said I scared them. They told me it sounded like I’m struggling to breathe. Which I get, I have sleep apnea but really hate the cpap machine. It makes me assume by everyone’s words that I’m very loud and it’s super distracting and concerning to listen to xD;
I just get told by my family that they can hear me snoring. That, and when I was admitted to the hospital for pancreatitis for the first time, I was put into a room with another person and they said I scared them. They told me it sounded like I’m struggling to breathe. Which I get, I have sleep apnea but really hate the cpap machine. It makes me assume by everyone’s words that I’m very loud and it’s super distracting and concerning to listen to xD;
Omg, i have people in my fam with sleep apnea and when they sleep- Oh gods I wanna tear my hair out. But good thing I don’t live with them anymore. (I am really sensitive to the snores? Idfk-)
Lmao you guys are good! Hehehe

Someone came to see me (doc or something). He said it is for sure pancreatitis. It sounded like he said I’ll be moved to a room upstairs? owo dang. Plan is basically to manage pain and stuff. I’m already doing better so yeee and I asked about the upper endoscopy and he said it is a possibility but it’s not his department basically. Someone in gi will come to me eventually and we’ll discuss that yeee
Mm! My mother came to visit~ we got my nurse to come over and she explained some stuff. I was expecting a dinner meal but nothing was coming so she explained I’m NPO (not allowed to eat or drink anything), which she thinks is a strong chance I’m getting the endoscopy done. Probably tomorrow. I’m stuck here anyway so yee ;w; and she doesn’t know if I am moving to a room upstairs. She said maybe if a bed is available, otherwise I’m staying right here. Ah well~

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