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Game RP A Digital Hazard In the Realm of Arceus

Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
@Lord Sesshoumaru



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You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images
You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images
You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images
You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images
You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images


As things began to play out, over the past few days, over the Hisiu region, the sky had strange glowing colors, through out both day and night. unaware that these odd colors were caused by another world, connected to their own. however it was this day, in a small town, that a young lady, by the name of Ollette would finally get to start her journey as a pokemon trainer late in life. on average most started between the age of 14 to 16, yet here she was a young lady which lived alone at the age of 17, soon to be 18. unfortunately for her, Ollette would find this day was a day which she would end up sleeping in, as such she would end up missing out on a starter, yet able to get the needed supplies to capture her own, unless she wished to wait once again.

in the small lab of the town, the professor would be sitting at his desk, as the last young trainers left, leaving his starter pokemon all taken. leaving only a few unique, prototype pokeballs, and a strange prototype pokedex in his possession. sighing, as he rubbed the back of his head, thinking of what he should do, as their was meant to be another trainer starting this day, yet he was out of starters, and unaware of who this new trainer would be, for the individual had yet to show up at his lab.
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Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Olette yawned as she woke up, the girl sliding out of her bed and staggering up right. Ger hair was a mess, rustled and wild, her legs still tingles from spending her night fantasizing and dreaming, because she had been so ready, so elated, so...excited to own her own pokemon finally. To be a trainer. To catch and have her own team to run a train on her. Or as she'd tell everyone else. 'Train them to their highest potential.' She snapped out of her brief day dreaming, feeling her slit moistened a bit but before her libido reared up to distract her, she looked ar the time again. Her heart skipped a beat as she realizedvsge was late and she ripped her tank top off as sgecran to the bathroom.

In another half hour, she was sprinting out of the house in her gear. A Orange track jacket hung onto her shoulders, a white tank top that was entirely unprepared for its duty of containing the trainers monumental cleavage. She wasn't even wearing a bra, her girls bouncing and jiggling with every frantic step. Her ponttal whipped in the breeze, and her head shorts wiggled as her legs pumped, vibrating her curvy almost mind boggling body. She inherited her looks from her mother ofcourse, a beautiful Vixen in her own right, though she used her wiles to take the wealth of men, Olette had other goals in mind.

The professors door was pushed open suddenly as Olette came bouncing into the lab,a huffing and puffing from all the running
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Sitting their, the professor would click his tongue in annoyance. as he looked upon the young lady.
"Ms. Olette you are late, sadly you missed out on the last starter for this year, However I still have a few Love Balls, and Luxory balls, if you wish to try your luck with capturing a wild starter. "
as he spoke, telling the young lady this, the older well toned scientist would look over her body. one could say that this young beauty was quiet the eye full to enjoy for any male to look over. as it was, he would smile a bit, opening a drawer, as a strange device was pulled out of a drawer.

"If you choose to try your luck, the only support I can give is my Prototype dex. it should help you learn about some of the near by wild life. Mind you it is a prototype, and has little practical use right now. "
as he spoke saying this, their was an obvious look of lustful desire forming in the eyes of this man, however he was being very professional right now tours the young lady.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Olette's expression...while hebwas looking at her pretty face for the moment had switched to defeat ad she was told she had missed her opportunity to have her own first pokemon. Her hands touched her mouth, her arms accidentally pushing her heaving breasts together. But as he kept speaking she relaxed, dropping her arms heavily to the side...only making her unsupported girls bounce a bit. Olette honestly was a girl that knew she was insanely appealing to the eye, but she was so used to getting leered at that she didn't feel much need to be anything but herself.

As he explained his new plan for, Olette rushed forward, hugging the older man tightly suddenly as she squealed in joy. 'Oooo~! Professor you are always so nice to me! You even got me my own special pokedex!" She said as her soft body pushed up into his, letting him practically look straight down into her shirt as she embraced him. She was giddy, her skin was Warm and smooth. "You're such a good man!"
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"No, I am not a good man, however. " as he stopped himself, before Olette would feel his hands moving to grasp her suddenly, despite the age difference of her, and this 40 year old man. he would cough as he did this for a moment. " If you hug me like this, It could lead to something which might not be ideal for such a young lady. " as he was obviously fighting his own desires. his touches were as playful as any male would be in this situation, yet he had enough control not to push her over, and jump her, like many younger men tried to do many times from simple moments like this in display of affection. only reaffirming the difference between men and boys. despite his suddenly touch, but he would look tours the table.

on the table were two love balls, and one Luxory ball, which he would allow Olette to take all three, and the dex, however she would find he could provide more for the right offer, even if he did not say this straight out.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She giggled as she felt him touch on her. "Oh? Is that so?" She purred up to him, her body pushing against him now firmer. "How about this...I know you're a good man...but you are here...working alone...you are a lonely man." She said as she peered to him. "Maybe I can...make you feel better about that? But I'll need more pokeballs." She added with a wink
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"hmm, I see, then how much of yourself are you offering young lady?"
asking this, as if it was a real business proposal, however the fact remained, Olette was about to offer something no single man would normally refuse, at least in this town. yet more then that she could see this as a kind of training for dealing with what was to come. However the fact remained, now with the bartering on the table, Olette could see just what kind of deeds would earn her what rewards, and more so how far she would need to offer herself to get as much as she wanted if possible.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing this, the older man smirked for a moment, before suddenly forcing the young lady into a deep kiss, the kind only an experienced man could give. as it would seem to almost take away the strength from her legs. as the kiss broke, he looked into Olette's eyes.

"well then, to enjoy such soft lips, I guess I will have to part with a few of my most advance balls, giving you two of the more powerful and expensive great balls, or 3 more love balls the choice would be yours of course. " as he spoke after the kiss, his one hand now sliding down to try and rub her tender womanly area, unless Olette stopped the older professor. as he was now planning to try and tease her body into wanting more from him, then she was offering, with out offering much more in return as it stood.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Her legs trembled gentky a moment but as he spoke, she gripped his coat. "Mm-that's not enough!" she said a she grabbed his hand to pull his hand away. "Ha-I know my worth." She said smirking a bit at him though her face was a bit red from his kiss, her eyes were still sharp on his. An older man, an experienced one ye was, but Olette wouldn't be easy for any human. "For such a low cost, I wouldn't even let you finish." She teased. "Don't you want me to give you a good taste?" She said as she dragged her hands along his body, teasing her hand around his groin. "I know the way you look at me Professor, don't be cheap now!"
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
chuckling softly at how the this young girl spoke to the professor. he would look over her enticing body before sighing and preparing to do something and speak.
as she was teasing him with her delicate fingers running along his frame, the older man would suddenly pull Olette against his frame, as she would feel the intimidating bulge forming against her.
as he leaned in licking along her neck before speaking into her ear in a sultry whisper.

"so that is not enough, but it is more then fair for simple foreplay, as seductive as those lovely lips are, unless you can offer me something more, I can not offer you supplies worth more then two months of living expenses in this small town. " telling her this, before whispering how he had a unique one of a kind proto ball in his collection which she could potentially earn from him, but it is worth more then anything else in this town.
(think master ball, but would only work with something that has successfully mated with a target >..> Lust Ball or Ero Ball )

as he spoke and teased her in his own manor, his actions would show off his experience, and entice her body to feel a growing heat, however if Olette did not give in, she could easily use herself as bait, thus sating this new growing heat with some lovely wild monsters in the tall grass, or exotic monsters in the near by forest.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She smirked. "I didn't mean kissing you Professor- my lips aren't just fir kissing-" she purred to him as well, though ge could feel thevheat of her skin, the way they pressed against eachother, he felt her nipples hardening under her shirt as she felt his mouth on her neck. "Mmm-i can use my tongue, I can suck you so good you'll make me two of those fancy balls" she as her hand grabbed on the bulge, rubbing on it through his pants. "Maybe if you give me those prototypes, and your supplies, I can let you put this big thing between my tits you keep drooling iver?" She said as she let her hunger creep into her voice."and when you're going to cum, I'll let you put it in Mt mouth and I guzzle it all the waybdown"
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh my such a lovely deal, but for the prototypes which took years to make, I fear I need something much warmer and tighter to welcome my needs. " saying this in such a way, making it clear if she wanted his proto balls, the man was expecting to fuck her, but not saying it directly. However the fact remained. her teasing, and his misunderstanding was leading into some more enjoyable play for the both to enjoy. Yet at the same time, even if he wanted it, didn't mean she had to give him ether of her precious entrances. as her mouth, and tits could get her quiet the supply of love, luxory, and even great balls, along with some money to help start her journey. however the fact remained, Olette was quiet the catch even if only for one session, most men would kill to enjoy touching her body like this.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Mmm~it's only more one ball, professor! Come on~" sge urged as she stood on her toes, kissing on his chin and moved a hand, taking one of his and putting it on her breast. "Is one ball really worth more than these?' She purred as she squeezed his hand on hee breast, the massive mound larger than his hands ability to grasp. "If you can't throw it in for these, you haven't given them enough attention." She said as she pushed herself, pouting uo to him. "You'd be helping me so well, your favorite trainer!"
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she did this, he would bite his lower lip, before the man finally broke down and acted. pushing Olette down, as he was soon on top of her. moving to grasp her clothing his one hand pulling to remove her clothing, as the other hand would move to play with her. as he looked over her body.

"I told you, for that I can give you many goods, but the proto ball, if you truly want it, then I will take what I need from you first my cute little Olette. " saying this now showing a more dominating action, instead of the gentle man which was before her just moments ago. as he pinned her down at this point, Once Olette's girls were free, his other hand would move to slip into her shorts, and begin to play with her womanly slit. as he leaned in licking at her dark nipples, which complimented her light flawless colored skin. as this began, her hands could now move to unleash the massive, and intimidating cock which would be hidden by a bulge. able to put most men to shame, however a human would never be able to compare to the world of pokemon.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She yelped as he changed up his approach, her hands covering her breasts briefly as he freed his member. She bit her lip as he prepared to bare down on her. "Mm-I don't need it then-" sge said as she closed hurler legs in front of him. She looked Intimidated, scared even as she looked down at his monster he unleashed. But that wasn't reason...she was saving her first time still, she didn't want to give away to a human of all things. "I can't give you that place-" she said as she switched tactics of her own, showing him her vulnerability, inexperience even with a lewd body like hers.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
catching the young lady off guard, the man leaned in kissing her, and nipping at her lower lip, before speaking up.
"Oh, I do not need your womanly entrance, I can claim that dark star of yours instead, however if having some extra balls, money, and potions is enough, with out the guaranteed capture proto ball, we can settle for those lovely fleshy mounds and lips. " as he spoke assaulting her himself, despite how Olette now tried to refuse, she would feel how his hand continued to force itself between her now closed legs. two of his fingers able to find their way along her moist, puffy folds. as he was now in this mental state thanks to her teasing and bartering, however this would be a lesson for Olette to remember, that teasing some males would cause them to break with a body like hers.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Mm-ah~I said no!' She said as he rubbed between her legs. "Ah~and no fingers either-' she said as she tried to drag his hands off her. She weighed the option if letting herself offer up her ass...she had dreamed of sacrificing it to some big burly Pokémon that she had to please while in the midst of getting it on with another. But must to the professors disappointment she would push his hands away again. "Mm...you can use my tits. " She said panting a bit. Sadly the longer he spent trying to turn her on...the more her perfect fantasy of Pokémon breeding popped inti her head, overshadowing the idea of a proto ball for now. "Maybe I'll come back for it when I find myself needing help." She said knowing that leaving the offer on the table was certainly fair. Once she had finally given herself to a big strapping Pokémon, she wouldn't have to keep teasing her professor like this.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
hearing her adamant choice, the man would pulling himself off of her, only enough so he could reposition himself. taking a moment to position himself over her, so that Olette would be looking up close to the monstrous cock before her face. as he moved to press his palms into her impressive, and massive busts. his fingers sinking in as he grasped, and groped her massive fleshy fun bags.

"well then, shall we enjoy ourselves a bit and earn you that massive start up bonus?"
saying this to her, the professor seemed to be willing to leave her lower regions untouched for now, However little did Olette realize, that he was planning to enjoy her for much longer then even she might think due to how he planned to enjoy her breast, and deep throat her to start things off in his mind.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She seemed to calm down a bit as he listened, her eyes drawing from his member, to his face. "No surprises." She said as she reached up to grab his member. "Or you'll owe me way more." She added, pouting at him, her lips pecking a soft kiss to the tip of his cock, right against the hole. "Deal?" She said as she started to stroke him with a finger, her soft touch tracing on him to keep him focused on hee entirely.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"you want a good deal, how about, we combine those fleshy girls of yours, and that lovely tongue hmm? the more you can make me feel good, the better I can make your start my cute little Olette."

as he said this, it would not be long before Olette would soon notice hi slips moving around her belly. if she did not stop the man, and change position as desired, he would move to eat her out if she wanted it or not. yet at the same time, it seemed he was to the most part respecting her wishes, with no fingers, or penetration, but wanting to lick and suckle her tender nectar source. all the while his own wicked rode was throbbing and still apparently thickening with in her palms, with each delicate yet firm jerk.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Ah-where are you going? Thsts not my tits. Unless you want to offer more, the deal is only up here." She said as she firmed up her grip on him, squeezing his member as she stroked on him, using her carefully cared for nails to nip the sensitive Organ to remind him she had his pleasure in the palm of her hands. She pushed up so he wasn't able to straddle her anymore, starting to pull herself up.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
now with them up and in a different position, the professor would move to sit himself in his fancy chair. which would be able to keep his wicked member at a height where Olette would simply need to ether bend over, or get on her knees to be at the perfect level to use her bust upon the older man. However the fact remained, it would seem like things were about to go much smoother then she planned. even hearing his words as to if she made him feel good enough for a few releases with her mouth, and breast, their would be a special bonus with her agreed rewards. however Olette would find the instant she started the deed, he was already planning to for her to take him with deep throat abuse, after enjoying her breast for a bit, with a tit job to start things up.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As he settled, Olette parted his legs, getting up close without hesitation. She lifted her posture, using her hands to raise her girls the rest of the way before laying her funbags on the professor's lap. They were hefty and slapped on him, bouncing like jello. How a girl her age was so voluptuous, or well adapted to them was a mystery of her bloodline. The upstart Trainer framed her breasts with her arms, using her elbows to squeeze them teasingly in front of him and push them out before starting to engulf his monster member between them. it was almost a magic trick, swallowing him up in the soft, warm embrace of her breasts with ease, save for the tip. she leaned in next, giving it a few soft, playful licks, teasing the hole with the tip of her tongue and giving him soft wet kisses as she let her drool roll over him.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Quiet the amazing sensation for the lonely single man, as the young beauty began to use her impressive, and massive bust. plus dripping her slick saliva upon the intimidating cock between her soft fun bags. the action and lips teasing the tip only excited the man all the more, as he leaned back giving into the pleasure.

"Oh my, such lavish treatments. Young lady, No my cute little Olette, you doing this, will have to make me give you some special goods for sure. I never imagined such a young lovely woman would be so skilled with only the teasing. " as he spoke like this, complimenting her, even promising if she would come back periodically, and spend lonely nights with him, even if only once a month or so, he would truly make it worth her wild, as long as she was single.

as he spoke like this, sounding like the man was trying to pre purchase nights with Olette in the future, it was very clear he was thinking of not just supporting her adventure for fun nights with the young lady, but also trying to ensure he got dibs on her body once the chance showed itself.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
She hummed to herself without looking away from his face, up to his eyes really with every press and stroke of her body against his. "I get bored...I look for things to do to make me...feel thrills." She said between her kisses, her lips catching his tip , flickering out her tongue and started to stroke her tongue against the underside of his cock.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"hmm, well then, how about any time you visit me, I will make you feel all kinds of thrills, and pleasure as well. sense you will be off in the big world, it would only be once a month or every two months hmm?"

as he spoke making oddly cute sounds from the sensation of her tongue on his musky rod. the man was quiet something, however his offer would seem to be unique as he was making a special offer to Olette only. however while speaking like this, the moment she would begin to take his cock into her mouth, the man would move to push her head down, after the bobbing began. to push his impressive spear into her throat and gag her to quiet the show and sensation. however for now he would wait for the right moment. as to progress his assault upon her with out a second thought. while giving the young lady the enticing offer which most trainers would kill to have, yet with what she planned to enjoy in the world, Olette was not like most trainers.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Mm-you just want to feel these tits more-MKRK-!" She started to tease but as he suddenly pushed on her head, ramming his member down her throat, the monster tool making her mouth hinge wider and wider as he felt the insides of the hot moist tunnel. Her eyes squint as he forced her head lower, her gagging throat forcing some tears in her eyes as she fought the discomfort of such a large cock in her sensitive throat. Her hands stayed on her breasts, trying to press and use them to keep the professor under her interest as she pressed her tongue along his shaft.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 19, 2022
after some gagging would be heard, and the sensation of her tongue, the older professor would then release the pressure for a bit, only to push her back down, after giving Olette a chance to catch her breath some.
with quick, short pushes, making her head bob faster then it should. it would seem like every four or five penetrating bobs she would get a chance to breath for a bit.

the older man was using olette more then expected, however if she timed it just right, the young lady could easily take control, and push his chair over, thus getting the man onto the floor and under her. or she could continue to endure, his playful, yet abusive assault upon her mouth, and breast. more so the mouth, as he would play with her breast each time, Olette caught her breath for a bit. however after the first full assault, she would be able to see his glistening cock, and how much thicker it had gotten, as well as how the intimidating, and bulbous tip was bright red, ready for more action.
Local Time:
12:44 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Olette chose to endure his rough play for the moment, though it wasn't long before irbwas forcing her eyeliner and make up to running as her tears ran down her fave frim the strain and effort. But she allowed it to continue, fir the most part...she was fair sure if she could throat this man's cock, she could overcome whatever pokemon cock that she would fave. The idea of pleasing some raging monster seemed so much more terrifying...and exhilarating. As he let her go, he found her pushing herself down on her own, digging deeper and deeper....her gags becoming slightly less frequent as she trained herself, tatting her gag reflex to try to touch his base without using her tots .
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