Game RP A Digital Hazard In the Realm of Arceus

With each step she took now, it felt as if the little pup was trying to use her elbow like a fuck hole. as the warm member rubbed along the fold in her flesh. growing slick with each passing motion. however his sleepy head moved a bit snuggling into her all the more. as Salamon mumbled about needing more fun with mistress, needing to make her feel good as well. panting in it's sleep, as this would seem to be a slow process from his faint movements, combined with her body's own movements.

finally hitting the fork before her. the path pointing out, deep forest path, to the town's poke center, and supply shop, while the clear more open path led to the local gym, and small city. as the forest path was shorter, the longer more open path would lead one to a more populated area. ether way she would be able to get what she needed for herself, and for her companions.

as it was, faint movement could suddenly be heard from behind Olette. however the instant she would look, the bushes would move a bit. as something was hiding in them, and following, for who knew what reason at this point.
Olette looked down at Salamon, flexing her arm a bit, squeezing his member playfully. "You can fuck harder" she whispered into "the slumbering monsters ear gently, encouraging the monsters desires fir pleasure, to teach it to want more. She glanced up on the cross roads, after looking away from the bushes. "Hm." She started to walk towards the city path, figuring it would be better off, even if the path was longer.
Enjoying a relatively peaceful walk, as the weather seemed to be ideal, and the unexpected yet enjoyable sensation was given to her arm. a kind of play which Olette had not done prior, however she now had a glistening and sticky elbow as the little fluff ball began to finally stir in her embrace. only for this to happen in time for a voice to call out. a voice of a young man. as two of them would walk out from the sides of the path. both smirking, as the held their balls in their hands.

"Well look at this brother, we found a new trainer, perhaps she needs some help in proper training huh?"

"I think your right, we should have a nice little double battle and see how skilled she is, then we can decide the best way to train. "
as the two spoke to each other, as if she wasn't their to hear them, it was an annoying end result, but one which would mean she needed to let the little pup down and choose two of her pokemon to fight with, as she had three of them in their balls, and then again, as far as Olette knew, salamon was a new species of a pokemon which she had discovered, and bonded with.
Olette jumped slightly while she heard the boys at first, took engrossed in her little game with Salamon, her perverted urge to let her monster hump her elbow until she watched its cream shoot out. She swallowed slightly, sucking up some of her drool that she didn't realize she had pool in her mouth. "You two wish to battle hm? much money do you guys have to bet?" She said raising a brow as she clung into her Salamon...her arm worming and rubbing as she pet her partners back. She couldn't help herself, it was too big not to play with it.
"Well that's easy little missy, we got 1 grand each, so you will need to have at least as much as one of us if your gonna try, or we can accept a different payment. "
as he said this, the wicked brother would look to his brother who smirked, as he spoke up.,

"you see, our camp needs a good working lady, who knows how to calm the rowdy boys of our pokemon, if you lose you can ether pay us for work for us for a few nights hmm?"
saying this, with a wicked, and playful glee in his facial expression. it was not that bad of a deal for some one like olette, win gets a big chunk of cash for her coin purse, lose, and get to play with a wide assortment of pokemon, as a lustful nanny so to speak.

as the two stood their, blocking her path, they would seem to look on, however they did not seem to worry much about the little pup looking creature in her arm. as Salamon had finally awoke, and was perky in her arm. looking around, if not for the way she ran her hand, stroking the tiny stud. he would have jump into action already to attack the duo, however feeling the pleasure and soothing sensation of his partner's hand, he remained calm, albeit very excited and messy, making a mess of her arm even in front of these thug like men. who were waiting to hear if she agreed or not, for if she did not, they would just unleash their monsters on her in full attempt to simply take what they wanted. seeing a win in a battle as a legal way to get what they wanted.
Olette hummed as she turned slightly, rocking Salamon, at least it would seem, she was letting him angle his cock into her"sleeve to allow her good little pup to bust his load into a place without any display. "2 grand? I can pay that..." she said as she considered the implications. Afterall, they weren't exactly threatening her with either option. As long as she was guzzling monster jizz anyway. She was still picky about humans given her recent track record. "Fine. We'll battle you, I'll take your money, and I'll take one of your biggest pokemon." She said as she rocked Salamon properly now that he had finished cumming, petting his head as the hot goo pooled along the inside of her sleeve. Her oussy warmed at the feeling, instinctively wishing it was dumped somewhere she could clean up with her tongue before it cooled. "If I lose....I'll babysit your camp for free."
looking to one another, as they both smirked, the brothers would speak up.
"wait, you want to take one of our biggest pokemon? do you mean you want to satisfy it for us?"
saying this in a cruel yet lewd, and playful way. as he smirked, before pulling out a second ball, one which had a pink U on it.

"very well, if you can handle our boys, I will let you meet Big Beefy itself. " saying this with a wicked smile, the brother would seem to nod to each other.
before one called out a large insectoid beast known as Galispod, as the other brought out a large, powerful yet smaller fluffy fox like anthro pokemon known as Zoroark. "
these two were now called out and awaiting orders, ready for battle, however as this was the case, he now had a third ball hiding a monster the man called Big Beefy, as it was an unknown beast but in a special
ball made for more powerful creatures when being used to capture them.
"Oh no, 2 Grand and Mr. Beefy belongs to me." She said smirking at them, her eyes twinkling , showing a mere fraction of the true degenerate that the boys were facing. If Mr.Beefy was given away, she would try to do something to him. She set down her Salamon. "Okay Salamon, you can handle this right?" She said smiling to him encouragingly, the depravity in her eyes that chilled the wicked boy briefly seeming to become something different. She reached to her first, pulling out the Lust ball for her Lopunny to release him to the sight if battle.
Little salamon look on a bit confused before looking back to Olette as if wanting an explanation of what was going on. However the instant the alpha lopunny was released from it's unique pink ball. the stud would strike a pose, which would be intimidating, well if it was intimidating with it's sleek fuzzy body, and soft floppy ears. despite how powerful it could be, it came off as a giant cuddly pillow of a beast. which caused the two brother's to laugh, however this did not change anything, as the four were now out on the battle field, yet she had no Idea what this Mr. Beefy was, which resided in the Ultraball that was not being used with this fight.

Once the Lopunny had finished striking it's pose, the beast would turn to it's trainer, winking at her, as if showing off for it's bitch, before claiming her before all to see. yet it did not move to assault her, due to the enemies in the area. it was unknown how long it would obey her, s this creature should be to strong to obey olette at the moment in time. However it seemed the brothers were going to give her the first move, as the two she was using, appeared harmless and cuddly. which would prove to be a mistake on their end.
Olette flushed slightly, her body already tingling at the multiple ways she was potentially going to indulge in the worst of her urges. As her nipples hardened a bit, she fought down her bodies nerves that were making her excited. She had to focus on battling before she was opening her legs. "Lo-Lopunny, hit that Zoroark with a- " she hesitated as she tried to think briefly. "Double Kick!" She commanded as sge then looked to her Salamon she raised her other arm, her sleeve sticking to it as she points . 'Salamon! Blast that bug!" She was gaining confidence steadily, ready to see her studs in action.
as she spoke, the Lopunny would look at her, as it swayed one of it's digits at her, in a manor as if to say no no no, however it smirked, before back flipping, and Axe kicking the Zoroark instead, using it's own decided. however this attack would be very ineffective due to how flashy the attempt at using it was. Yet the little salamon would look to it's partner and smirk. before shouting Puppy Howl, as a powerful bubble of sound and pressure hit the Gasilpod. knocking it back quiet a bit. but not out of the fight. as the beast would then begin to kneel down, and begin to rush tours the Salamon, in an attempt to Skull bask it, which the small fluffy digimon would simply jump onto the charging insectoid, running along it's back and hopping off as it ran past and into a near by tree.

the Zoroark seemed to have vanished, as a mass of darkness began to form behind Lopunny, preparing to come out of it's illusion, and try to sneak attack the alpha rabbit. however the agility of the Lopunny could easily dodge if not for how it was acting out, and show boating instead of actually fighting. as it did not see ether of these opponents as a threat or worth the effort.
(XD Lopunny is like 'Nah baby, I'm going show you my good moves' lol Olette needs some badges.)

Olette blinked as she saw her Lopunny denied her, making her flush slightly in embarrassment as it showed off. Hardly ingredients using proper techniques o despite how she tried to command it. She gripped its ball gently, knowing that she'd better keep the Lust Ball at the ready for once the battle was over...her Lopunny would want to properly put her in her place. But before the thought made her mind wander, she heard the sonic bubble pop, making a boom to snap her to attention as her Salamon leapt away. "Hit him again!" She cheered on , bouncing up a bit, drawn inti the battle more and more...though her half jacket and shirt bounced along with her braless assets.
As the agile, little puppy like monster move about, making after images of itself. one would think it was the double team skill, when in fact it was purely the raw speed the small digimon was able to produce when moving swiftly. The odd show of impressive skill, and power would be mind blowing, however every now and then, her little fluff ball would stop panting hard, showing that it was still a small beast with limits. However little did Olette know, that the biggest difference between creatures like her bunny, and the others, versus this digimon would be how they could produce such dangerous power, when nearing the limit. let alone the fact she had yet to discover how her pokedex had transformed into a new kind of device. Unlike the impressive fight going on between the digimon which was mistaken for a normal type hound of some kind. her Lopunny would be struggling with the Zoroark, as the illusions kept confusing the rabbit. however it's speed and agility made it so the combination of attacks, and evasion,. as this went on, it would seem like if Olette directed the Salamon, which she could give a proper nickname to, if she wanted to keep it's name hidden from these men, as it could help her Lopunny once it was done with the Gaslipod.
Olette laid her hand on her pokedex, well the device that used to be merely a pokedex. She clicked a few buttons, starting to film the battle before I re her. She tried to yell her commands fir her Lopunny, to make its mysterious weaving opponent come to light. If it could land a proper fighting type kick, surely he would force the Zoroark even futyher on the back foot. Her camera scanned over to her Salamon. "Sal! Bring that Galisopood down with another howl!"
Giving the order, it was rather easy for the digimon to beat the large insectoid, however it did take a bit of effort, and stamina, hopping around and dodging. as the Gasilopod was now down, and out. leaving only the Zoroark, which was giving the Lopunny a harder time. albeit taking a few hits periodically from the powerful bunny. yet nine out of ten attacks would hit illusions. allowing the stud to get knocked around, albeit not very effective. as it was almost like the death from a thousand cut kind of deal with each small attack beginning to slowly wear the alpha down. However if Olette looked, she would be able to see how only the real one had a shadow, thus if she could draw it out into better lightning it would be easier to track, more then that, she could direct her Lopunny to attack the right one, or have Salamon interfere.
"Lopunny! Get it out of the shade!" Olette yelled as she spotted the tell from the illusions. She thought briefly, looking around at the field of battle. She had to move things out into the light. She rushed over to the edge of the field, skimming the edge to stay out of interference range. The trees made some shade, but at the edge of them, the sunlight was much clearer. She just needed to draw the battle closer to the light. "Sal! Blast that one!" She commanded as she pointed at the shadowed copy.
As things began to come together for Olette, as her duo fought well, despite how only one of them was following proper orders. yet it did not take from the fact, this was still winnable, albeit a challenge for her as Lopunny was to busy showing off, to properly follow the orders given. As salamon began to fight harder, and faster with orders, tiring out due to it's smaller size, and expending energy for so many attacks, and skilled movement.
"Don't push it Sal-" she said realizing that her Salamon seemed to be getting exhausted, his blasts taking up more of his strength, the Zoroark's copies in the face of two opponents finding itself getting fewer options to use its illusions. Olette pulled out an Oran berry, thinking to throw it to Salamon soon to revitalize his energy.
as the fight began to go south, the Zoroark would seem to be trying to move itself closer to Olette, as if wanting to use the risk of her getting caught up in the attack to cause hesitation in her partner's assault. However little did this fluffy fiend know. if it got it's real body closer to the woman. she could then do something of interference if she so desired. yet things at this rate would not last much longer, as her duo were winning slowly, thanks to the reveal of the shadow which gave away the real one.
Olette watched the monster trying to drive the fight closer to her as she reared back to lob the berry at her Salamon. As it brought itself closer to her, she raised a brow slightly. A brief though of the monster taking her hostage crossing her mind, her skin warming as it got closer, it's keen nose picking up on the fast she had moistened up at tge split second of though.
as this happened, the Zoroark would soon appear before Olette, as it had the arms spread out, a smirk on it's fluffy face. as it seemed to almost reach for her, as the Lopunny began to rush for it's mate, and trainer. only for it's strike to pass through the illusion in front of Olette. as she would feel the warm soft fuzz of it's paws suddenly reaching up to grasp her breast, and the other against her belly. the beast pulled Olette back as it took hold of her like this. the trainers laughing, as they would look to Olette.

"Admit your stronger then we expected, but admit defeat, and no harm will befall you, keep up the fight, and I think your own partners might hurt you more then Zorks their. "
as he spoke up, his partner laughed, as he admitted he didn't think they would need to play dirty to win. however little did ether of them know, the pokemon was acting out behind her, as it's own erecting could be felt growing and probing between her thighs, however with the ball in her hand at the moment. Olette could recall her alpha, which would still leave the little Salamon out, which had no ball nor could be he caught like a pokemon which none of them knew at the moment.
As she was seized up, she shrieked in shock and fear as it held her hostage, her pokemon watching their trainer/shared bitch get handled. She struggled and squirmed, putting up a hight against the least that's how it looked to the humans. She pushed forward leaning away, her lower body bitting up against the Zoroark's growing erection. Her short shook around, dangling on for dear life , let the beast feel her bare thigh and warm skin. "You cheaters! You're afraid to lose that bad! My Lopunny will beat your asses!" She said angrily. Those feelings were genuine. She was being cheated out of apparently a beefy monster dick that needed a warm place to put a load. Even if the Zoroark was appealing to her little hostage thoughts...she wouldn't make herself a easy hostage.
Laughing at how she threatened them, the two brothers would smirk to one another before the older of the two spoke up.

" tell ya what little girl, you surrender, and give us a show worth our time with zoroark, as he seems to have taken a liking to ya. We will keep our money, but give you beefy if you can sate our wild stud their. "

As he said this, it was obvious with how they saw her movements that olette would refuse. Unaware of how excited this was making her body, and driving her instinct to be used flare up.

As this went on, one of the paws would move to suddenly pull her shorts down to her knees. Doubling now to almost seem like a weak form of leg bandage and allow its hot rod to begin to slide against her swollen puffy lower lips of olettes breeding entrance. As her two partners could be Seen preparing to try and flank the dark typ now using her like a hostage and plaything.
She gasped out loud as she felt the beast yank down her shorts, her natural proclivities clanging around against the words of the trainers. She was winning, technically she wasn't losing out on anything. But as they began to flank her she looked up at them, shivering as the Zoroark had her exposed. "You still would owe me 2 thousand bucks-whybshould I just give up because you two are too Torchic to give me a fair fight-" she said scowling as she swung an arm at one of them, taking a swipe ti slap them as best she could.
"Oh that's simple, we never intended to pay you regardless, ether we win, or you lose. besides think of it like this. we always look for young ladies to sate our monsters. if they are strong we play dirty, if their weak we can do this fairly. " as the younger brother spoke up with a wicked tone to his voice, the older one would smirk, as he stepped back away from her swiping hand, as the Zoroark managed to slip the tip into her a bit before sliding back out of Olette, teasing her all the more. as he slid himself against the young lady. giving her own partners quiet the show. however as the two spoke up like this, it would reveal to her, that the brothers she was dealing with, were two of the men which were behind so many trainers, disappearing in the area for the past several years.

yet little did these men know, they found an ideal fuck doll for monsters, but at the same time, a woman who could make any beast with the pleasure of her body, and attention combined turn on even their own owners, and trainers if given enough lustful interactions. which was something even Olette had yet to discover about herself. However now it was made very clear these two believed they had this taken care off, as the two monsters she controlled watched Olette, waiting for the chance not to get an order but to tear her away from the zoroark, which was actually lifting her up onto the tips of Olette's toes, as it moved back, not allowing itself to dig deep into her yet.
"You bas-StARDS-" She yelped the other half of her insult as the Zoroark breifly slipped its tip into her. The slip was barely a second but the monster hmfelt it nearly grasp and suck its tip onto her folds. As it backed out it smelled another blast of her sweet pheromones assault it's senses, preying on the Beasts impulses already. She was a sweet peice of meat, it's body was ready to fill her, and her scents were making it all the most horny. Why was ot just waiting for its masters to speak. Olette hissed out as sge flushed with anger. This was the second set of bastards that were preying on her and making her life a pain. Even being held up on tip toe to and potentially dragged away to be the bukkake slave of a bunch monsters was somewhat dimmed (about 2 or 3 percent) by their treachery. Her hand gripped her Lopunny's ball. "Lopunny- get them!" She tried to order
Right as she was about to give the order, the last part which would escape her lips before getting interrupted would be the Get, however the last part would end very quickly. as the thick throbbing cock of the Zoroark suddenly fully slammed into her depths, balls deep, as it's warm fuzzy sack slapped into her flesh. however pulling completely out once more, only to slide along her hungering moist folds. this beast had been trained, not just for fighting but for teasing hostages. as it seemed to know right when to assault the senses. enough to cut her words off, and cause Olette to drop the ball she held for Lopunny. as it hit the ground, and rolled tours one of the brothers, who picked it up, and recalled the alpha bunny, before it could reach the man which had picked up the ball.

his younger brother like companion would smirk, as he began to move tours the little puppy looking creature, which growled and began to back away. as salamon looked between the humans and Zoroark. however the way her facial expression kept changing, confused her digital partner. yet little did Salamon know just how perverted his partner was, and more so how this hostage ploy seemed to play on all her desired senses, being ruined by the human's cheap antics to follow along with it.
Olette's words caught in her throat, giving out a strangled cry as the monster forced its way into her folds. Her sex was hot and inviting, her walls flexing and hugging , massaging it's invader. She tried to yell another command, but while it rammed her, she yelped out and couldn't force them from her lips. "Sal-" she managed to choke out as sge saw the trainers approaching her partner. Her slit was getting wetter around the her assaulting beast, the sweet sensations it enjoyed in pounding young women only enhanced in this one. She started to squirm, trying to fight again, housing and gyrating her hips. "Go! Run-" she commanded as she disrupted the Zoroark's tactic, forcing herself ti already be moving to keep it from properly stunning her with its cock.
( time for pervy Uppies )

Now with how the young beauty squirmed against the wicked little dark type. feeling his hold on her, his wicked little spear rubbing her in all the right ways, as well as the periodical piercing deep into her before pulling out. just enough to keep Olette from drawing enough strength to do much. more then that, her toes being the only thing touching the ground at this point. as salamon heard her orders. he would seem to shake his head, as the little fluff ball tried to rush tours her now discarded bag. as it would soon become clear her digital pup was trying to figure out how to release the victreebel. however by doing so, it would make the men notice the smaller fuzz ball, as such take a risk of being captured, and taken from olette, thus it might be necessary to ether get more demanding if possible as she endured such teasing abuse, or to submit to the wicked brothers which were now inching closer to her, and the zoroark.
(XD Pervy Uppies?)

She saw her Salamon running for her fallen bag, knowing thst he was planning to aid her regardless of her attempts. While her toes brushing the grass, forced to take the Zoroark. Her pulse was quickening, feeling hot all over as her body was eager to make her assaulting beast give her more. Hecore flex, squeezing and milling on it as it thumped against her. "You-you think- this will-stop me from getting- away!" She said trying to find her voice, to keep the men looking at her as a petulant Victim.

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