Game RP A Digital Hazard In the Realm of Arceus

Releasing her fluffy companion, Olette would find herself practically tackled by the tiny Buneary. As it hoped into plump fleshy bosoms. Hugging her breast ad snuggling into them excitedly. However the reveal.of a little price ready for action would be warning enough that if she released the alpha lopunny it would not be as gentle. As this little one was ripe to abuse and be sated by her but was more of a gentle playmate, as to the alpha being more aggressively domination by her experiences thus far.
Olette giggled as she hugged the Bunneary close to her breast. "Hey boy! Yiu want to warm up Mommy?" She cooed as she snuggled him closer. She knew that her Lopunny would likely would be much more domineering and hungry. It wasn't exactly a problem, it's feral determination to mix up her insides until she was a puddle was her naturally favorite thing about him. And she had left him inside all day. The nagging of guilt nipped at her thoughts as she sat down against her victreebel, putting her foot on the ball to roll it over to her gently.
Having rolled the ball with in reach at this point. The young lady had a choice release now and let it loose or wait till it wad a bit later and warmer. However as it was she had a large cushion of a victreebel sleeping under her. A cute cuddly little Buneary snuggled between her breast, as it even rubbed it's warm little slick price against her. As if trying with horrible fail to tit fuck and snuggle olettes breast at the same time. Yet once her stud was out things would go from peaceful to last in the blink of an eye. Perhaps even waking and luring her poison type into the mix with her bunnies.
Olette smirked as the bunny rubbed against her with its prick, giggling softly. "You guys really like those." She said as she lifted him higher, letting him push his member between her tits. "You want to use these hm? Fuck these?" She whispered gently as to not wake her Victreebel. She weighed her option, considering sneaking a away with Lopunny so her other mon could rest while she tried to let him work out his needs. He was a strong monster, she figured he could protect her on the walk...or stagger back to the stream side.
Given her options, Olette would soon. Be able to see the look in her little companions eyes as he repositioned him for the assault on her breast. All the more with e full moon over head, it would allow the alphas eyes to seem to glow in the dark once it was freed from.the ball. However the choice would be where to take her cute little fluff lovers. As it would quickly become a long night.
Olette but her lip as she picked up her ball, cradling tge bunny up close as her little partner jumped away will it had time. She started to sneak away from her team for the moment, heading towards the treeline. Not too far ofcourse, but so she could probably be hidden for a while. She unleashed the ball as she got comfortable on the grass.
Moving to sneak away the little stuff which was with her moved about Oletes feet would excitedly. Once she was on the ground spreading herself open, and relaxing. All Olette would quickly find fins the Tony fuzzy lover hopping upon her. It's cool nose and rough tongue going for her tender region, however I would become quiet different once the dominating and aggressively enjoyable alpha was released from his little prison, the pokeball. As it was would she enjoy the oral.assat.from.the tiny one first or let her stud free to see its horny way of dominance once more.
As she held the ball which housed her horny alpha stud of a fluff ball. the sensation of the tiny one now between her thighs. his soft yet fuzzy paws kneading her soft skin, his cold snout, and warm yet rough tongue lapping along her tender womanly folds. all the more the sensation of how his warm fur periodically brushed against her, making the tiny fiend all the more excited as his trainer petted, and rubbed his head. the flopping large ears only adding to the appeal. however more then just that, as she held and fiddled with the ball in one hand, one slip up, and it could easily click releasing the Lopunny, but this would end her little stud's foreplay assault and fun. as their would be no mistaking how the alpha would take her on the spot, if this little one was this pent up from the short time it spend in the ball.
Olette rolled the ball around, careful not to trigger its release as her Bunneary teased at her, making her hips subtly rise and run into it's snout while its tongue dragged over her. She moaned out again, her hand rubbing along her playmate's ears. "That's it boy, faster-" she urged softly, her voice rising with heated lust, getting more excited by the second.
hearing her words, the tiny fluff ball got faster and rougher. even getting excited enough to the point where it's sharp buck teeth would begin to gently scrape along her puffy tender and moist lower lips. even periodically slipping the tongue into her or nibbling on Olette's clit. the wicked little stud was making sure to work his mistress over with all he had. not wanting to to give up this fun, as he moved into his little paw grasping and even scratching her thighs a bit with how it kneaded them. his hot little throbbing spear soon could be felt against her a bit as well. however with just the right angle, a Buneary could do something many other monsters could not. it could both eat her out, and give her anal at once, however would she think of such a position while being treated in such a lovely manor this night.
She moaned out louder briefly, yelping and mewling as she felt it's teeth scrape on her abd it's stubby claws scratching, making her hips push gently, her ass rubbing and putting pressure on it's little stiff prick. She moved herself gently, knowing she was bigger than him, she didn't want to accidentally harm him in her excitement. She coaxed him forward with her body, rubbing and bumping against it's member. Worming on its tip playfully.
as she moved carefully, yet playfully, and provocatively, Olette would soon get her reward, feeling both the rough little tongue tickling in her moist hot, and welcoming honeypot, as the thick little prick slid into her tight brown star. filling her back side in a warm and welcoming sensation. as it's small size would leave little stretching if any, but the odd pressure it's shape, size, and texture granted was a unique pleasure in and of it's own variety. as the tiny fiend began to thump itself against her. grasping and hugging her frame with it's paws.

getting more and more involved in this assault, the tiny fluff ball slurped, nibbled, assaulted, and thumped Olette for all it's cute little body could offer. however the known fact about evolving Bunearies required them to love their trainer, then what kind of fiend would this Buneary evolve into with how lustful her Lopunny was, and more so would she be able to handle two hyper active studs when that time comes for now it was the perfect pocket size fuck buddy, and cuddle bunny for Olette.
Olette had little doubt in her mind that she'd have any struggles helping pokemon like Bunneary evolve with the strong emotions needed to trigger their evolution. If anything, she probably could make a killing doing so. They just needed the right motivations, and clearly her Bunneary's had it already. Uf it evolved...she shuddered to imagine if she would even be able to stand up if both her Lopunny's would desire to show their devotion to their trainer at the same time. No doubt they would make her look like she had been back in the bunny den, getting shared by a hoard of pokemon. Her hole squeezed in its cock welcomingly as it thumped away, her body tucking it xlose,close,, the angle making her tingle with desire all over again she held onto itscears.
Holding onto it's fluffy, long ears, the little beast was going to town upon her. however it would be once Olette was about to hit her release from this anal, and oral assault, which would allow her hand to accidently release the alpha. as it was, she would feel how the tiny stud began to spew his hot load deep into her bowels. coating her depths, and moistening the trainer's back side in a way which was all to familiar yet welcomed. as the idea of a two lopunny's seemed to be one to entice and worry her all at the same time. yet more then just that, images would flash of other creatures which evolved the same way as this bunny. yet none of it would mean as much as the magical memories she was forming with such lovely beasts.

as her ass was filled, her pussy sucked, nibbled and licked, her clit licked, nibbled, and pulled. the beast was figuring out more ways to make her melt, as it made oddly cute yet struggled sounds trying not to stop it's assault as it was needing to release these cute sounds to relief it's own enjoyment verbally as it's kind was known to do.
Her hand curled around the ball and I, a finger clicking on the release as her eyes closed and she tried to hold in her pleasure, hehe act barely even noticed as sge mostly was curling her fingers and toes, trying to hold in a cry of pleasure as she climaxed. The bolts of light and energy flared as the Lopunny was released behind the Bunneary. Her eyes opened , looking to the temptation ball and towards the forming Alpha.
The massively tall and athletically slender rabbit formed. the alpha Lopunny oddly enough moved to run it's paw along her leg up tours her face. as it too Olette by the cheeks before forcing her into a surprisingly intimate, and thirsty kiss. one which was as deep and aggressive as it was enjoyable. the rabbit would then proceed to move itself to as to remove the Buneary from her, so it could force it's trainer inth a kind of 69 position. wanting to roll the beauty onto her side, and her thighs to be against it's shoulders to gain access to the treat which the Buneary was enjoying prior. however doing so would also allow it to force it's impressive and pink log into her own mouth. all the while removing the smaller bunny would not prevent it from getting back to work on Olette's back side, or using another spot of her body in some lewd way, be it her foot, knee, hand, elbow etc.
As her Lopunny decided to take over, forcing her onto her side after sharing its spicy, intimate kiss, she didn't deny its advances, her legs easy to part as she felt its tingue diving inti her. She covered her mouth as it plunged into her, muffling a cry briefly as she felt ots pink love log slapp against her face. She whimpered a few soft breaths, her head moving out and opening her mouth , teasingly kissing and nipping on her monsters tip and playing around with it, testing its patience a little as she wrapped her hand around it to stroke on it.
Now getting more into the heated action, as she teased, and stroked the impressive pink log before her. Olette would feel how Lopunny began to thrust against her hands, as the tip poked into her lips. revealing it wanted to feel at least a portion of it's hot rod in her mouth, even if not the hole thing. however it would not be long before she felt the tiny fluff ball against her once more. as it rubbed it's warm fuzzy frame against her. the paws playing with her flesh, as it moved about to climb onto her, and licking at her shoulders, and warm. wanting some more action as well. seeing how she was giving strokes to the cock before her. yet if Olette made just enough space for the tiny rabbit to squeeze between her and Lopunny's tight hold on her, she would find this one not even hesitating to slip between them, and snuggling against her breast once more. as this one seemed to be obsessed with her impressive bust.
Olette shifted Bach slightly, giving her Lopunny a teasing lick along its glands as she made some room for the little guy to climb up and try to enjoy himself. Olettw opened her mouth a bit wider, playfully starting to slide him into her mouth inch by inch, her tongue tickling and cupping underneath its head.
Now with her tiny stud, stuffed between her breasts. Olette could feel the tiny paws of its hands and feet groping, kneading like an assaulting message. However to add to the pleasure would be thw moment she felt the sharp little teeth clamp upon her nip. As the tongue lashed and wiped about her erect piece of flesh. Suckling, gnawing, and range lashing her breast as it enjoyed every moment with its mistress, only added to the pleasure.

All the while her alpha stud ate her out, his tongue diving deep. His cold snout against her warm flesh. His movements, and tongue fucking all the more enjoyable. As Olette was already wet and deliciously prepared by the smaller stud upon her currently. With each movement of her own tongue and bobbing of her head. Olette was met with the thrust into her mouth as if the beast wanted to gaff her and force feed her the seed it had quickly pent up while in the ball prior. Giving or both an gentle molester and a more dominating one in the combo of these to fluffy lovers upon her frame currently.
Ollette muffled a moan as she felt the monsters cock pushing and trying to squeeze further into her maw. She fought to tease it longer, keeping her head slightly out of reach of its pent up pecker. Her tingue flicked and rubbed, massaging on its hole as she stroked the rest by hand, the other planted on its hip to try to control the pressure. She kept her eyes closed, letting her feeling alone guide her, feeling the lust of the Beasts around her.
( Super Horny Bunny Cuddle assault Impending fluff of Doom snuggles )

as she teased, and gave into her sensation, and desires. Olette would follow the sensation and desires. all the while feeling the way the smaller warm fluffy body against her bosom and assaulting her breast. the way the larger one assaulted her puffy tender slit. the tongue moving along the folds, and into her periodically, however as she controlled her own assault. preventing the Lopunny from getting full access to her mouth as it desired. seemed to cause it's assault on her to grow a bit more aggressive. as it soon moved to try and wrap it's powerful legs around her head, to lock her with it's, as if her head was in the center of an Indian style position, to force her to take it's meaty spear. however if she so desired two could play this game, and enjoy the fluffiness of her stud against her lower region as the rough moist tongue invaded her and pleasured the maiden's honey pot for as much nectar as it could slurp up from her. even latching upon Olette to suck and nibble on her tender slit.
(XD Doom snuggles are Olettes favorite kind)

Olette felt the Lopunnys legs wrap around her head, dragging her in, her face pushing into its groin. She gurgle in shock and yet her tongue rubbed and sucked on her prized monster. The trainer grabbed onto its fluffy fur, her head trying to body as she started to wrap her legs around the Lopunny's head, ramming herself onto it's snout.
Giving the beast as good as she could take it. the two were now forcing each other into their respective crotch's all the more aggressively. yet any time Olette would hit on the legs, with her first, even lightly it would cause the bunny to loosen it's hold and allow her to pull back for some air, before moving to trap her once more in it's powerful, soft fuzzy legs. as all this was going on, it would not be long before she would feel the increasing pressure upon her tender womanly entrance. as the playful beast sucked on her womanly entrance, as it's tongue dived deeper into her honeypot. only pulling away to nip at her clit, as the cold snout pressed against her flesh as it did this. moving to lick along her slit and return the assault periodically. the beast would enjoy every moment of this, as it would not end and move on until the beast enjoyed her squirting nectar which it desired at this point. while she would end up feeling it's own bestial seed bursting into her, as the cock would be deep throating the trainer right as it nutted. thus forcing her to swallow, and still feel some escaping from the over flow.
She wriggled and juggled, her body arching and pressing her slit inti her beasts maw as sge started to squirter her honey into his mouth and against his face. She drew back for air, gurgling and coughing as she found it, her orgasm making her tremble and shakie as she pressed her cheek to the slippery tool, rubbing against it as she squeezed on the Alpha bunny's hindquarters.
Giving the beast some enjoyable attention, as her addictive nectar was released. causing the suckling, slurping, and tongue invading of her honeypot to grow more excited, and aggressive. pulling away from it's cock, as Olette caught her breath, giving the hot red rod some attention against her face. the hands grasping the rabbit's cheeks, as the hot throbbing rod trickled pre-seed against her face. all the while, this would have distracted her from the little Bunearie between her breast. until the nipples got bit, and pilled. the smaller hind legs kicking against her in a playful and excited manor. as the hot prick shot it's fluid up her lower chest, and among the fleshy valley between the young trainer's massive and healthy breast. it would be quiet the enjoyable scene for the trainer. however she would be able to tell, that very soon, this foreplay would not be enough for her Alpha Lopunny, as this was but the appetizer for what was to come very soon, once the two both released each other from their holds.
As they broke apart, Olette leaned her head forward, sticking put her tongue to lap up the Bunneary cum thar splayed on her chest, rubbing it's tip with the flat od her tongue while her Alpha climbed off her. She spread her legs , her dripping slit leaking it's sweet scent as she rolled her hips and mover her hand, stroking herself in front of the monster as she kissed on her Bunneary.
Now presenting herself like this, the little Bunneary would be enjoying her kisses. as the little bunny would soon begin to want more from her, be it her lips hands, and so on. However as Olette spread herself, and presented the opening. her alpha rabbit was quick to grab here by the ankles. pulling his trainer into position he wanted. slamming into her with out remorse, or hesitation. as such it would fill, stretch, and please the human beauty.

as expected her alpha bunny was as dominating and forcing upon Olette the assault she had gotten use to, however this sudden repositioning would be both a bit painful at first, but pleasuring once accomplished as her legs would be held together tightly, and up to rest over one shoulder. while she was being filled. making the sensation all the tighter and potent for them both.
Ollette gave a short yelp as the Lopunny jumped on its chance, spreading her open as sher toes curled instantly z feeling the rocket slamming inside if her. Sge held onto her small bunny, clutching him like a stuffed animal while uts lustful Alpha plowed into her flower ruthlessly. "Fuck-me- you like my pussy so much~ Ah~Y-You dont even wait-"

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