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Fantasy RP A Highborn's Little Distractions (Lord Sesshoumaru)

Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon scowled at the display, more barbarism to see put straight, the Giblins he had protected seemed to have poor luck. "Stay." He said to his steed, the looked to his resting Giblin. "Protect her." He added just incase.

Ailmon would have to chance things to lay these foul raiders straight. The Elf whirled his spear, slotting it upon his back as he approached. "The Noble elf was straight and regal in his posture, drawing up the pride and authority he had. "You there, Oni, release those Goblins at once! They are under my gaurd." He claimed
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As he said this, the wicked thing took hold of one of his men which was in the middle of fucking one of the two femboy goblins. tossing this feral little stud right at Ailmon as it chuckled. showing no care or value of it's men. as the Oni quickly snapped the fingers of his one hand, as the other got all the rougher, trying to break this stubborn Goblin which was squirming in his hold, and impaled upon his monstrous and sickening over sized cock. But if nothing else, this gave Ailmon a glimpse of how durable his green girls could be.

as the first one was tossed at the elf, several more of the feral tribal goblins, and even some of the higher more skilled HobGoblins began to rush tours the intruder upon what they believed was their new den, and boss's territory. in their minds these girls, and even the lads were theirs to enjoy, or worse as they saw fit. as would be this elf all to soon.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon's spear flashed out, the mythril blade stabbing inti the thrown Giblin, impaling it before the invaders . He raked the blade down splitting his guts out along the grass. As the next came fore him, the Elf thrusted out aa hand, flames leaping forth from his palm in a burst to scorch the wave of them. He hadn't expected it do go smoothly, or easily but now that they made to battle him, he wouldn't give the Hob scum or their Oni leader aby quarter.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the fight began, to Ailmon's horror, one of the hob's grabbed one of his two boys, and used the femboy as a meaty shield, as it was caught on fire, before being tossed at ailmon. the wicked thing smirked, as several of the remaining gobs moved to try and stab him in the joints of his armor. with the long narrow bone daggers. it was no mystery goblins used contaminated bladed to poison foes, and weaken them. However this did not mean much as the Oni continued dropping the now exhausted, over filled, and bleeding goblin vixen, as he grabbed another lifting her by the leg. one of his hands grasping her little green head, as he planned to use this one's mouth. making sure to make them cry out, so the elf could see him do this. obviously trying to abuse these girls to distract their master to allow his men to take the elf down. however it was only the beginning of the fight, and with the one femboy on the ground burning and screaming in pain, it did not deny the obvious skill difference. as the first wave allowed Ailmon to cut half the attackers down, thus forcing a change in tactics. a tactic best known to be used by humans, not monsters.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon narrowed his gaze, his emotions, the pulse of adrenaline that would over take a human to react, was well in the reach of Elves. He caught his collar before it could rise to the distraction, his life and theirs would be cut too short if he allowed himself to surrender his focus. He flipped swung out his spear, clashing and parrying away one blade after another, keeping the Hobgoblins in front of him and to redirect their blows along his better armor. The Elf was proving himself only to be a rising problem, the tip of his spear darting out with lethal intention, slicing out at any opening that the Elf witnessed with the grace of his people and his experience. Though it would not be a tale to be told to others, Ailmon would not allow his Goblins to fall prey any further tyranny.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the fight continued for longer then one would want, Slowly Ailmon would find his body tiring out finally, yet able to hold his own with all the skills, and experience he had. yet the the fact remained, it would be a long hard battle, for what should be a quick one sided massacre. however as he was soon staring down at the last few hobgoblins, and feral goblins. the elf would notice how the Oni finally got up, and dropped the second goblin girl onto the ground with a moist plop, as it licked it's maw. moving steadily tours the fight, as it cracked it's knuckles.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon wrenched his spear from the eye socket of one of the few remaining Hobs, the Elf slick with sweat, and flecks of blood., mostly Goblin. He huffed softly to himself as he looked about the remaining gaggle, , the Oni stepping over the remnants of his crew. He was tiring, afterall, he had been locked into battle more than once today and battling scores of Goblinoids wasn't helping. Even if he was winning the brawl alone, even if he felled every Minion of the Oni, the real threat wouldn't be done with yet. He leveled his spear, steadying his resolve, steeling for battle. "Your cowardice cost you a great deal of followers." Ailmon said looking at the remaining Goblinoids. "I faced you all myself, and he allowed himself to play while your comrades died. If you truly wish to keep your lives, you'll stay out of my way."
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as he said this, the wicked thing grabbed one of it's hobgoblins, biting the minions head clean off and swallowing it. which only caused the oni to suddenly burst with more power. his muscles enlarged briefly, revealing to Ailmon these goblins fought not out of loyalty but fear. however the massive oni would move suddenly and surprisingly swift. as he moved to appear behind the skilled and slowly tiring out elf. moving to back hand ailmon with his massive fist. if dodged the force would still be impressive enough to cause ailmon's body to slide from the wind pressure. however as soon as the attack is made, connecting or not, the few remaining soldiers of this monster would rush in tours Ailmon thinking their boss was making them an opening. not even thinking that their boss would care less if it kills them with simple missed attacks tours ailmon, thus giving the noble warrior another way to deal with his foe.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
While the Oni was swift, it's punch lashing out with brute might, Ailmon managed to react. He threw himself aside. Leaping from the brutish blows path to lead the wild strike take more of his minions from the battle. It was tragic, but he would not find himself too broken by it. They served the Oni, and harmed those of his own. As the winds buffeted him further, he thrusted out his spear, the strike unfortunately glazing away from a vital wound due to the air pressure pushing him about.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As the battle began to go on, far more then expected, Ailmon the elf would find his armor at one point getting damaged, and even torn off. however as his chest became exposed, he had managed to run his spear through one of the shoulders. causing the Oni to lose one use of his arm.

it would be a good bit into this fight, as Ailmon would finally be able to pick up some unique signs of this powerful Oni. as it's chest clothing being damaged, and a bit blood. but revealed one massive breast popping out, as this beast was not a male, but a futa, and a very horny, and testosterones driven one. however as this fight continued, the more damage it took, the more heated it's body began to grow. giving off a far more dangerous signal then just the risk of death. a goblin was easy to claim, and break, however if this went on. Ailmon would become forced to try and slay this thing for sure, get pinned, and used by it, or to try and break it, gaining a powerful den guard, and boss for when he was away from the den. However this did not change anything at the moment, other then the realization that for an Oni, a fight to the death can also be seen as a proposal at the same time, due to their war like nature.

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Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon drew back his dear as the Oni pulled back, his armor breast plate having long fallen away. The metal itself was fine, but the same couldn't be Saud for the atraps and clamps, the leather that held it on his graceful frame. He noticed that the Oni was not a male, but a futa, the battle for their lives taking on yet another dimension. He had no interest in this Oni, he certainly had no intent of allowing it getting the idea if wedding bells in her mind. Or in the Oni way, perhaps something much less creative or fluffy.

"Don't make me slay you, Oni." He said huffing as the both of them had worn at eachother. Whether one or the other would admit it, the fight was constantly balanced on the razors edge the longer it dragged out. The two of them were panting for breath, dripping blood and sweat. "Turn tail and run-" he said as he adjusted his grip on his spear, knowing that the chances of her retreating was low.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
now with them both beginning to show signs of exhaustion, and weakening from their prolonged battle, the futa bestial maiden would kneel down, her one arm now practically useless.
as she darted tours the elf. her damage arm if nothing else would be useful for disarming Ailmon. as this Oni would sacrifice the arm, forcefully positioning herself to take the spear into the damaged arm before twisting herself around in an attempt to grasp the stud. wanting to pin the elf to the wall or onto the floor. even if he evaded the second move. the spear would be lost from this assault. yet it was not the only means to win, as it was. this thing had a much more troublesome look in it's eyes now.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD Oni: This male won't die, perfect, time to prepare for Half Oni hordes)

As she merely charged him, Ailmon thrusted his spear forward, though it sunk into her shoulder wrenching away from his grip as she sacrificed one arm for her grapple. Ailmon however was already drawing his sidearm. As she grabbed for him, he whirled his blade downward to test the Oni's resolve...or her willingness to sacrifice for victory. The blade was sitting under her, between her legs to slash at her groin.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
managing to slash at the groin, Ailmon would cause the beast to make an erratic albeit unexpected move. as she changed her motion in one fluid movement. grasping his slashing wrists, as the side arm cut into the palm, before being grasped. and torn away. as the Oni would then jump back. having disarmed the Elf, she would lick the bleeding hand which was still usable, before ripping his spear out of her shoulder, and tossing it behind her as well. a wicked smirk coming across her lips. as she pointed to the elf, then to the goblins, which were his, and back to him. her glare showing no pain, only excitement, and eagerness. Yet it was also becoming more evident, that Ailmon would soon be forced into hand to hand combat, at least this thing was at a disadvantage with an injured hand, and a useless arm, albeit strength and raw power far exceeding his own.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon looked at the Oni, it's challenge...and lust in its eyes making him shift on his feet slowly. She had strength on her side, but he still had advantage in dexterity as well. He held his stance, prepared to fight defensively, scanning for the opening. "You will fall here" he said simply, drawing up as much of his wind to battle one last time.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the elf prepared himself the Oni would slam her bloodied fist into the wall, causing a small eruption of cracks, and a cloud of dust and earth particles. before darting through it, tours ailmon. even if he was skilled and dexterous enough. she would not make this easy for him, however Now the elf knew what was really at stake. for they dance a very dangerous tango. one where losing a life was not the worse outcome. yet little did Ailmon know, the little rogue goblin out cold on his horse outside the den had begun to recover, and would rub her eyes before sliding off the steed with a painful yet almost comical thud.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
With Ailmon's delicate insides...and his linage on the line, the cloud breaking apart to reveal the Oni baring over him, the Elf had already moved to keep his opponent just as blind as he was. She swung and found her bloodied fist clawing at the air, her foe jumped onto her back, climbing along the broad monster of a woman to deliver a few well placed strikes, trying to strike for pressure points.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
striking the Oni, her body would slam into the wall, as it crushed the elf between her and the cave wall. however the strikes also did their job, weakening her at the legs. as the two of them would both soon be on the ground. bloodied, panting, and almost fully stripped from the odd fight. this would be when Ailmon would see the tiny rogue goblin which had been on his horse moving back tours them. dragging one of the comically over sized axe's which a hobgoblin had used prior. if he did not stop it, this thing would use the axe, and aim for the oni's skull.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As Ailmon laid there, waiting the Goblin dragging the Axe over to get the finishing blow on the Oni, he weighed the option of allowing it to happen. But at the same time, the Goblins clearly required additional protection. First the Drake, then this roaming band. "Hold." He said before she should Mange to lift the axe to go for the death blow. He crawled over to the Oni, hooking his fingers at her throat. It would be ofcourse, unbecoming and messy, ripping open her throat with just his nails, but he also needed the Oni to listen. "Yield...and You will be given-a new purpose. If you don't, I will end you myself-" he said
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as he said this to her, The elf might have over looked one thing about Oni culture, for this was no different in their realm as demanding a mate to submit to the dominant partner. as such the Oni's good yet bloodied hand would sudden grasp Ailmon's head, easily the palm large and over powering, the fingers grasping the sides of his head like a small ball in the palm. as he was swiftly pulled into a deep and unplanned kiss. however the most unexpected part would come next. as this unplanned kiss, and admission of submission to the elf was now completed, the sound of the axe clanging onto the cave floor was heard. followed by an unexpected, albeit slightly painful set of tiny hands and feet against the elf. pushing his body away from the oni, as her green little back was against the busty Oni at this point.

in goblin, demanding that he was hers, not some monster hussies. however in goblin would come off much more comical with how bad their speech was, yet if one spoke actual goblin, what many species heard as comical broken words would have a much more impressive tone to it.

(set up for sudden sandwich, with poor rogue as the filling wink wink. )
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD Oni: this Elf is so sweet, proposing to me just how my Mother said a real man would-)

Ailmon was nearly on track to dig his fingers into her throat and rip it open as the Oni grabbed him, thinking she was ready to fight further. Then she crashed in for a kiss, starting to struggle and fight, unsure what in the hell he had done for a minute. Perhaps his demands for surrender for her was a bit more in custom for 'You will be my woman" then again. Oni wefe strange and warlike creatures, perhaps as bad as Orcs. As He and the Goblin finally pried the Oni off,Ailmon grabbed up the Goblin. "Hush-" he said his voice cracking out in Goblin to her ears. "She is not stealing anything from you." He said, her weakened master however managing to keep her in his arms.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
It would finally become obvious what had happened, as the war like Oni was suddenly looking away blushing. it would then dawn on Ailmon, he had made the same mistake with her, that he did with the Goblins prior. now he had another to take responsibility for, at least unlike his little green fuck doll army this one was a real fighter. as her body could be seen steaming already. slowly wounds healing and closing. as the impressive regeneration which Oni's were known for began to show itself off. yet none the less, it was now obvious his action was no different the a male Oni, dominating and forcing a female to submit to be his wife or pet so to speak, and as such, This elf now had a horny futa warrior under his thumb or perhaps more so his prick?

in the arms of the elf, the little rogue goblin would look up to the elf confused, asking why not kill the intruder then?
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Your clan is already weakened, twice now I've had to come wrestle yor siblings freedoms and lives from another." He looked at the Oni, as he considered that the Oni seemed to be blushing away from him. Luckily. For him anyhow. She wasn't Goblin sized. "I was attempting to secure a gaurdian, but it seems...to do so I have...stimulated her as a woman." He said knowing that he would likely have to see this Oni taken care of. "Like a stimulated all your siblings...one by one." He said as he cupped the Goblins breast , squeezing on it. "You will be sharing me with only one more, bit I am not stolen."
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"No, No, share with siblings to much already, no share extra. "
complaining in an almost cute fashion, the rogue goblin would pout, however once he fondled her breast a bit, which excited and caused her to turn quiet with a pant.

the oni as she sat their healing up. the body would truly be quiet the treat once it was healed, however Ailmon himself would need to heal up as well, unlike the Oni, he would need to ether take some time to rest, or use a drug like a potion or something more potent like an elixer.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"I'm the master." Ailmon reminded as he fondled the Goblins breasts some more. "I own all, I enjoy all, I enjoy you most because you are plumpest and good for breeding." He said whispering to the Goblin to pluck the wildlings instincts a bit. He however would release her slowly, both clear to his new Oni gaurd/second breeding option and the Goblin that he was clearly too injured to have fun with...atleast not without severe drawbacks.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally the broken, and mangled arm twisted, and cracked into place, as the fleshy steam grew stronger, the wounds closer. it would not be much longer before the futa Oni would be fully healed. as she laughed almost triumphantly. before speaking in her native tongue.

"Many weaklings to play with, but first ever strong male, one who dominates, and claims what he wants. Like you Elf, remain strong, remain worthy. "

as she spoke up, the goblin did not understand a word, but grew agitated, growling and wanting to attack the big Oni, it was unknown if the Elf could understand the Oni or not, however her body language and actions showed her desire to submit to him as a superior male, who showed that she was his, with how he took her throat prior.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As he said this last part, the mighty Oni would suddenly grab Ailmon once more. this time pulling him into her lap. as she then seemed to look at him with a strange yet affectionate look. as she spoke in her native tongue once more. the words a bit unexpected from such a powerful and deadly warrior.

"Only until stronger alpha dominates, remain yours as long as you remain strongest male to court me. "
saying this, admitting and revealing that his last act of threatening her, was the same as a proposal in the oni's culture, however also revealing that if any male proves stronger then the elf, he could lose the loyalty of this oni, however as long as she never see's him defeated, that would never be a concern, however the fight with her alone, proved even as skilled as he was. if caught unable to recover from prior combat or activity exhaustion it would be a challenge, however their could easily be stronger foes in the near future as well.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon weighed his words briefly, knowing that he would very well have to to heal all in dye time. But while she spoke her words, he reached up and she felt his hand touch her neck, his fingers pressing to the bein as if hlto take her pulse. "I will not let that happen." He said , the threat hanging over them both. Ofcif she saw it as truly a world of danger, or some twisted way of teasing her for a romp, the Elf wouldn't be certain, Oni were still strange to him.
Local Time:
4:08 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as he did this, the wicked thing would suddenly grab the elf once more forcing him into a horribly passionate, and excited kiss. this would tell the powerful elven warrior all he needed to know. as this would be something far more enjoyable then one would expect. despite it having been more man then woman prior, having been defeated, and submitting to a stronger male. this oni warrior was showing it's feminist charms which were hidden under all those dangerous and threatening muscles.

however the fact remained she had needs of both male, and females. however Ailmon would be ideal to sate the female needs. perhaps with some training and elixir's for healing he could train one of his loyal little gobbos' to sate this new one's male organ needs. perhaps for rewards from him for the special training.
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