Fantasy RP A Little Goblin in the Big City (Lord Sesshoumaru)

Virginia stepped forward, the Goblin hardly able to truly pose a challenge, but she held out her arms as if to prepare to body block the behemoth. "You will do no such thing to my uncle Bel! I will not let you!" She said looking up at him, her head practically craned fully back as she tried to block the path. "You won't hurt anyone in this establishment because if you do- I will not work with you!" She tried to threaten as her father managed to fully wrestle the scales of of his friends hands and started to raise them up out of the Dwarves reach. "I would also have to consider calling for Crowns gaurd. And I wouldn't like to make you a wanted man over this small order of foolishness." Her father said as he looked over, despite the larger man towering over him, the human seemed unafraid, an older adventure such as himself was not driven to fear through brute strength or blood alone.

"I want to return these scales to you, but I must insist you don't harm my friend. I will see him punished myself."
"taking in a simple breath he would take the scales in a slow and gentle manor. as he smiled tours them. Before kneeling down to be as close to eye level as he could. placing his hand once again on the little goblin's head.
"You truly are a brave one, and so is your father. Very well I shall leave that short one untouched, as I have these returned. "

as he then looked to the father, in a gentle yet terrifying tone, he would smile, and speak to the father.
"If you ever get a chance look up the old town of Nibleheim, the one who did that to it was I, sadly I must admit, I was far to weak back then, and such Could not control my temper. "
as he spoke in a gentle and calm tone. only experienced and veteran adventurers would know of the story a great kingdom with the strongest adventurers, and royal guards, turned to a pile of cinder in a single night. however if this was true, then the father would know well that his little girl was a true heroine so to speak. as she had the ability to keep this brute much calmer just by being her innocent self. however the old man now knew just how foolish his best friend was, and how risky this act had truly been for them all.

once he got up, the and began to leave the room, The brute would flip a single platinum coin over his shoulder tours the owner, saying that should cover the damages. before saying he hoped to see the little one ready to help him in the morning. with that, unless stopped, the giant would meander back to his room with scales in hand.
The older man caught the coin from the air as the giant left them, the information hanging about the room. Virginia turned around to the elders in her life, releasing the breath she had been holding. "I will put in an order repairs. Virginia, you will not be fixing whatever else was broken today." He father said shaking his head as she folded her arms. He had to make sure she heard his order , or else he'd find her trying to steal the job if the carpenter. Again.

"Go find some rest, I think that you've had enough excitement." He prompted, making the Goblin squirm but she bows to her father briefly to let him plan. And to see her uncle properly chewed out and set to be punished.
now free to leave the room, the little goblin, if she visited the inn's dining table, she would find the giant, sitting in the corner, enjoying the same meal she recommended to him prior. this would be a chance for her to come and join the brute. as he would not hesitate to welcome her, and even order food and drink for the little goblin to have and join him.

mean while in the damaged office.

"so what are we gonna do now, those silver elder draconion scales are worth more then most treasuries. their is no way some one like him could have them legitimately. shall I call the guards, and have them do an inquiry to see what else that brute might be hiding in his belongings?"

as the dwarf spoke up, thinking of ways to use the legal system of this little town to the advantage of the inn, and more so himself. however the older gentleman knew well that if not for virginia, and some how the way she had caused the brute to become endeared tours her. this could have gone much uglier, even more so if the warning he shared was even partially truthful.
"No." The human said flatly, giving the Dwarf a side long glare. "He is a force of his own, a Dragon Slayer, if any where to take a prize like that, it would be him." The Adventurer said shaking his head. "Don't mistake his generosity of leaving you in tact for a sign of fear. He would battle every crowns gaurd in thos city to see those scales returned. Even I would have to be many years younger to contest with him properly."


While Bel said by, starting to cut into his meal, he would see Virgin walking by, though Eben in the midnight rounds, she would stop to take drink orders. To the Giants dismay, rowdy humans would brazenly call out. "Tart! Get me an ale!" And she would perk up without pause to send the order, walking to the bar. Drunken Adventurers hooted as she turned around, her quick steps making her curvy form bounce tantalizingly. "If she wasn't a Lil greenie, I think I would have to give her a tip!"
as the bar goers were going on with the names, and more lewd thoughts out loud. knowing she would not think much of it, However the massive brute in the corner of the tavern, would tap his hand on the table. due to his strength, and size, his finger tapping would sound to most like he was hitting the table, as the giant did this. he would look to the bartender, and wave the main worker over, as this would leave little Virginia to finish her current rounds. yet the odd part would be what this brute had in mind. as even many of the onlookers would seem worried now. some one like this could be trouble, and more so his intimidating aura, would give most pause to even look his way. however those working the Inn, would know by now how gentle he was tours the little green one, due to how quick words get around. yet the fact remained this would not be know to others as of yet. however unlike most, a single rogue would smirk, as he ignored all else going on. his eyes glued to the goblin, as he licked his lips, before pulling out three large silver pieces. as he would shout to Virginia.

"hey Lil Tart, come on over for your special tip as usual? All I ask is for my Usual. "
as he said this, the twisted man always abused Virginia, but in an oddly acceptable way, having her come over and serve him a special cocktail drink, while then paying her a tip to sit in his lap, and help him drink it. more so acting as his hands, as he had the hoax of injured hands, due to how he kept them wrapped up, yet this was in fact to that he was a hybrid, and had clawed hands. but he always tipped her 3 - 5 large silver each time. the worse part would be how the wicked man seemed to try and make small talk to discover when ever she might be working outside of the tavern, let alone the town, and now she had one such job to excitedly share with any one that she might feel comfortable sharing with.
Virginia looked over as the Rogue called out fir her attention, her hands fidgeting st her apron briefly. She wasn't supposed to be working...but she stowed the thought. It was just one drink with one if her good friends. A loyal customer. She walked to the bar to aside over the order slip, putting her serving tray in position to carry the cock tail over. She served the drink lightly, already moving up to climb on him to sit. "Another Gorgon Charmer?" She said as she picked up the cocktail, starting to help him have his sip. Virginia looked about cautiously, knowing if her uncle or her father saw her working after her order they would be upset with her. Her stomach curled slightly woth anxiety briefly but as her customer prodded for information, she looked over. "I will be a Carrier in the Dungeons soon, I've made a new friend that managed to talk me into it" she said as she thoughtlessly brought it up.
"I see, if that is the case, I have something special for you, Cutie here I want you to attach this to yourself. it's a small clip, but it has a protection rune on it. if anything would endanger you it will activate, destroying the clip and giving you a one time protective barrier. My little runes have saved me many times in dungeons. " as he said this, moving to give the oddly cute designed clip to her. the rogue's true intent was not to protect her, but to set up to find her out in the dungeon. but this would be the ideal cover for such intent. as he would always appear to be a loyal and protective customer for little Virginia. despite how he would often make her feel, with his actions. yet as she did her job for him, she would get tips and small compliments.

"So do you want any one on one training for self defense, feel free to ask, I am good with small knifes, and daggers after all. "
saying this in a gentle and almost playful tone tours her. the rogue would be trying to lure her into a much deeper sense of safety around him, even if her body told her other wise.
Virginia giggled at the rogues words, sliding the clip to pin it to her apron. "I don't think I'll need any daggers or knives, Bel said he will do all that work. All I need to do is stay out if his way." She said innocently, nit aware of the truth of Dungeons, much less the Rogue before her. Neither were as they seemed after all. A dungeon never acted straight forward, and Carriers would have to be still cautious. She lifted the drink again to help him sip, ignoring the usual sense of anticipation in the wake of her friend. Her body sensed what her eyes and innocence could not, that he desired things of her in the most base and carnal forms. If he handled her properly, perhaps he'd even get her to submit to him in the midst if his betrayal.
"I thank you for the great service as usual little one, But perhaps you should get back to the others, I think I kept you to long. just remember to keep that pin on you when you go, and if you change your mind. My offer still stands. "

as he said this, taking a moment to grasp Virginia, by the hips, as she would suddenly how how he pulled her up to lift her. the tiny goblin would feel the rogue's impressive bulge rub against her tender region, even with their clothing preventing any thing more. as it would be a common sensation for her at this point, every time he moved her from his lap. it did not change the odd yet momentary buzz it would cause to shoot through her body.

once she was set back onto her feet. he would pat the little one on her head, before smiling.

" I will leave the money for my drinks on the table here, just collect it when your ready. " with a wink as he said this, part, the rogue would soon begin to leave, as the dwarf would soon be heard, calling for her, as another order was ready, if she was done with her break.
As she felt the familiar bolt of Goblinoid instincts surge through her body, her face flushing slightly as she felt the bulge bump against her. Something in her mind nagged at her, her hips swiveling a bit , grinding him without any true intent to do as she wiggled about to climb off him. She hopped off ,looking to the Dwarf that called out for her. She wring her hands together, unable to help herself from waddling over to take the order rather than resting as he was told.
Now back to work, the day would go a bit more uneventful, however as the day came to a close, and the need to see her old man once again. Virginia would find a smaller the normal leather armor, and short skirt set up for her. with a specialized back pack, this was out of the normal budget for her family with the inn's up cost, yet her old man prepared this special kit for her work. ignoring the price, however cute and ideal it was for her work, the fact remained her old man had quiet the prize for her, even with a miniature hand crossbow so she could defend herself. despite the lack of bolts. only 20 or so shots, but it would be more of a last resort defense weapon for her.
Virginia admired the armor and the crossbow, touching it with her finger tips gently. The armor itself could have been for another Carrier as Halflings occasionally joined for the position, but to have it custom built for her made her feel happy. She collected her tools, stepping away to prepare herself. Her father giving her some reminders, especially a simple enough mantra, 'Don't Wander in body or mind, and all will be fine'

If she didn't get greedy, or allow herself to fall to distraction, she would get back just fine. After she prepared, dressing in her
new armor, and yet keeping a few things, namely her maids headband and her apron from her uniform for her comforts. Afterall. She wasn't an Adventurer, or scrapper, merely a barmaid.
now with her new gear all on, and fitted, with the odd yet cute addition of her head band and apron. a reminder of who she really was. It would soon be time for Virginia to enjoy her first real adventure, as the massive behemoth of a man would be waiting for her. waiting to take her to the dungeon depths for the first time. however she had a very safe position, with all things considered. however the pin which was said to be set up to protect her would serve a much darker, and wicked purpose as she would discover all to soon.
As she came out of her room, tapping politely at her partners door, she stood by, her posture straight and true, as if she was waiting at the front desk. While the armor was fit for her size, perhaps the make of it was a bit more attention grabbing than she would know, as if she was a tantalizing field treat. She reached to knock at the door again. "Master Bel?" She chirped.


  • Female Goblin, leather armor with maids apron, thick thighs, full-face blush, in s-1476241237.png
    Female Goblin, leather armor with maids apron, thick thighs, full-face blush, in s-1476241237.png
    1.8 MB · Views: 0
as she spoke, the door began to crack open, as the massive man would step out, ducking down, as he smiled, his helm under his one arm, as the other moved to hand her two small magical bags. both with the same runes on them. but one green and one red. as he would look to Virginia.

"The red one is already claimed, thus only myself, and one I give permission may access the bag, take a drop of your blood, and place it on the green on. then that magical bag shall be locked to you. a small gift, as well as a means for you to collect any extra goods to help with your expenses. " as he spoke doing his best not to comment on the outstanding, and very alluring appeal his tiny helper had.

"So then once we complete the claiming of your bag, we can head off to the local death's door dungeon. just remember to stay close when were in their, and I shall create cover for you when ever battle begins. "
as he spoke with a gentle yet protective tone tours the one most of the bar called little tart.
"Oh yes, their will be some larger parts, but those to big to pick up, the magic bag can suck in like a vacuum, just open it, and press the opening to the object. remember the one now marked for your personal use. do not feel any need to ask. make sure to take a portion of everything for yourself as well. it's only fair. "

as the massive man moved, with her, the two would soon be seen leaving the inn. both impressed, and worried looks could be seen. however it would be quiet the sight, once they stood outside of the inn. where the giant could stand comfortably next to his little knee high helper, looking to her.

"Well then, any where you like to stop, or individual you wish to say by to, before we leave town, we might not be back for a few days if things go south. "
as he spoke telling her the truth, giving the little goblin a chance to think and take care of anything which might come to mind before he would begin to leave with her. as she would get to sit on his shoulder, once they left for the dungeon, as it would be easier to carry her, then walk slower for the tiny goblin to keep up.
"Oh well, we should stop by the baker, we can get some treats for the trip" she said brightly, smiling up to the giant. "It only would be a few copper pieces for them and I can use them to make meals." Virginia said as she seemed unaware of the looks she had drawn from the adventurers and bystanders.
"Very well little one, please lead on, we shall stock up with as much as you decide we need. "
as he spoke with an oddly gentle tone, the massive behemoth of a man followed the tiny goblin. as it did make quiet the sight. more then just that, it was also a sight to see how many people moved out of the way, as if they were important people or something along those lines. however as they approached the bakery, Virginia would be able to see the look of terror in the face of the baker she knew so well. as it would soon click this terrified look was due to the massive fully armored machine of death following the tiny carrier. as she knew first hand, this man was as gentle as one could be, at least from her experience, but would she be able to understand what was going on in front of her, as the massive man pulled out a single plat coin, and handed it to Virginia, telling the goblin to get as much as she desired, for her personal bag could easily hold multiple where houses worth of goods, and they would never spoil, age or rot in storage.
Virginia took the coin, walking up to the bakers counter to set the coin upon it , her eyes raced briefly over the wares, but sge began her order, asking for several loaves of bread, cheese, abd true to her words, delicate sweets, ofcourse the bakers costs weren't enough to use up the coin, getting a healthy amount of change in gold. But the Goblin merely dedicated to go shopping for more rations, getting a few fresh chickens, beefs slabs, and pork legs for. Spreading the wealth about. With her giant gaurdain at her side, she barely even noticed that none of the merchants gave the usual trouble in the face of trying to allow a Goblin to purchase from them. But once she had he fill, she would shuffle the remain gold off to her friend . "We shall be ready for any meal now-"
Now with them all having the bag carrying the desired amount of supplies, the massive knight would take the gold returned to him, only to take it, and slip the gold into the goblin's own bag with a smile.
"No this is yours as well. after all you are providing services to prepare us much needed food and goods. I can not leave this unrewarded. "

as he spoke, moving to lift the tiny, busty goblin up, and place her on his shoulder once more, before proceeding to walk off, as he spoke to Virginia.
"So then, any thing else you can think of? if not we will be off to our destination."

saying this as the sight drew much more attention then expected, both good and bad, however If virginia did not have any where else to stop before heading off, the next destination would be the very dungeon, a place she had been told horror stories about, but now she was with this man who would protect her surely.
Virginia reached out carefully, grabbing the warriors shoulder straps to support herself. Her body tingles slightly as he had moved her so easily, from ger head to ger toes. She shivered it away. "No- I think it's enough for the journey." She said nodding to him as he took them through the city, the people about only drawn to look at the strange site of a Goblin being ferried about by a giant.
this sight would be quiet something, however as they moved at a steady, and for Virginia quiet the speedy pace. they approached the destination, a massive skull looking entrance. as they would soon be with in view of the dungeon, the massive man would move to gently let the goblin vixen down. setting her gently onto her feet. before he would kneel down to easily speak with the goblin.

"So then, you understand your job when we enter the dungeon right? repeat it to me, so I can correct any parts if needed."
as he spoke in a gentle and protective tone, the giant would want to ensure she remembered her role of loot collector, and scout, encase anything tried to sneak past them to escape. she would not be responsible for any fighting, just collecting, and eyes.
"Very good, now listen very carefully, I will provide you a very rare, and valuable crystal when we get their. keep it on your belt. it is a warp stone. if anything major happens, or you feel like your in danger, do not hesitate to crush, or smash it by any means. if you think of me, it will warp you to me, if you think of home, it will warp you home, but any one or thing touching you when warped will teleport with you. so make sure you use it for emergency, and be very careful with it. "

as he explained this, the massive man pulled out the small crystal which shimmered like a platinum diamond. for once she had this attached to her belt, or in her back for emergency use, then they would be prepared to enter into the monster infested dungeon. unknown to any of them, the rogue from earlier was using his mask presence, and erase presence skills in combination to ensure none saw, or sensed him. as he fallowed, and waited for the chance to finally get the little tart he had wanted to enjoy for so long.
Virginia slipped the crystal in place on her belt, hanging it off the strap. "What about you? What if you find yourself in danger?" She said tilting her head to the side, her large eyes holding on him. "Should I do something to help?" Dhe said not knowing that very few cases probably would even require her to try to use her little crossbow to protect the warrior.
"It is very unlikely little one, I hunted dragons alone, But if you feel I need the help, you are welcome to use your little cross bow, but always be careful where you aim, and to stay where you can hide after each shot. "
as he said this with a gentle smile, and tone. the giant would soon get up, and lead the little goblin to the dungeon entrance, where she would need to pay the guard at the entrance one gold coin, which was given to her, as they walked to meet the guard. a smile would be visible through the helmet. as the guard seemed scared at first from this giant, before he would motion for the little goblin to pay for them both. as her cuter, and gentle demeanor would make this much easier for them to get into the darkness filled with monsters.
Virginia smiled at the guard as she held out the gold piece to him, along with a small card for the Tavern. The latter is out of pure habit for advertising the tavern to any who would come. "First drink is only a silver with the Ad card!" she chirped as she was carried away with the giant's stride and gave a warm innocent wave. As the dungeon guards let them pass to head into the first floors, Virginia hummed to herself a tavern song, unaware that she was heading into true dangers that she never knew before.
a short while passed, as they were now in the dungeon, before her eyes, many smaller monsters were easily smashed, and broken. leaving her to collect the material left behind. the giant moving ahead of her, his shape still in view, his range not out of hearing range yet. However as the little goblin would be left to collect and do her job. the sight and sounds were unique, something about the scent in the air of this cruel dungeon would cause more feral, almost lustful instincts with in her to stir, as she could see the power of her partner at work.

However unaware of these natural goblin urges, or instincts dormant with in her, due to how she was raised. Virginia would soon find an odd little jiggly creature trying to cover up one of her materials. if not recovered quickly, the thing would devour the treasure she needed to collect. as it was an apparently harmless little blue water elemental slime. However little did Virginia know, that if her body had stirred enough of her natural instinct to allow her body to begin to generate her pheromones for the first time. it could excite the little monster to try and ensnare her, to cover and tickle her entire body into a submissive state. which would make it easier for the shadow hidden stalker to strike.

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