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Fantasy RP A Little Goblin in the Big City (Lord Sesshoumaru)

Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
In the heart of the Strickland Empire, a Ahman settlement and union of kingdoms, the last thing on would think to see in a tavern meant for adventurers and Travelers, was a Goblin. Most would see them as filthy, base, crass, and untamed , more monsterpus creature than simply folk. And most would be correct to an extent. Goblins were a second class race at best, much like Kobolds, and whomever was strongest in the vicinity, such a weak minded race would simply throw themselves at to allow to shape. Bullying Raves, like Orcs, Ogres, Giants, or the like would simply snatch them up and dominate them easily, wrapping them into cannon fodder...or pets, or both. Humans rarely would see a Goblin female either, leading to rumors that all Goblins looked like men...that was untrue. Most Humans or Elves never saw Female Goblins because they were actually serving a much more important role in society.

In the Empire, in a tavern hall, carrying a tray on her head , click clacking on the floor in shiny black edged heels, and dressed as a barmaid was the only Goblin in town. Her name was Tart. Or atleast that's what everyone who knew of her would call her, she merely would waddle up, her uniform clinging onto a body that would make men drool , with large doe like eyes, and flowing straw colors pigtails. She spoke common, but still had a thick , Goblin accent. The old tavern owner had told the story often to the regulars, he found a Goblin camp, ruled by an Oni tribe in his adventuring days. They had no choice but to clear them all out because the Obi and its Goblin raiders had been robbing from local villages. But in the last ebbs of resistance and battle, he had found a Female Goblin, carrying a bundle, the war chiefs main plaything no doubt. Though she was driven completely insane with grief and the influence from her chief husband, leading to her demise, the Adventurer saw her babe spared as I'd was innocent. He had since raised 'Tart' in his guild hall, though he had a much more humane name for her than the Adventurer would call her. 'Virginia'

In the beginning things were simple, but as the older man grew , he saw his Virginia adapting to society, a perfect servant but the limitations of Goblinkind showed through. She never truly could strive like a human, wanting things for herself, she was content ar first being a daughter, then a caretaker, but as the tavern required workers she merely took up those servant positions instantly as an obedient hand for free! She barely opted to change things Sha had, unless they were so damaged she had no choice. Her will only spread so far, going out on her own was merely to aid her father and the adventurers however they wished or required. She was a book keeper, house keeper, a bar maid, and assistant, anything that it would take to aid the Tavern.

While she strided about the guild hall, she would raise the tray off her head gently to offer up fresh pints to a new party of adventurers and set their table. Virginia slid the drinks iver and gave a quick bow in respect. "Thank you for your patronage!" She chirped before she would walk back for the bar, but the green maid saw one of the hosts gesture her over. A older human woman named Loraine, her hair was shocked with silver, and dressed in a gray shawl, and dark blue vestments, a strict woman that had taken to Virginia's compliant nature. Under one arm she carried a thick book, that dangled a holy symbol. "Virginia, our inn keeper has fallen ill-" she started tobsay, but she saw the bar maids eyes light up, the Goblin stepping forward, well, more like a short hop, his heels clapping loudly against the wooden floors. Her body bounced, juggled, the priestly woman glowering at the Goblin. "I told you not to do that." Loraine chastised, never enjoying how some of the adventurers would hoot and holler, or try to touch the innocent creature. Virginia's long, sharp ears flicked down slightly as she was disciplined, lowering her head. "Sorry Ms.Lorraine. I got excited about greeting our guests and taking their luggage." Virginia said looking down. The cleric would sigh, the look making her struct stare waver in understanding and sympathy. The cleric patted the shorter Goblin on the head, making her giggle faintly. "You already know what to do, you'll always take good care of this hall. You'll own this place in no time." Loraine said gently. Ofcourse that wasn't particularly true. In the Empire of Strickland, Goblins were classified as a servant class, owning property that wasn't a home was fairly difficult to do legally, even through Last Will and Testaments, because of a Goblins nature, a caretaker was normally issued as the true owner. But the dream made the young woman elated to imagine! All the work it would require! Virginia put her serving tray aside, making her way to the front desk of the establishment, pushing out a small step ladder for her to get up to atleast chest level to most guests. She folded her hands patiently, smiling at no one for the more, merely so eager to serve that she couldn't help but be happy as she prepared to meet her first inn guest of the day.


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Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
They day went on, things playing out as often as they did no a normal routine, however little did Virginia know, that the guest she was waiting on this time would be unlike any prior. a massive and tall figure would soon show up. one which stood almost 9 ft tall, as well as the well built, broad shoulder beast of a build. entering the facility. having to duck to enter the inn.

moving in, a massive hammer, and shield in his belonging as well as an impressive bag which had change of under clothing as well. the figure looked around, as it's massive frame and almost reptilian like eyes would intimidate most. however as the figure moved up to the counter. tapping the tiny bell, which would be crushed under two of his fingers.

"May I ask, who is to be the one to aid me with getting to my Room this night?"
asking this, the massive brute could crush a normal built person in his palms, let alone a tiny goblin, however little did Virginia know, this figure would become the key to many future events, even if not directly.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Virginia was attentive as she could be, in the midst Her smile never wavered as he crossed the room, his broad body catching his shadow over the barely 4 foot tall Goblin. While he reached down, and rung the bell, the small golden trinket ringing shortly, before getting folded in on itself. The Goblins smile twitched gently, feeling a pang of instantaneous dismay. She turned to the bell, gently picking it off the counter top. "Ah. I will. But I unfortunately must let you know Sir, that this bell will add 5 silver peices to your inn bill." She said innocently as she held it up to him. Most sane individuals would like have crumpled in terror. But Virginia seemed to be unafraid of his stature. As he peered down on her. He could easily see all the way down into her shirt, to her honeydew Melon sized breasts. She wiggled her fingers. Showing him the damaged bell. "Will you pay for those damages now or on your final day?"
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
hearing this, the massive figure moved his hand into one of his shield's holster grips. as he pulled out a small satchel and placed it on the counter, a dark deep voice gently spoke out.

"sorry about that wee one, here take as much as you need from my pocket pouch here. "
as he said this, the pouch only held platinum coins. and lots of them, however one of them would be more then enough for years in the inn, or replacement. and this man told the little goblin to take what she needed for the damage, as he even made sure to give her a single coin as a keep sake, or more so a thank you for the way she did not reel back from him in terror.

Little did the tiny vixen know, that this massive brute was one known as death on the battlefield, the fire dragon knight of the scorched lands Bel. however due to his intimidating build, and demeanor, most would not get to realize this massive warrior had a gentle side. which she could easily discover, let alone if she got to enjoy some drinks later with him, she would find a different side, one which might try to convince her to go out with him, even if only for a walk.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
The Goblin gawked as she looked into the pouch of platinum coins, knowing the price of the bell was no where bear even a single one. She set the bell aside, pulling a platinum...then biting on the edge gently as she was once told. She has once taken false coinage, her father was quiet miffed with her. But it didn't buckle like false gold or crumble. She puffed out her cheeks. "I will have to draw your change....but how many nights do you wish to stay? I can put the Gold towards your lodgings. Abd the nightly costs." She started to inform, but as he laid his keepsake in her hand, Virginia looked down at it, almost as if she didn't recognize it. Gifts from her father , she was used to, perhaps from Lorraine, but never a stranger. She looked around briefly hoping nobody would anything of it, but stuck the coin in her only available pocket, slotting the gift into her top. "Thank you for the tip sir." She said assuming that it would be best to treat it as apart of the transaction than to think on his generosity too much.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
a chuckle came from the behemoth of a man, as he would gently pat the top of the goblin's head.

"I like you little one, first person who is not terrified of me. such bravery deserves a good tip no?"

as he spoke in a bolstering tone, and a gentle touch, however the part which would prove shocking would soon be when the behemoth would ask the little goblin her age, more so drinking age for her species. as he spoke of wanting some one to share a meal and drink with, that wouldn't run away from him out of sheer terror of his size.

once the initial transaction was done, the bulking mass of a man would ask the goblin to guide him to his room, as well as join him for a meal and drink if she was up for it, later.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Virginia blushed as the behemoth gave her a light head pat, her ears twitching . Her head pushed up from underneath his hand, adjusting the headband that was pinned in her hair. "I'm 21 in Goblin years, in human , it is 18" She said as he questioned her age, thinking that he believed her to be too diminutive to be an adult, despite her shape anyway. "And...I cannot drink, I'm working. " she said bowing her head to him gently. Ofcourse there was a catch 22 to this, she couldn't ever drink, as she never truly was off duty, working was all that she knew. "But-i can perhaps eat during my breaktime,, I can recommend the Broadside Steak, it is quite generous a meal with plenty of protein, and bring your drink of choice?"
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"I see if that is the case, then why not bring us both a large, and plentiful meal before your break. so when the break starts, we can enjoy the meals together, do not worry I will compensate you for your time little one. "
as he spoke saying this, the massive stud, and threatening warrior was just delighted to finally meet some one who was not terrified of him.

Little did Virginia know, that this brute would use this meal and nice little one on one time to try and offer a kind of business deal, as he needed some one who was not scared of him, and could be trusted enough to be his carrier, and guide to this new town, and dungeon. however this would be revealed to her once the time passed, and their little meal together would begin.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"If that is what would make your stay better for you sir, I will see it brought to you." She said as she climbed off her seat. She waddled around the desk. Virginia grabbed a key from a drawer. His platinumin mond, she figuredshe wouldsimply provideone of their luxury rooms for the stay. "Shall I bring your things to your room?" She asked as she held up the key to him.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the entire room was soon set up, little Virginia had been given an impressive tip, and oddly enjoyable head pats for her help. several hours would pass, before the tiny goblin maiden would return to the massive, and luxury suite. as the massive figure smiled, having motioned for Virginia to join him, as he had two dinning little stands, one for each of them to use for the shared meal. more then that, it would also means she would be sitting on the bed beside this brute, as his face would be fully exposed, the bright orange, and smooth hair which came undone and down his back, while his eyes were like those of a dragon, his teeth like those of a shark, his face more akin to that of an experienced warrior from the human race. he had many different traits of different species, all in one, making him an obvious hybrid.

"come come in, and let us enjoy your break and our meal no?"
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Virginia closed the door a bit, leaving it cracked as she stepped inside of his room. She lifted the tray up off her head with a single hand, perfectly balanced from years of habit. Upon it was a stiff drink for Bel, as he had requested with his meal. The roo
was larger than the lower fares, with a Queen sized bed, comfortable sheets and it own personal table set, even a pat at the wall, with arcane crystals to warm or cool the room on command. The Goblin had been in this room earlier, polishing the floor in the morning, nurturing every little detail in it from the subtle embellishments, and placement of the sweets on the table, to even fluffing out the pillows and tending to the bed to keep it comfortable. She padded across the floor, gently placing his drink on his table before climbing onto the bed.

Virginia took in his features, but looked at the spread before her, slabs of steak steamed before her, plated along with freshly roasted potatoes, slashed open to heat cream and butter with in, decorated with grilled mushrooms and sweet onions on skewers that stuck up on special carriers. They even provided healthy and crisp greens. Virginia's stomach growled out loudly, her belly snarling lowly in a way most unbecoming of a lady. She put her hands on her stomach, flushing gently. "Sorry sir-" she said quickly, biting her head at him in embarrassment, still ever so focused on the experience of others. She scooted over, leaning over his lap, her short maid skirt only riding higher , showing her green rump a bit, but she wasn't focused upon it. Bel watched the Goblin start to set a plate. But not hers. She was setting his, as if she was a prince that simply had no place in laying a hand upon his own knife and fork. "-Allow me to handle this for you, for my disrespect-" she added.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh, no no, I can eat my own, but It is better for you to join me, not feed me little one. I desire companionship, and friendship in a town I do not know. "
as he spoke, before the goblin knew it, this brute's massive hand gently took hood of her by the hips. easily lifting the tiny vixen up, and gently placing her in a more comfortable position next to him.

it would be almost comical with how small the knife, and fork were, as he pinched them between his thumb, and pointer finger. to use the utensils, however he would look over to Virginia asking for her proper name, as he would introduce himself properly, as Belberith the third, blood of the flame fang, but Bel for short, as he would proceed to speak of how he had come to this land to seek rare material which could only be found in the dungeon's depths. as he would speak with the little goblin, trying to lead up to asking if she would like to work for him, as his carrier, and material collector, as he would prove the magic bag to carry everything and protect her. but it would be easier for him to do his work with some one he could trust behind him.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Its just Virginia...the Adventurers sometimes call me Tart, but I don't know why." She said as she sat by, picking at her meat while he ate. She had been told not to help him, but conflict in her head was really what made her feel so odd. Sge had the urge to try to do something for him, the perceived sleight of hungering even on her break nagged her. But she wrestled the thought down, knowing that Bel was correct. He had asked to eat with her, not be treated like a helpless child. As he spoke of his journey and goal. The Goblin tilted her head at him , seeming not to understand his motivation in divulging his secret to her. "You wish for help in collecting, we'll, we provide many Carrier and Collector services. " She said nodding along as she nipped on a potato, eating more of the vegetables rather than going for the meat.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As he chuckled at her calm answer to his comment, and request, the massive brute gently placed his palm on the top of Virginia's head. as he ruffled her hair a bit, in a playful manor which would feel oddly pleasant and enjoyable to the tiny goblin vixen. before looking at her once more and repeating himself in a calm, easy to understand and slow process. not to sound rude, but to ensure she understood why he was asking her specifically.

"I do not know if you saw how other's reacted to me. Many betray me out of fear, steal from me, and ruin quests out of fear, and disrespect. Little one, you treated me like a proper man, no an equal with respect. you show no fear from my build or looks. This makes me feel as if I can trust you not to run off with my Magic bag, and be a good support for my carrier needs. I will pay you very well, even 50 / 50 in the quest rewards. and we can ensure it doesn't cause to much issue with your current job, thus can try to schedule them around your schedule if need be, hmm, so what do you say little one, No I mean ms. Virginia?"

as he spoke in a gentle and much more precise tone, painting a clear picture to why he was requesting her specifically, yet the momentary grimace showed when she commented about being called tart, would cause the massive brute to look almost funny for that moment in the eyes of any one which did not find his appearance and frame frightening.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As he broke down his counter offer, his large hand petting the Goblins hair Slightly askew. She considered them. Ofcourse taking up the position of a carrier was still apart of her job description, she was technically part if the adventurers tavern staff even if legally she was at best a fancy house pet. She never truly dreamed of Adventures or glory as others would. But to be the best servant of the guests and aid the adventurers in their settling. As he spoke of her scheduling, she would do the calculation. Other Goblins likely has no sense for many numbers, granted their environment and positions in other societies didn't need then to remember fine details if it wasn't crucial to survival. And those females didn't need to do much but lay on their backs or appease a strong mate.

"I can make myself available." She said after a few seconds of thought. "I'm not the only Maid here, but I would have ti tell my father of this and have his permission." She added, though she knew that if he heard the dragon slayer was involved, he wouldn't be hard to convince. Particularly for the wealth of the client, but also because Bel's reputation and title carried weight, aiding a warrior of his status would be a safe enough job, as well as promote the tavern. "My payments can be sent directly to my father." She said as she split another potato. Goblins didn't have banking rights either, but it wouldn't matter if it was passed through her father as a work wage bonus. Granted she should have been paid in overtime fees, but Virginia refused them because she believed herself not to be working overtime, but caring for her home.

She glanced up as his expression changed when he understood the name 'Tart' was bestowed to her, the Goblin starting to cover her face to laugh gently, a pure and innocent sound. "I apologize if the pastry of choice is not what you imagined." Shevsaid clearly thinking the names meaning aws. Some sort of human joke, rather than the implications of her...fillable nature.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As he changed back to a gentle expression, moving to gently run a finger under her chin, as the brute spoke in a very soothing yet easy to understand tone.

"No, No, No little one. it is not what you said, but the meaning of it. Any which would call you that, should not be trusted alone lil one. It is a pet name, yes, but one which is meant for bad means. If you wish for more details, I am sure your old man can fill you in, but I will not tolerate you or any of the fairer nature being called such in my presence that is all. "

as he spoke, explaining things to her from his point of view, the words of her so called father would be able to come to Virginia's mind, the words of cultural differences, and how not to take offense to them, yet something about this human nickname seemed to agitate the mighty warrior beside her. however the tiny gobbo at his side, with her more innocent expression seemed to oddly calm the brute down as quickly as he was riled up. Perhaps Virginia would find something special with this brute in the coming day, once their meal was done, the dishes collected, and returned to her old man for talks about the new potential job.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Virginia would take it upon herself, seeming to suddenly jump off the bed , but as she turned to face him, she would smile warmly and bow to him. "I'm afraid my break is over now, but I will speak to my father about the Carrier job." She said as she stood up proper, taking up the plates, the utensils, abd trays, plinking them up with the expert practice she hired. She could flip each utensil onto the player tray that she balanced upon her head without a second thought, slotting on he plates. "I'll talk about the proper meaning of being called Tart too " she added, feeling like sge had missed a cultural influence, perhaps the slightly guarded life she had keeping her from noticing the full implications of her little pet name. But she would bow again, opening the door to slip out and allow the warrior to rest.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
watching this, the brute had a genuine smile on his old scarred face. one which had not been felt for who knew how long. countless years of his trade, and only recently had he found some one who did not fear him, but more then that, one which had been innocent enough to cause the brute to smile, and enjoy the reactions. as he watched her leave in an excited, and skillful manor, despite how professional the little Goblin was, it was still quiet the enjoyable show. even more so as he would not be able to keep his eyes from peeking tours her natural little assets, which were rather well developed for her size, as the door closed behind the little bar maiden.

as she would leave the brute to rest, Virginia would now be able to complete her work rather quickly, with her break having been completed, as well as the fact she now had what one could call a benefactor with the size of tips he had given her already. however now her old man would need to be informed, and perhaps meet this brute, but would the one who raised this goblin be able to hold himself upon being informed of one who was a legend, a slayer of dragons, and best known as immortal death upon any battle field? for this warrior had so many titles, and tales, it was hard to tell which were true and false, except for one, dragon slayer, as his gear was fashioned from dragon bones, scales, and fangs. no one could buy such material, as it was only possible if one hunted for the needed material themselves.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Olette walked to her father's back offices, the idea of being even considered a benefactor not even crossing her mind despite the wealthy client that was vying fir her and willing to spend Emperor knows how much money to pay for her. As she opened the door, leaving the lively din and sounds of the patrons , some loud fir tge fun, other blind drunk from a victory, she would look up, angling her head up. "Father?" She said outlook, closing the door as she stepped into through the room, a decently sized room , with a large desk, and several drawers abd cabinets for book keeping and paperwork. Some she would know, others she had no clue of theu purpose yet. She saw the old man in the midst of some report processing it seemed.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
(cross over event, poor olette finds herself in the room with an old grumpy hum suddenly, when just a few moments ago she was in a fur pile of poke studs. Poor virginia, the little goblin appearing in the middle of a poke orgy, while being erm innocent kekeke. ) . . .

A grizzled older gentleman which would be working on his report processing would move to look tours the little goblin entering his room. a smile coming across his face, as the old man well, looking older then he was, due to stress, and the years, but still considerably in good health with all considered.

" So Then you done with your work load, and need more hmm? or perhaps you came to report something to me hmm?"

as he spoke asking this, in a grizzled yet oddly playful tone, the older man would wait to hear the girl's words, however the fact remained, this old dwarf was not her old man, but one of his direct assistants. however he often acted as a protective uncle or big brother depending on how one might look at this. yet it would be easy for the old man still working at his desk to put this one in his place, or just listen in, to hear what was going on if his daughter wanted to share with his assistant or just push to share with her actual father, and boss.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD Olette would be so angry that she's surrounded by humans and Victoria would instantly get locked into becoming some monsters or humans fleshlight, just pounded until she's carrying pokemon or human babies and drooling mad)

"I've already finished everything." She said blushing, and the Dwarf would know she meant it, she was diligent, and seemed fidgety, like she always was when she didn't have things to fix up or take care of yet.
"I even double polished the placards for a mirror shine in the guild walls." She added with a bounce. She stepped further forward. "I have been requested for a quest, so I would like to see father for his permission." She said as she approached the desk.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
The gruffy little dwarf was not much taller then Virginia, yet he rubbed his beard as he heard her words. chuckling softly as the wicked little man would move aside, to allow the Goblin to rush over, and greet her old man, but not before asking for the kind of request she seemed so excited about. as this dwarf was a known rubble rouser himself, often bullying those who tried to give Virginia any kind of extra work out side of her bar maiden work, where her family could keep a closer eye on her. Mainly her father, and the close friends of the old coot which raised this little green skinned goblin.

( feel free to give the details of old man for virginia's pops, as I do not know what kind of image you have for him, but we now have crazy uncle dwarf in mix wink wink. )
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD gotcha.)

Virginia leaned forward, putting her hands on the desk as she explained a bit of her situation as she understood it
That Bel the Dragon Slayer wish for her personal help as a Carrier while he searched for rare materials. That he had a deep trust of her and thought she was the best for the job. Ofcourse she was a bit more comfortable telling her Dwarven uncle this information. After all, she would like to know what he thought too. She began to step around the desk, peaking at her father's door, her Goblin eyes dilating slightly as she peaked into the keyhole.

He was there, setting some inventory notes away for later for safe keeping. He was a tall man, atleast in comparison to his Dwarven friend abd his daughter, and a Silver haired man, refined and polished, in fine enough clothing for those that would glance at him to know he was master of the tavern and its staff. He had a good nature, a warm man to his daughter , with a keen eye for the little details. As he had turned to exit the store room, cane in hand, he would spot Virginia and smile to her.

Virginia straightened from her snooping, slightly flushed as he would look to the Dwarf. "Is she finished already? Virginia, you are fidgeting again." He noted as she ruffled her hair gently.

"Well yes...but there is more to add-" she started to say, letting her father make himself comfortable at his desk, before starting to explain the job she had been offered.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as Virginia excitedly revealed all this to her father, who had come out of his office, the uncle dwarf would be off to speak with the dragon slayer. having the troublesome look in his eyes. which was often seen when he tried to scare off any one who wanted virginia to help them in a dungeon run. It would be something, as Virginia would have an idea with how her uncle would react upon meeting the colossal patron. however unknown to her father, was the fact this knight or adventurer had gifted virginia with a tip of an actual platinum coin. meaning she had more then enough to do just about anything she wanted, or she could give it to her father to store in savings for her.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As they talked over the idea. The human watching his adopted daughter start to brew some tea in his office fir him. "You want to go as a Carrier? When with the Dragon Slayer-" Her father started to say, sitting by as she stepped the leaves "Is a danger- yes, but he seems to be a pure man , a good man." Virginia said as she sat back. She reached into her top gently, pulling out the platinum to show her father. "He gave me this just for looking at him without fear, I think he will not see me hurt" she said as he father took it from her,. His face was skeptical, turning the thoughts in his head as he examined the coin. "If he is truly the hero I've heard him to be...I will have to agree."

Virginia bounced in her seat. "I told him that myself! So-"

The old man sighed and set tye coin in front if her, sliding it along his desk. ",you may go . But if anything even startles you, I want you to run back to the tavern." Her father said
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as he finally gave little virginia the permission, the gruphy little dwarf came crashing back into the room. as he had two massive king quality scales in his hand. his bad habit of seeking new material to smith with had came out. it was not long before the sound of movement, heavy, steady and over powering could be heard. as an unknown voice soon echoed. not angry but more determined.

"Little man, return those, and no harm will fall you. But if you keep hiding, I shall tear down any barrier you put up. "

as the voice spoke, their would be no mistaking Virginia's ears, this was the dragon slayer, and her uncle had gotten them into some drama again. the old dwarven man had a bad habit when he saw rare material, having went to check out this man, his niece spoke of. and seeing the rare scales out on the bed. the old, and bad habit showed itself again. However more then that, The owner of the inn, would know well that if the rumors were true, and if this dragon slayer was robbed, and angered, he could destroy the entire in with more then enough money to pay for repairs, as well as any fees. but the mental damage could be bad. Yet little did the father know, he had the best weapon to deal with this situation in his own adopted daughter.

"oi, you over size brute, I took nothing of yours, these are mine, so don't give me that. it's finders keepers. besides you have no right to do that. . ."

as the dwarf spoke, trying to sound tough, when he was the one hiding behind the thickest, and strongest door in the inn. the door to the main office area, thus he was to preoccupied to realize that his boss and niece would have a full view of his horrible mistake.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Uncle!" Virginia said as she and her father realized what foolish act the Dwarf had leapt into. "Thane, what have you done! Return those!" The human said while he saw heard the gentle yet firm approach of the dragon Slayer beyond the thick barricade door. He came around the desk, seeing his friend was carrying two dragon scakes in his hands, the old man nearly falling out with disbelief, but the shock was swallowed by his immediate frustration. "You know those aren't yours!" He hissed as he reached to try to snatch the rare materials away from him. "You return those this instant!"
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"what you mean, we both know these are truly valuable material, what is some brute going to do with it properly huh? it is best for us to use this, besides it is his own fault for not just giving them, as it would be a proper payment for the services he wants from our little virginia no?"

as he spoke in a frustrated tone, the dwarf was making this worse for him, the bad habit of his species greed showing itself. even going to the point of looking to his little Goblin niece, to see if she could help calm this giant on the other side of the door down, and listen to his dwarven reason. however if nothing else this could create new issues, and dangers for the trio, we at least two of them.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
(XD Virginia: too cute to be angry at)

Virginia covered her mouth, gaspinging as her uncle said the scales were likely worth her service. "Uncle-" she said as she hopped out of the chair, her heels clacking gently on the floor. "You have no right to this man's property even if you believe such a thing!" She said pouting at him as she walked over to the door. "Her father circled the desk,, reaching to start to grab the scales, pulling against the dwarfs gold struck hands.

"Virginia what are yiu doing?" Her father said as she started to reach up to open the door. "Bel! Will you calm down if I open this door!" She called through
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she spoke, the man would speak something unexpected, but understandable.
"I will only hurt the one who took my sister's scales. those are wedding gifts, and I had to hunt for them. "
saying this, revealing why the seemingly gentle, and calm giant Virginia had got to know had become such a monster. however his hand soon pierced through the solid door, like it was tin foil. as he moved to grasp the wood with his hands through the hole he made. before tearing the door in two, and tours his body, tossing them to ether side of his frame.

ducking down as he entered the room calmly, even taking a moment to gently pat Virginia's head, as he spoke up.
"Do not worry, I will pay for all the damages, and if this man is related to you I will not kill him, just hurt him to teach a lesson. "
as he spoke in a calm and gentle tone, the fact remained his eyes were locked on the tiny dwarf, unaware of the human which now had the scales in his possession. as the real reason behind the anger was revealed, these were not for money, but to be crafted into a wedding gift, for this giant's little sister, or so he claimed.
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