General RP A Maid Paid in Full (Kasumi

The prince would answer the door, dressed casual enough, he was wearing a red shirt and Jean shorts, abd a nice pair of sneakers. He paused as he looked at Kasumi's dress. "Aha! Now I feel under dressed!" He said as he smiled. He shut the door up abd locked it with a turn of the key, starting to walk Kasumi down the road for the subway. It had shift temperature since the night, a nice warm day.
Kasumi didn't mind his outfit, loving anything he wore. "No, you look great!" It was his most casual dress, but alas. Dresses always looked fancier. Kasumi followed close by as they left for the subway. His dress wasn't too long, ending just above his knees. The sleeves were quite short as well, making it perfect for the warmer day, despite it being black. It was the first thing he saw in his closet that seemed casual enough for the day. The ride on the subway was pretty uneventful, Kasumi keeping close to his prince the entire time. Any onlookers could assume they were a couple.
After hopping off the train, the walk for the new mall was set, a easy pace. A small crowd was bunching at the cross walk,, making him set a hand on Kasumi's while they cut through it, a mixture of pedestrian traffic and some street performance try to gather some money from tourists. His eyes fell on Kasumi as they crossed the other side, starting to let go while they had the building inside, a shining glass corner that had the front doors automatically open.
Kasumi had been tempted to hold the other's hand as they walked. He sort of got his wish, his prince's hand on him as he led him through the crowd. As they reached the other side, the hand left him, Kasumi feeling a sense of loss. The feeling didn't last as they entered the mall, the various shops catching his eye. He held back wanting to go into each one, keeping himself focus on the few he wanted to visit.

Ohh, but the Sanrio shop...! Wait, they had an arcade! "Okay, we definitely have to go to the arcade." He said, refusing to take no for an answer. "We can do that last." Or now. He wasn't picky!

In any case, the first place he wanted to check out was on the same floor they were on. He pointed it out before heading there with his prince close by. It was a clothing store, one Kasumi typically admired but never had a chance to actually buy anything. Perhaps only the cheaper accessories. Standing at the display window, he admired one of the dresses. "I've always wanted this one," he remarked, pointing to the white dress.
Noah put his hands on his hips as Kasumi took the lead, making plans for them already. The Sanrio store, the arcade, both were fine by him. As they stood by the dress boutique, he rubbed his chin. "What's been stopping you?" He said looking over curiously. Ofcourse he understood not many were aa fortunate as himself, UT it never hurt to actually ask then assume they were just priced out of things.
Kasumi wanted to say he couldn't afford it, something he often defaulted to, until he recalled the money he was getting from his prince's aunt. All for spending time with him. "Hmm..." He hummed to himself in thought. "I guess... I can get it now." He was used to not having any money, paying bills, and buying groceries. Unfortunately, those things came first, no matter how badly he may want a dress.

Now... There was no stopping him. He could save the money and wait. Before he knew it, he was already walking into the store and looking around. He spotted the dress on one of the racks and looked through for his size. Finding it, he went to the register, not stopping for anything else.

Soon he returned to his prince's side, the dress neatly folded in a bag. He was grinning, quite pleased to have actually gotten it for himself. "Where would you like to go~?"
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"I think we can hit up a book store, maybe we can find something good." He said thoughtfully, seeing how pleased Kasumi looked, he felt a sad that he didn't have the opportunity to buy that dress himself for them. He would lead ttheway around the mall luckily nobody would recognize him by his face. Not until he publicly was brought out inti the spotlight from his trip to America. The prince would step into the shop, a cozy two floor shop, connected by a winding stair way in the center if the store. The more mature stuff was Up top, but naturally nobody had to check them.
"Bookstores are good, yeah!" He loved the idea! He once again followed close to his prince as he was led toward the bookstore. He looked around at the various stores they passed by, taking note of which ones he may want to check out in the future. At this point, he was just happy to spend time with the other. Entering the store, he looked at the signs telling them which section had what in it. He wandered into one of the sections, browsing through the selections, before looking through another. He eventually found himself upstairs, naturally ending up in the adult section.

Oh. ...Nice.
As Kasumi landed in the adult section...the furthest section if the shop from the stairs, abd every book was jacketed in black covers, Noah was momentarily wandering about. Trying to figure put where Kasumi had gotten off to. Well. The former hadn't done that...yet. "Kasumi?" He said as he looped around the corner, flushing slightly. Oh.
Kasumi was wandering, noting that every cover had a black cover on it. Hmm, well. He could make assumptions by the titles, pausing at a particular one. His prince had found him staring at it, the other pulling him out of his thoughts. "Hm?" He hummed back in response, finally looking at him. "Oh! Um. I didn't know what was up here." He laughed nervously before looking back toward the stairs. "We can go back down. I was just curious." He smiled softly, glancing back at that one title before heading for the stairs.

To his prince, he seemed to be interested in some title that involved the yakuza. Why else had he been staring so intently? Seemingly so out of it and in his head.
Noah walked him from the stairs but took him to a different spot. "Okay- sit here!' He said nodding as he took Kasymi to him chairs by an aisle that was simply listed for health and fitness. "I'll be right back- no followung-" he said briefly as he swooped off to go look for something. Thou ghost now Kasumi was left looking at a wall of muscle fitness magazines...not terrible, but not what he was after.
Kasumi was ready to check something else out until his prince stopped him and had him sit. Confused, he complied, sitting on the provided chairs. "Mm? What are you doing~?" He mused curiously, nodding in compliance. He stayed put, watching his prince disappear. He held little to no interest in the magazines in front of him, Kasumi glancing off elsewhere, settling on people-watching until his prince returned.
Noah came back with a book under his arm, sitting down across from Kasumi. "So-I don't think I've mentioned this bidirectional, but I'm a but of an artist!" Noah said as he set a blank book on the small coffee table between them and some pencils. "I've been told, I'm so good that I should draw without look at the page!" He boasted on.
Kasumi found himself blushing. No one had ever wanted to draw him before. Him, a muse for an artist~? It was made worse knowing they wouldn't break eye contact. "Oh, let's see..." He thought for a moment before settling his elbows atop the table and resting his head in his open palms. He gave a small, gentle smile, holding the pose. Ahh, looking into each other's eyes... It was too much~!
Noah held the state , locking eyes with Kasumi while his hands moved along the pag, his movements were deft, practiced, , he even would stop to switch pencils. He worked for perhaps 15 minutes, maybe a bit longer than that. He looked down finally and nodded to him. He held the book close to his chest for a moment, allowing anticipation to build. "I will now, show you my great skill-" he said as he slowly slid the book across the table. When Kasumi would open it up, he would an absolute mess, perhaps to be artistic, it was abstract peice, lines that shaped partially unto what could have been Kasumi's facial features, if they were not floating about at different portions of the page. His dress was a shaped figure, dotted with a shot gun paren of ribbon like curls and the frills and lace were practically framing patterns rather than apart of the look. His arms and the chair were one in the same seated together with the crude look table.
The anticipation was too much, from sitting there for nearly twenty minutes to the other hiding the finished product. When he finally revealed it, Kasumi was... speechless. "Noah..." He whispered, staring down at the book before turning it and showing the other. He wanted to laugh, at the absurdity of the whole thing, yet he didn't want to possibly hurt his prince's feelings if he was serious. He just couldn't tell!

"A-Abstract art?"
Noah grinned leaning forward a little. "Yes." He said straight facing as hard as he could to see if Kasumi would be able to stand it. "It's might favorite kind of art, you get every detail right. Like your eyes here!" He said poking the page to two shifted eyes. They were draw, probably down the the pupil and shine...but the circles that would compose them were spread out across the page, and a random chunk shaded in. "I think this captures everything perfectly! Do you?"
As Kasumi tried his best to sound sincere, Noah cracked first, snorting through his nose as he start to cover his face, laughing and rocking forward. People nearby turned to look, but Noah didn't look up to care, too busy deep, bellying laughing. "Oh really- you can- you can out it up on your refrigerator!" He laughed
Kasumi's smile was wide and bright as he calmed down from laughing. He was pleased, happily stashing the book into his bag so they didn't have to carry it. The compliment still had him smiling, a light blush tainting his cheeks. "My sweet prince~" He took his hand, using it to stand. Grabbing his bag they began to walk, finding another place to look at. It was also nice to wander! Being with his prince just made him so happy.

"Mm~ We can hit the arcade. Then some lunch!" He was excited to check out the games and things they could do, along with seeing the many options in the food court.
"Oh so now you want to challenge me ti games agian" h he sau playfully, bumping Kasumi gently as they woukd make the trip down the escalators to the ground floor to make for the arcade. The games within were a mix of old school cabinets, new games, even regular table games like table tennis, or shuffleboard. It even carried a bowling center for those that still loved the game.
"Mhm!" He hummed happily, laughing softly at the bump. They soon reached the arcade, an old favorite of Kasumi's. He spotted some other games, ones that would usually be found at a fair, yet built into a cabinet. There was even DDR! Going for the classics first, he found one they could play against each other. He first went to the machine to pay for a card so they could play, before hopping over to the game. "Ready~?"

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