General RP A Maid Paid in Full (Kasumi

As Kasumi opened up with new ferocity, Noah was set to the defensive for the moment, his tactics switching quite quickly for the first round. He was beaten and chipped at for the first round of battle, occasionally disrupting Kasumi's combos to keep his opponent from get a clean wash on him. But for now, he was using the round to learn this new aggressive approach for tells.
Kasumi had tried his best, using all of the moves he could think of to defeat his prince. Alas, the other seemed to be better at the game than him, beating him after each round. "Damn, huh. You're really good." He admitted in his defeat. The game was over, and Kasumi glanced around for another game for them to play. "Oh! We can do some DDR." He pointed out and went over to the machine. He paid with the card for his session, his prince doing the same on his side. "Mmm... Do you want to pick the song?" He asked, leaving it up to his prince. There was a mix of Japanese pop and some American songs.
"I attention when I'm able" He said flushing a little as they ended the battle, switching gears to another machine. DDR by the look of it. Swiping his card, he reviewed the listing. "I think we should...take a trip?" He said as he started selecting a few American songs.
The American songs were quite popular and well-known even in Japan. It was no wonder they ended up on the machine. He let his prince choose, not minding going a few rounds letting him pick each song. The game started after the selection, the arrows appeared on the screen and Kasumi began to move. He tapped his foot on the button, the song started off slow, yet as it picked up his skirt flowed as he danced.
Noah stoke a glance as Kasumi as they both would follow the pace of the song, the arrows slowly running the patterns for the start.. but picking up speed. Noah was used to footwork, but not quite like this , his strides in battling and his dance knowledge only could lend themselves to far.
Kasumi nodded, paying for one more round as he did want to explore and play elsewhere. They went again, this time Kasumi picking the song, some classic Japanese pop song. Somehow, he thought he was about to lose until he pulled through in the end. "Aha!" He cheered, leaning against the railing as he panted. "I really thought that was it for me!" He turned to his prince, "What next~?" He asked, ready for something different.
Noah stepped off the machine, huffing lightly as he considered it, he tapped his Chun. His eyes fell on something. "Heh- it's a little silly I bet...come here!' He said walking away to a small booth, perhaps big enough for two. It had a pullable curtain rather than a door, and the outer advertising seemed to be for a photo booth.a closed space, for fun....unless Kasumi was going to get to a new exhibitionist side to his prince..
Kasumi slowly calmed down. He fixed his hair, happy he began doing so as Noah brought him over to a photo booth. "Oh!" He became excited, pulling his prince inside. "What poses do you want to do?" He asked, already coming up with a few on the spot. He was quite eager to go through the many frames and stickers they could add to the pictures later.
"Oh- uh we can do some different ones for every shot, so...I'd probably start with something silly first? And you can take the next one?' He said as he showed the bags underneath the seat. He start to pull up his card. "I think it'll be real good, we can do anything in here"
Kasumi nodded, pausing to look through the bag that Noah pulled out. "Yeah, we can do that," he agreed, pulling a few random things out. Silly... "We could pull a random prop out without even looking at it. See what we come up with." Ah... Anything, huh? No, no, he had to be good, but he couldn't help the wandering thoughts. They only had a curtain to give them some privacy. He looked back over to Noah, far too tempted suddenly to do something... something he may regret. Or perhaps Noah would enjoy it~?
He smiled. "Oh! That's a great idea!" He said unknowing of what was in Kasumi's head. But he seemed to be having fun...and Kasumi definitely knew his prince liked him. Well. The idea of using him if he was a woman...And had made a mess of him. He might be able to talk him into something.
Kasumi was thrilled he loved his idea until his thoughts began to wander and he was suddenly in a race to figure out what he should do... and if he should do it. After pleasuring Noah all this while, Kasumi was craving some of his own, but he didn't want his secret to come out... not just yet. Handing the bag back to Noah, he pressed closer, leaning in to plant a little kiss to his cheek. "We could... play a little, too." He suggested lightly, his hand wandering from his chest, going lower to just above his belt. "What do you say~?"
As Kasumi agreed, Noah blinked, wondering if this was normal or I'd Kasumi was simply...unfazed by such acts. But his thoughts were muted as they connected, the kiss pulling him as his hand slowly moved, touching hus maids back, slowly holding onto them. Thick powerful arms embracing them, comfortable and firm.
Kasumi felt so comforted by those arms that he never wanted to leave his embrace. His own hand gently rubbed his back, letting it trail downward further and further until he brought it back up. He groaned softly, honestly not trying to get too excited, yet his prince excited him far too much. He pressed closer before shifting, praying he didn't feel a little something more as their hips had pressed together ever so slightly. Even that slightest bit of contact caused enough friction and turned him on. Fuck, was he really going to wander the arcade and mall like this?
As they touched against each other, Noah leaned unto it a bit more, the small booth only silently booting up as the card he was holding in one hand bumped the RFID sensor. He dropped the card, his shyness pressing on the more experienced maid. He moved a hand slowly down his back. ..the princes hand wandering all on its own. So brave of him. It grabbed the bottom of Kasumi's skirt, lifting it slightly.
Kasumi had no idea the booth had read Noah's card and was ready to take their pictures. Eventually, it began snapping photo after photo, Kasumi not realizing at first as he had been so into kissing his Noah. He felt the other lift his skirt and at first didn't mind until it hit him what was happening. He also noticed a flash of light from behind him, indicating the retake photo option. He suddenly swatted at Noah's hand before letting himself drop to his knees, hiding himself from the view of the camera. "Shit! T-That startled me!" He tried to cover up his sudden actions and behavior with a small laugh, smiling up at his prince.

Should he really have panicked? Noah could have learned of his secret and perhaps they could have played. He truly missed the feeling of being filled and someone taking him. He feared by this point masturbating wouldn't cut it anymore. He needed Noah, now.

He waited out the photos being taken, his temptation growing to do something else to his prince as he looked up at him. A blowjob wouldn't hurt... would it?
Noah flushed as Kasumi suddenly pulled back, thinking that he had accidentally overstepped, the idea of pushing his power over the maid instantly terrifying him...but his explanation made him relax. He looked st the camera. "Oh- guess I accidentally-" he looked down as the next flash went up. "S-So what's the next pose?"
Kasumi gently bit his lower lip, needing something, anything, to distract his sex-starved mind. He slowly got back to his feet, wondering just how much the camera caught of them. All they did was kiss-- so far. "S-Silly poses, yeah?" He asked, his nerves raised. He was really going to have to escape to the bathroom... damn. Could he really walk into the women's restroom like this? He had quite the problem growing which he hoped the dress would be able to hide. He glanced down, finding he was safe - for now.

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