General RP A Maid Paid in Full (Kasumi

'Oh-' Noah thought, almost feeling...a little disappointed that Kasumi stood up, but pushed that selfish thought down. Appalled at himself. "Y-yes-" he agreed as he shifted, while Kasumi moved...taking up some more space subconsciously his legs shifted apart. He reached around, leaning forward , the maids master almost leaning into the skirts as he'd have to try to blindly grab a prop.
The excitement in Kasumi noted the nervousness from his prince. It was too much, he wanted to touch him so badly - and to be touched himself. But if he wanted his secret kept, he couldn't let him. Well, they would both just have to suffer! ...Damn it. He couldn't take it anymore. His eyes landed on the bag that his prince began digging through, his eyes catching something way more interesting than the photo shoot and props. "My prince..." he started, momentarily unsure if he should push. He may be able to hide his problem with his dress, but his prince certainly wouldn't be able to!

Ahh, fuck it! "I'm sorry for teasing you. I... I cannot let you leave this booth like... this." Pressing closer, his hand brushed over his prince's hard on. He carefully slipped down to his knees, teasingly palming his prince through his pants while looking up at him, a curious and innocent expression on his face. "I-Is that okay?"
Noah yelped faintly as the maid touched him, his hand fumbling the prop he just touched, a feathery boa landing beside the maid as they lowered themselves. The camera flashed again as Noah looked down in embarrassed shock. "Eh-well- i- we- you-...if- if you want to do it- that's what I care about-" he admitted shyly
Kasumi couldn't help but grin, thrilled with the half consent. "I always want to, don't you worry." He was about to admit to loving to please his partners, but he didn't need his prince to know that much about him. It was all in the past. He was quick to undo his belt and zipper, pulling the monster out of his pants. The size surprised him every time, Kasumi unable to help himself as he licked his lips. He wasted no time, knowing they were hogging the booth that others may want to enter. He ignored the flashing of the light as he dove in, teasing the tip with his tongue, swirling it around before moving his tongue along the full length.
"A-Always-?" He mumbled as he realized...his maid sounded a bit more of a freak in the sheets than he would have thought. But the tongue tasting him made him shiver and shudder, wiping his thoughts away. He touched his mouth, muffling himself, moaning gently as he worked his tongue along, the monster was so stiff, so ready, it would probably be filling, big enough to quench Kasumi's needs fir a whole week. His head leaned back.
Kasumi hadn't noticed the little slip up he made. He was so eager, so aroused, he wanted it so badly. He had to be patient, hoping the wait would absolutely be worth it in the end. He worked his tongue on his cock, using his usual moves, ones Noah would perhaps remember in the cafe that night. He probably wouldn't as he had been so intoxicated. Still! The body remembered! Glancing up, he looked over his prince's face, seeing if he was looking. Kasumi wanted to touch himself, the younger male truly considering slipping a hand underneath his dress to jerk off. The dress would hide it, yet not his seed. He gave a particular hard suck as he lifted, eying his prince's face, wanting to see the pleasure he could give wash over him.
The manipulations felt so good, and yet strangely... familiar, pleasure jumping up into him so easily, so quickly. He gave a silent gasp, his face washing in pleasure and lust, his hand blindly stroking Kasumi's hair. his hips pushed slightly, biting back a groan. "Kasumi-" he whispered. another flash jumped over his face, cycling another automatic photo.
The photos being taken were lost to Kasumi, his focus solely on his prince. He saw the flashing of the light, yet it didn't seem to register in his mind as photos being taken. He was somehow comforted by the hair stroking, that satisfying him for the time being, his secret safe for now. He melted hearing his name moaned, his urges rising once more. Damn it...! Reaching out, he grabbed for Noah's other hand, moving it to his head, hoping he would possibly get the hint. He doubted his prince would end up using him like that, though he held his hand on his head as he began bobbing on his cock.
Noah felt his other hand being dragged, joining the other while Kasumi bobbed lower and lower, his eyes urging him, willing him. The princes eyes werecfull of fragile lust, enjoying him, enjoying ever Bob and suck. Was it bad. No. Kasumi clearly wanted it. He wrestled with the idea, the desires that he'd had to answer. 'She wants it...expects it-" he resolved as he started to pull and push the maids head suddenly, plucking up his courage to act
Kasumi shuddered harder as his prince did get the hint, moving all on his own. He allowed his hand to lower, holding onto his prince's hips. Ah, so his prince could indulge in his maid's desires~! Kasumi had to teach him, to let him know it was fine. He also definitely needed to learn his cock, how to manage more than a few inches. Whatever he couldn't manage, his hand squeezed and stroked, teasing while his tongue did most of the work. He licked, swirled, and sucked, pressing his tongue against the underside and the slit, hoping to drive him wild. He wanted another taste of his prince, the pre that spilled just wasn't enough.
Noah groaned lowly with every stroke, every suck, he started to press slightly firmer, sliding Kasumi an extra inch down his throat. He had plenty yo stroke and play will, the hardness thumping. His hips put more energy into it, his precum rippling out faster and faster. His hands squeezed on the maids head, ruffling his hair instinctively.
Kasumi loved it, his prince taking over, almost forcing just a bit more of him down. He tried not to choke around him, Kasumi relaxing his throat as much as he could. It only turned him on more. More and more pre spilled from that monster and he realized he was pretty quick. Kasumi didn't change anything he did, only perhaps the speed, wanting him to get that relief he needed. Even if he struggled, his prince made it better, comforting him without him perhaps realizing.
As Kasumi was relaxing, trying to allow his prince to use him. The tension he felt, the warmth and wetness making him throb faster. Noah simply had no need to resist, or hold it in, he wanted to enjoy Kasumi so much, working and bobbing him so quickly. He leaned his head back as he started to unleah it all, his body bucking and shivering as he began cumming.
Kasumi looked back up, enjoying the look on his face when he reached his completion. He was gorgeous... He wanted to see that face when they had sex. It was torture! He wanted it now! He quickly swallowed him down, not wasting a single drop of his prince's seed. When he felt he was done, Kasumi slowly lifted off, cleaning him in the process. Fully pulling back, he panted, catching his breath. He let go of those hips, lowering his hands to rest them in his lap, calming down. "I just couldn't leave you like that, walking around with such a... problem." He smiled up gently at him.
The ruffles in the skirt of his dress hid his erection. The panic he suddenly felt seeing the 'printing!' message pop up made it disappear. "Ah! Oh no-" he stepped outside of the booth, snatching the printed photos before anyone could see them. He flushed, finding his head in one picture as he bobbed on Noah's cock, his head gone the next. He brought them back into the booth, showing Noah. His prince's face could be seen, mixed with pleasure. He almost wanted to keep that one specifically. "Oh, god..." His face was red.
Kasumi shook his head, "No, don't regret enjoying yourself. We just... picked a bad place to do it." He said with a small laugh. "We can hide them in my bag for the time being." He suggested, grabbing it from the corner of the little booth. "We'll discard them later." Or Kasumi could keep one. Just of Noah. "We can do something else." He suggested, figuring they should leave the booth to let someone else have their time.
He rubbed his head while Kasumi spoke, and collected the pictures. Noah clearly was deeply embarrassed, wrestling it inside and out. Luckily Kasumi provided him with a simple option, he stood up, pausing to zip up his pants and collect their things to step out. A small line was standing by the booth, judging him surely,las knowing that he had fooling around. Or perhaps that was just his panic. He turned away quickly, hustling quickly away from the booth as Kasumi followed for the next game.
After seeing that line outside the booth Kasumi was very happy to have collected the pictures when he did before anyone could get a glimpse. He let Noah collect himself before they stepped out, eager to move on to the next thing. When they were far away enough from the booth, Kasumi let out a small, relieved sigh. "Okay..." He looked around, seeing if there was something nearby they could do. "We can pick... that one," he pointed to one of the arcade games, something simple to ease their stressed minds and nerves. "Or we can go shopping." Somewhere outside of the arcade, around the rest of the mall.
Kasumi was relieved with that choice, too, knowing his prince would be more comfortable. Anything to make him happy! Kasumi lit up at the mention of those cute little soaps. "Yeah! I love those! The little shapes they make them into." He always enjoyed just looking at them, sometimes even buying a few for his apartment. Though, they were typically never used, not wanting to ruin the shape. He happily let his prince lead him away, Kasumi following close behind him. Outside the shop, there was a display for the latest product series they had to sell, a line of different bathing products in the scent of 'Bluebell.' The packaging was pretty, green with pictures of the actual Bluebell flower. He almost wanted to get it- almost. He took over, pulling Noah into the shop to browse.
Noah walked in, pulled along with a small laugh as he saw Kasumi getting excited. He didn't often mess around in the shop, he simply didn't have the usual company or requirement fir the little designs in his soap. But he figured it was a good time to try. The shop was organized well, and oprn, drawing in customers with their newest products sbd gentle scents. He was already slightly easied by it, enjoying it.
Kasumi, spotting the makeup, skipped over everything else to see their selections. He needed some new stuff and as long as he could afford it, he may grab some things while there. He saw a lot of things were on sale and he began picking some out. Foundation and the like, different blushes, and some pretty new lipsticks he wanted to try. He grabbed some false eyelashes and mascara, just the basics, really. He looked like a typical girl makeup shopping, but he didn't care. Gender meant nothing to him. He tested the different shades of lipstick against his hand, seeing which one would work best with his light skin tone.
For just a moment Kasumi was lost in the world of makeup and the various products that caught his eye. Turning, he spotted fragrances, seeing ones for men, too. "Oh! I think this would fit you very well." He grinned, moving over to the shelf and picking up a bottle. 'Full iris,' with the scent being described as soft, woody, and floral. He reached for Noah's wrist and sprayed it, lifting it to his nose to smell. "Ooh! I do like that one a lot!" He gently pushed it toward Noah to try. "I wouldn't mind getting this for you. A gift~"
Noah blushed as Kasumi raised it up to him saying it would be a gift...normally he felt weird about such thing. Gifts came with expectations, his brother and father would say. But that wasn't quite right with Kasumi...not in the same vein. "Well- if you want, but I don't mind buying it-" he said. Kasumi seemed to like it, and as he sampled its scent, he did find it to be nice.
He shook his head, ready to grab the bottle and buy it for him right then and there so he couldn't. "No. I'm getting it for you~." He didn't seem to hate the scent, Kasumi carefully watched his reaction when he tried it. Smiling, he nodded and took a bottle before he looked through a few other options as well as some for himself. "Okay! Now, let's see what else this place has," he said before he moved from the fragrances area to browse everything else. It allowed Noah a chance to look around, too.

Soon, he was satisfied with what he had and he went to pay for his items. He had Noah's bagged separately and once off the line, he presented it to him. "For you~!" He smiled widely. "Now~ what's next?"

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