General RP A Maid Paid in Full (Kasumi

The train jumped gently to rattling forward, Noah bouncing a little against his maid. "Uh- yeah- really busy" He said shuffling as he felt his bag bump against Kasumi. He started to switch hands a, the train jolting, his chest pressing into Kasumi. "Ah- sorry" He said starting to pull back.
Kasumi's blush darkened as they jolted, his prince pressing right up against him. He could figure out his secret at any moment...! He shook his head, shifting slightly to hide himself better. "It's not your fault," he said, recalling the bag and trying to move it between them, giving himself some sort of barrier. He let out a quiet sigh of relief, mainly to himself.
Kasumi shook his head, his worries far from a little chest bump, though he did wonder if Noah noticed he was quite flat in that area. With his bag between them, he felt better, though another small worry crossed his mind- those damn pictures. The bag was closed, no one able to see inside and catch Noah's face twisted in pleasure. And yet... Just a little bit longer...!

Kasumi was relieved when they finally reached the station, eager to get off of the train. He took his time, unable to do anything until space was made so he could step off the train. "Ahh, that was tight!" ...Fucking hell.
"Mm, it's fine. Terrible in the summer but we'll be in A/C soon." Thank goodness for air conditioning in stores! Staying close to Noah again, they left the station to head for the store near the other's home. "Okay, we need... Noodles, of course. I've seen kits where the sauce is included. Ah! What sort of meat do you want?" They would have to get some vegetables, too.
Pork was typically used, so he nodded. He figured they could find everything they needed in this smaller shop. With basket in hand, they browsed the produce section first, as it was nearby. Kasumi tried to look for the smallest vegetables they would need so as not to waste anything. "Carrots, cabbage, onion, bean sprouts..." He mumbled as he looked, soon spotting each ingredient and placing them in the basket. In the meat section, he looked for some thinly sliced pork belly, it also went into the basket once found. They then headed for the noodle aisle, quickly finding the kit that included sauce, getting enough for just the two of them. "Ooh, do you want gyoza, too?" Miso soup as well! He knew Noah had enough for soup so he didn't need to get anything for it. "We could make some homemade gyoza... or just get it frozen." He laughed softly at the simple option, leaving it up to Noah though he did head for the frozen section. As they walked, he spotted an aisle for snacks and another for alcohol, Kasumi wanted to go there last to get some things, too.
"Oh!" He lit up, loving the idea of a little bonding time. Luckily they already had the cabbage, they just needed to get some other things. "I love it. Let's go get the wrappers. Still want pork?" He asked, needing to go back to the meat section to grab some ground pork, or whatever he wanted in it. Walking past the other aisles again he paused, "Do you want to grab some snacks for us? And some drinks. I'll grab the rest of the things we need." He said, figuring they could get done quicker that way.
"Yes, ah, both- whatever you want! I'll leave it up to you." He grinned, letting him disappear to pick out the other things for them. In the meantime, Kasumi finished gathering the rest of the ingredients. They already had cabbage for the gyoza filling, so he picked up the meat and other fillings. He got some edamame, too, for one more side dish. With that, he felt they had enough. Finding Noah, he met up with him and they went onto a small line at the register. They got their items bagged and Kasumi happily paid. "There, let's go~" he grinned, leaving the store with some bags to head back to Noah's place.
Kasumi would have urged to carry his own, but stayed quiet, letting Noah take the bags. He smiled to himself, finding that little action romantic. He liked the snacks the other chose, and the drinks, too! It gave insight into his prince's tastes. Inside, he helped unload the bags. "We can start making the gyoza and cook them later. I can make extra and freeze them so you have plenty for a while." He grinned, happy to keep his prince well-fed. All he would have to do was toss them into a pan with some oil and water to thaw and cook them. If Noah wanted to cook later, they could always hang out until it was time~.
"Aw, well, sure!" It was true, his attention solely on Noah, there was a chance he would neglect his own needs. After Noah washed his hands, Kasumi followed after, making sure they were nice and clean before starting. "Do you know how to make gyoza?" He asked as he dried his hands with a towel, wanting to know how much he knew before they started. He was happy to show him how!
Kasumi grinned, "Perfect! I'd love to teach you." He said happily as he began setting up what they needed. He showed Noah how to chop the vegetables before letting him try as he got some bowls and utensils out. He made the mixture that would go into the gyozas before showing him the trick to filling and wrapping them. With a tray set out, he began lining the dumplings onto it.
Kasumi was satisfied with his work, nodding in approval. He let Noah fill and wrap the dumplings next, letting him get a feel for it. Even if he messed up, they would still use them. They would still taste the same, mostly!

"Mm... okay! These are great. Want to make them now or later?" He asked, eying the fridge for some alcohol. He was tempted but willing to wait.
Kasumi nodded, "Good idea. Want a drink?" He asked before he rummaged through the cabinet to fish out some cling wrap. He had it ready to go to wrap the tray and store the dumplings in the fridge until they were ready. He grabbed a drink or two out of the fridge, depending on it Noah wanted one, and took the cap off before drinking some. He then went back to help Noah finish wrapping the dumplings. Once done, he wrapped the tray and stuck it in the fridge. "Ah, dishes time." If there was any filling left, he dumped it before placing whatever needed to be cleaned into the sink and then began washing. "Mm, what should we do before dinner~?" He asked, placing the cleaned and rinsed dishes on the drying rack before moving to the next.
"Oh. Well. Normally I'd wash up or something, but with company...I might see if we could have some fun." He said as he took the beer, cracking it gently to sip on it. "We could get comfortable with some TV, or..." He chuckled slightly. "I'll be honest, I don't have alot of stuff I can do with company, I don't usually have people in here."
As Kasumi fought the thoughts, all this waiting he was doing, all this neglecting, but Noah was none the wiser, his prince walked to the TV. " they uh all live too far from here, or they think they'll have more fun elsewhere. Not even my gym friends come by often." He said
Kasumi frowned, feeling bad for Noah. "Really..." What shitty coworkers. Finishing the dishes, he grabbed his beer and followed Noah to the television. "Well, screw them. We can hang out." He had to wonder why that was, though. He thought Noah was great company, besides the sexual stuff they did... Well, he did for him. He was just being biased.
Kasumi found the other's arm around him and he smiled, leaning against him. "Oh, it's fine," he said, though the other still slid the remote over to him. Dramas~? ...Yeah. He didn't mind them, usually having them on in the background while he did other things and getting distracted by just having to see what happened next. He began flipping through the channels, glancing over to Noah to see if he wanted this or that on.

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