Game RP A Paradise By Any Other Name (Crow)

"Heh, I didn't mean for you, I'll have to give my pup a break when she's delivering!" He said smirking as he felt Izzy cumming around him. He squeezed her hips, starting to pull out of her slowly.

As she went slack she felt the two young beasts drop off of her, clearly spent of all their strength.
As her tongue slapped against his, the two of them wrestling aa she used her large thighs to hold him on top. His hands moved to her breasts, starting to manhandle them up , knowing she liked to put up a battle. His cock was still surging hard, rubbing up against her pussy briefly, arching and pushing up to drive himself inside of her.
He pumped his hips against hers, slamming into her like a machine, his cock beating against herbwomb like a battering ram. No wonder the dog was knocked up, he probably could fit himself all the way into her womb at hee smaller size. No wonder she was wrapped around him like he was her mate, he practically was asking for her to be with every strike. His fingers pinched her nipples. "Mm-you're a loud bitch Lorraine, do you always moan like such a whore-"
"Heh. Is Lexi even your husband's daughter?" He hissed as She shouted her depravity. The camera was still rolling, and despite her words, claiming her husband knew exactly what she was up to, did he know all her secrets? Lock was rutting into her like she was a toy, giving her all his strength. maybe even a bit more than he'd given Izzy with her size and condition.
"Ooh-So you mean you're going to give that poor bastard absolutely no babies?"just going to let him raise my baby and ngg-let him believe his tiny thing got you knocked up?' He grunted as he felt her squirter running down his crotch, his hands smacking her tots around harder and pulling in her nipples, tugging in them as he was beating her womb faster. "Thata ice cold-"
"Mm-i bet you just like getting fucked by humans" he teased as he moved his hands up, seizing her horns as he stuck out his tongue, pulling her into another kiss before she could answer. He bucked against her, his tip pressing harder on her womb, like he was demanding to be let into her most sacred (desecrated?) Place.
As he felt her grabbing into him, his hands squeezing her hirnedvas he thrusted against her still, hitching his thrusts up into her. She felt him thribbung like crazy as they made out like two feral beast folk in the woods. Why wasn't he filling her, yet? She knew Izzy had softened him up, and just had finished with her daughter. What kind of minster was he to have such stamina.
Lock settled eventually his hips finally stopping once he stopped pushing his cum inside of her. 'Ha-see why Izzy likes me so much?" He teased with s smirk. As she laid there, she felt some cool stamp against her fur, right next to the other mark left by Tom Nook. "You are now a member of the Alternate purchasing program " Tom said as he walked over to put his materials away.

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