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Game RP A Paradise By Any Other Name (Crow)

Local Time:
10:46 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Lock stepped off the airplane and along the boardwalk, looking out onto the oceans pristine, beautiful salted waves, the horizon stretching so far a wide it made something in his chest ache at its beauty. He sighed, inhaling the saltwater laced air as a wave lapped up against the peir. He almost could forget the city...and the fact he would be working a new life. A cleaner, wholesome life with the Beasts that would live on his resort island. Beasts he would have to manage and care for in this island paradise as its Mayor and contructor. He could earn so much money off them, get them to love it here. All the Beast Women take care of. 'Beast women to just-' he thought as he licked his lips at the idea. 'Fuck over abd over' he almost panted in his head, just thinking it was making him erect in his swim trunks. He turned from the horizon, picking up his bags to go to his new resort.

But then he turned to the island, mid step from the pool eir to the sands on the beach...., and his heart, his whimsy, and his boner stopped. The grass was way too high! Up to his knees! Tree were over burdening with fruit, and boulders were scattered all over, the clifs were just that! No ramps or ladders, abd the river split the island nearly into three!

"Tom what the hell is this!" Lock said to himself as he was forced to venture into the thickets, looking fir hide or hair of his investing partner, protecting his white skin with by putting his jacket on . God why did he ever leave the porn industry for this.. no wait he left because he wanted to more meaningful life...God was he stupid! He was a heartthrob! A pale beautiful young man, with plantium blonde, almost whit hair, and soft blue eyes. His upper boy was now guarded by a black Zip up jacket, abd his yellow swimtrunks were a tad loss, hanging on his hips to keep hungry eyes on his body. Now. He was using his manicured body to pick through these woods, looking for any sign of his friend.
Local Time:
9:46 PM
Nov 16, 2022
On the island was a small little office building where a woman would walk out when she heard someone arrive on the island. Although, to say she was a woman was not exactly correct. In fact she was one of the beast women that Lock was obsessed with. Isabelle is a yellow canine beast woman who was what someone would describe as a short stack who is 'dummy thick'. She was a big bigger but it all filled to her large breasts and dump truck of an ass, as well as some love handles of course.

SHe would saunter up to the human and looks up at him as he was significantly taller than her. "Oh hello there, you must be the new mayor that Tom swin...helped purchase this island to turn into a town or resort. I am Isabelle and i will be your assistant to do anything you ask' she seemed a bit timid and shy but her eyes couldnt help but observe his body. What would this new mayor be like
Local Time:
10:46 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Lock looked up as hevwas approached by the shorter beast woman. His eyes fell on her cute soft face, but then ran lower, all over his new assistants body. His swim trunks started to feel a bit tighter just ogling the new assistant he had. 'Nook you evil bastard.' Lock thought as he checked her out, she was talking but..nhe wasn't entirely listening until she said her name.

"Good meeting you Isabelle. You can call me Lock. I'm sure I can see myself working hard in you- with you. Ahem working hard with you." He said as he smiled.
Local Time:
9:46 PM
Nov 16, 2022
She would just smile, clearly not hearing the lewd comment that he had just blurted out. "yes, mr lock. I am happy to be working hard with you as well. Tom did say that you are always for the hard and dirty work so this should be easy and fun for you." She would turn around walking back to the small office, her secratary skirt revealing the bottom of her ass and panties.
Local Time:
10:46 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Slow down girl, I don't have a leash for you yet" he said under his breath, watching her walk away, his trunks only getting tighter as he walked after her. Tom really knew how to soften a blow alright. "Is it uh just you abd me? No Tom around huh?" He said following her. He wanted to jump her already, but...he would be better off playing things slow, for a while. He did just meet her after all, and he had a job to do. Well. An official one.
Local Time:
9:46 PM
Nov 16, 2022
"what was that? I didnt quite hear." she states talking about the leash comment he muttered. She honestly didnt have much experience being an assistant and secratary but her friend Tom ensured that she would enjoy this job and have fun. So now she was here with a man she knew nothing about who keeps stealing glances when she was not looking. "Yes sir, Tom said he would be by in a couple of days once you have broken in a few things on the island. Weird choice of words but his not mine. Let me get your paperwork" she says before bending over, her skirt giving him the full view.
Local Time:
9:46 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Isabelle would yelp as she feels his hand on her plump ass. She jumps, hitting her head on the filing cabinet. "ouch!" she turns her head to Lock looking surprised "w..what do you think you are doing mr mayor?" her ass was so soft and plump it was like he was grabbing a marshmellow, jiggling in response to his touch, her fur added to the softness and the nice, perfect for spanking
Local Time:
10:46 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"I was trying to adjust your skirt but uh, nit much to move" he lied. "You uhhh got alot to work with back here." He said as he gripped the hem of her skirt, pulling it a little like he was trying to cover her up. "Seeing as it's your first time, I think you know what's in your job description."
Local Time:
9:46 PM
Nov 16, 2022
She would blush at his comment. She had thought he was trying to take advantage of her but he was being quite the gentleman. "oh y..yes sorry about that. Nothing else ever seems to fit me since i have gained a little weight." a little weight gain was not what one would call what she had in the trunk as her ass was probably larger than most human girls he had met. "Actually about that, Tom said you were to tell me my job description when you got here." she says turning her head to look at him while he tries to cover her up
Local Time:
10:46 PM
Nov 9, 2022
'A little?!' He thought to himself as she explained herself. He tugged her skirt again, letting go. He would not fuck his assistant! He cleared his throat as she went on. "Oh? I'd thst the case? That's...uh...good to hear. As my Assistant you uh..." he paused. Shit what did assistants do anyway? Sit around looking sexy and promise not to tell your wife when you start groping them? No. Wait. Those were in his scripts.

"Uh.. you...give me aid by... making hard things a more relaxed environment ...uh. set my neetings....and I guess help me uh get clients here?' He said rubbing is chin as he looked at Isabelles behind. He licked his lips. "And uh...you do just about anything I ask."
Local Time:
9:46 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Isabelle would nod before backing up to stand back up, her ass accidentally bumping into his crouch. "oh sorry about that" she says stepping to the side. "okay i think i understand mr mayor. I am looking forward to taking care of all teh hard things for you" she says before handing him some paperwork "these are forms for making any buildings or adjustments to the island. Fill out what you want and i send them to Tom"
Local Time:
10:46 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As she backed into him, her ass cushioning against his crotch, Lock nearly grabbed him up again instinctively. But his hands held still while she moved aside. He took the papers. "Do I have a uh...desk? " He said as he tucked them under an arm. "Oh and Tim mentioned I'd be getting a place to stay....I don't see a house." He said narrowing his eyes. Ofcourse Tom prepared a place for Lock! He left Isabelle with instructions to go grab one of the tents in the office for Lock to stay in.
Local Time:
9:46 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Isabella would not pointing to the desk in the corner of the building next to hers. It was shabby and one leg was shorter. "Sometimes the table gets wobbly so let me know if you ever need some under the table support.: she did not know that this phrase had a completely different meaning then how she used it. "Oh yes there are some tents outside needing to be set up for you and me
Local Time:
10:46 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Oh I'll have plenty of need for that support just looking at what I'm dealing with." He said as he put his paper work on the desk. "It uh...must be awfully balanced." He sad nudging it, making it wobble back and forth noisily. "Damn you Tom' he hissed. He sat down, opening up on of the drawers a bit. "Wait, Tents?! He got is tents!"
Local Time:
9:46 PM
Nov 16, 2022
She would start working on the tent. He would begin to realize that Tom probably gave her to him as a secratary for something besides being an assistant. She was not very good at her job and that was clear. She seemed kind of clueless and distsy but tried her best. Yet somehow she found herself tied up by tent supplies in a way that was similar to bondage, She was on the ground squirmyng, her breasts straining against the rope "L..lock h..help"
Local Time:
10:46 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Lock looked over his shoulder to her as he had been working on setting up the poles. "Isabelle w-" he paused abd walked over slowly, leaning over her. "....how did you... you know what I don't want to know!" He said as he looked her over. "I need to find the knot" he said reaching down to roll her over onto her belly.
Local Time:
10:46 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Here it is." He said reaching down, his fingers tucking the knot and moving otbaround, rubbing between Isabelle's legs as he worked at it. The knot was tight, and troubsome, forcing him to shift it up and down, rubbing in Isabelle ms slut all the way up to her clit. "This'll take a minute, just uh get comfortable. "
Local Time:
10:46 PM
Nov 9, 2022
He sniffed her scent on the air. Oh no. "Uh-heh, ahem...are you okay?" He said as he pulled to rope again, rubbing and pulling more of it into her slit. Lockbit his lip. Oh god she was too good looking...too cute and just naive enough.. She was his favorite kind of beast girl. He was hard as a rock but trying not to give in.
Local Time:
9:46 PM
Nov 16, 2022
She started to pant a bit "y..yes just hurry, this is a bit...uncomfortable." she says as she starts to squirm to his touch. Why was it taking him so long to untie the rope? Maybe he had just never had much experience. That would explain why he was rubbing her pussy that was not beginning to coat his fingers in her juices. "mmmph" she bitees her lip mid moan
Local Time:
10:46 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Don't worry, i'll get you out." He said as he wormed his fingers through the knot, starting to pull it apart, his fingers hooked her panties a bit, dragging them aside. "Let's leave the rope work to me huh?" He teased as he glanced at her exposed slit, he wanted to push his fingers inside...but he pulled the ropes off her. Barely.
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