Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

"God dammit...just. How did you say it? Maybe it was just your tone." He said patting her back as he guided her along. "I'm sure he'll calm down, I can get you two a room together and I bet you can work it right out, and he'll be the Boon you know and ..uh...." He blinked. "Do know..." He lowered his voice. "love him?"
"...there's only one way to find out right? He's got an ego to him, but...if he didn't care atleast a little, do you think he'd just act like this? He'd....I don't know, beat you up if he hated you right? " He said trying to figure out if that was even correct. Mon dating rituals were so fucking odd to humans.
He shrugged. "You could...see if he's as cold as he acts?" He offered gently. Delson folded his arms. "I...just want to make sure that you two are okay. You two need to work together, seem so...lost without him holding onto you." Delson noted. He had been paying attention...atleast to the emotional impacts.
(I've got two ways I want this to go... Either Delson agrees and sends her away, then she meets them again after years of training, or Boon is listening in and decides to break her for insulting him)

"Why?! Just so he can do this again later? Put all this effort in for him to turn around and whine and bitch because I say the wrong thing?!" She was still surprisingly worked up about it, especially compared to the quiet and demure way she'd usually act.
"Then go." they heard from ahead, Boon had turned around, leaning in a light pole. "I'm not going to stop you. I'm not going to miss you. I'm not even going to look for you." He said moving forward, walking the pair down, standing over her. "Get out of my way, out of my sight, and back to your fucking tiny arena where we found you." He said, not even raising his voice. Boon's eyes flicked to Delson. "Cut her. Find a new 'Mon, I don't care who, what, or if they have a hole I can fuck. I want to make the championship and crush them." Boon said simply, shutting down the struggle for Delson effectively.

Delson looked at Boon, going to say something but the Mons lack, put him off entirely. He was used to managing Boons ego, tempering his arrogance or trying to reign him in. But he seemed almost pin point focused.

"If you're just angry-"

"I'm furious." Boon admitted matter of factly. "I've been wasting my time puffing up my ego rather than fighting to win like I should be. If I fought like that before I wouldn't have lost to that Tyranitar." He said as he reached around, snatching Mary's ball off Delsons hip. "Here." He dropped the ball in her hands. "Goodbye."
Mary twisted to look at Boon, freezing as he loomed over her and then... Her heart started to break as he spoke, but she didn't show it, kept the upset and heartbreak she felt inside as he dropped the ball into her hand "Fine." She muttered, turning to leave, taking only the clothes on her back and the ball with her.
Boon watched her turn around, Delson looking back and forth, knowing that he could only watch. "Waste of time." Boon said turning to start his way back to the inn, stalking away as he settled into this cold feeling he had. Wrapping himself in his focus to abandon any sensation of pain it would give him. Delson pulled out his dex, sighing slowly as he had no choice now...clicking on active fighters to search.

(XD hm. How shall we do the skip?)

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