Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

(I've got an idea...)

As Mary walked alone, she started to shiver, the cold wind howling in the concrete jungle she know found herself alone in. And as she continued her lonely pathway, she found herself curled up in an alleyway, until a flyer struck her in the face, telling of a training Dojo in the mountains, where any willing 'Mon could 'Attend and find their true selves'. She balled up the flyer and retook her feet, before flattening it back out and looking at the map across the flyers back, and following it for the ten day trek. By the time she arrived, she was weak, barely a moment from collapsing to the ground, her fist striking the doorway making the faintest of knocks as she used it to hold herself up, until the door opened and she gratefully collapsed into the arms of the figure on the other side...

Five Years Later...
Mary, or as she'd become known again, Thorn, took a deep breath as she woke up for the day, stretching her arms whilst she sat up, seeing the faintest traces of dawns rays shining through the window, the sounds of others waking slowly permeating through the Temple as she dressed in the simple Gi she'd been issued, before she made the easy walk out to the dining hall, where the Temple's masters would already be waiting. A trio, composed of a Hitmontop, Hitmonlee and a Hitmonchan. She bowed to each in turn, before moving to collect her breakfast meal, sitting comfortably on the stone floor to begin eating.
The masters watched her sit and eat, other students and acolytes, a small select few, only 30 Mon all together surrounding her. Her patience, her path to her inner strength had pushed her far. The meal was wholesome, light, enriching, a mixture of natural berries and vitamin rich roots and vegetables. Across from her were Mon from all over, not just the local region, crossing from over the world to train with such masters. A drifter had recently joined the temple, a Lucario from the Sinoh region, was among them, silently.
Thorn had been there the longest of all the students present, the next longest having only been present for three years. And as she ate, she glanced across to the Lucario, gesturing for them to sit next to her. If they wanted, of course. She didn't mind either way, finally comfortable in her own body, her form muscled and strong, perfectly proportioned to battle and win against any opponent she dared... Well, that was how she felt.
The lucario looked iver at her gesture...walking over to her side and settling beside her. He bowed halfway to her, as she was his senior, and higher in the ranks. He didn't mind sitting with people that asked of him, typically because they desired to know of the outside world, or events. "Lady Thorn. Is there something you wish to know?" He asked as he picked through the roots, nipping on them.
The Lucario closed their eyes in thought. "The reigning champion is known as Boon, the King of the Inferno, the papers were calling him. They also refer to him as the Master of Striking." He said as he opened his eyes. "He has only lost a single battle and he returned get a rematch...they say he had beaten them with only one strike. Once he won, he...simply walked away."
Thorn took a breath, before nodding "Mmm. Thank you." She replied, even as she stood up, her mind running 'King of the Inferno indeed... Good to see his Ego hasn't changed a bit...' She walked across to the three masters of the Temple and bowed before them for the second time that morning "Senseis... I thank you each for my time here, and the strength your training has given me. But I believe it is time for me to return to the world, and pursue my own destiny."
"Seek your destiny, and thrive." The Hitmontopsaid bowing to her.

"Seek your strength, and master it" The Hitmonchan added.

"Seek both, and you shall find enlightenment." The hitmontop finished as they bowed back.

"If you must, do not ever fear coming back." The hitmonlee said as they stood up right. "We will not turn you away."
She came out of her bow and nodded "Of course. I will always cherish my time here, and remember your training." She turned away and headed for her room, packing a small bag with her clothes, 3 sets of underwear and 2 additional Gi's, as well as the clothes she'd first arrived in and her Pokeball. Soon, she was walking down the Mountain Paths, towards the nearest town.
As she ventured down into the town, passing from one small town to the next, she'd see some local villagers and townsfolk venturing along. Some even she could recognize from her occasional trip down for goods that the monastery would need but had no proper able to make on their own. The small shops had changed in the five years, some becoming homes, but others more mainstream pokemarts. A poster was up on one of the windows, advertising a new medicine, but on it was a blazing palm, a logo stamped with 'Inferno!' Along the center. He had brand deals, ofcourse he did, it suited his ego, having the whole region using his name and having his stupid title in their mind.
She stared at the window, shaking her head as she did so "Of course..." She muttered, before turning away and continuing on her way, before pausing to let a pair of Torchic kids run past. At least, she thought they were Torchic, but when she looked closer she realised they were actually a pair of dressed up Growlithe, pretending to be Boon. She shook her head again, pulling out a map to review where she was, trying to figure out where Boon and Delson would likely be set up... Her eyes landed on the capital, the biggest city of the Region "Oh. That's Obvious..." She sighed, starting to move to the local rail station.
As she crossed inti the train station, a small one, she saw ad posters, t-shirts, pins, action figures of Boon, or atleast a Combusken that looked alot like him. but the real locker was when she bought her ticket. While she was waiting fir her train to come. Over head. "Hey! This is Boon! " a deep voice said strong....almost a bit smoother than the one she used to know. "And I'm Kobi!" A young, child's voice said. "We're coming together to ask kindly that everyone stay safe, mind the yellow line!" the smooth, energetic voice reminded "And please enjoy your adventure!" Kobi finished. A soft laugh rippling from the speakers. "Hey that's a good read-" Boon complimented before the reminder cut off, shifting to music.

He was even pretending to be some nice guy to keep up the illusion?
She saw the action figure and laughed to herself, shaking her head "Still just a Combusken? What, did he swallow an Everstone or something?" She joked to herself as she waited for the train, before glancing up at the speaker, hearing the announcement and giving a frown. That was... nothing like the Boon she knew. Posters, T-shirts and Merch? Sure thing. But... an announcement like that? She was pulled from her thoughts by her Train arriving, the doors sliding open smoothly as she stepped up and sat in one of the public carriages, closing her eyes and ignoring the looks she was getting from the various trainers. After all, it was rare enough to see an Eeveelution, but here was one sat carefree on a train! Did she have a Trainer somewhere else, and she was just sat away from them?
While she settled in, ignoring glances and whispers, she saw another...interesting site. A young woman was sitting by, poised and straight...but what would stand out was her shirt. It wasn't Boon, thankfully, but it was a bright blue face stretched over her chest. It looked like...Azure?! Did the entire team manage to spring into some sort of fame.
Thorn shook her head again, before she watched the world passing outside the window, waiting for the first glimpse of the city to arrive. She wished the damn thing would go faster. She had a point to prove against Boon... And partially Delson. Sure, it might've been her Idea, but he didn't have to go along with the spoilt brat that was Boon...
The city would eventually reveal itself to her, a grand, affluent jewel that glittered at the center of it all. Finding Boon wouldn't be so hard, she would just have to follow the sense of entitlement. The crowd letting out intothe central station, Here the influence was strongest, hell he had banners of ruby red logos on the walls by the front doors. But she saw something else that would distract her briefly. A newspaper some old man was reading with a headline 'Inferno King seeks challenge?!'
She tilted her head and leant in to read the article beneath the headline, ignoring the old man for the time being as she did so. Once she had the information she wanted, she stood straight and walked out into the same city she'd once fled for the mountains, her mind set on one thing and one thing only. To find the so called 'Inferno King' and beat him.
The walk out to the gym that Boon was heading up was long, but no struggle for her. The building itself was...bigger than any gym she had once known. A tower rather than a flat gym, super charged with wealth and influence no doubt. The lobby was fire themed, and the receptionist would look up from her computer. "Hello. Are to face the King?" She said gently, though she was already typing up the form. "He is quite busy today, he had many challenger- oh- nevermind. He only has a few left over. " She printed something. "Whom is seeking ti challenge the King?
"Thorn." She chirped as she scribed it down on the form. She put pulled a tab oof the form. "Here you go!" She said holding out the ticket. "A free pass for the indoor pokemon center and mart." She said smiling warmly. "You may take the elevator to challenge directly, or the stairs to battle your way up."
"Sure. Thanks, Circe." Thorn replied as she walked for the elevator, only saying her name once she'd read the nametag, even though she already knew exactly who the Swellow was. As the Elevator hummed Thorn made one last stretch, before taking a deep breath and walking off the platform, waiting to see the supposed 'Inferno King'
The elevator opened to...a clash, fughters were strewn about the ring, the some crawling away while the could, but there were atleast 10 of them tucked away. A massive mon was falling aside as a booming strike rippled the air, vibrating it with force. In the center of the ring in a circle of blackened Sand was a waiting figure. Tall....Taller than he used to be, stronger. The gym was bare and simplified, no theatrics or flare, not even than banner that was all over the place outside adorned the walls. Simply a set of doors on one side, likely to the much needed center, as nurses came out to truck out the losers and combatants. Boon's energy was different, patient...he even relaxed his stance and began helping move fighters with his own hands. He hadn't noticed Thorn yet it seemed...but once the staging area was clear...he strode back into the circle. "Good afternoon. Welcome to the Hearth." Boon said gently, standing in the center if that blackened circle, starting to turn to face her. Their eyes met. "Who do I have the honor of facing?" He said as he bought his fist to his palm, bowing to her shortly, respectfully.
"My name is Thorn." She replied, bowing back and wondering if he'd remember her, remember how they'd first met in a similar, spartan arena... She doubted it, but perhaps... Even as she came up from the bow, she was sizing him up, her eyes watching every motion for a slight hint as to any weaknesses, any potential strengths he might have grown. She couldn't even tell if he'd evolved or not since she'd been gone, but part of her hoped he had, if just for the greatest challenge.
As she tried ti size him up, his stance was different than she remembered in the past, a more defensive posture than aggressive, something the Boon she remembered never would do. He was always ready ti strike first, strike hard from the gate. He certainly had grown, broader, tougher. His hair resting in a tight knot, a pluming beard. His posture was balanced, masterful, focused. His hands were wrapped, but his feet as well, clearly ready to battle high or low. But had he evolved...even in that brief strike she saw, he hadn't broken into his Mon form.

"In the Hearth, Thorn, the truth of a fighter is shown. If you are prepared to see what you are, step into it." He said nodding to the unburned sand.
She stepped across to the sand, removing the upper layer of her Gi and settling into a stance he wouldn't recognize. Of course, that meant very little, considering how many fighters he saw, he'd probably lose track of all the fighting stances they used, but it was still something to be wary of "If you draw all your knowledge from one source, it becomes stagnant and stale." She replied softly, shaking her hands out and taking a deep breath to prepare herself, knowing she was going to let him take the first move, and she planned to catch it upon a Protect.
Boon merely shifted forward a step, slowly drawing tension. "Then test yours now." He said before he blurred before her eyes, his form hazing, the only brief tell that let her throw up her protections. He was upon her, striking with an axe kick that would have led into a ruthless Bulldoze. The sand around them rippled and jumped in the air, dust swirling around them. But he didn't seem shocked. His weight vanished, sand in the air parting as he was moving around her so flawlessly, already breaking contact and coming back with a rapid barrage, having slipped into Close Combat.
She caught the axe kick with ease, letting his force sweep over the barrier and grinning as he came back in, even as she let out a breath of flame into the air, superheating the sand and dust before sweeping her arm and sending it all towards him, Scorching Sands burning at his frame even as she shifted backwards and away from his attempt at Close Combat, letting the power she'd put into the move shift her backwards. Then, before he'd be fully able to recover from the super effective move, she took a deep breath and stood still, calming her mind and strengthening her Special attack and defence.
As the sands sizzles inti him his body breaking the hardened sands, he hadn't even cried out of flinched from it. While she was focusing, he raised his hands up steeling himself before palm striking the ground, the the floor itself bucked and shifted as he set off an Earthquake. Letting loose another powerful technique.
Thorn winced as she was cast to the ground by the Earthquake, springing back to her feet as her hands hit the ground and she rolled with the chaotic bucking of the floor. As she stood, she glanced across at him. He really hadn't changed, deep down. Still wanted to be the strongest on the field, and hit the hardest "Oh, Boon... Not changed a bit..." She called over to him, her voice taking an alluring tone as the sound of it assaulted his ears.

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