Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

As she darted in for him, her surprise attack flaring up all around her, in his eyes things were slowing, as they always were with his Blaziken Ability, Speed Boost. Her darting aassualt crawling as he focused in faster than she'd perceive. A sheet of flame licked around him as his hands drew together, his breath drawing in as he prepared himself. As she just reached him, her fists hovering close, in point blank range, he unleashed all his heat, the Inferno king expelling out a pillar of raw swirling fire as he revealed his strength, pumping himself up higher and higher and overwhelming her as he tapped into Overheat at the same time.
As they collided, the intensity of the two of them slamming together, Boon grabbed onto her as she pumped her overcharged heat inti him, their Inferno folding inwards combining as he coughed out in pain. His suit sizzles and ignited but he endured it all. The blazing ball they made collided inwards as they both flamed out. Burning them both with the backlash.
As they were thrown backwards, Thorn grunted and groaned, pushing herself up to one knee as she looked back at him, the burnt suit making her grin, before she glanced down and spat angrily, her Gi having burnt into nothing, leaving her in just the Turquoise underwear Escar and Watts had made her, those five years ago. She took a deep breath and looked up again, waiting for his reaction.
He shifted up right as he reached up, his hand touching the two fist sized holes in his shirt...then it was ripped clean off. His physique had definitely changed. He was bigger, bulkier, worked to the peak. Hell. He took her finest technique. He had to evolve for such power. His figure would have likely stopped her heart 5 years ago if he ever approached her like this. "...Hm. the Hearth still reveals the truth. I don't think it normally did so much of it." He said, his flesh had paled somewhat, unleashing all the fire had lowered his heat levels...but he shifted, bouncing on the balls of his feet, showing her that he still wasn't backing down. "Your form is excellent."
She watched him rip the shirt off and swallowed, before nodding slowly, as he'd be able to look at her now uncovered body, muscled thighs that could almost match his speed, her abdominals well defined and her arms nearly matching his... Nothing of her form even began to hint at her past, as she gave a curt nod "Thank you. Yours is exceptional, also." She replied, before she moved in to fake an attack, already readying her energy to protect herself as she set for his attack.
She caught his arms and threw him back, even as she'd realise what he'd meant and flush red "You haven't changed!" She yelped, even as the desire to cover herself would be screaming in her mind, but she didn't fall into that trap of getting distracted, even as she threw another Scorching Sands at him, hoping the ground type move would hit him hard.
As she slammed into the sands, the two of them grinding through them, his eight and power greater than it used to be clearly as he skated against her body. "I was setting you up for a Bulldoze- what- you thought form was.." He trailed briefly as he looked down. "I meant your fighting form!" He corrected as he pulled back his arm. He honestly did...but now that he had looked so closely...she was exquisite, certainly she had worked hard for such power. But he wasn't going to say that to her face now, she had already taken it the wrong way once.
She groaned weakly as he had her straddled, pinned down into the sands after the bulldoze had buried her "... Yeah ri...ght..." She mumbled weakly, before giving a last sigh as she passed out, his sheer physical power too much for her. Calm Mind had only upped her Special Defence, at the end of the day...
(XD pfft- last word is Boonie)

As her eyes rolled back and fainted under him, Boon pulled her up, walking her into the in-house center...sitting in it himself as the nurses started to patch them both up from the intense duel they had. 'Boonie' she had called him...the name didn't anger him the way it had in the past. Circe still wasn't allowed to say it...mostly because he trained it out of her, but it felt different from Mary.
(TBF, it was literally gonna always be that. Either she beats him, calls him Boonie as he passes out and leaves, or it's her last word as she goes down)

After a while, Thorn opened her eyes, groaning weakly and testing her arms by stretching them, hissing as her bruises rubbed and caused pain. She then started to look around, wondering where Boon had gone, if he'd left or if he was still there getting treatment. She hoped he was, if just for the fact it would mean she did some real damage to him.
"Did you bring clothes." She heard as she looked around, Boon sitting on an adjacent bed as a nurse had wrapped up his chest, likely from the Flare Blitz that she used. He pushed up to stand up by her bed. She was wrapped in a blanket, up nearly to her chin. "I assume you do in your stuff?" He said gesturing to the bag sitting at the foot of her bed.
"Yeah..." She replied bluntly, twisting her legs out from under the sheets, her bruised body complaining as she got out and moved towards it in a slow procession, reaching down and pulling out a spare Gi, leaving the clothes she'd walked away from him in at the bottom "So... King of the Inferno... How'd I do?" She muttered, wincing as she slid her legs into the trousers.
"I didn't pick that name." He said simply as he shifted a hand out, putting a hand underneath her arm as she raised her leg to stabilize her, "I think you did well. Most don't last that long... If I knew you were coming, I would have come down to meet you at the door...perhaps prepared a single combat, rather than fight with such a wide style." He said
She gently moved his hand away when her leg came back down, shaking her head "That would defeat the point of me coming to surprise you, wouldn't it?" She replied to him suggesting preparations "Besides, if you'd gotten a message saying 'Thorn was coming to face you' you wouldn't think it was me, would you? Who'd Delson replace me with, anyway? I've seen the merch of you and Azure..."
"Either we talk about it now and clear the air, or we dance around it until it causes a major issue." She shrugged, even as she put the top half of her Gi on, shrugging her shoulders through it and hissing as one of the bruises flared up a spike of pain again "I'd rather just deal with it now. Besides, it was the right thing. I wouldn't be me if you hadn't made that choice, and you probably wouldn't be you, if I'd just kept feeding your Ego."
"Mmm." Part of Thorn's mind wanted to make a joke about Diamond not being able to handle the heat, but she didn't, even as she started to walk towards the door "Well... Tell Delson, Azure and Ziggs I said hi. I'll talk to Circe on the way out..." She called back, hobbling a little from the injuries but she'd be damned if she was being carried out.

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