Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

She raised an eyebrow as she looked at the Eevee, frowning as she recognized a few details on the Eevee's face, but she couldn't place where from... Regardless, 'The Embers' didn't really hold her interest, and she flicked channels again, idly jumping around before eventually shutting it all off and heading up to the bathroom, looking for a shower.
(XD somewhere a Saptile is like "HE HAS A TV SHOW!- OH MY GOD ITS A BANGER TOO-")

While she headed into the bathroom, almost big enough for 2 people, maybe 3, completely state if the art with a nice overhead waterfall style shower and a rack of soaps that she wasn't even sure where to start with, she'd get her time to settle in.
She shook her head as she considered Boon using it... Azure or Ziggs maybe... Or possibly Circe... She shrugged, taking one of the regular soaps and starting to clean herself, grabbing some Shampoo and Conditioner for her hair next, before rinsing it out and turning off the water, stepping out to get a towel and start drying herself off.
She looked at the bed shirt, putting it on and looking at herself in the mirror, shrugging as she saw how long it was "Must be Boons, I guess..." She told herself, before heading back down to the couch, flicking the TV back on only to find there was an Internet Browser on it, which she opened Delibird on, seeing #InfernoQueen was still trending "Oh great... Still not burned out... ha. Burned out." She laughed to herself, before seeing some of the posts on it, by certain artists...
As she looked at the webcomics, she flushed with a shake of her head. God these people were rabid about her, and all they'd seen was a few grainy videos and images of her... She scrolled through, ignoring those that had her clinging to Boon like a desperate groupie, before she realised some of them didn't have her holding him, but instead had them in... sexual positions "Oh come on, really?!" She growled, scrolling faster now, trying to find some of the less sexualised images.
"Depends. Did it end when you got asked about going to other Regions, or was there more after that?" She questioned, hearing the way he sounded at the end of his sentence "Cause I shut it off about when the interviewer was saying how this whole region would be behind you." She stretched out a little, waiting for his response.
"Doesn't... Doesn't Boon not going defeat the entire point of 'Team Inferno going global'?" Thorn asked, deliberately speaking in the same cadence as the interviewer had "Besides which, if I do go with you, I'll be swamped with people asking questions. I still need to figure out what to do with my life anyway, and I'd rather not get swarmed by reporters asking questions.
"Yeah... Except I wanted to travel at my own pace. Learning from different sources as I go. Don't try and claim there'll be time for that, because lets be honest, you'll be travelling direct from gym to gym to the Elite Four." She shrugged, even if he couldn't see it "Look. I'll think about it. But as I'd rather be self-sufficient, rather than relying on you."
As she search up a job for eeveelutions, scrolling through some hyper niche positions, she spotted a easy looking job. "Eeveelution Cafe- Security Enforcement " showing off a small time Cafe of some truly adorable looking eeveelution girls...abd some very convincing Eevee boys that had yet to evolve. Hell they looked happy and comforting.

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