Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

She looked around as he spoke, nodding to each of his explanations and smirking as he realised he wasn't talking to Kobi anymore. "Sure. See you later." She called out as he stepped out. When he left, she walked over to the TV and switched it on, flicking to a news channel and setting up one of the weights machines where she could see the TV, removing her Gi and leaving herself in just her underwear, so there'd be less to clean when she finished her workout. Wasn't like anyone was here.
As she flicked on the news, she saw a brief story flash up, the local story on the slower news day like this, seeming to be quite normal. A few informative articles on local businesses, some new law being debated...but next came Mon News, and she saw a short training peice on Boon, his work out recommendations and a quick regiment demonstration withe help of a reporter who fancied themselves an athlete...he actually cam across as charming abd nice welhile ge showed off rather than pushy or reserved, or full of himself. He was there to help. While the reel wrapped up, he could be seen tucking a silver ring around his neck that she didn't remember him having.
She paused in her workout whilst she watched the Interview with Boon, seeing the silver ring and thinking on it for a bit. Yet more things to consider. Obviously Kobi had to be from somewhere, they all seemed to dance around the subject of Diamond... When it hit her she felt cold inside, moving to sit on the couch rather than under the weights "Oh. She didn't leave." Was all she mumbled to herself, even as the news would shift to a 'Social media catchup', with the focus being on the #InfernoQueen and a Live interview with Delson.
Delson was sitting down at a table, dressed casually, well...for himself. It looked almost like normal clothing, but the materials were likely leaps and bounds more expensive than one would believe. "Good Evening! I hear we have a new bit of gossip that's got the town talking?" Delson said smiling broadly as he sat back.
The Interviewer leant forwards, her eyes sparkling as she spoke "That we do, Delson... Obviously, basically everyone's seen it by now, but for those who missed it, The Inferno King, Boon himself, was caught walking and chatting with an unnamed Flareon earlier today, and the Delibird community being what it is, #InfernoQueen was trending in a heartbeat." An blurry image of Thorn in Boons arms came up on the screen, accompanied by a few higher quality ones of her on the ground covering her face "So, as Boon's trainer, can you comment on this hot new gossip?"
"The rumors of an Inferno Queen are nothing but cupids looking for targets to push together. That Flareon is just a Mon and Boon wanted to give her a quick dash away from the cameras. So if anyone is looking for the King, don't go giving up" Delson said waving a finger at the camera and winking. "He's still available."
The Interviewer tilted her head and laughed at that "Oh ho, really? And here we all thought Boon would be the one to make that decision..." She teased gently, even as the camera changed, to what appeared to be footage from inside the Hearth. It wasn't uncommon for Boon's battles to get broadcast to the public, even as the Interviewer spoke over it "Well, as we can see here, for being 'just a Mon' she definitely pushed Boon further than most... And it's a good thing she was wearing some flame resistant clothing..." Thorn immediately swore, staring at the screen as the footage continued, her nearly nude form front and center "Well, if she isn't the Inferno Queen to be, she'll be one heck of a catch!"
"Being the champion comes with a host of challengers, and even at the top, someone will get leave a good mark. She's an extraordinary fighter, but Boon is still seeking to gather his truth in that Hearth of his." Delson said shrugging as the pair dueled, the next shot zooming in at Boon tore off his shirt. "Don't know if she's available, so I can't speak on your chances out there fellas."
"Well, I'm sure she'll be a hot commodity. Especially as she seemed to not have a Trainer... I can see a lot of capture attempts in her future. Well, if anyone can find her. She seems to have vanished since Boon went on his leap with her." The Interviewer shrugged, before leaning in "Now, one last bit of gossip, but there's been talk of you and Boon planning to travel the world to become champions in other regions... is there any truth to those rumours?"
He leaned forward, his smile shifting. "We were batting around the idea for sure. The Inferno Team has become a staple here these last few years...but the best way to know if we're going on the road to other regions...all of our fans should give us their fighting spirit, and make their belief in us known!" Delson said
"So, we could see Team Inferno going global? I'm sure everyone watching will be giving you their full suppor-Click" Thorn switched the TV off, rolling her eyes "God, maybe it was a good thing I didn't stick around... All this media circus bullshit would've made me want to jump off a bridge..." She sighed, before walking to the kitchenette, looking around to find some food, even as she idly wondered if Delson would invite her along. Part of her hoped he would, the other part didn't, not wanting to become nothing more than Media eye candy that would just exist to be shipped with Boon. As she finished making the food she'd found, she sat back down on the couch, switching the TV back on and switching to a film channel.
"You know I care about you..." A woman said, a beautiful Mon, absolutely dropdead gorgeous, was crying into the waiting arms of another Mon. A lean, handsome male that was caressing her back. "I didn't mean to betray you, they made me!-" she sobbed. Some absolute romantic nonsense seemed to be she'd reach to change the film, the camera panned up higher on the Linoone...oh shit was that Zigs?! He had changed completely- became an Actor?

"My dear Maria- you know I'd never turn my back upon you! Come- leave that ghoulish Arcanine and run away with me!"
Thorn choked on her food as she recognized Ziggs, coughing and wheezing for a minute before settling back down and staring at the screen. It WAS Ziggs, it had to be! She blinked in shock, the remote forgotten as she could do nothing but watch...

"But I... I betrayed you, Dear Darius... How... How could you forgive me, so easily?" Maria lamented, still pressed into his chest as she continued to sob against him, her hands gripping his arms tight.
(XD Almost wish we made Circe some crazy job- well maybe her receptionist job is her day gig-)

Ziggs, well, Darius in this film, slowly cupped her chin, pulling her head up to look her in the eyes. "Maria- don't you understand! I love you! Everytime I looked upon you all these years, you set my soul alight with!" He said . "If you truly had no love for me, you would never have returned to my side!"
(By day, the Inferno Kings receptionist. By Night, Pole Dancer XD)

Maria swallowed dramatically as he pulled her head up to look him in the eyes "I... You... Oh, Darius!" She cried out and embraced him, placing a kiss onto his lips "You are the only 'Mon for me! Now and forever!" She declared, whilst Thorn watched on, having to stifle her laughter at the overacting.
(XD Thorn: >_>...damn shes...actually really acrobatic on that pole-)

As they shared their kiss, Darius embraced her tightly, the forest leaves swirling and falling around them, the scene transforming to them alone in a room, falling inti bed together as they were simply drawn into each other. The camera however did not pan away.
As she refreshed the channel, sge saw that the channel was Mon Passions, Romances and dramas...but the movie itself was some 18+ rated feature. Ah. Ziggs got a very serious film...he just had a sex scene...surely it wouldn't show...everything? Ziggsmover his hands down to hers, holding that connection with her his eyes intense with longing and love. He bit his lip the lower she got, , his hand squeezing hers as he reached with the other to uhelp her undo his pants.
Thorn tilted her head as she read the films description, before shrugging. No way they were gonna show a full on sex scene, and it would be funny to watch them trying to pretend...

Maria squeezed his hand as they fumbled for his belt buckle together, before his pants became undone and she gently tugged them off, taking his underwear with them to reveal... nothing, as the shot was careful to keep him hidden, even as she began to move her head back and forth. It was impossible to tell if she was actually sucking him off or not.
As the camera angle held back on the action, framing tastefully...sensually on Zigs, giving a few moaned and smoldering looks of began to angle down Maria's back as the dress fell away. Revealing her full figure. the Casting director clearly knowing what woukd drawn an eye...but then she lifted away, showing a brief glimpse of ziggs
Thorn shifted her position on the couch, watching the way the camera followed the contours of Maria's back and gave a short glimpse of Ziggs length before cutting again, this time showing her from the view of Ziggs, her naked body on full display as she posed sensually, pressing her curves out to better display them. Oh. It was one of those movies...
He picked her up slowly and laid her on the bed, the camera panning and focusing as Zigs gave her tender, slow kissed on her neck, his hands caressing her curves and making her voice swell put, the music softening, letting the scene speak for itself as she parted for hi and the two connected again, feeling him thrust inside of her .
The camera cut away...fading to black...then a scene opened up, stating the time frame. 24 hours earlier. The Combusken was walking out of a alley way, a line up of unconscious mon behind him, huffing. His hands stained red. His shoes coated in dirt and blood. A phone rang...a payphone...he approached it slowly, picking it up. "It's where is she!"
"Well, I guess you'll have to ask your sugar daddy for the funds..." The Voice taunted, before the phone hung up with a click. Thorn leant forwards, before yelping as she fell off the couch, having not realised how into the show she'd gotten before falling off. Was this another part of why Boon hadn't watched it? He'd literally acted it.
As she looked up, Boon slammed the phone into the hook...over and over, until the phone snapped. He roared and his bloodied fists bolted forward, starting to batteri the machin into a crumbled heap. As his hands leaked blood , the camera focusing in on the drops falling at his feet...the drops impacts all that could be heard. The title card cut in. 'The Embers' a dissonant, grim guitar began to play, the theme running with intermittent cuts, Boon rushing from the scene as police sirens whirled on. He pulled out his phone, clicking it on, an image winking up of an Eevee that Mary didn't recognize.

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