Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

Thorn smiled "Sure. I'll see you guys later, yeah?" She asked even as she started to stack the cups and plates on the table, ready to clean up when they'd gone. And true to her word, around 4 hours later (And around half of one trying to find her way around the city) Thorn was stood at the entrance to Delson's apartment, changed from her work uniform back into one of her Gi, her hand outstretched to ring the bell.
As she ringing the bell, the door opened up and she was looking up at Boon. "Ah you made it." He said smiling at her as he stepped aside. The living room whe walked into was shifted around, the couch was moved and a long red carpet was set up, leading out to the Terrace and a designated space was set using curtains abd sheets hung up to make a changing room out of half of the penthouse. Kobi was in the midst of running around, chasing a feather on a rod as Circe was waving it around. Something in the kitchen had Bern cooking too, a nice baking scent, spice and sweetness touching the air.
She looked at the shelf and hummed softly to herself, sitting in the chair and looking across the TMs as she considered her options. After a while, she pulled a stack of four off the shelf, slotting them in and relearning the four techniques. Facade, Return, Last Resort and Attract. 4 moves considered Cute by most tournament judges... She walked back out, and headed towards Boon "Alright, ready to go."
As she came out, she saw that Delson was sitting at the table with Boon and, Circe was sat at the other side of him. Each doing their best to seem...professional? All three of them sitting at the ready. Music was softly playing on the outside that swelled with a subtle press of Delsons phone to control the speakers. "Beauty, Toughness, Coolness, Cleverness, and Cuteness" Boon said as he held up a hand, counting upwards. "These are the 5 traits of a 'Mon that all are held up for all to Marvel upon."

Delson leaned forward. "Tonight this contest is to show these judges who here is the Cutest of all. In 3 phases!"

"We have a Visual Round, standing out to be your most adorable and soft! A Technique Round, showing your moves and skills to wow the judges. And the Talent Round, showing the brightest use of ones skills!" Circe said raising her hand up.
As she gazed at her competition, Azure, Kobi, she'd spot another mon in the line up, tall, lean, handsome....Zigs. He however seemed quite serious about it all, then again he was also an actor. Contests were likely how he even got positions. Well. Atleast they would carry a 4th place. "For the visual contest, we have set out a lovely spread of costumes and accessories, and clothing. Compose yourself as you wish, bring your Cutest A game!" Boon said
Thorn looked across at the various costumes, humming softly before moving across and taking a pink dress and ribbon combo, moving into one of the booths they'd set up to change into her chosen outfit. She tied off the ribbons into her hair, interweaving them as she did so, until she was happy with her look. She grinned at the mirror, loving the cute way the ribbons and dress complimented each other, even if her muscles didn't exactly keep up the appearance.

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