Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

As she came out, the music rising, swelling grander and grander, the Mon came out if their changing spots. Zigs was dressed in a bright blue, sleek suit, with shimmering silvered accents. It was a beautiful...the adornments he wore, the fineries...all infact spoke to beauty rather than Cuteness. "All Mon come to the red carpet! And prepare your best strut! We are taking the Visual contest!" Circe said
"I will take this whole show." Zigs resolved under hus breath as she passed him by. Azure bounced up behind the pair, the jingling if small bells being heard faintly. But upon a look back, Azure didn't seem to have any. Kobi however was probably tucked away behind him, too small to be spotted. The pick up in the pageant music peaked as the curtain shifted open for Thorn to stride out for the Terrace runway, and circuits, the judges sitting ready.
Thorn lead the way down the carpet, closing her eyes as she went, not wanting to disrupt her confidence by looking at the judges. Of course, she had to open them occasionally to make sure she wasn't walking off the edge or anything, but she remained on the circuit, displaying her outfit and hoping she looked as cute as it had felt when she'd put it on.
"First we have Thorn, a new contestant from the far fields of Hoenen, she's got a lovely follow dress set and look at those Ribbons!" Delson announced, but to her senses, she heard cameras shuttering and focusing on her. "She's got her eyes shut, it's hard to see if she confident in herself with such a dower look." Circe said rubbing her chin. "And she's quite hard looking."

"Muscle doesn't break one's Cuteness, but perhaps she's feeling shy." Boon said thoughtfully as she came to the circuits end at the judges table.
'I hate this so much' Thorn thought to herself as she heard the announcements and the snapping of the cameras, but she forced her eyes back open, looking at the trio and shifting her stance a little, showing herself off a little more, even as her entire body just wanted to curl up and vanish. Why oh why had she agreed to this...
As Zigs strutted down the carpet, his stride sharp and confident. His body naturally posing to steal the show, while they took it in, the judges were studious. "Hm. Fine and beautiful. But it's screaming everything but Cute." Delson said thoughtfully.

"Nonsense look at his pretty face, he's cute-" Circe started.

Boon gave a slight chuckled. "He's handsome buy that doesn't mean he is cute"
As they deliberated, they raised paddles, Delson and Boon clearly unconvinced as they held up Xs, to Circe's pondering. :mmm...I suppose. It is different than Cute." She mumbled as she lifted her X up. Zigs huffed in frustration, turning away to stalk down the carpet while Azure stepped out. He was dressed in a sailors uniform, as if he sprang from a cartoon, his cheeks rosy and full of sweet energy as he came down the carpet, the judges nodding a smiling, seeming to be feeling the infectious energy of Azuresm.
Azure certainly seemed to have a fun time, posing and moving, knowing exactly how to work the energy. Tto the chorus of O's, and coming back up, Something grabbed Thorns arm, th rattle of small lyrics jigling belly beside her as Kovi stood by her, crossed up as a small jester. "What did you get?"
Boon looked along the line up, but seeing Thorn staring at him, blue focused on her...noting Herrick her lips. He blinked. Was she...nah. Boon shifted up. "In the technique contest, we are giving each contestant the opportunity to use 3 techniques to show their cuteness and technical skill." He said as he looked along the group again. "The first to perform shall be...." He reached to an envelope, opening it. He hummed. "Thorn."
Thorn tapped her foot as she waited for Boon to speak, nodding slowly as he opened the envelope up and announced that she would be performing first. She took a deep breath, before focusing on Boon again and using attract. Sure, it would be visible to all three judges, but she WANTED Boon to feel the full effect.
As she strided away with her first move secured, the judges nodded together. "A nice and simple use of Attract, pure and straight forward." Delson said as he appreciated the effort and usage.

"Not too bad,right...Boon?" Circe said turning to him.

Boon blinked. "Hm? Yeah, yeah...." He said as he tried to shake off the effect that was looming over him.

Azure came up next the Azumarill thinking outside the box as he was carrying something, running forward and tripping up, tumbling with it. A doll it seemed like? As he used babydoll eyes on the judges, cuddling with his fallen friend, sucking in the judges....well. two of them. Boon was having trouble focusing.
As she was sure about her odds now, she saw Boon starting to lift the paddle, Azure puffing his cheeks put as the judge vote came up with 2 Os. Boon set his X aside while Azure moved up the line. Zigs staggered his way down next, shifting out and giving a display of Growl , the judges hemming and humming a moment bit they simply weren't impressed by his straight forward display. Netting only 1 O. From Circe. As Zigs huffed and stormed up the stage, Kobi came running down, scampering and jingling, he did a quick somersault and as he landed as unleashed a Charm, Boons eyes fixed solely in his son again as he beamed at the display and smile.

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