Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

(XD inside her?)

As she went back up, the other acts cycling down, but her refreshed handle on Boon seemed to be holding up more, only weakened by his natural care for Kobi cutting through it. Azure showing off a use of Fake Tears, to draw sympathy, Zigs work on using tail whips and tricks for attention. Kobi pouted as he came up to The judges again, using an odd sway of his hands, almost as if he was dancing like a clefairy...before he used Metronome.
As she unleashes her final move, the pumping energy thrown out of her and shaped around her, the dazzling technique earning her a perfect score,...but once she seemed to collapse, Boon jumped up to go to her side. "Are you okay?" He said as he put his hands on gers, hus eyes focusing in hers...a concern in them that she probably hadn't seen nor recognized in some time now.
As she pushed on him, he stood still, supporting her with his body a moment. "Don't blow through all your stamina." He said brushing as everyone was watching them again "" he picked her up suddenly, walking her along the terrace to sit her on the outdoor sofa, close enough to watch while she could rest. "Now stay there for me." He said as he adjusted her hair with a finger.

Kobi covered his mouth as he watched them, his tail wagging slightly behind him in excitement.
She tried to push him away again, shaking her head “Will you… stop, I’m fi-III!” She finished with a yelp as he swept her up into his arms, hers instinctively grabbing around his neck whilst he carried her. When he put her down and swept her hair back, he’d see the flush on her face as she quietly mumbled “Okay Boon” in response.
Boon smiled at her, the champion lingering over her a moment longer...before stepping back to continue his duty. Was it her Attract? felt too...domestic fir such behavior. Then again, Boon also was a father too...did it tickle some pair bonding nature in him...while she was left to ponder the moment. Azure seemed to be using bubble and water jets to make patterns and effects utilizing the lights of the Terrace, floating upon them like clouds.
She bit her lip as he lingered by her, the smile he gave her only making her flushed face deepen as she realised the way it stirred up her insides. Hoo boy. And she was like this infront of all the others... She moved her head behind her hands to hide the embarrassment, whilst peeking out to watch Azure's go, as well as Zigs and Kobi's last rounds.

As she suddenly hide her face, she saw Zigs giving his best use of Fake Oits, but his performance seemed to be netting him at least some points with the other judges aside from Boon. He was occasionally stealing looks to Thorn, keeping sure sge was okay...but Kobi would solve that as he came out focusing on the technique he curled up , almost as if he was going to use rest, turning up in his fluffy fur. But as he braced up, the costume folded perfectly giving the illusion if a box as he used Cekebrate and it formed a gift box around him. Bursting out of it as he shot confetti and Ribbons up into the air.
(Thorn: I swear to Arceus I'm gonna break your pelvis if you don't stop)

Thorn watched, tilting her head at Kobi's start, before gasping audibly as he performed Celebrate, moving to applaud him before realising how awkward it would appear to support her opponent. Either way, she stood up and walked back over, still slightly taxed from her last resort earlier, but able to walk stably as she got ready for the last round. She was confident she wasn't last, and figured she might have Azure beaten... but there was realistically no way she was beating Kobi unless he got really unlucky in the last round...
(XD Thorn: plaplaplap GET ME PREGNANT-)

"We will have a brief intermission for the Talent Rounds! For preparation and ofcpurse snacks and drinks for the contestants." Boon said as he stood up, Kobi popping up eagerly to run and grab the promised snack foods. He was having so much fun...he probably wasn't even thinking about winning.
(Boon: I mean... are you certain?

Thorn watched Kobi go before yawning and having to sit back down, rubbing her eyes as her body started to disagree with her mind on the status of her physical capabilities. She'd clearly pushed herself further than she'd expected, and now she was paying the price again... Would she even be able to take part in the final round... Well, maybe. Of course, that was assuming Boon didn't step in and tell her to stop... With her mind the way it was, she'd probably follow his instructions without argument.
(XD Later Thorn: What do you mean its Triplets!)

"You going to make it?" Boon said as he was suddenly behind her as he put a hand on her lower back, his arm firm to keep her on her feet. "Here, come here." He said as he guided her along to sit inside. Everyone else was sampling the food, He sat her down again inside the changing room for her to relax alone.
Boon chuckled gently as she started to fall asleep...but...he got an idea. He touched her waist, lifting her up again gently to take her into his room to lay her down and started to clean her up a little to take up her make up and ensure she was comfortable. As he tucked her into the sheets, he found himself...staring at her again...drifting close to her resting face.
"Mmm? Wha...?" She mumbled as he picked her back up, her eyes fluttering open momentarily as he moved her to his room, before closing again when he lay her down again. When he cleaned the makeup off her face, he'd catch that she wasn't entirely asleep yet, her dozy focus moving to him as she leant towards him in tandem as he drifted closer to her.
He watched her set herself to rest, gently stroking her hair gently a moment longer. Before he stepped out of the bedroom to let her rest up and inform the others that she had seemingly been incapacitated for the moment abd needed to rest. He didn't want to end the contest...but he also knew that without a full competition roster the contest would need to atleast delay a while. But he'd tale care of her un the meantime, keeping an eye on the sleeping Mon and prepare her something to eat.
She rubbed her eyes again, before sighing as she shook her head "6 already? Jeez, maybe... Maybe I should get going... Need to get my stuff hung out to dry for work tomorrow..." She swung her legs out from under the sheets and tried to stand up, not expecting him to stop her, and giving him free reign to do so.
"I mean, I ate Breakfast..." She mumbled as he stopped her getting up "And I ate after you left the Cafe, so I'm not really that hungry... and worst comes I can just make food." She replied, moving his hands off her knees "Besides, it's already too long for the contest, right? If I've been asleep for over an hour..."
"I am" She huffed "I found a job, I'm gonna find somewhere to live that doesn't depend on Delson, and as I'm sure you've noticed, I'm in better shape than I honestly ever was before." She pulled her hands from his grasp, crossing her arms "Look... I need to get ready for tomorrows shift, but... Damn, Kobi's collection, I promised I'd take a look at it..."

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