Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

"Perhaps you make me so strange." Boon said as he touched on the door. Opening it up, the room was decently sized and well maintained, an assortment of posters and figures of likely cartoon or game characters, a nice racing Mon bed, and a spot at a desk for a small laptop. The little Eevee was sitting at that desk, messing around with some game, bouncing about on platforms. "Kobi! Look who's awake!" Boon said
Kobi hopped up. "You missed my tricks!" He pouted as he walked away from her his tail puffing as he folded his arms. "Dad said you needed a nap time though, so..." He grumbled as he stood by a small cubbie near his windows. He took of a wooden box. "And." Boon prompted.

"Annnnd. That I should forgive you..." Kobi muttered
Kobi smiled wider...the mischief in it wink through only as he gently dropped the stone inti her hands and her fingers suddenly closed around it, as if subconsciously. Her fire and heat onside of her felt like it was swirling into her hand, filtering inti the stone. It didn't....hurt her, but it was sone how channeling all her energy into it, neutralizing her.
She gasped softly as her fingers wrapped around the stone, before she gave a soft groan of discomfort as it felt like her energy was being dragged out of her, the fire inside her pulled through her arm and down, leaving only a faint tingling sensation in her palm as she began to glow like she was evolving, forcing Kobi and Boon to look away. When the bright light faded and they could look again, she had quite visibly changed, losing around 3 inches in height as well as her muscles losing some of their definition "WH... What the?!" She yelped, looking down at herself.
Boon looked down as she clutched her top. Oh yeah. Those were from evolution. "Kobi-can you give her the fire stone?" He said.

Kobi turned the box around. "...I lost it." He admitted as he moved around the stones he had. Boon leaned over instantly, but the boy wasn't lying at all, their was a gap riiight where it used to be.
"Depends. Does it reset all other stone Evolutions? If it does, then Reset Rock works better..." She shrugged, even as she looked at the other stones "Yeah, sure..." She reached out and picked up a Dusk Stone, closing her eyes as the power started to run through her body, bright light obscuring her form as it changed. When it faded, Boon would notice three things. First, her hair was Jet Black with golden rings across it. Second, she'd become even taller than she was as a Flareon. And third, her curves had returned, but not quite as much as before.
"Well- we can help Look fir the fire stone. also can talk to your boss, im sure your job doesn't just depend on your type." Boon said reaching out and touching on her shoulder as Kobi walked up to her hugging her hip. "I'll look for it right now! You'll stay out of trouble-" Kobi agreed

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