Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

She blinked in mild surprise as he spoke, turning her head to him as she finished pouring the juice "O-Oh? I'm fairly certain I haven't swallowed a melon seed..." She replied softly, handing the juice over to him, glancing towards the door and wondering when Boon would get back "Okay, Kobi... When your Daddy gets back, we can explain what this is..." Her hand gently rubbed her belly, before she walked back over to the couch, sitting and looking back towards the screen.
"It's not a melon?! " He said his eyes widening as he took the cup from her,. "Are you eating alot?" He asked next, mystified by the secrets that biology held. "Is it a alien!" He switched to seconds later, providing ever wilder theory. He sat on the floor by her feet. "Can I touch the alien?"
He climbed up in the couch as she pulled her legs over to make space. He pouted as insisted he waited until his father returned. Impatient mostly. "Okaasy-" he said as he looked to the TV,

It didn't take too much longer, as both knew when he would usually come home in the afternoon. The thud on the outside of the Terrace coming along and the patio doors opening up for him to come in.
She huffed as he used yet another nickname for her, glaring up at him for a moment before sighing as he asked about home life "Sooo boring..." She replied, sniffing the battle scent on him and whining "Why can't I come and at least watch you?" She asked, before glancing back at Kobi and remembering what she'd promised to him "Oh, and Kobi wants to know about... this." She moved one of his hands down to her belly.
"I can't carry you like that, it's dangerous. Plus I know what happens when I fight in front of you like that." Boon said smirking slightly at her, it shifted to curious one as she brought up Kobi. He rubbed his chin gently. "Oh...well...what do we go with? Delibird delivery? You are holding onto two eggs?" He whispered as he considered what was a good, age friendly explanation.
She blushed a little as he spoke about how she got when he fought infront of her "O-oh, right..." She mumbled, before shrugging a little as he asked how they were going to present it to Kobi "Uh... I mean, we don't have to tell him... how it happened, do we? We can just... say what it is?" She murmured, tilting her head as she considered it.
"Mhm... Okay." She replied, turning back to Kobi and moving to kneel down infront of him "Okay Kobi... You wanted to know why my belly is so big, yeah?" She asked, wanting to confirm before she spoke again "That's because I've got two eggs... And when they're finished in here, they're going to be two little 'Mon..." She explained, wondering if Kobi would put together who the father was...
Thorn smiled as he agreed, moving to hug him from where she was kneeling, before grunting as she heaved herself back up to standing, looking at Boon and gently bouncing one of her breasts towards him, making sure Kobi wouldn't see from the position the Eevee was in as she waited for Boon's response... Did he want a drink, after such a long day fighting...
Boon blushed faintly as Thorn gave him the signal bounce. He leaned over and ruffled his sons hair. "Well Kobi, I'm going to go get some rest." He said as the pup smiled up to him. "Okay!" He said as it seemed he would have free reign of the TV with Thorn moving away to prepare to get the relief that her breasts craved almost daily....granted feeding Boon was likely only making them fill more, and promoting them to grow larger. Boon moved with her to his room after she did.
As she held onto him, Boon flushed slightly, sucking vsoftly for the moment as he relieved her breast of the build up of milk, the calcium and other vitamins she provided her future male flowing unti his belly. He took slow drags, closing his eyes as it settled in him. In a way, she was constantly empowering him with her milk, boosting his Special Attack...which only increased his fire abilities...abd when he wasn't shooting flames, it certainly was increasing his loads abd his already heightened virility
Boon moaned softly as her finger pet over his length, as she opened up his clothes to touch him, his appealing scent tickled her nostrils. His lips suckled a little harder as shevstroked him. "Mmm-coors-Treat for Marrie-' He muffled as her simple few strokes suddenly felt hum spring right up for her. He was much faster to pump up these days now too, soon she probably wouldn't need to do much but give it a nice stroke as long as sge kept letting him nurse from her.
Boon pulled his mouth from her tear with a soft pop of his lips , one still full of milk for now, but he knew that she was getting hot too. As she leaned down, Boon was careful to raise himself up instead so she wasn't putting in too much effort. As she wrapped her lips around him, smand strikes him, he shivered and moaned a little louder, the feel of her making him feel faster excitement.
Boon's eyes rolled back as Mary blew him so diligently his voice releasing low moans of pleasure. "Mm~you can't say no to your protien-" he mumbled out softly as sge felt a piping hot cups worth of precum ooze out inti her mouhlth under her tender care. His fingers stroking her ears with his thumbs. Equally rich in strong raw proteins as warmth, it flowed inti her belly. It was like sucking down a fistful if tablets. "Have you been waiting, all day just for me?"

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