Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

And whilst Boon was leaving his mate to rest, one of his Teammates was just about to head out for a night on the town with the girl he'd been courting for months...

Shade hummed quietly to herself as she stood at the street corner, tapping her foot to an unheard beat as she waited for Azure to arrive. She'd taken the time to dress herself up nicely for this date, a short black skirt and tight top combo, with thigh high tights and high heeled boots to match.
Azure came jogging up to the waiting Umbreon, the Mon slowing up in front of her, huffing and puffing gently. "Hey- phew- sorry, did I keep you waiting?" He said as he smiled put to her, catching his breath bit by bit. He was on a white button up shirt and a blue vest, along with Jeans. "I uh- " He patted his pockets, pulling out two tickets for the movies.
She watched him jog towards her, tilting her head before shaking it as he asked if he'd kept her waiting "Nah. Not been here too long, Azzy." She replied, watching as he pulled out the tickets "Oh. And here I thought we were going to a club." She laughed softly, teasing him. She knew the plan already, she just wanted to make him flustered. She found him cute like that.
He blushed slightly. "Well- we can if you really want to go" He said looking down at the ground. He would have to cancel the theater plans...then see if she wanted dinner somewhere else maybe. He wasn't always seen at clubs or anywhere stunning to the media, perhaps aiding in his ability to keep his name out of the tabloids unlike Boon.
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(XD Me: remembers that I am Azure and how happy he actually is in comparison to Boon)

As she took the ticket he laughed it off, blushing a bit. "I know- know, just want to show that I can be flexible." He said as he lifted his head. "I went for Horror, a nice little classic film." He added as he gave a broad smile.
As they ventured down to the theater, Azure would keep things light, coming to a mall and a Porygon Theater that was tucked behind it. The ticket taker punching them in and letting them cross into the lobby. Fresh popcorn, hit butter, cooking movie treats touching their noses, a bar for some older guests, and a winding line for the concession stands. "Uh- did you want anything?" He said.
"Eugh, we tried... But he refused. Said that the music was 'good for business'... As if people only came to listen to the inane drivel he plays, not for us." She groaned, shaking her head even as they reached the front of the line, the clerk frowning as she looked up at Azure "What can I get you two?" She asked, even as he could see the question forming in her mind.
"Course you do. That's entirely why you only show up on my shifts." Shade laughed softly, even as the Clerk nodded her head, the Buneary tapping the requests into the till "Okay... A Large popcorn, extra butter and an Oran and Rasp twist... That'll be... 6 Poke..." She informed them, before glancing around and leaning in "By the way... are... you Azure?"
"I only get to hear it on your shift." He teased , pulling out the money casually, then looked up at that Bunneary as she asked her question. Azure reached up slowly, shifting his sunglasses, and giving her a better look. His wide, toothy smile dazzling out at her. "You got me!" He said softly, as if the pair of them were having a spy game.
"Uh... 'Your biggest Fan... Daisy'!" The Buneary squeaked, even as she shook her head as he asked about a picture "N-No thank you... I.. I'll get your food now!" She turned away, starting to fill a box of Popcorn, even as she reached for the drinks machine to put in the order. Shade merely watched, shaking her head as Azure signed for the poor flustered girl.
Azure wrote out the autograph on page of a small notebook he pulled out while her back was turned, taking the time to draw a doodle like sketch of a Azumarill with its ears curled into a heart, his stamp of legitimacy as he signed it. He pulled the paper gently, as she turned with the popcorn a large drink, holding it out for her so it didn't get touched by any food or anything that was still on the counter.

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