Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

She swallowed immediately as his pre started to dribble into her mouth, feeling the warmth of it settling in her stomach as he rubbed her ears more, making her shiver hotly from the feeling of his thumbs pressing into them before she answered his question "Yeff... I haff..." Her muffled voice called out to him, even as she continued to suck and blow him, wanting more of her treat.
"Ah~mm! You like getting your treats, you dirty mon-" he moaned softly as he played with her ears, pressing on them harder, his pre flow getting heavier and thicker, his flips thrusting slightly as he only got more excited. His member pulsing warmly. His enhanced seed was brimming with extra pheromones, his mon form slipping out bit by bit. "You-you're such a greedy girl-"
He glanced away briefly. The door was locked, the walls were thick and set with muffle boards, but he still always took one like look as if he and Mary were conspiring a dark scheme. He pinched her ear, running it with his thumb, using his other fingers to scratch at the back how she liked. He slowly pushed in, sliding himself deep as she felt the precum thickening , getting denser in volume and spilling faster as he took yet more work off her for the moment to fuck her mouth and let her gulp down the rich proteins that were boosting her Attack
Mary’s toes curled as he continued to play with her ears, before his growing amount of pre began to muffle her voice, forcing her to swallow it down, gulp after gulp, her eyes closed as her used his grip to fuck her face rapidly, burying her her face into his groin as he did so, pumping her with his proteins over and over.
Boon held her head gently, his pace slowly as she kissed her lips against Jo's know, his seed starting to spill out in true force down hee throat. Yet again she sensed his softness for her, trying often to keep her from straining herself or roughing her up in her condition, letting her gulp down her own kind of mon milk.
He pulled back gently, blushing. "Don't talk with your mouthful baby." He said as he pet her head, letting her work the hot cream down , swallow by swallow, watching her full belly naturally hang out a little further. Her mate was naturally still all pumped up, but he only would pet his pregnant loves head, not wanting to tax her condition. "Did you like your treat?"
As she opened her mouth, Boon looked into her wide open port, while struck out her tongue...she saw a thick bolt of preset out and splash onto the sheets, rather than the proper landing zone that would likely have been her face. "Fuck-" he mumbled as he flushed darker, shivering. God it was getting tough for him lately, excitement and pleasure while he was all hopped up on her milk .
He snickered at her burp. "Sexy." He teased after she excused herself. Then again, seeingvitvir wasvfrom guzzling all that cum od kinda was cute. Boon leaned down and kissed her on the lips, gently reaching down and petting her belly in slow, circular motions."is my baby all taken care of?"
"It just... Everything you do makes me... feel embarrassed... Because I was meant... to be a strong fighter, but you make me... make me act like a pile of jelly whenever you want..." She mumbled, looking at the ground as she did so, missing the instinctive swallow.

(Random question, but do you wanna take a step away from Mary and Boon and maybe look at Azure and Shade?)
(XD Well adjusted?)

Boon wrapped his arms around her, kissing her on her head as she squeezed on him, his head tucking against the top of hers. "You'll get your time, you'll get to show me how strong you are." He said softly.

(XD when she had the babies and she sheds the pregnancy weight, only to have extra muscle from all of the protein)

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