She took a second before answering, her eyes drawn to his bulge “Rings? Oh, yeah, those… they’re there for… something I don’t think you’d enjoy.” She told him “But… we can give it a go if you’d like.”
She bit her lip, looking between the rings and him before kneeling down and sliding a box out from under her bed, opening it up to remove a set of ropes "Have you ever heard of BDSM?"
"That' ropes and whip stuff?" He said tilting his head at her. It wasn't his vibe, but he wasn't ignorant. "That's about all I know," he looked at the ropes. "And uh...I'm guessing you know alot more about it than me-"
She nodded "Well... whips and ropes can be involved... But... it's mostly about the relationship between partners... The trust and love between them, where one would willingly put themselves in a position of submission..."
She licked her suddenly dry lips, a red flush crossing her face to match "O-oh! You... want to be the one tying me up..." She shifted her hips a little, moving to sit back on the bed and then lie with her hands crossed by one of the rings "I wouldn't say no..."
Azure blinked as she laid down. "Well- like- I wouldn't even know the first thing to do like that" He said blushing himself now, but reached out and grabbed the ropes to try to tie her wrists to the metal ring.
She watched him take hold of the ropes, tilting her head "If you don't want to, we don't have too... You asked about the rings, that's all." She smiled reassuringly, even as he'd find her arms perfectly positioned to make tying them up as easy as possible... She'd definitely done this before.
Azure considered it as she kept her hands in position. "Well...let me just see..." He said as he nodded to her offer, starting to tie her wrists...the knots weren't professional, atleast not for restraining someone completely. "I never guessed you were into this-"
She giggled a little as he started to tie her into place, nodding along to his word "Mhm... It wasn't something I thought I'd be into either. But my first Boyfriend was REALLY deep into it, and he talked me around to trying it... With him though, I'd be where you are, tying him to the bed."
"Oh? He wanted you to like...control him and stuff?" He said as he looked down at her, straddling her while he tugged the ropes a bit, figuring that was enough. " do you feel?"
"Yeah. I thought it was really sweet, him feeling comfortable enough to put himself in that position of weakness to me." She replied, before grinning as he straddled her hips to tug the knots again "Mmm... A little loose... But not bad for your first time..." She grinned, raising her hips up towards him "But you forgot to take your underwear off."
Azure flushed. "Oh, yeah, Well..."He shifted off her, starting to slide his briefs off, his cock standing out and laying on her belly with a thump. "I was seeing if you were okay first"
She smirked at the flush, before giving a soft gasp as his cock slapped down onto her belly "Oh my... I'm more than okay, Azzy..." She instinctively tried to reach down to it, before the fact her hands were bound sank back into her head.
Azure blushed as her hands moved, clearly Shade invested in getting to touch it. He looked around, thinking briefly. "Well..." He began as he slid down her body , climbing off her, hus hands touching her thighs, beginning to part them.
She licked her lips as he slid down her body, spreading her legs almost before he laid his hands onto her thighs, giving him easy access "Well, Azzy?" She questioned, looking up at his face, then down to his cock.
Azure chewed his lip slightly, his hips angling, his tip pressing on her slit gently before giving a soft rock forward starting to stretch her and push inside.
Shade watched him angling himself inwards, before letting out a soft moan of enjoyment as he began to press inside of her. He could tell it wasn't her first time from how easily she stretched, but even so she felt tight around him, her slit squeezing his cock.
He ran his hands along her curves, holding her hips as he thrusted into her. He noted the feel, but he wasn't thinking about that, everyone had a past after all. He wasn't like Boon back in the day, slinging around his dick, and he definitely wasn't like Zigs these days, probably able to count encounters by the handful. Even if they didn't last. He leaned forward, kissing Shade on the lips.
Shade's moans were muffled by the kiss, even as her hips shifted into his grip, clearly enjoying the feeling of his fingers on her curves, her tongue pressed out against his lips, looking to make her way inside.
"Mm-" his lips parted , his tongue moving out and pressing on herself. Shades boldness making him reciprocate a bit more to compensate. His thrusts pushed against her harder, his arms wrapping around her body to embrace her tightly.
He'd feel her moving a little in his grip, her arms shifting in the knots as she wanted to hug him back, but couldn't. His tongue would find its way into her mouth, muffling the moans she made for him as he continued to press his thrusts into her, his tip getting deeper and deeper.
As she wriggled in his arms , his knots shifting around faintly, pulling apart slowly, Azure pushed up on her,, cupping the side of her face as he explored her mouth. His tip scraping against her soft spots .
She felt his knots start to pull apart and moved her hands, keeping her arms still, making sure they didn’t pull apart “Ah… Azzy! You’re hitting… all the right spots…” she moaned into his mouth, her legs wrapping around his hips.
As her legs folded around him,, he pulled back his lips, giving her soft kissescat her neck. "I'm glad-" He grunted as sge felt him throbbing inside of her already.
She panted for breath as he placed his soft kisses onto her neck, flushing as she continued to moan for more, feeling him swell up inside her “Ahn… Azzy… I’m close…” she cried out to him, her tongue hanging out of her mouth.
"Its- okay- " he said as she moaned encouraged him, thrusting faster to push her harder. "You cum first-" he said as he as he lifted his head. Pushing their hips tight together.
“Is… that an order?” She moaned out teasingly, feeling him press his hips down into hers, even as he’d feel her start to squirt around him, cumming as ‘ordered’.
Azure pushed against her, starting to cum with hervas sge began ti squirt, panting softly as his body rippled with pleasure. "If you like such orders-"
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