Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

And lucky for him, he'd awaken before she did, giving him plenty of time to extricate himself from her and redress. Perhaps he could simply pretend to have been sleeping on the couch, due to his concern for her after she'd drunk as much alcohol as she had. He'd have to do it reasonably fast though, as she seemed a touch restless, shifting in her sleep as wakefulness approached.
As he woke first, he was careful enough to climb out of bed from her arms, quickly throwing his clothes on to try to make his move to get out if her bedroom and give her some waking peace of mind. He'd just have to be careful not to make a commotion. Azure moved to her door, going to open it.
"O...Oh. Okay." She replied, seeing him look away and glancing down before realising and giving a smirk to herself "Shame really... Someone as attractive as you, here with me all alone... and you didn't take advantage of it..." She called in a singsong tone, standing from the bed and walking towards him, her approach silent on the padded carpet.
"Mhm... You didn't take advantage of me last night... You got me home safe and you stayed to make sure I was okay." She turned, spinning around as her tail gently brushed across his face, drawing his eyes down to her butt, even as she completed the turn and the view was replaced by her slit "So you get to look... And maybe more, if you keep being a good boy..."
"I- uh...guess that I can do that?" He said as he saw her turning around, her bare slit facing him, though he was paying attention to her now. Azure was thinking at a mile a minute now, trying get a read on the moment. He wasn't expecting this at all today, not even yesterday- it was practically the first date! "Uh good? "
Shade grinned as she could see how fast he was thinking, trying to come up with some answer to what was happening, even as she leant forwards, filling his vision with just her breasts, as her arms moved to pull his head in close to them "Simple... Good is behaving... doing what you're told." She instructed him, before she turned again, sitting on his lap and shifting side to side "Now... Be a good seat for me..."
Azure chirped as she grabbed him, her breasts pushing up close as sge danced for him, tempted him so readily. "I just- didn't expect this-" he mumbled out as she sat on him, her sensual swaying and dancing only making the water mon stiffen all over, going rigid like a statue. "Ok-" he agreed, curious where this would go.
She licked her lips as he agreed, starting to softly press her rear into his groin, shifting up and down before she leant backwards, pushing him so he'd end up lying flat beneath her "Mmm... You feel so tense, Azzy. Relaaax... I won't bite..." She said, in a very sultry tone as she turned her head to kiss his cheek, grabbing one of his arms to move a hand to her chest.
"I feel like that's not true." Je mumbled as she pressed on him, the tension in his body reminding her just how worked his muscles were underneath the surface. His cock, she could feel it growing already as she teased it. His hand o p ended as she guided him under her control, albeit his touch wasn't rough, he touched her breast, giving it a slow squeeze.
Azure looked away briefly. "Yeah? Ofcourse...I would." He said as she brushed her hair underneath his nose, making him take in her scent, every sway of her rear pushing his cock to inflate further, . His hand shifting abd pressing in her breast, fingers playing with her nipples.

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