Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

She looked up at him as he began to untie her, shaking her head as he sounded uncertain “If you aren’t sure, I don’t mind you not being tied down. I understand.” She smiled, a reassuring look as she reached up to hug him “Don’t think you have too, just for me. I’m perfectly fine with you always giving orders.” She teased softly, placing a kiss on his nose.
"Mhm... I want... more!" She moaned out to him, even as he'd have to enjoy the different, soft way her body folded around him. Sure, he might not have been the toughest fighter out there, but compared to her, he was on Boons level. Well, maybe not on Boons level... No wonder it had been so easy to guide her back from the bar the night before.
(XD Shade vs Boon, Boon just hits her with " finger should do.")

Azure blushed as she begged for more, his hand lifting higher, knowing he'd have to keep his strength in mind. He wasn't a fighting type, but he knew he exceeded her. He spanked her harder, letting the noise rung out as her body bounced for him, his thrusts getting more forceful against her as well, wanting to show her that he wasn't afraid to let out some more of that hidden strength.
("Oh yeah?! Try i-"Wakes up upside down embedded in a wall)

She blushed as well, feeling him increasing the force he was using, hearing the sound of each spank ring out alongside the sound of her moans as he upped the force of his thrusts alongside it, her soft form jiggling all over now as he would feel her rear tightening up, as well as feel her juices spattering across his thighs as she came.
("Did anyone... get the plate of the truck that hit me?" Also, LMAO, Azure 'Subtley' using a Super effective move on her whilst he has Huge Power as well...)

Shade blinked, and in the time it took her to do that, he had her up on his lap, instead of under her on all fours as he began to make use of his natural abilities to fuck her harder, making her tense up as she came again and again, her moans still ringing out as he continued to stuff her ass, ready to give it a cream filling.
(XD Azure: ,lightly lifts her and bounces her once

Shade: factory resets what the fuck was that- factory resets on pump 2)

Azure was careful, trying to use slow , deep motions, practically making her body jump on his, springing her with ease and letting her cushion herself again his chest. He didn't use such techniques often these days, but if sleeping in the sane hotel with Boon learned him anything...a little high effect play helped. He just hoped Shade didn't- he felt her squirt running down his thighs. Nevermind. He bounced hervagain, wrapping his arms around her tight as he started to jet his super powered seed into her.
("Your Shade has suffered an error... please thrust to reset")

Shade's only reactions to his new super effective play was to continue moaning and squirting over his thighs as he moved her up and down, bouncing her carefully on his cock before he pulled her down one last time, holding her in place as he finally gave his 'Donut' the Cream Stuffing it desired, his hands over her belly feeling her body stretching slightly to cope with the amount and the force.
She blushed as he teased her, shaking her head "Sh... Shush... Mr Huge Power thrusts..." She mumbled, moving off his lap with a gasp at the feeling of his cock sliding out of her, the feeling making her fall flat on her face with a shiver as he got a great view of his 'Donut', her ass dribbling out his seed as she started to move onto all fours again, planning to turn and embrace him, unless he moved first.
"Hey-you know what Azumarills can do-" he teased as she tumbled over, but as she started to move he grabbed her hips. "Ah- hang on." He said as he leaned forward, his tongue punching unti her opened hole. That gentle, yet super powered hold locking her un place as her date took to gobbling up his pastry proper now.

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