Fantasy RP Aethel’s Amorous Adventures

A roguish twinkle showed in her face. "Well, if you want to have some fun, you'll have to throw a party." She gave the soldiers at the table a lingering glance. "Bring your best soldiers along, and I'll give all of you a good time. I'm happy to reward Krensthorpe's finest. Not if your selfish though." She gave him a fake pout and watched him, trying to read his expression.
He smirked at her as he let go if her. Ci give the orders remember?" He said as he started to get up to his feet. He walked Aethel over toa few tables, picking out some gaurds one by one between them. Some young, some older, but they obeyed their captains order to join them for some team bonding exercise. "Ah, we need only the best hm...Rian, you go to the front gates, get that Giant and have him join us." The officer said nodding.
As she was lead about, the strapping brave militia men, some knew her well already, others she hadn't taken the time to take a look at yet, but they were all eying her now, there had to be maybe 7 of them counting the captain. The Tavern doors opened uo as Luis was led into the bar by one if the other gaurdains. "Ah, here we all, my best men for you Aethel, they deserve the rewards of their labor hm?" The captain said as Luis locked up looking at her, but the behemoth of a man stood by. "Mm...busy." he grunted but before he cohkd try to turn away the captain leaned forward. "You are going to appreciate our new recruit Luis, and that's an order." He said as the giant heaved a quiet sigh and turned around to look at his captain. "Sir." Luis said as he folded his arms.
Aethel should have picked up on the details. Giant, new recruit… Of course he would bring in Luis. She looked at him in shock, something rising up in her as she did. She had nearly forgotten, but she hadn’t. She pushed it back down refusing to give in to the confused emotions rising up. She tore her gaze off of him and let it dance over the seven men. She turned toward the captain and curtsied demurely. “Of course, my lord.” She turned and led the way toward the back of the tavern as if escorting an honored guest. “If you would follow me right this way.” She was soon opening the door to a well appointed room that was considered to be hers. She held the door open for the seven burly fellows.
The men moved into the room, Luis folding his arms as he walked by her, hus eyes darting aside awkwardly from her. The Captain walked up, putting an arm around her waist to guide her inside. "Now, recruit, is this number going to be a problem for you?" He said as he started to pull at her shirt starting to slide it up a bit playfully.
She leaned against him, her eyes roaming from one to the other of the men, although they carefully avoided Luis. "I don't think it will be a problem, no." She smiled. She helped the captain, pulling her billowing skirs up farther as she drifted away from him, turning around slowly to give each of the men an equal view of the long, smooth, white lelg that was being revealed. She turned back toward the Captian, smiling up at him. "What hapens next, sir? What orders?"
The men around her hooted and hollered, drawn to her like moths to a flame from even a small reveal of her leg. The captain smirked at her. "Its your duty to raise morale, so I think you could begin with a lovely shoe?" He said as he learned over her,, the women approaching in closer. But the swift glance about let her know that Luis was likely keeping a ways from the party. She felt hands d r aw over h s r, grabbing at her skirts, starting to undo them .
She turned slowly amidst the grasping hands, a flush growing over her face. She was well used to such attentions, but Luis watching her made her feel uncomfortable. She pushed the thoughts from her mind, focusing on the men crowding around her. She glanced from one to the next. She started them on the track, taking the hand of a private and guiding it to the laces that kept her blouse closed. She lifted her arms out of the way, letting them get the hint and undress her as a corporate effort. She kept moving from one to the other, letting each have his turn with whichever article of clothing he chose to work at.
As she guided them around, the private drawing off open her blouse, another pulling it off of her, another set if hands found it's way under her skirt, drawing it away. She was lifted up as two other slid her free of her boots. Aethel was turned round, near bare twairds the captain as the men whistled and called at her, the tension rising already. The Captain drew her under garments down slowly, tossing them aside as the men began to strip their armors.
She flushed with excitement as article after article of clothing slid off. Finally stripped down to the skin, she turned toward the captain as the honored guest of the gathering. She looked up at him, snapping into attention and giving him a salute. "At your service, sir." Her eyes flashed with excitement. "Reporting for duty. What instructions do you have?"
The captains hands moved out, grabbing on her hips. "I think that it's time I test your mettle recruit!" He said as he shifted her around, lifting and setting her on the bed. He snaked his way forward, parting her legs. "I'll have to take a personal first look at your physical limits-" he said eagerly.
The captain caught himself as she wrapped herself around him, the man starting to kiss on her treating himself to her lips without hesitation. Her soft alluring frame roused his blood higher abd hotter, his cock sliding against her as he freed himself. His hands grabbed on her. Breast, regrouping and squeezing on her body. He waisted no time, thrusting himself into her as she opened herself up for him.
She groaned softly as he massaged and claimed her body, then agains as he thrust into her. She wasn't ready yet and it took a little pushing to get through the dryness to her smooth, slick interior. She rocked up toward him, however, eager to get into the mood. She had plenty of men to service here. There was no need for her to make any one of them last long.
The captain felt her rocking underneath him, her motion making him roll back, thrusting into her as she was trying to warm up, taking it ti be her enthusiasm. He moved his mouth, latching against tge side if her neck, nipping on her as his fingers curled and squeezed in her nipples. His body rubbed against her, eager men lurking. She could hear the armor falling away from them, loosening up to either take a turn...or get involved.

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