Fantasy RP Aethel’s Amorous Adventures

As she blooded her way to her tavern, the priest that was playing so very hard to get, surely, was providing her a sweet distraction from her earlier plight. The Trek to the familiar Tavern lead her by the bakery, the smell of fresh good clung ti her nose. The ovens had to be just refueled and the Baker, an old man now and his son were likely making plenty of treats.
"Hey little Aethel!' Jack's Father said with a chortle as he looked out from the back. He was a older man now, a stout man with a white beard, his arms were still thick and strong from his work. He stepped put from the kitchens. "Jack, keep those apple crisps from burning up!" He yelled as he approached the counter top. "Heh, what can I do for you?" He asked
"Hi." Aethel instinctively eyed him up for a moment, figuring both the chances of seducing him and whether it would be a rewarding prospect. She was indecisive on the matter when she stepped up to the counter. "I'm just here for a snack. I'll take one of these." She pointed at an apple pastry she hadn't had and wasn't actually sure of the name for. She fished in a pocked for some small change to pay for the purchase.
"Just the one hm?" He said as he leaned down and took up a parchment bag, scooping the treat into it. He put in two more. They were cookies, comprised of apples, rosemary, and oats. "We got some extras, so hopefully there'll brighten your evening." He said with a nod. She turned up now abd then, but Talis always had a feeling of why.
"No worries, we are a bakery, no a bar counter." He said with a laugh, though he seemed to steady out some with her next question. "We've been well since the last winters, things have gotten easier." Talis said nodding. Talis's wife had passed a few years back, for a time Jack and his Father had been having quite the struggle with it.
“That’s good to hear. Such things are never easy.” She glanced around briefly, an idea springing into her mind. “I’m sure it’s not easy living without the comforts of a wife in the house. Hopefully you’re finding ways to cope or people to help out?” The tone and manner in which the question was put made it clear that it wasn’t cooking and cleaning she was referring to.
Aethel nodded understandingly. “I’m sure there’s nothing that could replace the depth of a real relationship, but if you need something of a release, I could help with that from time to time. You could have Jack mind the store and meet me in the back yard right now, for example.” Her eyes danced, enjoying the expectation of seeing him squirm at the open and ready proposition. “Just say the word.”
"Oh, I do that at times." she smiled. "The one doesn't prevent the other." She almost said that she could do both at the same time, but was pretty sure that the literal interpretation of that would be more than the older baker would handle. "Besides, I like an older partner for a change every now and then. And this would be my good deed for the day."
He glanced at the front door, then to the back door that was half open still, pouring out some warmth inti the room woth the baking scents. "Uh....yeah. give me a minute." He said moving to close up the blinds up front and setting out the sign for 'Come back in the evening'. Then he hustled over to the back door, gently pushing it so it didn't creak as he closed it up.
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As Talis turned around see her revealing herself to him, baring her body ti seduce him further, the baker leaned toward. "Godess, you don't let a second go by hm?" He said as he felt his blood stirring up with long forgotten warmth. He moved over to her, laing his hands on her hips, rolling his hands down to her bare skin, hiking her skirt higher.
His hands squeezed on her ass cheeks as she bent further. He gave her ass a soft smack, and a few more squeezes. His other hand crept uo to her breast, starting to knead and feel it delicately as his body pressed on hers. She felt his manhood, hardening against her, his pants push and teasing against her clit.
She rocked back against him, rocking her hips to grind against the growing bulge. She straitened and turned, sliding her body up against his ample one. She leaned in and kissed him, her hand cupping his cheek. Her free hand slid down to rub over his pants, feeling the bulge there. She pulled away after a moment, dropping to her knees. Nimble fingers quickly loosened his pants, letting them fall around his ankles. Any undergarments followed, letting his cock swing free in the open air, inches from her face. She cast a hungry look up toward him.
Talis reached down, grasping his cock, and touched her cheek with the other hand as he steadied himself and guided himself inti her mouth eagerly, pushing himself inti her warm embrace. He closed his eyes, giving a faint grunt of pleasure as she felt his cock give a few thrusts to start her off, bobbing her mouth on him at his own pace.
This was it. This was the moment she lived for. The man who, a moment before had been a respectable, composed older citizen of the town was not a hungry, eager, needy bundle of lust. Her head picked up its pace, writhing in and out on his cock, hungry to suck more pleasure out of his member. Her hands gripped his hips, working to assist her movements. For a moment, she moved her head down and tilted her eyes up so she could see his face, although she never let his cock leave her mouth.

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