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Beauties and the Beast (Angelica)

Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
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Name:Angrboda or Boda for short
Species: Ogre.

Angrboda was known as a demon that terrorized the surrounding kingdoms from her own kingdom of darkness. In reality though the demon was a female ogress of immense power that has even learned dark magic which leads to the confusion. However, all of the rumors about her was true, that she would kidnap unsuspecting maidens on the night of their wedding day. It was uncertain what she did to them but the leading rumors were sacrifices or to eat. But weddings tended to be heavy with dread that their bride would be the one taken. And tonight there was such a wedding being held.


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Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images

Name: Princess Layla
Age: 20
Species: Fox spirit

Love never is found in this era just power, greed, and lust which is what brought Layla to today, tonight to be exact as she wore the wedding gown that her mother wore to her wedding and the Queen before and so on. Layla would gaze into the mirror with disgust, much rather be out in the forest shooting her arrows, riding on her mustang, forgetting the trouble of this royalty. Sadly she would not eb able to run much more after this night, her new husband would probably be utterly demanding and controlling over her every move for some time. No love. No freedom. Layla growls under her breath with annoyance, her fluffy orange tail whipping behind her then the breeze blew open her window drawing her over, gazing out the dark night lit by the moon. Below she could see the town gathering at the chapel down the way from the castle making her groan internally as he draws away from the window to exit her room, descend down the stairs while everyone was searching for her and she was not found as she wandered out to the garden wishing to delay this ceremony as long as possible.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Soon screaming could be heard in the direction of the chapel, something was happening there. Suddenly the princess would hear loud, inhuman footsteps marching in her direction, something was approaching fast. Soon she could make out a large demonic looking woman who stood close to 10 feet tal with a crimson horn sticking from her head, an ogre. The gender was different from the stories but the fox girl could tell that this was the monster from the fairy tales.

"My my my. Arent you a pretty little bride, all dressed up for me to take and defile" she says as she gets close taking a whiff of her scent
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Veering close to the tree line she would cast a few wondering glances, if she ran now what would become of her? The question barely had time to be answered when lumbering foot steps made their way to her in haste, she was their target and yet she was quick to crouch down and freeze, hoping they would pass. How she was wrong when the beast grew closer to her location speaking of her attire and appearance, hinting the desired intention meant for her. Holding her breath as she covered her mouth to keep quiet until she hear the twitch of the creature's nose and a shriek echoed from Layla before she jumped up in attempt to run off. Her gown catching on some briar while she kicked off her heels to run barefoot.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
The ogress would grin as the bride to be would start to run. She so loved the thrill of the chase, watching these young maidens try in vain to escape her. She would sprint catching up to the small fox in no time, grabbing her in one huge hand before picking her up "it is cute you think you can run from me princess"
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Just a few strides away and she felt a hand snatch her up, pausing her running for freedom, for help to be halted as the ogre found it comical. Turning her head with pinned ears and glaring eyes she would fight every second she could as she struggled in her grip "I can get you all the gold, silver, jewels you desire! Please lemme go" attempting to bargain.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
She would growl at this comment "why must all of you say this when you first meet me" she would place the girl down "I will prove to you what I am and am not" she says reaching into her shorts and pulling out a massive cock at least a foot long and growing. The tip was inches from her face as she could feel the heat from it
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Standing on her own two feet Layla did not dare run away this time, what would that do? Easily the ogre would catch her. Watching the creature reveal the hidden truth made her freeze, gulping down fear at the sight of the man hood she bore. "tha....that...um" mumbling out a mess of words before ripping her eyes away from it "is big"
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Layla licks her lips nervously hearing that statement spoke with such certainty, she kept her gaze down not daring to even look at it "Whe-where are you taking me?" she questions. Behind them she could hear guards and family shouting her name, calling for her to stop hiding and face her future. Finally she look sup to the ogre "what is your name?"
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
She would watch the girl lick her lips and grin but would curse hearing the guards. She would stuff her manhood away before picking up the fox once again "to my palace of course, I am sure you have heard the stories of it. And my name is Angrboda but boda is easier to say" she says before sprinting at great speeds deep into the woods, holding her tight to the ogresses chest
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Curling her tail around her waist as Boda slowed when approaching the castle she peeked open her eyes to take a look while they were greeted by excited servants making her confused. She glances up to the ogre then back to the other females, all were female, she could not help glance around for baby bumps hoping this creature could not breed. "pretty home you have" she comments quietly, her tail fluffing out as her ears pinned back hinting she was uncomfortable.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Gossiping among each other since they had become like sisters over the time they have spent with Boda so it had been some time if she disappeared like this to go hunting. One that was a witch who was currently pregnant, due quite soon and she was the first to react when Boda came striding in with a pretty fox in hand "You leave without a word!" shouting with grand anger. "Oh and bring back, what? A new lil servant? I guess I could use a baby sitter or night nurse. Foxes are nocturnal right?" she questions looking toward the elf that was one with nature. "they are but...she was raised in nobility, probably had no clue of her true skills" pointing out, not even looking toward Layla or Boda. Layla shrunk down a little to attempt in hiding within her gown feeling very overdressed currently.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
A gasp sounded from the all the girls, the werewolf walking over when Layla was set down, sniffing her up and down until Layla offered a low growl to back off making her off "Star, you smell rich" rolling her eyes as she backed off. The vampire named Tia kept her distance eyeing Layla a moment while the elf wandered up with a big smile "Wow! You are pretty. A fox of all species, usually hard to catch but going off your attire you were to be married, yes" messing with the gown. Layla would bare her teeth with another growl as she stepped back not answering any of their questions.

Crossing her arms to Boda's approach she lets out a sigh "we're doing fine, you making gone really stressed me out" looking over to Layla. "Why do you need another one? Aren't we enough?" questioning her King with concern. "she's not even that pretty" mumbling to herself with a pout.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
"everyone be nice, including you my little fox" she says exasperated before turning back to he witch "I am sorry my love I did not mean to make you worry. But you know me I want all of the beautiful girls for myself but don't think that means I love any of you any less" she gives the witch a kiss to reassure her
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Star and the elf would giggle looking toward layla as she was already given a nickname before they even knew her real name "So you were to be married? do you love him?" the elf that was so nosey questioned. Layla huffs as her glare continued before shaking her head "Arranged." finally uttering a word. "but wedding to be fun!" the elf would exclaim as she leapt up with joy "come on smile, it's your wedding day!" dancing around Layla who just watched with confusion. Then she finally spotted Boda speaking with the witch and she froze seeing her bulging baby belly. She steps back almost exiting the room when Tia stopped her "Hey, rules for new girls are you stick with King" strictly warning. The elf had snuck up and pulled Layla back into the room, messing with her gown again before finally finding her tail. petting and rubbing her face in it "oh gosh it's so fluffy! Boda she is so soft!" squealing with excitement.

Blair the witch would offer a smile hearing the reassurance knowing it was true and from the heart, kissing her back before letting out a sigh "She is very withdrawn" looking over to Layla who looked so reserved and angry, whipping her tail from the elf with a more serious growl given. "And not very nice" looking to Boda as to why she chose a fox, they were tricksters and known to being lonesome and mean.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
"true that she is angry but most of you weren't to happy to be taken by me at first either. But you know me, taking those who are not happy with their current place in life." Boda would turn to Layla and smile "I know I took you by force but I promise I will be a much better husband and wife than the man you were going to marry. My wives can attest to that" the ogress says before sitting in her throne and pulling Blair into her lap. "You can try to run but it won't matter, you will be brought back here even if you make it back to your family"
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Layla would look up when spoken too, her ears pinning back as she glances toward the other women who nodded their heads "shelter, food, gowns, parties, sex, lots of sex, and a family to call our own. Our very own home" Star would explain as Tia and the elf would nods in agreement. But they all knew Layla would not see it as that for sometime, Boda would have to work on her magic on the Little fox. "So when is the wedding!?" Star and the elf would bound up to sit on either side of the throne while Blair would happily snuggle into Boda's chest. Tia remained a the door so Layla would not just take off.
Local Time:
3:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
"it will be tonight. Star my precious, go an tell the servants to prepare a feast and for the wedding." She says as she starts to fondle Briar's breasts with her large hand. "Now come closer little fox as I introduce you to my wives. The one here in my lap is briar, my first wife who is currently pregnant for how many times now?" She asks before gesturing to the two on either side "the she wolf is Star and the elf is (insert name here cause I couldn't find it) and the one making sure you don't escape is my lovely vampiress, Tia. I hope you all treat our newest addition with great love and care"
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
With a wagging tail Star leapt up to lead the servants into a grand making of a feast, toa barely moving in time for the wolf to speed past while their introduces were given. Brair would laugh with a big smile "Oh...fourth I believe, you always miss Star's heat, Tia is a vampire and little Thistle here really enjoys us gals then your precious king down there" humming an explanation to her King. Thistle the elf would roll her eyes "I prefer giving pleasure than receiving it" shrugging as she braids Brairs hair, glancing over the fox. "what is your name?" questioning layla who was still working through everything going on around her. Boda has at least four kids with Briar, the others either can't have kids or simply avoid the chance of having them and they were all her wives, they got long so well. Layla blinks looking up to Boda then the other two with her before simply looking away without an answer to the question. Thistle huffs "Well I guess you need a new name" turning her attention back to Boda
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