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Beauties and the Beast (Angelica)

Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
She would chuckle and nod "I like for them to watch sometimes, makes them all excited and turned on." She says pulling her cock out slowly before looking at his other women "Fine thistle you can bathe her but please dont have too much fun, i want you for later" she says leaving Vixen where she is. "So who wants to be next?" she says eagerly as she leaves Vixen for Thistle to take care of
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Pinning back her ears to that point as Thistle jumped up to run over and support the new bride while Boda was already rearing for the next of his wives "Don't take it to heart, she has alot of stamina and is offering you a break" reassuring the pretty fox. She would go silent again as she was lead away to the master bathroom where a bath was drawn up for her while she sat on the floor in the corner.

Back in the throne room Star and Tia were eager for some attention while Brair was battling some kicks of the little ogre hybrid in her belly.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Servants would come and offer to wash her not knowing that lady Thistle had already offered to do so.

Boda would walk up to the two girls waiting "well since Thistle seems to be eager to bathe the new girl its your two turns. "Who wants to go first" she asks before looking up at Briar "Are you doing okay my queen?"
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Thistle would shoo the servants away warning them to leave Lady Vixen alone until told otherwise. She got back to work on the bath, looking over to sulking Vixen making her a tad concerned "Come now, bath time, need to get you washed up for the wedding tonight" coaxing Vixen but the fox did not budge. "What is wrong?" thistle questions with an annoyed tone drawing vixen to look her way "I am scared to have kits" she answers quietly.

Brair winces again when Boda would turn attention to her "Uh...I think I am in labor, King" she admits with a awkward smile. Star would let out a groan and whine "bad timing baby" she pouts while tia was all the more excited "Oh are you! Wow this day is the best ever!" she squeals
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
"Oh why is this? They are blessings, Boda will love them unconditionally" Thistle reassures as Vixen shook her head, turning away from the elf as nurse ran by the room. "Brair is having the baby" one called to the girls. Thistle tensed up knowing she could not just leave her after strictly telling the servants they can't handle her but she would have too or else miss the birth. "hey, you two can you bathe lady Vixen and return her to the throne room when done" instructing them as she hurries.

Star rushed off to herd he nurse into the room while Brair was already practicing her breathing exercises, holding Boda's hand. Tia had gone to fetch the three other children to meet their new sibling just as Thistle entered the room "hey, hey I am here" kneeling by Brair's other side, taking her hand. "Where is Vixen?" Brair questions through contractions. "Servants are watching her" glancing up to Boda.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
"Just lemme squeeze the hell outta your hand" Brair screams out with another contraction, the nurse ready with pillows under Brair and towels to catch the baby "Don't push yet, so close" informing the mother

Upstairs the servants trying to even approach vixen were getting snapped and growled at resulting in her being able to slip past them and leap out the window into a tree. Not caring she was butt naked she slid down the tree, making a break for it into the woods.

Tia returned with the kids, keeping them outside the room in wait while Star went in to help the nurse any way she could
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
"of course I know that but love to hear it" she breathes out before finally pushing each time the nurse took her too, gripping the hell out of Boda's hand until the crying of a baby boy was heard. The nurse was quick to use damp rags to wash him up, cut the cord and bundle him before handing him to Boda "here is a son" smiling to see the baby ogre.

Just a few minutes after the two servants that were with Vixen came running in, panting with one having blood all over her hand "lady Vixen ran away" informing the family. Thistle tensed up looking over to King, shrinking back to hide behind Brair a little. "Send Star after her" Brair spoke, shrugging it off as she reached out to look at her babe as the nurse was cleaning her up "Oh he is adorable"
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
the King would look at star "You heard briar, go fetch our newest addition" she says before cuddling up to briar smiling "Dont worry Thistle you did what you thought was best i am not angry but next time dont let her escape" she says before looking at her son "He is so adorable, think his siblings will be happy?"
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Expecting her to be more mad since Vixen was potentially already with her children but she did warn Vixen that even if she ran, she would always be returned. The real issue was the punishment upon her return, poor lass has been through enough but everyone had to focus on the new addition to the family and brair who would need recovery for some time.

"of course they will" Briar giggles as she signals for the kids, Tia released the three kids into the room, watching them run over to mommy and dad. Two young girls and an older boy were in awe their new little brother. "Wow! What is his name?" looking up to dad then over to Thistle.

Star nodded her head, going to sniff the gown Vixen wore followed by the servants before instructing a nurse to tend to the one's wound, injuring the servants was forbidden due to them being kind and willing. She took off into the night already on the trail of Vixen who was bounding her way through the forest with no clue of direction, where she was or where to go just run. She only got a few miles before she collapsed into a small stream in hopes to throw off her scent. Instead she was so exhausted that she passed out.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
"ya thorn! Hi thorn!" big brother would greet as the sisters were more concerned with mom but Tia had to stir them away so she could rest. "daddy pick us up!" the girls would squeals reaching up their hands.

Out int he forest Star would come upon an unconscious Vixen making her frown a little as she lifts the new bride up and over her shoulder to take home. It was a long walk but entering the castle caused servants to be quite concerned over their new mistress but Star ignored them as she took Vixen to an empty room so the kids would not see this. A nurse spotted her, quick to follow into the room and begin examining Vixen "Dear lord, she is exhausted" commenting with grand concern.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Giggling as they were lifted up, holding on to Boda's shoulders as they exchange looks and glance around the room "A new mommy?" they question with a head tilt. 'What is she?" knowing daddy brought home so many pretty and unique women.

The nurse set up an IV drip and got Vixen properly comfortable in the bed before opening her legs to properly assess the damage of her first session with King Boda "She has a tear, internal bleeding is why she is so exhausted, losing alot of blood, having no water or true rest all day can do that" shaking her head. "He better watch this one, she may cause medical trouble" informing Star. "But...can she still have kits?" questioning the nurse who paused "King Boda plans to breed her?" surprised that she was acting so fast, must have baby fever. "Yeah she can, I can sew her up and give her some antibiotics that will have her back to normal by tomorrow" reassuring Star who left to go check on Brair and the new family member.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
"A fox!" The older son exclaims "Whoa! Aren't they super smart and pretty though?" questioning until Star walked in taking dad's attention. Star cocked back an ear offering a pained expression "I found her...not in the best shape" admitting quietly. Thistle stood up with concern, blaming herself as she rushes out of the room to find Vixen passed out in the bed of the next room, rushing to her side to take her hand "Oh I should not have left you" pouting
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
"Yeah she is pretty at least, dont know about smart yet" SHe says before hearing what star said and seeing Thistle rush out. "Okay kids Daddy has to go so stay with mommy and Tia " she says putting down the girls before rushing after thistle "It is not your fault baby, i may have been too rough with her"
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Thistle would look up when Boda entered "I know but she injured servants, she ran away, she injured herself and still does not trust us. The nurse says she will be fine by tomorrow and that she will keep an eye on if she is pregnant" sniffling as she wipes her eyes. "Oh gosh if star had not found her she could have died"
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Hearing her point out this was in way Vixen's punishment for running away was harsh but karma got her good in the butt. "I mean an arranged marriage does not sound ideal, plus I bet she was adopted her bought as a kit to be their daughter" pointing out to Boda. "Hopefully she will open up more, maybe start by moving her to your room, get more bonding time" looking up to her with wiggly eye brows. The women really wanted those fox kits but also wanted Vixen to feel safe and desire to be here with them.

A groan sounded as Vixen woke up a little, her ears twitching as her tail would curl around her hips, blinking open her eyes she saw the blurry images of Boda and Thistle making her sigh. She was brought back for sure so she said nothing and remained lying there.
Local Time:
9:58 PM
Nov 16, 2022
"That is a great idea Thistle thank you. " she says kissing her before looking down at Vixen "You sure caused a stir today Vix, you injured a servant and almost died. If star hadnt found you, you probably wouldnt be alive so treat her and thistle with kindness" She says before picking up the fox "I need to keep a close eye so you are staying in my room tonight"
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Thistle let out a soft giggle to the kiss glad to be of help as she witnesses Vixen return to the world of the living though did not seem thrilled she had already been returned. The young fox would glance in the direction of Boda as it was noted of all she caused and could have died if Star had not found her, that was a tad alarming. "no, I'll be good here" she whines as she was lifted up, guessing she was definitely not trusted to be alone for now. "goodnight, Vixen" Thistle waves as she left to return into the throne room making Vixen realize Brair just had her kid "So...you have how many kids now?" she questions
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
So now she was burden, grand to hear. Vixen huffs hearing that pointed out so clearly as she was carried through the hallway not understanding why she was so obsessed with kids. "is that why you went out and found me?" questioning her for some honesty since the women made it very clear they want her to have back to back pregnancies to have a littler with Star.
Local Time:
10:58 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Upon entering the room Vixen would glance around seeing everything was so open spaced and large making her feel uneasy, preferring the room she was in before. "Um great" scrambling from her arms to pick out a long t-shirt and panties before she snatched a blanket from the bed and laid down in a corner with a pillow.
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