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Beauties and the Beast (Angelica)

Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Hearing someone call out her name made Vixen jump up almost slipping off the roof as her tail fluffs out and she grabs onto the window, guessing Star made it into the bathroom. Her chance slipped away so her only option was to go back inside and save her ass by saying she was getting fresh air. Star though spotted her when she had almost fallen "careful, vix!" calling up with a yelp
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Turning her head when star shouted bringing Boda over who was already climbing the wall in aim to help while Vixen was trying to pull herself up onto the window sill but was still so exhausted from earlier. "Please be careful, special cargo up there" star whines out making Vixens pin back
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Beginning to slip from her attempts to pull herself up Vixen was dangling by her finger tips "Boda! Boda!" she squeals, her tail swinging about to try and balance her out. "Boda please save her!!" her calling bringing Tia out but Thistle went into the bathroom where she heard vixen but she was no way strong enough to pull the female in. Least she could do was latch her hands onto Vixen's wrists until Boda got here "I got ya, your okay" smiling to her.
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
(oh so many helpers though, Boda can still fall and get hurt though)

Vixen yelps as she tossed through the window, rejoicing below were Tia and Star happy to see the fox okay and Thistle checked her over for any injuries "Okay, she is okay, Boda?" thistle spoke as she returned to the window.
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
"Boda!" Thistle would scream as all would freeze up watching their husband plummet to the ground hitting it with a hard thud. Star and Tia hurry over, kneeling beside her "boda, can you hear me? Oh please be okay, can you move?" star would whimpers while Tia would bite into her wrist and press the bloody wound to Boda's mouth. Tia rarely used her blood to aid in healing but for Boda she would do anything
Local Time:
9:02 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Her limbs were broken and blood was oozing out of her quickly. SHe was not conscious but she was still alive and breathing. Blood would trickle into her mouth healing her a bit but it would not be enough to heal her completely due to her ogre blood being incompatible. She was only still alive due to her durable body but would need immediate attentin
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Vixen would scramble to the window when Thistle screamed, covering her mouth to see Boda laying on the ground after falling, Thistle pulled her awya from the window "Hey, hey she is okay, will be okay" reassuring her. She hugs the fox seeing Vixen did not run away this time, she probably was getting fresh air and fell out of the window or something.

Tia and Star plus some servants carried Boda inside where the nurse forbade any of the wives to see her while they were treating her broken bones and wounds. Brair was a mess of crying and pacing until Vixen came down with Thistle and the witch lost it. "this is all your fault! You ran away again! If you don't wanna be here then just leave! Stop causing all this trouble! Boda could have died saving some worthless lil fox that does not even care about her!" shouting at Vixen. Thistle would stand between them staring hard at Briar "she is pregnant, she is going no where" declaring to the witch who stumbled back into a chair "al-already?" questioning as she looks to Vixen. It took a few moment of staring to see the subtle signs making her sigh "dammit" mumbling to herself
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Brair was the first in, Thistle next then Star while Vixen refused to go inside to see Boda, she felt so guilty. Tia remained with her as the others would sit and cry at the bedside of their husband happy was alive but her condition broke their hearts. "Why were you hanging out the window?" Tia would ask the fox hiding behind her fluffy tail "getting fresh air" answering bluntly and quick on the tongue. A scoff sounded "Why lie at this point?" stabbing right back to the fox that made her flinch a little "I was then began to wonder if I could run away and make it this time but..." she hesitantes "I am already expecting, I don't wanna be alone even though I am scared" whimpering her truth. Tia rose a brow not understanding why she would be scared "Scared of what? Boda, us?" tilting her head as Vixen shook hers and went silent.
Local Time:
9:02 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Boda would slowly open up her eyes hearing the sounds of crying and could see three of his wives by her side and would groan in pain "mmm dont cry my lovelies. i hate crying you know this" she would speak quietly before coughing up specks of blood. "W..what happened to me if you dont mind me asking? Is Little Fox okay?"
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Brair gently took her hand when she woke, kissing it as she pressed it to her face "You fell when you saved Vix, Tia gave you some of her blood but you know it does not bond well with yours" she explains softly. She would glance up to Thistle when the question about Vixen came up "she okay, just shaken up" answering quietly as she glances to the door. "you'll be okay, Boda" smiling to keep the mood light though they all knew Brair would be hogging all Boda's care and they would just be visitors.
Tia would appear in the doorway still keeping an eye on Vixen but want to see Boda offering a small smile in greeting to see her awake "you were out long enough" joking a little.
Local Time:
9:02 PM
Nov 16, 2022
Boda would look at Briar's hand and then back up at her, listening to everything she said "I am glad she is okay, was afraid she fell too. I dont really remember anything which is a new feeling. " she would look over at Tia and chuckle before wincing "I am glad to see all of you are fine" she returns her glance to Briar "mmm please lay with me my love, and how long have i been out?"
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Brair was careful as she settled into the bed, cuddling close to Boda "many, many hours" she answers quietly getting a hard stare from Thistle before sighing "in that span Vixen keeps getting quite nauseous and refuses to eat" adding on. They all knew that no matter her condition Boda always wanted the truth "She is expecting your kits" telling the news in an annoyed tone, believing the fox tried to run away. Tia hums to herself looking back out to Vixen who was crumbled on the floor, hiding behind her tail but heard everything being said.
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
They would glance to one another as Tia went out and knelt by Vixen "She wants to see you" telling her softly but would get a head shake as a response resulting in the vampire picking the lil fox up. Vixen would flail about until they walked through the doorway and she was set down on her feet, her gaze fixed on the floor, her ears drooped to the sides of her head while her tail was held by her hands to keep hidden. Brair glared toward Vixen, Thistle and Star would offer encouraging smiles.
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Vixen swallows nervously as she slowly looks up to Boda, her gaze flicking all over her body seeing the damage that was her fault. All she saw was Boda falling as she tossed into the window after thinking about leaving. She bows her head back down and shook it, stepping back until she bumped into Tia "Please..." whispering to the fox, pushing her gently forward. Vixen stumbles a little before reaching out and taking boda's hand but remained at a distance which made Thistle, star, and Tia concerned as to why Vixen was being so strange.
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
It took a few moments for her to realize she was holding Boda's hand that she was alive and healing, she squeezed her hand trying not to cry as Boda tried to make her feel better over something she held so heavy in her heart. Yet she did not speak an answer making Thistle speak up "She really was worried about you and um..." glancing to Vixen "Started a nest in the hallway just to keep close to you while you were sleeping" admitting that adorable fact. Vixen's eyes widen, darting a panicked look to thistle hoping no one had noticed her instincts kicking in with the pregnancy.
Local Time:
9:02 PM
Nov 16, 2022
She would laugh again at THistle's comments "That makes me happy to hear but you can stay here by my side as well if you desire little fox" she says smiling at her then looking at Thistle feeling a bit loopy and not thinking clearly "See Thistle and Briar, she would not want to leave like you were worried. If she did her best chance would have been now"
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Hearing Boda laugh made all the girls smile even Vixen whose heart warmed up until it was pointed out two of the women believed she was going to leave and could have while Boda was out. She pinned down her ears and let go of her hand as Briar rolled her eyes and Thistle went red in the face when seeing Vixen react "We um..." trying to explains but Vixen shook her head. "She can't stay in here while you are healing, you need to rest and focus on your rehab" brair clearly states not wanting Vixen close to Boda. None of them knew how Vixen's hormones desired her to always be around Boda, be close and feel safe now that she was expecting but she would fight the urges to please Brair. Hugging herself as she steps back to Tia's side while Thistle and Star got up "We need to keep everything in the castle in order, we'll come back and visit" reassuring Boda.
Local Time:
10:02 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Brair gasps sitting up to that with a shake of her head "they can not see you like this!" reminding her that was not a wise choice while the others file out of the room. Vixen was the last to leave and with no official place in the palace she sat down in her bundle of pillows and blankets. Just being this far away from her hurt and made her feel greatly uncomfortable.
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