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Fantasy RP Blood of the Covenant (Redcoat)

Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Magic is the source of everything,” a woman’s soft voice spoke, as she laid there in a plush bed, with her young son laying next to her. She was reading him a bedtime story, for she knew he had trouble sleeping. Well, that partially had been her fault, for she was the one to marry a vampire lord, and be the mother to his halfling child.

The child’s human side had magic deeply rooted in his veins, for his mother was a high witch, powerful enough to fell a hundred armies. Her magic that was now also his, she had to earn- he had just been born with it. In truth, she had been a bit jealous, how magic had so easily been apart of his life.

But nevertheless, she saw him as an opportunity- to gain more power for herself, using her own son for her own ambitions. And of course she did love him, in her own way. But eventually, she came to her husband and mentioned she wanted to put their son in her magical school, for young witches and warlocks alike- saying that it was an opportunity to ‘grow his power’. Yet she didn’t see the repercussions it might have.

And so, her husband had agreed, and starting that next morning their young son would be going to a new school, where his magical powers would develop. But, how would his vampire side fair? One would only know when he began to show more signs of it.

It had first been an accident, her son’s bloodlust hadn’t been culled properly, and he had began to feed on her students. But because of that, his own magical prowess began to increase, so Marianna figured they could use this to their own advantage- only to take the failing students to feed her son- to not only satiate his bloodlust, but to fuel his own magic power as well.

And for a time, this worked, her ratings amongst the magical schools were at an all time high, and she had even began to teach another student, Kai- a prodigy in Mariana’s eyes.

Kai was a woman who was just shy of 20 years old, who came from a poor background when she was only 15. Her father hadn’t hesitated to sell her off to headmistress. And the headmistress had been ‘kind’ enough to teach her magic, to which Kai had begun to learn- at first with much difficulty, but now, she was becoming a natural at it.

But Kai knew that she was being held back from certain power, one that her headmistress had warned about, that too much power could corrupt her very soul. But something wasn’t right to Kai, and yet.. she didn’t question too much.

Until she discovered that her headmistress’s son, was feeding on some of the students. She had found him out about two years into her schooling here, and she knew there had been something off about him, but never knew what.

She had yet stumbled into him feeding on a poor soul, in the dark corners of a library, lit by dim candlelight.

She sighed, and moved the woman away from his mouth, and the woman soon slumped in her arms. “Dammit,” she cursed, shaking her head, “That’s the third one today,” she scolded him, her eyes meeting his. “Won’t your mother be upset that’s she’s losing more students?” She asked, but knew that this school had thousands of students- a few wouldn’t be missed.
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
(Oooh, is Kai onboard with Mara's actions because of her own power corrupting her?)

Marakross gave a shrug, before burping and covering his mouth as he laughed softly "My apologies, Kai." He smiled, showing his bloodstained teeth "And I doubt it. Mother's only request is my meals are those who score lowest on their tests. After all, why should she waste time on them, when they can go to much better use giving their power to me?" He asked even as he glanced down at the woman he'd drained "This one scored an E. She was basically asking for it." He licked his lips clean before stretching his arms "As for third today..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a list, that Kai would note was written in Marianna's handwriting "These are all the students who currently meet her criteria for me to drink." There were at least 50 names on the list, with the three Kai knew about crossed off alongside 5 others "My limit is ten... So currently, I'm 2 under."
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Kai listened in horror as Marakross explained that his mother allowed it, and she shook her head. “But I don’t understand why you get to drain them though, wouldn’t punishment be enough by just biting and tasting them-? I’d think that would be more incentive to frighten her students into doing better..” she trailed off and watched him pull the list out.

There was a fucking list?! Of course there was. She leaned back slightly from Mara, and looked to the lifeless woman in her arms still. “I know you’re her son..but isn’t she worried about you gaining too much power? She always told me that if I learned too much and become more powerful, I could become corrupted..” she furrowed her brow, wondering exactly what the headmistress was up to.

(Mayyybe.. XD)
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Mara shrugged as Kai asked about why he drained them dry "I asked her once. She said she'd rather just replace them with new students. Something about taking resources up that she didn't want to spend on them." He stretched a little, before looking at Kai and baring his fangs teasingly "Y'know, if she knew you knew about this, I'm pretty sure you'd be on this list..." He shrugged "But your my friend, so I'd rather not have to do that. Be a real shame to waste the potential power mom thinks you have, after all." He closed his mouth and moved to stand up from the chair "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got two more poor students to visit before morning. And you should really get some rest if you want to get stronger." He seemed to ignore her concern about corruption, even as he turned his attention to the list "Mmm... Who to choose, who to choose..."
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Kai watched as he bared his fangs at her, and at the mention of her potential power she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Please spare me the teasing,” she shook her head, laying the lifeless woman down. “Just make sure you clean up your mess,” she tells him next, knowing he wasn’t really paying attention to her concern about corruption.

She then moved past him, the scent of her lingering in the air. She was the one person he hadn’t yet tasted. Enticing as it was..would she forgive him if he tasted her?

But before he could think on it, she had went past to her chambers, shutting the door behind her. She wasn’t anticipating Marakross’ friend though, Caiden, waiting on her.

He was a normal vampire though, one with desires..desires such as the witch in front of him.

“Caiden.. what are you doing here?” She asked, seemingly not bothered by his presence.
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Mara laughed as she walked past "You know I always do, Kai..." He spoke, leaning down to pick up the body before pausing as Kai's scent drifted into his nose, making him drool a little "Mmm... Kai..." He murmured as she'd already gone, that desire flaring inside him... He had to at least give her a nibble one of these days... Just... just had to keep control, make sure he didn't drain her dry or turn her accidentally...

Caiden licked his lips slowly as Kai walked in, before she could notice, and when she asked what he was doing there he stepped in closer, his hands gently taking her shoulders "I'm here for you, Kai... Your scent is enticing... Only a taste, that's all... Well, unless you decide you want more..." He finished as he leant in, almost before she could fully realise what he was actually on about.
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Kai paused as he came closer and felt his breath on her neck. “T-Taste me…?” She squeaked out, feeling frightened. Then she froze up, and soon then closed her eyes. “Fine..just..don’t..linger too much..” she murmured out, wondering what a bite would actually feel like. She didn’t know that this bite would actually hurt, she at first trusted Caiden, for she knew him like she had known Marakross.

Caiden wouldn’t hurt her.. right?
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Caiden leant in and rested his fangs onto her neck, his tongue gently, teasingly dancing onto her skin "Mmm... even your skin is..." He shivered before his teeth broke her skin and he supped from her, moaning as he tasted her blood. As he dug his fangs deeper in, she'd realise... just how much Caiden's fangs hurt, this was different to every time she'd seen Mara drink before, where his prey had meekly accepted his bite and almost seemed... content.
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Kai winced as he dug his fangs in, giving a slight cry of pain. “C-Caiden..that..that hurts..!” She touched on his arms with her hands, trying to pull herself away, but ultimately began to slump as Caiden’s venom subdued her more, as a vampire’s prey..

“Don’t..don’t bite too..deep” she murmured out, her vision blurring lightly. She closed her eyes, hoping for it to be over soon. She had remembered how Marakross bit his prey, but..none of them seemed to be in pain. Why was Caiden’s different?
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Caiden pulled back after a while, knowing she was starting to drift away "Mmm... You... taste delicious, Kai..." He laughed darkly, licking the last dribbles of her blood from her neck before lying her onto her bed and reaching under her skirt "So... What do you think about this, Kai? Now I've tasted your blood, I'd love to taste your elsewhere..." He grinned, wondering if she could still think past his venom. Of course, at this point Mara could well have scented Kai's blood and would be coming to investigate why exactly that was the case, knocking on the door and making Caiden growl a little.
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Kai didn’t have much in her to prevent him from moving her to the bed, and as she laid down, hearing his words, she went to tell him no— but couldn’t.

She groaned weakly as she shifted to move, hearing the knock on her door. She turned her head, trying to call out, but words wouldn’t form. If Caiden took her purity, the blood of a virgin- especially for witches..was a very sacred thing, and she didn’t want to share it to just anyone. She would be bound to them for her entire life.

Vampires were very territorial about their prey, especially those they had desires for, and they wouldn’t just share willingly.
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
When Mara didn't get any kind of response, he growled loud enough for Caiden to hear and slammed his fist into the door, the lock snapping off and revealing what was happening inside "What... the fuck." He murmured, before glaring at Caiden "Did you do this to her?!" He snarled, flashing forwards and wrapping his hand around Caiden's throat, a quick glance down at Kai's neck enough to confirm his suspicions. Caiden was trying to speak, to reply and explain but Mara's hand cut off any sound he could make "I should kill you myself for this... but I think I've got a better plan... I'll feed you to the dogs." He squeezed a little tighter, holding Caiden up off the ground and waiting until he passed out before dropping him and moving to Kai's side, already murmured magic under his breath to gently restore her strength and heal her.
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
As Kai regained consciousness, she stirred, sitting up suddenly and touched her neck with her hand, gasping out while looking frightened. “Caiden!! I told you not to go too..” she trailed off when she noticed Marakross there, and an unconscious Caiden on the floor. She also noticed there was no trace of the bite, save for the dried blood on her neck, and she was confused.

“Marakross.. what..Caiden he- I let him-“ she began, knowing that Caiden had been Marakross’ friend, but wasn’t aware of the rules vampires had between each other.
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"He was warned... I told him, you were mine, that he was never to touch you... so now, I'm going to feed him to the werewolves that guard this school..." Mara told her, moving to her side and then gently licking up the dried blood, giving a soft shiver as he tasted her blood for the first time "I just needed to know you were okay, Kai." He murmured into her ear, before he reached down and dragged Caiden up from the floor "Say good bye to this trash... It will be the last chance you'll get." He growled as he left, and if she wanted to follow, she'd have to run to keep up with him, his anger making him stalk the halls with murderous intent as he came to the guardhouse the students had nicknamed 'The Kennel'. He dumped Caiden on the floor and knocked the door, waiting for the pack leader to open it.
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
She was..his?

Kai looked all sorts of confused, and as she saw him lean in, she winced lightly, afraid he would bite her. But at the feeling of his tongue, cleaning up her dried blood..she couldn’t help but give a shiver of pleasure from it. And the feeling of his warm breath on her ear.. where Caiden’s breath had been nothing but cold to her— it might have to deal with the fact that Marakross wasn’t a full vampire- although more powerful than one. But of course, when Marakross pulled back, Kai’s green eyes focused in on his face, glancing to Caiden one last time.

She didn’t dare follow.

At the sound of the door being knocked on, a tall man with short blonde hair and intense blue eyes answered, decked out in a purple captain uniform. He was the pack leader, and coincidentally enough, also Mara’s friend. He took one glance at Caiden on the floor and sighed. “He got to Kai, I’m assuming?” Faerynn asked, leaning on the edge of the doorframe.
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Mara nodded to Faerynn's words "I fucking warned him... So enjoy your meal." He growled angrily, before turning and stalking off into the halls to return to Kai's room, to make sure she was safe. When he got there, he stepped in and closed the door, using magic to repair the lock "Kai, I... I'm sorry, about that.... Caiden should never have touched you, I... I gave him his warnings about it, and he still hurt you." He moved to sit on her bed "I... think I also just got overprotective..." He murmured, his hand moving to hers.
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Rynn sighed, shaking his head and dragging the poor soul inside, deciding to let his more younger, feral pack mates have a go at the vampire. They certainly needed the meal and the strength.

But back in Kai’s room, she had not expected Marakross to return, and certainly did not expect him to come back over to touch her hand. “Marakross.. I’m..well, I let him-“ she confessed, “but I didn’t think his bite would actually hurt,” she murmured and looked down at the sheets, droplets of her blood dried on the surface of the fabric.

“Look, I know I’m your friend, and I appreciate you coming to help me..but, it’s really late and I-“ she winced a little and touched her neck, where Caiden had bitten.

Her cheeks were flushed and if Marakross took a closer look, would notice how warm she actually felt- warmer than she was supposed to be. Was it the after effects of Caiden’s venom still lingering inside of her blood stream?

He knew Caiden always had a nasty bite, and any victims- his ‘prey’ would always suffer before death, but usually he kept them alive to torture them further..

“I probably should..should lie down,” Kai continued afterwards, pulling her hand away from her neck, the sound of her heart beating was very loud in Mara’s ears, her body was fighting the venom, acting like it had been a virus of some sorts.

As she settled on her bed, her eyes felt very heavy and she looked up at Marakross’ face. “I..didn’t think his bite would hurt-“ she said again, murmuring out the words. “Because I saw h-how..your prey reacted— I thought it would be..pleas-pleasurable..”

(You know, he should totally say: “if you wanted to feel my bite you should’ve just asked me” in the softest, kindest/loving way he can, as he’s brushing hair out of her face 🫣🤭)
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Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
When Faerynn dragged Caiden inside, he'd find Marceline stood watching him, her head tilted a little as she saw "Oh. Was that Mara?" She asked him, glancing down at Caiden's body and then glancing back to where the more feral members of the pack were kept in wolf form. It was part of Marianna's orders. Only a small number of the werewolves were allowed to remain in their human forms, the rest were forced into their wolfen bodies at all times. And now, they'd been disturbed by the sound of the door and were all looking out at Rynn, Marcy and Caiden, drool starting to leak from jaws that were anticipating their meal.

Mara looked down at where Kai was lying, leaning in towards her and checking her temperature again, his hand brushing hair off her face "You know Kai... If you wanted to feel that pleasure, I would have been happy to show it to you..." He murmured into her ear, before leaning down and placing his lips onto her neck, kissing it gently and feeling her heartbeat under her skin. Caiden's venom did this to his prey, accelerating their hearts to increase the pace at which he could drain their blood. It was the opposite of Mara, who loved to take his time with prey, enjoying the sounds of pleasure as much as the taste of their blood... And right now? He knew Kai needed something to offset Caiden's influence, so he gently bit down over the bite mark Caiden had left, with a soft growl of "Mine..." as she'd feel a cooling influence spreading out over her from Mara's bite, that would slowly turn pleasurable whilst he gently lapped at her neck, tasting her sweet blood for the first time.
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Marcy, Marakross’ sister.. Faerynn had to reserve himself around her and her scent, for he was meant to be a proper alpha at all times- even if he was forced by Marianna’s hand. He definitely couldn’t or..shouldn’t, go after her daughter- even though she had been ‘adopted’. He sighed as he glanced to Caiden and his pack mates. “Yes that was your brother.. he..wasn’t too happy about Caiden getting to Kai..” he trailed off as he picked up Caiden’s hunched over form and tossed it to them, knowing they’d make quick work of the scorned vampire.

Kai began to shiver, from her fever no doubt- but at the sound of his words..did she hear that correctly? Or had she become delusional from the venom laced in her body? Her eyes fluttered as she felt Marakross on her neck- she seemed a bit reluctant as an instinct tried protecting her exposed and vulnerable body now. “W-What..?” She murmured out groggily as he bit down gently, the cooling sensation she felt made a soft sigh escape her lips. She didn’t even hear the ‘mine’ part. And as he fully tasted her blood this time, he would notice that however sweet it was..her blood held a heat to it- like alcohol did whenever you swallowed it down. Perhaps that was due to the high contents of magic inside of her veins. But Kai was drowsy, she was on the verge of passing out at this point.
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Marcy yawned a little as she watched, before turning away as the wolves began to tear into Caiden "Mmm... Did he want anything else, or was it just dropping off the meat?" She asked, moving a little closer to Rynn and stretched her arms. It really didn't help that Marcy was the only female who was allowed to stay in human form, which meant she wasn't kept in the caged area and her scent often got under his nose, As well as the noses of the rest of the pack. And as much as Rynn was reluctant to make an advance on Marcy, he'd also hate the idea of one of the others making that advance and getting her first.

Marakross gently pulled away from her neck, giving it another lick to heal it over as the soft heat of her blood radiated through his body "Mmm... Kai..." He murmured softly, before gently reaching up and closing her eyes for her "Rest, my sweet. I'll watch over you..." He promised, even as he tucked her into her bedding, to keep her warm and safe whilst his venom did its work and removed all of Caiden's influence.
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
“Mm.. no he didn’t want anything else,” he confirmed and Rynn raised an eyebrow and looked to Marcy. “Everything okay Marcy?” The nickname he had given her, falling off of his lips once more. His intense blue eyes softened as he fell on her face, his own ears atop of his head flicked slightly, wondering if she’d be open with him. Although the ‘kennel’ as the students had named it was barbaric in a lot of ways- it did offer some amenities and comfort, and a place where the Alpha could have alone time. Marcy was the exception since she was the headmistress’ daughter, but his pack didn’t seem to mind. They liked having a powerful figure in their ranks alongside their already one powerful figure- the alpha.

Kai had drifted off pretty easily, unaware that Marakross had stayed and was watching her over this very moment.
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Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Marcy sighed, slumping a little as she did so "Great. Didn't bother asking about his sister." She muttered, looking away before Rynn asked her if everything was okay "No. It's not. I have to live in here, and only get to leave when either I have guard duties or Mom wants me." She growled, before looking up at him and catching the way his eyes had softened "Why d'you care anyhow? I'm not exactly the only person here, am I?" she turned away and headed for her bed, amongst the rest of them, Rynn being the only person who got his own, as much as Marcy's mother had attempted to dictate that she got the private room. Of course, Marcy being incredibly stubborn had eventually forced the issue, with the only concession being a curtain that enclosed the bed.
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Rynn’s ears flattened back slightly, obviously not the happiest at how she had responded to him. The poor alpha, being saddened by a mere female. He sighed and turned, heading to his room and shutting the door, leaving it open for now.

As Marcy approached her bed, she’d notice the other female in the room, obviously very well endowed in certain areas, and had a flirty personality. She tsked at Marcy and shook her head, “Marceline..I dont think you should ignore our alpha’s attention..” she giggled lightly, fluffing her already fluffy tail. “It’s not every day you get chosen,” she seemed whimsical. “Now..he might be wanting comfort.. a distraction..!” She murmured out excitedly and smirked a little towards Marceline’s way. What exactly was this female’s point? What exactly would this female do..?
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Marcy turned and shot her a glare "Oh fuck off Susiana." She growled, assuming the giggle was mocking her before she properly processed what was said "Wait, wha? Alpha's attenti..." Marcy went silent, paused halfway through the curtain around her bed, then pulled herself out and looked over at Susiana "What the fuck are you talking about? I don't have his attentions, he's just... He's just a nice person!"
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Susiana snickered more as she noticed Marceline came to her senses, well- partially. “Mm..well I’ve tried everything to get the same attention he gives you,” she huffed and crossed her arms. She rolled her eyes. “You practically have him wrapped around your tail..” and not to mention it was mating season, although the headmistress made sure that none of the pack would be able to procreate unless she deemed it necessary to grow her ‘army’…but having pups there was cause of vulnerability.

“I know you noticed his gaze softening as he looked to you, unless you really are that daft” she sighed, seemingly annoyed. She gave her tail a final preening and she began to saunter over to where Rynn’s room was.
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Marcy shook her head and returned back to her bed, lying in it with a soft sigh. After all, if Susiana was correct about Rynn's desires, he wasn't going to accept hers, and Marcy refused to believe it, because she honestly thought she was just ugly. Or at least, she wasn't pretty how all the Witch girls and Susiana were, with their makeup laden faces and massive chests.
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Unfortunately for Marcy tho, the door opened and a sudden yelp from Susiana could be heard. If Marcy peeked out from her curtains, she would lay eyes on Rynn, his eyes a bright, unmistakable yellow- glowing in the dark as he fed off of Susiana- messily digging his sharp canines into her shoulder. He growled and pulled away, his mouth stained with the deep red of the female’s blood. “Now leave me the fuck alone!” He cursed out, turning and slamming the door. Susiana blissfully stumbling away, although her shoulder was healing now, the alpha had tasted her blood! That was more than anyone could say.. she looked smug on her face, like she had won something.
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Marcy jumped at the yelp, before moving to look out out of her curtains and hissing angrily as she saw Rynn's eyes, a little voice in her head raging 'That fucking bitch! He's meant to be yours you fucking idiot!' She bit her tongue and waited until Susiana stumbled past to slip out in the dark and head to Rynn's door, giving it a gentle rap and waiting, half expecting him to come out still angrily shouting...
Local Time:
10:40 PM
Nov 10, 2022
As she gently knocked, she would hear a growl on the other side of the door, and it flung open. “I told you Susiana- I don’t want you as my-“ he began to yell but it abruptly stopped the moment he saw Marceline. “Marcy..! I-“ he blinked, wiping his mouth, his eyes fading from that yellow she had seen earlier and back to those blues of his. “Is everything alright?” He asked, concern now lacing his voice.
Local Time:
6:40 AM
Nov 14, 2022
She jumped with a yelp as Rynn threw the door open and started yelling, her ears pinning back in fear before he calmed down and lowered his voice "I... Yeah, I'm okay... I wanted to check on you and... ask a question." She said, scuffing her foot a little before continuing "It's to do with something Susiana said... Do... Do you find me attractive?" She asked, her head tilting and unintentionally exposing her neck to him, giving him a place to bite if he desired... Well, unless he wanted to unzip her uniform and bite her somewhere else...
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